Laboratory Experiments For General , Organic and Biochemistry 4th ed - Bettelheim.pdf

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Experiment 1
Laboratory techniques: use of the laboratory
gas burner; basic glassworking
The Laboratory Gas Burner
Tirrill or Bunsen burners provide a ready source of heat in the chemistry laboratory. In
general, since chemical reactions proceed faster at elevated temperatures, the use of heat
enables the experimenter to accomplish many experiments more quickly than would be
possible at room temperature. The burner illustrated in Fig. 1.1 is typical of the burners
used in most general chemistry laboratories.
Figure 1.1
The Bunsen burner.
Violet outer cone
Pale-blue middle cone
Hottest part of the
flame (800°C)
Dark-blue inner cone
Air vents
Gas inlet
Gas control valve
Main gas valve
A burner is designed to allow gas and air to mix in a controlled manner. The gas often
used is “natural gas,” mostly the highly flammable and odorless hydrocarbon methane,
CH 4 . When ignited, the flame’s temperature can be adjusted by altering the various
proportions of gas and air. The gas flow can be controlled either at the main gas valve or at
the gas control valve at the base of the burner. Manipulation of the air vents at the bottom
of the barrel allows air to enter and mix with the gas. The hottest flame has a violet outer
cone, a pale-blue middle cone, and a dark-blue inner cone; the air vents, in this case, are
opened sufficiently to assure complete combustion of the gas. Lack of air produces a cooler,
luminous yellow flame. This flame lacks the inner cone and most likely is smoky, and often
deposits soot on objects it contacts. Too much air blows out the flame.
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Experiment 1 1
Basic Glassworking
In the chemistry laboratory, it is often necessary to modify apparatus made from glass or
to connect pieces of equipment with glass tubing. Following correct procedures for working
with glass, especially glass tubing, is important.
Glass is a super-cooled liquid. Unlike crystalline solids which have sharp melting
points, glass softens when heated, flows, and thus can be worked. Bending, molding, and
blowing are standard operations in glassworking.
Not all glass is the same; there are different grades and compositions. Most
laboratory glassware is made from borosilicate glass (containing silica and borax
compounds). Commercially, this type of glass is known as Pyrex (made by Corning Glass)
or Kimax (made by Kimble glass). This glass does not soften very much below 800 C and,
therefore, requires a very hot flame in order to work it. A Bunsen burner flame provides a
hot enough temperature for general glassworking. In addition, borosilicate glass has a low
thermal coefficient of expansion. This refers to the material’s change in volume per degree
change in temperature. Borosilicate glass expands or contracts slowly when heated or
cooled. Thus, glassware composed of this material can withstand rapid changes in
temperature and can resist cracking.
Soft glass consists primarily of silica sand, SiO 2 . Glass of this type softens in the
region of 300–400 C, and because of this low softening temperature is not suitable for most
laboratory work. It has another unfortunate property that makes it a poor material for
laboratory glassware. Soft glass has a high thermal coefficient of expansion. This means
that soft glass expands or contracts very rapidly when heated or cooled; sudden, rapid
changes in temperature introduce too much stress into the material, and the glass cracks.
While soft glass can be worked easily using a Bunsen burner, care must be taken to
prevent breakage; with annealing, by first mildly reheating and then uniformly, gradually
cooling, stresses and strains can be controlled.
1. To learn how to use a Bunsen burner.
2. To learn basic glassworking by bending and fire-polishing glass tubing.
The Laboratory Gas Burner; Use of the Bunsen Burner
1. Before connecting the Bunsen burner to the gas source, examine the burner and
compare it to Fig. 1.1. Be sure to locate the gas control valve and the air vents and see
how they work.
2. Connect the gas inlet of your burner to the main gas valve by means of a short piece of
thin-walled rubber tubing. Be sure the tubing is long enough to provide some slack for
movement on the bench top. Close the gas control valve. If your burner has a screw-needle
valve, turn the knob clockwise. Close the air vents. This can be done by rotating the barrel
of the burner (or sliding the ring over the air vents if your burner is built this way).
2 Experiment 1
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3. Turn the main gas valve to the open position. Slowly open the gas control valve
counterclockwise until you hear the hiss of gas. Quickly strike a match or use a gas
striker to light the burner. With a lighted match, hold the flame to the top of the barrel.
The gas should light. How would you describe the color of the flame? Hold a Pyrex test
tube in this flame. What do you observe?
4. Carefully turn the gas control valve, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. What
happens to the flame size? (If the flame should go out, or if the flame did not light
initially, shut off the main gas valve and start over, as described above.)
5. With the flame on, adjust the air vents by rotating the barrel (or sliding the ring). What
happens to the flame as the air vents open? Adjust the gas control valve and the air
vents until you obtain a flame about 3 or 4 in. high, with an inner cone of blue (Fig.
1.1). The tip of the pale blue inner cone is the hottest part of the flame.
6. Too much air will blow out the flame. Should this occur, close the main gas valve
immediately. Relight following the procedure in step 3.
7. Too much gas pressure will cause the flame to rise away from the burner and “roar”
(Fig. 1.2). If this happens, reduce the gas flow by closing the gas control valve until a
proper flame results.
Figure 1.2
The flame rises away
from the burner.
8. “Flashback” sometimes occurs. If so, the burner will have a flame at the bottom of the
barrel. Quickly close the main gas valve. Allow the barrel to cool. Relight following the
procedures in step no. 3.
Basic Glassworking; Working with Glass Tubing
Cutting glass tubing
1. Obtain a length of glass tubing (5–6 mm in diameter). Place the tubing flat on the
bench top, and with a grease pencil mark off a length of 30 cm. Grasp a triangular file
with one hand, placing your index finger on a flat side of the file. With your other hand,
hold the tubing firmly in place against the bench top. At the mark, press the edge of the
file down firmly on the glass, and in one continuous motion scratch the glass (Fig. 1.3).
Figure 1.3
Cutting glass tubing with
a triangular file.
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Experiment 1 3
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2. Place a drop of water on the scratch (this seems to help the glass break). Wrap the
tubing with cloth or paper towels and grasp with both hands, as shown in Fig. 1.4.
Place your thumbs on the unscratched side of the tubing, one thumb on either side of
the scratch. Position the scratch away from your body and face. Snap the tubing by
simultaneously pushing with both thumbs and pulling with both hands toward your
body. The tubing should break cleanly where the glass was scratched. Should the
tubing not break, repeat the procedure described above.
Figure 1.4
Breaking glass tubing.
Glass bends
1. Turn off the Bunsen burner and place a wing top on the barrel. The wing top will
spread out the flame so that a longer section of glass will be heated to softness. Relight
the burner and adjust the flame until the blue inner cone appears along the width of
the wing top (Fig. 1.5).
Figure 1.5
Wing top on the Bunsen burner.
2. Hold the midsection of the newly cut glass tubing in the flame. Keep the tubing in the
hottest part of the flame, just above the spread-out blue cone (Fig. 1.6). Rotate the
tubing continuously to obtain uniform heating. As the glass gets hot, the flame should
become yellow; this color is due to sodium ions, which are present in the glass.
Figure 1.6
Holding the glass tubing
in the flame.
When the glass gets soft and feels as if it is going to sag, remove the glass from the
flame. Hold it steady without twisting or pulling (Fig. 1.7), and quickly, but gently, bend
it to the desired angle (Fig. 1.8).
4 Experiment 1
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