Opowieści z krypty - Tales From The Crypt - S03E12 (36) Deadline.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  544x416 23.976fps 233.7 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2392}{2468}So, what'll it be, stranger?
{2477}{2596}Can I interest you in a mai die?|Or would you prefer a rum and choke?
{2606}{2680}Or maybe you'd like something|a little stronger.
{2699}{2750}I've got just the thing.
{2764}{2869}It's a nasty little snootful|about a newshound named Charlie...
{2871}{2940}who needs a murder story and a drink.
{2941}{3000}But not necessarily in that order.
{3020}{3105}What some people won't do|for a good stiff one.
{3148}{3214}I call this little eye-opener "Deadline. "
{3387}{3470}My name's Charles Mackenzie,|and I'm a newspaperman.
{3523}{3588}At least, I was until a little while ago.
{3626}{3710}I'd do anything to get a story. Anything.
{3729}{3774}That was my reputation.
{3779}{3860}The way I figured it,|people had a right to know.
{3896}{3992}First Amendment, huh?|That's what this country's all about, right?
{3994}{4079}I worked on some pretty high-class|newspapers in my time, you know.
{4082}{4131}Pretty good magazines, too.
{4142}{4222}But I had a little problem.
{5998}{6035}Since the all-star break...
{6037}{6141}he's been unable to go more than,|I'd say, four innings at a stretch.
{6144}{6183}You sleeping, Charlie?
{6185}{6264}...is wondering|how much more room to give...
{6288}{6368}- I was just resting my eyes, Mike.|- It's awful late.
{6394}{6443}Getting close to midnight.
{6445}{6505}You told me you had a meeting|over at the newspaper.
{6507}{6540}Yeah, sure.
{6564}{6663}I gotta pay a little surprise visit|to old Phil Stone down at the paper.
{6664}{6724}But I still got time for one more.
{6729}{6820}Why don't you lay off, Charlie?|How about a nice cup of coffee?
{6822}{6900}Mike, I can lay off any time I want.
{6920}{6991}Charlie, I'm talking to you as a friend here.
{7000}{7085}You gotta go see somebody about a job.|Do yourself a favor.
{7087}{7167}Go home, shave, get yourself cleaned up.
{7196}{7270}I don't need any good grooming advice|from you.
{7272}{7335}Just who the goddamn hell|do you think you are?
{7336}{7407}Charlie. Charlie, listen,|I don't mean anything by this.
{7408}{7508}- I'm just trying to help you out, that's all.|- I may be down on my luck right now...
{7510}{7578}but I have been there, right at the top.
{7600}{7704}I have talked things over with senators,|millionaires, sports champs, you name it.
{7724}{7787}I don't need to take any shit|from some drink-pusher...
{7789}{7848}working in a skid-row gin joint.
{7857}{7896}Hey, Charlie, back off.
{7920}{7959}I said I was sorry.
{8149}{8232}Mike, I'll buy that lady a drink.
{8457}{8543}So, what's a pretty lady like you|doing in here?
{8566}{8629}- Waiting for somebody?|- Nobody special.
{8634}{8720}See, I'm a reporter.|Always trying to get at the facts.
{8732}{8822}Now, a good-looking girl,|sitting in a skid-row bar alone...
{8860}{8914}there's a good chance she's a hooker.
{8944}{9016}Even though it's none of your business,|I'm not for hire.
{9038}{9080}I'm real particular.
{9100}{9150}Good. Glad to hear it.
{9154}{9206}Are you glad you won't be asked|to sleep with me?
{9208}{9247}That's kind of insulting, you know.
{9262}{9314}I wouldn't mind sleeping with you.
{9316}{9381}- Don't do me any favors.|- All right, look, let's start over.
{9383}{9458}Okay, kids, here's your drinks.
{9564}{9620}Your health...
{9635}{9685}Charlie. My name's Charlie.
{9720}{9761}You're a real friendly guy.
{9764}{9819}- I like you, too...|- Vicki.
{9934}{9995}I don't remember seeing you|in here before.
{10021}{10066}Come here every night or something?
{10068}{10156}Well, I told you I'm a reporter.|On the crime beat. Murder, rape, robbery.
{10158}{10211}So, I come in here a lot on business.
{10258}{10346}Maybe I should do an interview with you.|What's your story?
{10360}{10393}You know my story.
{10431}{10464}I'm pretty.
{10496}{10559}I don't know what it was about this babe.
{10560}{10662}Sure, she was good-looking, great body.
{10665}{10712}Probably knew how to use it, too.
{10714}{10795}But then, you know,|I've been with lookers before, lots of them.
{10837}{10915}But, anyway, she set off|something special in me.
{10916}{11022}Made me feel real, you know?|Back in touch.
{11059}{11155}I mean, I've always been a ladies' man.|Never had any trouble meeting them.
{11156}{11265}Lots of girlfriends, couple of wives.|After a while they all drifted away.
{11280}{11348}And women didn't seem|so important anymore.
{11376}{11425}It was the booze, I guess.
{11456}{11545}Anyway, there was something special|about this one...
{11547}{11628}like maybe she could make me feel|25 years old again.
{11641}{11686}I thought, with her...
{11710}{11762}maybe I could get it all back.
{12221}{12260}Gotta go, honey.
{12359}{12430}It's 9:00 a. m. Most folks have to go|to work in the morning.
{12432}{12490}They are not freelancers like you.
{12521}{12607}- Why don't you meet me for lunch?|- Okay, look, Charlie...
{12617}{12663}let's just get a few things straight, okay?
{12682}{12762}I'm not looking for something permanent.|I've had a lot of boyfriends.
{12766}{12855}Real solid relationships don't work for me.|I don't like getting tied down.
{12876}{12932}I like meeting guys, seeing somebody new.
{12934}{12999}It's exciting to me. An adventure.
{13013}{13065}I'm gonna make things real easy for you.
{13105}{13204}We had a great night. There's the door.|You never have to show up here again.
{13252}{13311}You mean that? That's how you feel?
{13319}{13388}Yeah. I've got my own problems.
{13552}{13623}I like that, Charlie. That's a great attitude.
{13730}{13788}I mean, it's okay|if we see each other some more.
{13790}{13867}I just didn't want you to think|that it's going to go anywhere.
{13880}{13945}I said have lunch, not get engaged.
{13965}{14036}I'm sorry, Mr. Mackenzie,|but Mr. Stone is too busy to see you now.
{14037}{14081}How do you know that?|You haven't even asked him.
{14083}{14108}I'm an old friend.
{14110}{14155}He doesn't see anyone|without an appointment.
{14156}{14185}Okay, make me an appointment.
{14187}{14239}I can't do that until I've discussed it|with Mr. Stone.
{14241}{14273}Hey, Phil.
{14286}{14335}Charlie Mackenzie, how are you, Charlie?
{14337}{14392}Great, Phil.|Look, I gotta talk to you about a job.
{14394}{14456}I'm awful busy right now, Charlie.|Sorry, maybe some other time.
{14458}{14540}- Five minutes, Phil, just give me a chance.|- Okay, five minutes.
{14541}{14610}It's good seeing you again, Phil.|Been a long time.
{14612}{14692}- How's Norma and the boys?|- They're fine, Charlie, just fine.
{14694}{14768}I ran into Leon last week.|We had a good laugh.
{14776}{14851}He reminded me of that exclusive|I gave you on Roy Angel.
{14853}{14937}Remember that? The Globe|had his confession before the cops did.
{14948}{15009}Boy, we used to make that D. A. squirm,|didn't we?
{15011}{15049}Yeah, sure we did, Charlie.
{15120}{15188}Give me another chance, Phil. I need a job.
{15192}{15257}I wish I could, Charlie,|but I'm up to my armpits here.
{15259}{15335}Things are gonna be different.|I'm gonna quit drinking.
{15336}{15424}Yeah? I heard that one before.|Nothing ever changed.
{15437}{15484}Look, I met this girl.
{15505}{15563}She made me see|I've been wasting myself.
{15564}{15646}I still got a lot to give.|All I want is another chance.
{15648}{15700}I'm a damn good reporter.|You know that, Phil.
{15702}{15786}All right. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.|I'm gonna give you a trial run.
{15788}{15812}You want a job?
{15814}{15885}You go out there and prove to me|that you can still bring in a story.
{15887}{15951}Damn right. I'll get you a page-one break.
{15952}{16041}No. Bring me a murder, Charlie.|Something juicy.
{16163}{16256}Charlie, I thought it was about time|for you to show up.
{16276}{16327}You ought to be happy|to see your brother.
{16328}{16411}I am happy to see you, Charlie,|and you ought to be happy to see me.
{16413}{16507}But you don't care about seeing me,|you just want another loan.
{16518}{16590}Oh, Christ. So I had a run of bad luck.
{16593}{16651}But things have changed.|I just got a job today.
{16652}{16742}Except they won't pay me|until I get a big story, you know...
{16744}{16783}so I'm still strapped.
{16805}{16887}What, you think I like asking?|You wanna see me beg?
{17121}{17180}You'd think you'd come|and visit me every once in a while...
{17181}{17253}just to make it look good, but no.|You just show up for the rent money.
{17255}{17303}Listen, it's not like I don't have|any feeling for you.
{17305}{17342}This is the last time, Charlie.
{17350}{17399}You've been hitting me up for $500|every month...
{17400}{17444}and I've been sucker enough|to give it to you.
{17446}{17512}But this is it. Don't come back anymore.
{17514}{17590}Listen, get off your high horse.|You got it all wrong.
{17592}{17643}You get a disability pension, I get nothing.
{17644}{17705}I'm gonna be out there|pounding the pavement, night and day.
{17707}{17767}I've heard enough.|You got the money, just go.
{17863}{17960}I know you're just gonna go to some bar|and you're gonna drink yourself stiff.
{17962}{18035}I'll tell you something, Mildred,|this time maybe you're wrong.
{18074}{18147}I got news for you.|I'm quitting drinking, as of today.
{18149}{18205}See, I've been hitting the bottle|a little too hard lately...
{18207}{18255}and you know how it goes,|one thing leads to another.
{18256}{18333}So, I'm swearing off the stuff|while I'm on assignment.
{18341}{18407}Mike, I got a big welcome home|at the paper today.
{18409}{18471}I got my old job back,|even got a cash advance.
{18472}{18523}They said they missed having|a real pro around.
{18525}{18573}Hey, Charlie, congratulations!
{18580}{18636}I always knew your luck|was gonna change.
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