En cas de malheur.txt

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{3101}{3152}The cops'll be here tomorrow.
{3157}{3208}- So...|- So nothing.
{3213}{3286}It'll take 14,000|to watch the Queen.
{3291}{3324}So we'll be fine.
{3329}{3379}But we still need a gun.
{4381}{4418}Bring him here.
{4432}{4482}I'll put him there.
{4495}{4548}- Here...|- Take him.
{4827}{4876}She closes at 7 pm sharp.
{5216}{5246}Good evening.
{5298}{5326}What would you like?
{5331}{5364}It's for a little boy.
{5369}{5424}Very well, how old?
{5445}{5502}- About 12.|- Yes, 12.
{5507}{5557}- A book?|- He can't read.
{5571}{5595}At 12?
{5600}{5664}Sorry, he has a book already.
{5674}{5725}Soldiers then?
{5730}{5818}I've everything:|French, American, British...
{5824}{5854}No Germans?
{5859}{5908}No, I'm expecting them.
{5950}{5995}Thanks... Eug�ne!
{6000}{6026}Here I am.
{6072}{6112}How about a gun?
{6150}{6192}They're not for kids.
{6197}{6258}Better kids than adults.
{6267}{6319}I do have something.
{6328}{6368}It's pretty good.
{6377}{6418}Like the real thing.
{6446}{6478}How does it work?
{6483}{6511}Hang on...
{6537}{6565}It's great!
{6577}{6616}May I?
{6655}{6712}It's perfect. How much?
{6843}{6928}100, 200, 264...
{6933}{6994}- You don't have...|- 76F.
{7004}{7032}Here, madam.
{7046}{7081}And a newspaper.
{7232}{7262}Goodbye, ladies.
{7294}{7337}Tomorrow jewelry holdup...
{7342}{7376}- Stop it.|- Silly...
{7381}{7458}It won't be news|as there'll be no deaths.
{7505}{7564}- What are you looking for?|- The horoscope.
{7608}{7675}- So?|- Wait... Here.
{7712}{7800}Business: Chance to do good work,
{7805}{7873}to improvise with brio.
{7902}{8019}Avoid anything|to cause you enmity.
{8044}{8118}Health: Beware of chills.
{8123}{8171}Love: Don't bother!
{8176}{8257}- And me? Virgo?|- Let's go.
{9434}{9477}- Ladies.|- Good evening.
{9482}{9518}How can I help?
{9547}{9575}It's my watch.
{9581}{9614}Let's see...
{9659}{9674}Hands up!
{9679}{9724}What's going on?
{9729}{9762}Hold up! No noise!
{9767}{9803}Give us the cash!
{9808}{9838}My, my!
{9844}{9878}Take the watches.
{9954}{9992}But they're not mine.
{10014}{10036}Move it!
{10042}{10076}They're not mine.
{10107}{10131}Get out!
{10136}{10168}- Killers!|- Quiet!
{10201}{10258}Can't you see we're armed?
{10308}{10322}Shut up!
{10327}{10357}Somebody help!
{10393}{10426}Shut your trap!
{10431}{10483}Shut it or else!
{10488}{10532}Leave her alone.
{10581}{10601}Let's move!
{10686}{10735}Let's split up!
{10753}{10812}- Where to?|- Gaston's.
{12118}{12217}{y:i}Under a spring sky,|Orly awaits the royal couple
{12222}{12303}{y:i}as protocol demands. The flags...
{12308}{12375}{y:i}are fluttering in the breeze|to welcome
{12380}{12517}{y:i}their gracious majesties,|who are now on French soil...
{12598}{12661}- Still not seen my girlfriend?|- No.
{12666}{12698}Why, what's up?
{12797}{12835}It's just...
{12868}{12927}Nothing.|Another cognac.
{13058}{13088}That's the third.
{13095}{13168}- I know, I'll pay.|- It's not that...
{13182}{13212}You seem off-color.
{13236}{13259}That obvious?
{13284}{13304}A bit.
{13471}{13506}- That's better.|- Say...
{13528}{13558}Look who's in.
{13639}{13672}Not tonight.
{14108}{14165}- Gaston.|- Now what?
{14170}{14231}- Got a hammer?|- What for?
{14236}{14311}- It needs re-heeling.|- Give it here.
{14729}{14768}- She should be here.|- Who?
{14773}{14824}No�mie, of course.
{14888}{14941}{y:i}The cort�ge pauses.
{14947}{15031}{y:i}A girl Princess Anne's age|approaches the Queen
{15037}{15135}{y:i}and gives her a bouquet|in France's colors.
{15197}{15239}{y:i}Her Majesty seems moved
{15244}{15296}{y:i}and pats her on the head.
{15301}{15352}{y:i}The cort�ge moves off
{15357}{15429}{y:i}towards Paris amidst cheers.
{15506}{15536}And then?
{15541}{15621}The cops showed Gaston|No�mie's photo.
{15626}{15666}Proves she was arrested.
{15698}{15738}But she won't talk.
{15743}{15808}She'll give them her stubborn look.
{15813}{15865}Plus Gaston's a friend.
{15870}{15939}He'll say we were both at his bar.
{15944}{16050}You must make sure|No�mie knows about the alibi.
{16055}{16129}As a lawyer, you can visit her.
{16134}{16193}Sort it out with Gaston.
{16199}{16250}He's open until 2am.
{16432}{16485}I won't go see this Gaston.
{16516}{16546}Why not?
{16564}{16643}A lawyer can't speak to a witness.
{16672}{16745}- I didn't know.|- You don't know much.
{16773}{16841}But you'll take the case?
{16862}{16900}No idea.
{16951}{16997}Because I have no money?
{17003}{17052}What, no money to boot?
{17067}{17130}If money came so easily
{17135}{17202}- I wouldn't have...|- Hit the old lady?
{17209}{17242}She's not dead.
{17323}{17371}No, no one.
{17379}{17415}As they sometimes say...
{17420}{17448}"For you...
{17453}{17493}"it's free."
{18081}{18160}Might as well,|before they lock me up.
{18234}{18271}Not tempted?
{18470}{18515}"No" on all counts?
{18911}{18944}Sit down.
{19167}{19197}Yes, sir.
{19259}{19347}Make sure the young lady|wasn't followed.
{19361}{19398}- By the police?|- Yes.
{20168}{20212}No, madam!
{20217}{20247}Not here!
{20253}{20309}Sorry, no parking tonight.
{20314}{20383}Won't be long.|We're off to the queen's party.
{20388}{20438}- My husband here?|- With a client.
{20443}{20531}Does this Gaston|have a police record?
{20537}{20586}Not that I know of.
{20631}{20687}Do you sleep together?
{20692}{20732}A little.
{20740}{20790}And your friend No�mie?
{20799}{20841}Ever been arrested?
{20880}{20900}What for?
{20961}{20976}And you?
{21019}{21043}Not yet.
{21131}{21171}Hey, be careful.
{21176}{21211}- Of what?|- My desk.
{21216}{21256}Try to relax.
{21400}{21448}There's a lot of police...
{21453}{21487}For the Queen.
{21525}{21591}Oh, that's right.|Thanks, Bourdenave.
{21897}{21961}There are too many just for you.
{21967}{22044}Did the jeweler see both of you?
{22049}{22116}You can't see with an eyepiece in.
{22121}{22172}Can't see? And this?
{22197}{22261}This is noticeable.
{22266}{22365}But lots of girls have long hair.|But I...
{22373}{22426}hid it with a scarf.
{22534}{22574}It's not an easy case.
{22579}{22631}We weren't armed.|It was a toy.
{22636}{22719}Real or not,|it's the same sentence.
{22724}{22785}- How long?|- 5 years.
{22791}{22874}That's if the old girl|pulls through.
{22879}{22920}She will.|It was just a tap.
{22925}{22960}A crowbar's heavy.
{22965}{23016}This case is impossible.
{23026}{23078}Not for you.
{23083}{23107}Even for me.
{23155}{23233}It's ages since I stopped|these cases.
{23238}{23286}Plus there's Gaston's perjury.
{23291}{23360}You can trust him, he'll be good.
{23365}{23443}Now go back to your hotel|as per normal.
{23448}{23494}When the police come...
{23513}{23588}- and they will|as you live with No�mie -
{23593}{23678}you go quietly|and don't mention my name.
{23694}{23804}The next day when they ask|if you have counsel...
{23858}{23897}tell them, Mr Gobillot.
{23942}{23984}You're great! Thanks!
{23989}{24035}I'll tell No�mie to take you on...
{24040}{24130}You won't. Don't think|they'll put you together.
{24146}{24192}They're not that helpful!
{24197}{24231}So what do I do?
{24236}{24295}Do absolutely nothing, my dear.
{24301}{24335}Better that way.
{24392}{24449}Goodbye, see you soon.
{25751}{25851}Duret, open a file|on Yvette Maudet.
{25856}{25882}Very good, sir.
{25941}{26051}It's just two girls on the game|who messed up.
{26064}{26158}They're hungry,|see some cheap jewelry
{26163}{26198}and think, "Say...
{26214}{26277}"Steal that, we'll be OK a while."
{26282}{26341}They get a toy gun and mess up.
{26346}{26390}It's a small case.
{26428}{26460}But not easy.
{26465}{26547}Small, hard and doesn't pay.
{26552}{26602}Why take it?|Was she pretty?
{26637}{26665}But pretty?
{26671}{26711}- That's not it.|- Why then?
{26725}{26781}You look ravishing!|May I?
{26953}{27051}{y:i}Here at Versailles,|French history reawakes
{27056}{27110}{y:i}to welcome the Queen fittingly...
{27163}{27218}You were flattered she knew you.
{27223}{27287}- Not at all.|- Yes, you were.
{27292}{27320}You're annoying.
{27325}{27371}Just say it amuses me.
{27376}{27392}We'll see.
{27435}{27482}Staying to watch the Queen?
{27487}{27521}If you permit it.
{27526}{27603}I order it.|And switch on all the lights.
{27608}{27630}Thank you, sir.
{27635}{27696}Don't thank me, thank the police.
{27701}{27740}They want light for once.
{27745}{27781}Switch off when you go.
{27786}{27838}I'll remember to remember, madam.
{28077}{28159}{y:i}A few privileged people|take their seats
{28164}{28229}{y:i}to participate in a river cruise
{28234}{28324}{y:i}in honor of Her Majesty.
{28410}{28459}{y:i}And here is the Queen
{28464}{28523}{y:i}in a dazzling evening dress,
{28535}{28621}{y:i}followed by her Prince Charming,|Philip,
{28627}{28695}{y:i}as relaxed as if|this were the Thames
{28700}{28750}{y:i}on an English Sunday.
{28764}{28837}{y:i}A candlelit dinner|at the UK Embassy
{28842}{28906}{y:i}awaits the royal couple
{28911}{28997}{y:i}with dishes fit for a Queen
{29002}{29107}{y:i}washed down with the finest wines,|and champagne
{29112}{29151}{y:i}to close the soir�e.
{29156}{29225}{y:i}The boat is now drifting along
{29230}{29291}{y:i}to an extravaganza of light
{29297}{29358}{y:i}music and acclaim. The fireworks
{29363}{29422}{y:i}have begun lighting up the sky
{29428}{29470}{y:i}with their fiery bouquets
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