Przepowiednie Nostradamusa [ENG].rtf

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Przepowiednie Nostradamusa CENTURIE


I I. Estant assis de nuict secret estude, Seul reposé sur la selle d'ćrain: Flambe exigue sortant de solitude, Fait prosperer qui n'est ŕ croire vain. Sitting alone at night in secret study; it is placed on the brass tripod. A slight flame comes out of the emptiness and makes successful that which should not be beleived in vain. II. La vierge en main mise au milieu de Branches De l'onde il moulle & le l'imbe & le pied: Vn peur & voix fremissent par les manches: Splendeur diuine. Le diuin pres s'assied. The wand in the hand is placed in the middle of the tripod's legs. With water he sprinkles both the hem of his garment and his foot. A voice, fear: he trembles in his robes. Divine splendour; the god sits nearby. III. Quand la lictiere du tourbillon versee, Et seront faces de leurs manteaux couuers, La republique par gens nouveaux vexee, Lors blancs & rouges iureront ŕ l'enuers. When the litters are overturned by the whirlwind and faces are covered by cloaks, the new republic will be troubled by its people. At this time the reds and the whites will rule wrongly. IV. Par l'vnivers sera faict vn monarque, Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement: Lors se perdra la piscature barque, Sera regie en plus grand detriment. In the world there will be made a king who will have little peace and a short life. At this time the ship of the Papacy will be lost, governed to its greatest detriment. V. Chassez seront pour faire long combat, Par les pays seront plus fort greuez: Bourg & cité auront plus grand debat. Carcas. Narbonne auront coeur esprouuez. They will be driven away for a long drawn out fight. The countryside will be most grievously troubled. Town and country will have greater struggle. Carcassonne and Narbonne will have their hearts tried. VII. Tard arriué l'execution faicte, Le vent contraire lettres au chemin prinses: Les coniurez XIIIJ. d'vne secte, Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinses. Arrived too late, the act has been done. The wind was against them, letters intercepted on their way. The conspirators were fourteen of a party. By Rousseau shall these enterprises be undertaken. VIII. Combien de fois prinse cité solitaire Seras changeant ses loix barbares & vaines: Ton mal s'aproche. Plus seras tributaires Le grand Hardie recouurira tes veines. How often will you be captured, O city of the sun ? Changing laws that are barbaric and vain. Bad times approach you. No longer will you be enslaved. Great Hadrie will revive your veins. IX. De l'Orient viendra le coeur Punique Fascher Hadrie, & les hoires Romulides, Acompagne de la classe Libique, emples Melites & proches Isles vuides. From the Orient will come the African heart to trouble Hadrie and the heirs of Romulus. Accompanied by the Libyan fleet the temples of Malta and nearby islands shall be deserted. X. Serpens transmis en la cage de fer, Ou les enfans septains du Roy sont pris: Les vieux & peres sortirons bas de l'enfer, Ains mourir voir de fruict mort & cris. A coffin is put into the vault of iron, where seven children of the king are held. The ancestors and forebears will come forth from the depths of hell, lamenting to see thus dead the fruit of their line. XI. Le mouuement de sens, coeur pieds & mains, Seront d'accord. Naples, Lyon, Sicile. Glaiues, feux, eaux, puis aux nobles Romains, Plongez, tuez, morts par cerueau debile The motion of senses, heart, feet and hands will be in agreement between Naples, Lyon and Sicily. Swords fire, floods, then the noble Romans drowned, killed or dead because of a weak brain. XII. Dans peu dira fauce brute fragile De bas en haut esleué promptement: Puis en istant desloyale & labile, Qui de Veronne aura gouuernement. There will soon be talk of a treacherous man, who rules a short time, quickly raised from low to high estate. He will suddenly turn disloyal and volatile. This man will govern Verona. XIII. Les exilez par ire, haine intestine, Feront au Roy grand coniuration: Secret mettront ennemis par la mine, Et ses vieux siens contre eux sedition. Through anger and internal hatreds, the exiles will hatch a great plot against the king. Secretly they will place enemies as a threat, and his own old (adherents) will find sedition against them. XIV. De gent esclaue chansons, chants & requestes, Captifs par Princes & Seigneurs aux prisons: A l'aduenir par idiots sans testes, Seront receus par diuines oraisons. From the enslaved populace, songs, chants and demands, while Princes and Lords are held captive in prisons. These will in the future by headless idiots be received as divine prayers XV. Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique, Septante fois fera le sang espandre: Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre. Mars threatens us with the force of war and will cause blood to be spilt seventy times. The clergy will be both exalted and reviled moreover, by those who wish to learn nothing of them. XVI. Faux ŕ l'estang ioinct vers le Sagittaire, En son haut AVGE de l'exaltation, Peste, famine, mort de main militaire, Le siecle approche de renouation. A scythe joined with a pond in Sagittarius at its highest ascendant. Plague, famine, death from military hands; the century approaches its renewal. XVII. Par quarante ans l'Iris n'apparoistra, Par quarante ans tous les iours sera veu: La terre aride en siccité croistra, Et grands deloges quand sera apperceu. For forty years the rainbow will not be seen. For forty years it will be seen every day. The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen. XVIII. Par la discorde Negligence Gauloise, Sera passage ŕ Mahommet ouuert: De sang trempé la terre & mer Senoise, Le port Phocen de voilles & nerfs couuert. Because of French discord and negligence an opening shall be given to the Mohammedans. The land and sea of Siena will be soaked in blood, and the port of Marseilles covered with ships and sails. XIX. Lors que serpens viendront circuer l'arc, Le sang Troyen vexé par les Espaignes: Par eux grand nombre en sera faicte tarc, Chef fruict, caché aux marcs dans les saignes. When the snakes surround the altar, and the Trojan blood is troublerd by the Spanish. Because of them, a great number will be lessened. The leader flees, hidden in the swampy marshes. XX. Tours, Oriens, Blois, Angers, Reims & Nantes, Cités vexees par subit changement. Par langues estranges seront tenduës tentes, Fleuues, dards Renes terre & mer tremblement. The cities of Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes are troubled by sudden change. Tents will be pitched by (people) of foreign tongues; rivers, darts at Rennes, shaking of land and sea. XXI. Profonde argille blanche nourrit rocher, Qui d'vn abysme istra lacticineuse, En vain troublez ne l'oseront toucher, Ignorant estre au fond terre argilleuse. The rock holds in its depths white clay which will come out milk-white from a cleft Needlessly troubled people will not dare touch it, unaware that the foundation of the earth is of clay. XXII. Ce que viura & n'ayant aucun sens, Viendront leser ŕ mort son artifice: Autun, Chalon, Langres, & les deux Sens, La gresle & glace fera grand malefice. A thing existing without any senses will cause its own end to happen through artifice. At Autun, Chalan, Langres and the two Sens there will be great damage from hail and ice. XXIII. Au mois troisiesme se leuant le Soleil, Sanglier, Leopart, au champ mars pour côbatre Leopart lassé au ciel estend son oeil, Vn Aigle autour du Soleil voyt s'esbatre. In the third month, at sunrise, the Boar and the Leopard meet on the battlefield. The fatigued Leopard looks up to heaven and sees an eagle playing around the sun. XXIV. A cité neuue pensif pour condamner, L'oisel de proye au ciel se vient offrir: Apres victoire ŕ captif pardonner, Cremone & Mâtoue grâds maux aura souffert. At the New City he is thoughtfil to condemn; the bird of prey offers himself to the gods. After victory he pardons his captives. At Cremona and Mantua great hardships will be suffered. XXV. Perdu trouué caché de si long siecle, Sera pasteur demy Dieu honnore: Ains que la Lune acheue son grand siecle, Par autres vents sera deshonnoré. The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries. Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a god-like figure. This is when the moon completes her great cycle, but by other rumours he shall be dishonoured. XXVI. Le grand du foudre tumbe d'heure diurne, Mal, & predict par porteur postulaire: Suiuant presage tumbe de l'heure nocturne, Conflict Reims, Londres, Ettrusque pestifere. The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt. An evil deed, foretold by the beare of a petition. According to the prediction another falls at night time. Conflict at Reims, London, and pestilence in Tuscany. XXVII. Dessouz le chaine Guien du ciel frappé, Non loing de lŕ est caché le thresor: Qui par longs siecles auoit esté grappé, Trouué mourra, l'oeil creué de ressort. Beneath the oak tree of Gienne, struck by lightning, the treasure is hidden not far from there. That which for many centuries had been gathered, when found, a man will die, his eye pierced by a spring. XXVIII. La tour de Boucq craindra fuste Barbare, Vn temps, long temps apres barque hesperique: Bestail, gęs, meubles, tous deux ferôt grâd tare, Taurus, & Libra, quelle mortelle picque? Tobruk will fear the barbarian fleet for a time, then much later the Western fleet. Cattle, people, possessions, all will be quite lost. What a deadly combat in Taurus and Libra. XXIX. Quand le poisson terrestre & aquatique Par forte vague au grauier sera mis, Sa forme estrange suaue & horrifique, Par mes aux meurs bien tost les ennemis. When the fish that travels over both land and sea is cast up on to the shore by a great wave, its shape foreign, smooth and frightful. From the sea the enemies soon reach the walls. XXX. La nef estrange par le tourment marin, Abordera pres de port incogneu: Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin, Apres mort pille bon aduis tard venu. Because of the storm at sea the foreign ship will approach an unknown port. Notwithstanding the signs of the palm branches, afterwards there is death and pillage. Good advice comes too late. XXXI. Tant d'ans en Gaule les guerres dureront, Outre la course du Castulon monarque: Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront, Aigle, Coq, Lune, Lyon, Soleil en marque. The wars in France will last for so many years beyond the reign of the Castulon kings. An uncertain victory will crown three great ones, the Eagle, the Cock, the Moon, the Lion, the Sun in its house. XXXII. Le grand Empire sera tost translaté En lieu petit, qui bien tost viendra croistre, Lieu bien infime d'exigue comté, Oů au milieu viendra poser son sceptre. The great Empire will soon be exchanged for a small place, which soon will begin to grow. A small place of tiny area in the middle of which he will come to lay down his sceptre. XXXIII. Pres d'vn grand pont de plaine spatieuse, Le grand Lyon par forces Cesarees, Fera abbatre hors cité rigoreuse, Par effroy portes luy seront reserrees. Near a great bridge near a spacious plain the great lion with the Imperial forces will cause a falling outside the austere city. Through fear the gates will be unlocked for him. XXXIV. L'oyseau de proye volant ŕ la senestre, Auant conflict faict aux Fran&cced;ois pareure: L'vn bon prendra, l'vn ambique sinistre, La partie foible tiendra par son augure. The bird of prey flying to the left, before battle is joined with the French, he makes preparations. Some will regard him as good, others bad or uncertain. The weaker party will regard him as a good omen. XXXV. Le lyon ieune le vieux surmontera, En champ bellique par singulier duelle: Dans cage d'or les yeux luy creuera, Deux classes vne, puis mourir, mort cruelle. The young lion will overcome the older one, in a field of combat in single fight: He will pierce his eyes in their golden cage; two wounds in one, then he dies a cruel death. XXXVI. Tard le monarque se viendra repentir, De n'auoir mis ŕ mort son aduersaire: Mais viendra bien ŕ plus haut consentir, Que tout son sang par mort fera deffaire. Too late the king will repent that he did not put his adversary to death. But he will soon come to agree to far greater things which will cause all his line to die. XXXVII. Vn peu deuant que le Soleil s'absconde, Conflict donné, grand peuple dubiteux: Profligez, port marin ne faict response, Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux Shortly before sun set, battle is engaged. A great nation is uncertain. Overcome, the sea port makes no answer, the bridge and the grave both in foreign places. XXXVIII. Le Sol & l'Aigle au victeur paroistront, Response vaine au vaincu l'on asseure: Par cor ne crys harnois n'arresteront, Vindicte paix par mors si acheue ŕ l'heure. The Sun and the Eagle will appear to the victor. An empty answer assured to the defeated. Neither bugle nor shouts will stop the soldiers. Liberty and peace, if achieved in time through death. XXXIX. De nuict dans lict le supresme estranglé, Pour trop auoir seiourné blond esleu. Par trois l'Empire subrogé exanclé, A mort mettra carte, & pacquet ne leu. At night the last one will be strangled in his bed because he became too involved with the blond heir elect. The Empire is enslaved and three men substituted. He is put to death with neither letter nor packet read. XL. La trompe fausse dissimulant folie, Fera Bisance vn changement de loix, Histra d'Egypte, qui veut que l on deffie Edict changeant monnoyes & aloys. The false trumpet concealing maddness will cause Byzantium to change its laws. From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards. XLI. Siege en cité est de nuict assallie, Peu eschappé, non loin de mer conflict: Femme de ioye, retours fils defaillie, Poison & lettres cachees dans le plic. The city is beseiged and assaulted by night; few have escaped; a battle not far from the sea. A woman faints with joy at the return of her son, poison in the folds of the hidden letters. XLII. Le dix Calendes d'Auril de faict Gotique, Resuscité encor par gens malins: Le feu estainct, assemblee diabolique, Cherchant les os du d'Amant & Pselin. The tenth day of the April Calends, calculated in Gothic fashion is revived again by wicked people. The fire is put out and the diabolic gathering seek the bones of the demon of Psellus. XLIII. Auant qu'aduienne le changement d'Empire, Il aduiendra vn cas bien merueilleux: Le camp mué, le pillier de porphire, Mis, transmué sus le rocher noilleux. Before the Empire changes a very wonderful event will take place. The field moved, the pillar of porphyry put in place, changed on the gnarled rock. XLIV. En bref seront de retour sacrifices, Contreuenans seront mis ŕ martyre: Plus ne seront moines, abbes, ne nouices, Le miel sera beaucoup plus cher que cire. In a short time sacrifices will be resumed, those opposed will be put (to death) like martyrs. The will no longer be monks, abbots or novices. Honey shall be far more expensive than wax. XLV. Secteur de sectes grand peine au delateur, Beste en theatre dressé le ieu scenique, Du faict antique ennobly l'inuenteur, Par sectes monde confus & schismatiques. A founder of sects, much trouble for the accuser: A beast in the theatre prepares the scene and plot. The author ennobled by acts of older times; the world is confused by schismatic sects. XLVI. Tout apres d'Aux de Lestore & Mirande Grand feu du ciel en trois nuicts tombera: Cause aduiendra bien stupende & mirande, Bien peu apres la terre tremblera. Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights. The cause will appear both stupefying and marvellous; shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake. XLVII. Du lac Leman les sermons fascheront, Des iours seront reduits par des sepmaines, Puis moys, puis an, puis tous failliront, Les Magistras danneront leur loix vaines. The speeches of Lake Leman will become angered, the days will drag out into weeks, then months, then years, then all will fail. The authorities will condemn their useless powers. XLVIII. Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez, Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie: Quand le Soleil prendra ses iours lassez: Lors accomplir & mine ma prophetie. When twenty years of the Moon's reign have passed another will take up his reign for seven thousend years. When the exhausted Sun takes up his cycle then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished. XLIX. Baucoup auant telles menees, Ceux d'Orient par la vertu lunaire: L'an mil sept cens feront grands emmenees, Subiungant presques le coing Aquilonaire. Long before these happenings the people of the East, influenced by the Moon, in the year 1700 will cause many to be carried away, and will almost subdue the Northern area. L. De l'aquatique triplicité naistra, D'vn qui fera le Ieudy pour sa feste: Son bruit, loz, regne, sa puissance croistra, Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste. From the three water signs will be born a man who will celbrate Thursday as his holiday. His renown, praise, rule and power will grow on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East. LI. Chef d'Aries, Iupiter, & Saturne, Dieu eternel quelles mutations? Puis par long siecle son maling temps retourne Gaule & Italie, quelles esmotions? The head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn. Eternal God, what changes ! Then the bad times will return again after a long century; what turmoil in France and Italy. LII. Les deux malins de Scorpion conioinct, Le grand Seigneur meurdry dedans sa salle: Peste ŕ l'Eglise par le nouueau Roy ioinct, L'Europe basse & Septentrionale. Two evil influences in conjunction in Scopio. The great lord is murdered in his room. A newly appointed king persecutes the Church, the lower (parts of) Europe and in the North. LIII. Las! qu'on verra grand peuple tourmenté, Et la loy saincte en totale ruine, Par autres loix toute la Chrestienté, Quand d'or d'argent trouue nouuelle mine. Alas, how we will see a great nation sorely troubled and the holy law in utter ruin. Christianity (governed) throughout by other laws, when a new source of gold and silver is discovered. LIV. Deux reuolts faicts du maling falcigere, De regne & siecles faict permutation: Le mobil signe ŕ son endroit si ingere, Aux deux esgaux & d'inclination. Two revolutions will be caused by the evil scythe bearer making a change of reign and centuries. The mobile sign thus moves into its house: Equal in favour to both sides. LV. Soubs l'opposite climat Babilonique, Grande sera de sang effusion, Que terre & mer, air, ciel sera inique, Sectes, faim, regnes pestes, confusion. I the land with a climate opposite to Babylon there will be great shedding of blood. Heaven will seem unjust both on land and sea and in the air. Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion. LVI. Vous verrez tost & tard faire grand change, Horreurs extremes & vindications: Que si la Lune conduite par son ange, Le ciel s'approche des inclinations. Sooner and later you will see great changes made, dreadful horrors and vengeances. For as the moon is thus led by its angel the heaves draw near to the Balance. LVII. Par grand discord la terre tremblera, Accord rompu dressant la teste au ciel, Bouche sanglante dans le sang nagera, Au sol la face ointe de laict & miel. The trumpet shakes with great discord. An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven: the bloody mouth will swim with blood; the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground. LVIII. Tranché le ventre naistra auec deux testes, Et quatre bras: quelques ans entiers viura Iour qui Alquiloye celebrera ses festes, Fossen, Turin, chef Ferrare suiura. Through a slit in the belly a creature will be born with two heads and four arms: it will survive for some few years. The day that Alquiloie celebrates his festivals Fossana, Turin and the ruler of Ferrara will follow. LIX. Les exilez deportez dans les isles, Au changement d'vn plus cruel monarque Seront meurtris, & mis deux des scintiles, Qui de parler ne seront estez parques. The exiles deported to the islands at the advent of an even more cruel king will be murdered. Two will be burnt who were not sparing in their speech. LX. Vn Empereur naistra pres d'Italie, Qui ŕ l'Empire sera vendu bien cher: Diront auec quels gens il se ralie, Qu'on trouuera moins prince que boucher. An Emperor will be born near Italy, who will cost the Empire very dearly. They will say, when they see his allies, that he is less a prince than a butcher. LXI. La republique miserable infelice Sera vastee du nouueau magistrat: Leur grand amas de l'exil malefice Fera Sueue rauir leur grand contract. The wretched, unfortunate republic will again be ruined by a new authority. The great amount of ill will accumulated in exile will make the Swiss break their important agreement. LXII. La grande perte, las! que feront les lettres, Auant le ciel de Latona parfaict: Feu grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres, Que de long siecle ne se verra refaict. Alas! what a great loss there will be to learning before the cycle of the Moon is completed. Fire, great floods, by more ignorant rulers; how long the centuries until it is seen to be restored. LXIII. Les fleurs passees diminue le monde, Long temps la paix terres inhabitees: Seur marchera par ciel, terre, mer & onde, Puis de nouueau les guerres suscitees. Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller, for a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully. People will travel safely through the sky (over) land and seas: then wars will start up again. LXIV. De nuict Soleil penseront auois veu. Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra: Bruit chant, bataille au ciel batre apperceu, Et bestes brutes ŕ parler lon orra. At night they will whink they have seen the sun, when the see the half pig man: Noise, screams, battles seen fought in the skies. The brute beasts will be heard to speak. LXV. Enfant sans mains iamais veu si grand foudre, L'enfant Royal au ieu d'oesteuf blessé: Au puy brises fulgures allant mouldre, Trois souz les chaines par le milieu troussés. A child without hands, never so great a thunderbolt seen, the royal child wounded at a game of tennis. At the well lightning strikes, joining together three trussed up in the middle under the oaks. LXVI. Celuy qui lors portera les nouuelles Apres vn peu il viendra respirer, Viuiers, Tournon, Montferrant & Pradelles, Gresle & tempestes le fera souspirer. He who then carries the news, after a short while will (stop) to breath: Viviers, Tournon, Montferrand and Praddelles; hail and storms will make them grieve. LXVII. La grand famine que ie sens approcher, Souuent tourner, puis estre vniuerselle, Si grande & longue qu'on viendra arracher Du bois racine, & l'enfant de mammelle. The great famine which I sense approaching will often turn (in various areas) then become world wide. It will be so vast and long lasting that (they) will grab roots from the trees and children from the breast. LXVIII. O quel horrible & malheureux teurment, Trois innocens qu'on viendra ŕ liurer Poison suspecte, mal gardé tardiment. Mis en horreur par bourreaux enyurez. O to what a dreadful and wretched torment are three innocent people going to be delivered. Poison sugested, badly guarded, betrayal. Delivered up to horror by drunken executioners. LXIX. La grand montagne ronde de sept stades, Apres paix, guerre, faim, inodation, Roulera loin abismant grands contrades, Mesmes antiques, & grands fondation. The great mountain, seven stadia round, after peace, war, famine, flooding. It will spread far, drowning great countries, even antiquities and their might foundations. LXX. Pluye, faim, guerre en Perse non cessee, La foy trop grand trahira le monarque: Par la finie en Gaule commencee, Secret augure pour ŕ vn estre parque. Rain, famine and war will not cease in Persia; too great a faith will betray the monarch. Those (actions) started in France will end there, a secret sign for on to be sparing. LXXI. La tour marine troys foys prise & reprise, Par Espagnols, Barbares, Ligurains: Marseille & Aix, Arles par ceux de Pise, Vast, feu, fer pillé Auignon des Thurins. The marine tower will be captured and retaken three times by Spaniards, barbarians and Ligurians. Marseilles and Aix, Ales by men of Pisa, devastation, fire, sword, pillage at Avignon by the Turinese. LXXII. Du tout Marseille des habitans changee, Course & poursuite iusqu'au pres de Lyon, Narbon, Tholouse par Bourdeaux outragee, Tuez captifs presque d'vn milion. The inhabitants of Marseilles completely changed, fleeing and pursued as far as Lyons. Narbonne, Toulouse angered by Bordeaux; the killed and captive are almost one million. LXXIII. France ŕ cinq pars par neglect assaillie, Tunys, Argal esmeuz par Persiens: Leon, Seuille, Barcellonne faillie, N'aura la classe par les Venitiens. France shall be accused of neglect by her five partners. Tunis, Algiers stirred up by the Persians. Leon, Seville and Barcelona having failed, they will not have the fleet because of the Venetians. LXXIV. Apres seiourné vagueront en Epire, Le grand secours viendra vers Anthioche. Le noir poil crespe rendra fort ŕ l'Empire, Barbe d'ćrain se rostira en broche. After a rest they will travel to Epirus, great help coming from around Antioch. The curly haired king will strive greatly for the Empire, the brazen beard will be roasted on a spit. LXXV. Le tyran Sienne occupera Sauonne, Le fort gaigné tiendra classe marine: Les deux armees par la marque d'Anconne, Par effrayeur le chef s'en examine. The tyrant of Siena will occupy Savona, having won the fort he will restrain the marine fleet. Two armies under the standard of Ancona: the leader will examine them in fear. LXXVI. D'vn nom farouche tel proferé sera, Que les trois seurs auront fato le nom: Puis grand peuple par langue & faict dira Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom. The man will be called by a barbaric name that three sisters will receive from destiny. He will speak then to a great people in words and deeds, more than any other man will have fame and renown. LXXVII. Entre deux mers dreslera promontoire, Que puis mourra par le mors du cheual: Le sien Neptune pliera voile noire, Par Calpre & classe aupres de Rocheual. A promontory stands between two seas: A man who will die later by the bit of a horse; Neptune unfurls a black sail for his man; the fleet near Gibraltar and Rocheval. LXXVIII. D'vn chef vieillard naistra sens hebeté, Degenerant par s&cced;avoir & par armes: Le chef de France par sa soeur redouté, Champs diuisez, concedez aux gendarmes. To an old leader will be born an idiot heir, weak both in knowledge and in war. The leader of France is feared by his sister, battlefields divided, conceded to the soldiers. LXXIX. Bazaz, Lestore, Condon, Ausch, Agine, Esmeurs par loix, querelle & monopole: Car Bourd. Tholouse, Bay mettra en ruine: Renouueller voulant leur tauropole. Bazas, Lectoure, Condom, Auch and Agen are troubled by laws, disputes and monopolies. Carcassone, Bordeaux, Toulouse and Bayonne will be ruined when they wish to renew the massacre. LXXX. De la sixiesme claire splendeur celeste, Viendra tonner si fort en la Bourgongne, Puis n'aystra monstre de tres hideuse beste: Mars, Auril, May, Iuin, grâd charpin & rongne. From the sixth bright celestial light it will come to thunder very strongly in Burgundy. Then a monster will be born of a very hideuos beast: In March, April, May and June great wounding and worrying. LXXXI. D'humain troupeau neuf seront mis ŕ part, De iugement & conseil separez: Leur sort sera diuisé en depart, Kappa, Thita, Lambda mors bannis esgarez. Nine will be set apart from the human flock, separated from judgment and advise. Their fate is to be divided as they depart. K. Th. L. dead, banished and scattered. LXXXII. Quand les colonnes de bois grande tremblee, D'Auster conduite, couuerte de rubriche: Tant vuidera dehors grande assemblee, Trembler Vienne & le pays d'Austriche. When the great wooden columns tremble in the south wind, covered with blood. Such a great assembly then pours forth that Vienna and the land of Austria will tremble. LXXXIII. La gent estrange diuisera butins, Saturne en Mars son regard furieux: Horrible estrange aux Toscans & Latins, Grecs qui seront ŕ frapper curieux. The alien nation will divide the spoils. Saturn in dreadful aspect in Mars. Dreadful and foreign to the Tuscans and Latins, Greeks who will wish to strike. LXXXIV. Lune obscurcie aux profondes tenebres, Son frere passe de couleur ferrugine: Le grand caché long temps sous les tenebres, Tiedera fer dans la playe sanguine. The moon is obscured in deep gloom, his brother becomes bright red in colour. The great one hidden for a long time in the shadows will hold the blade in the bloody wound. LXXXV. Par la response de dame Roy troublé, Ambassadeurs mespriseront leur vie: Le grand ses freres contrefera doublé, Par deux mourront ire, haine & enuie. The king is troubled by the queen's reply. Ambassadors will fear for their lives. The greater of his brothers will doubly disguise his action, two of them will die through anger, hatred and envy. LXXXVI. La grande Royne quand se verra vaincue, Fera excés de masculin courage, Sur cheual, fleuue passera toute nue, Suite par fer: ŕ foy fera outrage. When the great queen sees herself conquered, she will show an excess of masculine courage. Naked, on horseback, she will pass over the river pursued by the sword: she will have outraged her faith LXXXVII. Ennosigee feu du centre de terre, Fera trembler autour de cité neuue Deux grâds rochers long tęps feront la guerre, Puis Arethuse rougira nouueau fleuue. Earthshaking fire from the centre of the earth will cause tremors around the New City. Two great rocks will war for a long time, then Arethusa will redden a new river. LXXXVIII. Le diuin mal surprendra le grand Prince, Vn peu deuant aura femme espousee, Son appuy & credit ŕ vn coup viendra mince, Conseil mourra pour la teste rasee. The divine wrath overtakes the great Prince, a short while before he will marry. Both supporters and credit will suddenly diminish. Counsel, he will die because of the shaven heads. LXXXIX. Touts ceux de Iler ne seront dans la Moselle, Mettant ŕ mort tous ceux de Loire & Seine: Le cours marin viendra pres d'haute velle, Quand Espagnols ouurira toute veine. Those of Lerida will be in the Moselle, kill all those from the Loire and Seine. The seaside track will come near the high valley, when the Spanish open every route. XC. Bourdeaux, Poitiers au son de la campagne, A grande classe ira iusqu'ŕ l'Angon, Contre Gaulois sera leur tramontane, Quand monstre hideux naistra pres de Orgô. Bordeaux and Poitiers at the sound of the bell will go with a great fleet as fas as Langon. A great rage will surge up against the French, when an hideous monster is born near Orgon. XCI. Les Dieux feront aux humains apparence, Ce qu'ils seront autheurs de grand conflict: Auant ciel veu serain espee & lance, Que vers main gauche se plus grand afflict. The gods will make it appear to mankind that they are the authors of a great war. Before the sky was seen to bee free of weapons and rockets: the greatest damage will be inflicted on the left. XCII. Souz vn la paix par tout sera clamee, Mais non long temps pille, & rebellion, Par refus ville, terre & mer entamee, Morts & captifs le tiers d'vn million. Under one man peace will be proclaimed everywhere, but not long after will be looting and rebellion. Because of a refusal, town, land and see will be broached. About a third of a million dead or captured. XCIII. Terre Italique pres monts tremblera, Lyon & Coq non trop confederez, En lieu de peur l'vn l'autre s'aidera, Seul Catulon & Celtes moderez. The Italian lands near the mountains will tremble. The Cock and the Lion not strongly united. In place of fear they will help each other. Freedom alone moderates the French. XCIV. Au port Selin le tyran mis ŕ mort, La liberté non pourtant recouuree: Le nouueau Mars par vindicte & remort, Dame par force de frayeur honoree. The tyrant Selim will be put to death at the harbour but Liberty will not be regained, however. A new war arises from vengeance and remorse. A lady is honoured through force of terror. XCV. Deuant moustier trouué enfant besson, D'heroic sang de moine & vetustique: Son bruit par secte langue & puissance son, Qu'on dira fort esleué le vopisque. In front of a monastery will be found a twin infant from the illustrious and ancient line of a monk. His fame, renown and power through sects and speech is such that they will say the living twin is deservedly chosen. XCVI. Celuy qu'aura la charge de destruire Temples, & sectes, changez par fantasie: Plus au rochers qu'aux viuans viendra nuire, Par langue ornee d'oreilles rassasie. A man will be charged with the destruction of temples and sectes, altered by fantasy. He will harm the rocks rather than the living, ears filled with ornate speeches. XCVII. Ce que fer, flamme n'a s&cced;eu paracheuer, La douce langue au conseil viendra faire: Par repos, songe, le Roy fera resuer, Plus l'ennemy en feu, sang militaire. That which neither weapon nor flame could accomplish will be achieved by a sweet speaking tongue in council. Sleeping, in a dream, the king will see the enemy not in war or of military blood. XCVIII. Le chef qu'aura conduit peuple infiny Loing de son ciel, de moeurs & langue estrange, Cinq mil en Crete & Thessalie finy, Le chef fuyant sauué en marine grange. The leader who will conduct great numbers of people far from their skies, to foreign customs and language. Five thousand will die in Crete and Thessaly, the leader fleeing in a sea going supply ship. XCIX. Le grand monarque que fera compagnie Auec deux Roys vnis par amitié: O quel souspir fera la grand mesgnie, Enfants Narbon ŕ l'entour quel pitié. The great king will join with two kings, united in friendship. How the great household will sigh: around Narbon what pity for the children. C. Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oyseau, Aupres de Dole & de Toscane terre: Tenant au bec vn verdoyant rameau, Mourra tost grand & finera la guerre. For a long time a grey bird will be seen in the sky near Dôle and the lands of Tuscany. He holds a flowering branch in his beak, but he dies too soon and the war ends. This is the 2nd Centurie by Nostramus. It was first published in 1555. CENTURIE II I. VERS Aquitaine par insuls Britanniques De par eux-mesmes grandes incursions Pluyes, gelees feront terroirs iniques, Port Selyn fortes fera inuasions. Towards Aquitaine by the British isles By these themselves great incursions. Rains, frosts will make the soil uneven, "Port Selyn" will make mighty invasions II. La teste bleue fera la teste blanche Autant de mal, que France a faict leur bien: Mort ŕ l'anthene, grand pendu sus la branche, Quand prins des siens le Roy dira combien. The blue head will inflict upon the white head As much evil as France has done them good: Dead at the sail-yard the great one hung on the branch. When seized by his own the King will say how much. III. Pour la chaleur solitaire sus la mer, De Negrepont les poissons demy cuits: Les habitans viendront entamer, Quand Rhod & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit. Because of the solar heat on the sea Of Euboea the fishes half cooked: The inhabitants will come to cut them, When the biscuit will fail Rhodes and Genoa. IV. Depuis Monach iusqu'aupres de Sicille, Toute la plage demourra desolee: Il n'y aura fauxbourgs, cité, ne ville, Que par Barbares pillee soit & vollee. From Monaco to near Sicily The entire coast will remain desolated: There will remain there no suburb, city or town Not pillaged and robbed by the Barbarians. V. Qu'en dans poisson, fer & lettre enfermee, Hors sortira, qui puis fera la guerre, Aura par mer sa classe bien ramee, Apparoissant pres de Latine terre. That which is enclosed in iron and letter in a fish, Out will go one who will then make war, He will have his fleet well rowed by sea, Appearing near Latin land. VI. Aupres des portes & dedans deux citez Seront deux fleaux, & onc n'apperceut vn tel, Faim, dedans peste, de fer hors gens boutez, Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel. Near the gates and within two cities There will be two scourges the like of which was never seen, Famine within plague, people put out by steel, Crying to the great immortal God for relief. VII. Entre plusieurs aux isles deportez, L'vn estre nay ŕ deux dents en la gorge Mourront de faim les arbres esbrotez, Pour eux neuf Roy, nouuel edict leur forge. Amongst several transported to the isles, One to be born with two teeth in his mouth They will die of famine the trees stripped, For them a new King issues a new edict. VIII. Temples sacrez prime fa&cced;on Romaine, Reietteront les gofres fondements, Prenant leurs loix premieres & humaines, Chassant non tout des saincts les cultements. Temples consecrated in the original Roman manner, They will reject the excess foundations, Taking their first and humane laws, Chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints. IX. Neuf ans le regne le maigre en paix tiendra, Puis il cherra en soif si sanguinaire, Pour luy peuple sans foy & loy mourra Tué vn beaucoup plus debonnaire. Nine years the lean one will hold the realm in peace, Then he will fall into a very bloody thirst: Because of him a great people will die without faith and law Killed by one far more good-natured. X. Auant long temps le tout sera rangé, Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre, L'estat des masques & des seuls bien changé. Peu trouueront qu'ŕ son rang veuille estre. Before long all will be set in order, We will expect a very sinister century, The state of the masked and solitary ones much changed, Few will be found who want to be in their place. XI. Le prochain fils de l'aisnier paruiendra Tant esleué iusqu'au regne des fors: Son aspre gloire vn chacun craindra, Mais ses enfans du regne gettez hors. The nearest son of the elder will attain Very great height as far as the realm of the privileged: Everyone will fear his fierce glory, But his children will be thrown out of the realm. XII. Yeux clos ouuerts d'antique fantasie, L'habit des seuls seront mis ŕ neant: Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenaisie, Ravir des temples le thresor par deuant. Eyes closed, opened by antique fantasy, The garb of the monks they will be put to naught: The great monarch will chastise their frenzy, Ravishing the treasure in front of the temples. XIII. Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice, Iour de la mort mis en natiuité: L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice, Voiant le verbe en son eternité. The body without soul no longer to be sacrificed: Day of death put for birthday: The divine spirit will make the soul happy, Seeing the word in its eternity. XIV. A Tours, Gien, gardé seront yeux penetrans, Descouuriront de loing la grand sereine: Elle & sa suitte au port seront entrans, Combat, poussez, puissance souueraine. At Tours, Gien, guarded, eyes will be searching, Discovering from afar her serene Highness: She and her suite will enter the port, Combat, thrust, sovereign power. XV. Vn peu deuant monarque trucidé? Castor Pollux en nef, astre crinite: L'erain public par terre & mer vuidé, Pise, Ast, Ferrare, Turin terre interdicte. Shortly before the monarch is assassinated, Castor and Pollux in the ship, bearded star: The public treasure emptied by land and sea, Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Turin land under interdict. XVI. Naples, Palerme, Sicile, Syracuses, Nouueaux tyrans, fulgures feux celestes: Force de Londres, Gand, Bruxelles & Suses, Grand hecatombe, triomphe faire festes. Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse, New tyrants, celestial lightning fires: Force from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa, Great slaughter, triumph leads to festivities. XVII. Le champ du temple de la vierge vestale, Non esloigné d'Ethne & monts Pyrenees: Le grand conduit est caché dans la male, North gettez fleuues & vignes mastinees. The field of the temple of the vestal virgin, Not far from Elne and the Pyrenees mountains: The great tube is hidden in the trunk. To the north rivers overflown and vines battered. XVIII. Nouelle & pluye subite, impetueuse, Empeschera subit deux exercites. Pierre ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse, La mert de sept terre & marin subites. New, impetuous and sudden rain Will suddenly halt two armies. Celestial stone, fires make the sea stony, The death of seven by land and sea sudden. XIX. Nouueaux venus lieu basty sans defence, Occuper la place par lors inhabitable: Prez, maisons, champs, villes, prędre ŕ plaisance, Faim peste, guerre, arpen long labourage. Newcomers, place built without defense, Place occupied then uninhabitable: Meadows, houses, fields, towns to take at pleasure, Famine, plague, war, extensive land arable. XX. Freres & soeurs en diuers lieux captifs, Se trouueront passer pres du monarque: Les comtempler ses rameaux ententifs. Desplaisant voir menton frôt, nez, les marques. Brothers and sisters captive in diverse places Will find themselves passing near the monarch: Contemplating them his branches attentive, Displeasing to see the marks on chin, forehead and nose. XXI. L'ambassadeur enuoyé par biremes, A my chemin d'incogneuz repoussez: De sel renfort viendront quatre triremes, Cordes & chaines en Negre pont troussez. The ambassador sent by biremes, Halfway repelled by unknown ones: Reinforced with salt four triremes will come, In Euboea bound with ropes and chains. XXII. Le camp Ascop d'Europe partira, S'adioignant proche de l'Isle submergee: D'Araon classe phalange pliera, Nombril du monde plus grand voix subrogee: The imprudent army of Europe will depart, Collecting itself near the submerged isle: The weak fleet will bend the phalanx, At the navel of the world a greater voice substituted. XXIII. Palais, oyseaux, par oyseau dechassé, Bien tost apres le prince paruenu: Combien qu'hors fleuue ennemy repoussé, Dehors saisir trait d'oyseau soustenu. Palace birds, chased out by a bird, Very soon after the prince has arrived: Although the enemy is repelled beyond the river, Outside seized the trick upheld by the bird. XXIV. Bestes farouches de faim fleuues tranner; Plus part du champ encontre Hister sera, En cage de fer le grand fera treisner, Quand rien enfant de Germain obseruera. Beasts ferocious from hunger will swim across rivers: The greater part of the region will be against the Hister, + The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage, When the German child will observe nothing. XXV. La garde estrange trahira forteresse, Espoir & vmbre de plus hault mariage: Garde de&cced;eu, fort prinse dans la presse, Loyre, Saone, Rosne, Gar, ŕ mort oultrage. The foreign guard will betray the fortress, Hope and shadow of a higher marriage: Guard deceived, fort seized in the press, Loire, Saone, Rhone, Garonne, mortal outrage. XXVI. Pour sa faueur que la cité fera, Au grand qui tost perdra camp de bataille, Puis le rang Pau Thesin versera, De sang, feux morts yeux de coup de taille. Because of the favor that the city will show To the great one who will soon lose the field of battle, Fleeing the Po position, the Ticino will overflow With blood, fires, deaths, drowned by the long-edged blow. XXVII. Le diuin verbe sera du ciel frappé, Qui ne pourra proceder plus auant: Du reseruant le secret estoupé, Qu'on marchera par dessus & deuant. The divine word will be struck from the sky, One who cannot proceed any further: The secret closed up with the revelation, + Such that they will march over and ahead. XXVIII. Le penultiesme du surnom du Prophete, Prendra Diane pour son iour & repos: Loing vaguera par frenetique teste, En deliurant vn grand peuple d'impos. The penultimate of the surname of the Prophet Will take Diana for his day and rest: He will wander far because of a frantic head, And delivering a great people from subjection. XXIX. L'Oriental sorrira de son siege, Passer les monts Apennons voir la Gaule: Transpercera le ciel, les eaux & neige, Et vn chacun frappera de sa gaule. The Easterner will leave his seat, To pass the Apennine mountains to see Gaul: He will transpire the sky, the waters and the snow, And everyone will be struck with his rod. XXX. Vn qui les dieux d'Annibal infernaux, Fera renaistre, effrayeur des humains. Oncq' plus d'horreur ne plus pire iournaux, Qu'auint viendra par Babel aux Romains. One who the infernal gods of Hannibal Will cause to be reborn, terror of mankind Never more horror nor worse of days In the past than will come to the Romans through Babel. XXXI. En Campanie le Cassilin fera tant, Qu'on ne verra d'aux les champs couuers: Deuant apres la pluye de long temps, Hors mis les arbres rien l'on verra de vert. In Campania the Capuan [river] will do so much That one will see only fields covered by waters: Before and after the long rain One will see nothing green except the trees. XXXII. Laict, sang grenoilles escoudre en Dalmatie. Conflict donné preste pres de Balennes: Cry sera grand par toute Esclauonie, Lors naistra monstre pres & dedans Rauenne. Milk, frog's blood prepared in Dalmatia. Conflict given, plague near Treglia: A great cry will sound through all Slavonia, Then a monster will be born near and within Ravenna. XXXIII. Par le torrent qui descent de Veronne, Par lors qu'au Pau guindera son entree. Vn grand naufrage, & non moins en Garonne, Quand ceux de Gęnes marcherôt leur contree Through the torrent which descends from Verona Its entry will then be guided to the Po, A great wreck, and no less in the Garonne, When those of Genoa march against their country. XXXIV. L'ire insensee du combat furieux, Fera ŕ table par freres le fer luire: Les desparrit blessé, & curieux, Le fier duelle viendra en France nuire. The senseless ire of the furious combat Will cause steel to be flashed at the table by brothers: To part them death, wound, and curiously, The proud duel will come to harm France. XXXV. Dans deux logis de nuict la feu prendra, Plusieurs dedans estoffez & rostis. Pres de deux fleuues pour seul il aduiendra: Sol, l'Arq, & Caper tous seront amortis. The fire by night will take hold in two lodgings, Several within suffocated and roasted. It will happen near two rivers as one: Sun, Sagittarius and Capricorn all will be reduced. XXXVI. Du grand Prophete les lettres seront prinses, Entre les mains du tyran deuiendront: Frauder son Roy seront ses entreprinses, Mais ses rapines bien tost le troubleront. The letters of the great Prophet will be seized, They will come to fall into the hands of the tyrant: His enterprise will be to deceive his King, But his extortions will very soon trouble him. XXXVII. De ce grand nombre que l'on enuoyera, Pour secourir dans le fort assiegez, Peste & famine tous les deuorera, Hors mis septante qui seront profligez. Of that great number that one will send To relieve those besieged in the fort, Plague and famine will devour them all, Except seventy who will be destroyed. XXXVIII. Des condamnez sera fait vn grand nombre, Quand les monarques seront conciliez: Mais l'vn d'eux viendra si malencombre, Que guerre ensemble: ne seront raliez. A great number will be condemned When the monarchs will be reconciled: But for one of them such a bad impediment will arise That they will be joined together but loosely. XXXIX. Vn deuant le conflict Italique, Germains, Gaulois, Espaignols pour le fort: Cherra l'escolle maison de republique, Oů, hors mis peu, seront suffoqué morts. One year before the Italian conflict, Germans, Gauls, Spaniards for the fort: The republican schoolhouse will fall, There, except for a few, they will be choked dead. XL. Vn peu apres non point longue interualle, Par mer & terre sera faict grand tumulte: Beaucoup plus grande sera pugne nauale, Feux, animaux, qui plus feront d'insulte. Shortly afterwards, without a very long interval, By sea and land a great uproar will be raised: Naval battle will be very much greater, Fires, animals, those who will cause greater insult. XLI. La grand' estoille par sept iours brusler...

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