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John Sherwood Illsley
System Reset
System Reset
This edition published in 2008 by arrangement
Copyright©John Sherwood Illsley (2008)
The moral right of the author has been asserted
All rights reserved.
Without limiting the rights under copyright
reserved above, no part of this publication may
be reproduced transmitted, stored in or
introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means
(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise), without prior written permission
of both the copyright owner and the above
publisher of this book.
This novel is entirely a work of fiction.
The names, characters and incidents portrayed in
it are the work of the author's imagination. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events or localities is entirely coincidental, nor
are the opinions expressed by characters in the
novel representative of the actual opinions of the
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1..........................................5
CHAPTER 2.........................................1 7
CHAPTER 3.........................................2 9
CHAPTER 4.........................................4 9
CHAPTER 5.........................................6 3
CHAPTER 6.........................................7 8
CHAPTER 7.........................................9 1
CHAPTER 8........................................100
CHAPTER 9........................................ 113
CHAPTER 10.......................................134
CHAPTER 11. ......................................145
CHAPTER 12 . ..................................... 160
CHAPTER 13.......................................173
CHAPTER 14.......................................189
CHAPTER 15.......................................204
CHAPTER 16.......................................215
CHAPTER 17.......................................224
CHAPTER 18.......................................240
CHAPTER 19.......................................257
CHAPTER 20.......................................271
CHAPTER 21.......................................284
CHAPTER 22.......................................292
CHAPTER 23.......................................299
CHAPTER 24.......................................309
CHAPTER 25.......................................326
CHAPTER 26.......................................337
CHAPTER 27.......................................343
CHAPTER 28.......................................347
How beautiful they are
How beautiful the lordly ones
In the hollow hills.
-- Fiona Macleod (1855-1905 )
“Nikos. Get this clear in your stupid head. I am not coming to your
bloody party!” Lucy held the mobile phone away from her ear, hoping
that her half brother might lose his temper. But Nikos knew that Lucy
would always try to annoy him. So he didn’t rise to the bait. In the end
Lucy would always lose her temper before he did. It was an old game
and one that Lucy rarely won. It was her fatal flaw.
“You know,” he replied calmly, “Yesha and I only hold these parties
so that we can find a suitable man for you and Imogen. You really
should try to cooperate. It’s very important.”
“I’ve been to your parties before. I’m not going to allow myself to
be shagged by complete strangers on the remote off chance that one of
them is on the same psychic frequency as me. Anyway, I’m not coming
back to England for another week and then I’m going straight back to
Keele for the start of term.”
There was a long silence. Lucy surveyed the casual rows of naked
bodies bronzing in the September sun. The sea lapped placidly at the
edges of the golden sand. At the far end of the beach a group of gay
men were quietly skimming frisbees at each other over the water. It was
very peaceful.
“Where are you?” Nikos asked eventually.
“I’m on Skiathos. On a nudist beach. So there.”
“Oh, bloody hell Lucy, you can do better than that. Nudists? They’re
all lumpy. For God’s sake. If you want to see beautiful bodies and big
swinging dicks come to my party.”
“Sod off Nikos !! They’re real human beings. Anyway, that’s where
I am.” Lucy looked around at her naked companions to see if anyone
was listening to her conversation, but nudist beaches can be very
discreet and in any case most of the naked bodies were middle aged,
middle class and German and knew better than to eavesdrop on mobile
phone conversations.
“It’s very nice here,” Lucy continued, “very peaceful, except for the
bloody round the island boat which comes close inshore at three o’clock
so that the oiks can gawp at the pervy nudists. It amazes me that there
are so many people out there who have never seen tits or willies before.
What’s the big deal? Surely they must have naughty bits of their own,
don’t you think.”
“Dunno. Alright, alright. I’ll get back to you when you’re in a better
mood. Where are the others then?”
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