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712955106 UNPDF
language TeST 3b
unit 3
Name: _________________________________________
Score: ____________ / 30 points
Why aren’t you in your classroom (CLASS)?
The lesson starts in a minute.
1 My sister is at _________ (SECOND) school
but she’s leaving at the end of the year.
2 Our school uniform is _________ (BORE). It
should be more colourful.
3 I don’t understand my _________ (CHEMIST)
4 I was really _________ (SHOCK) when our
English teacher shouted at us.
5 It’s really _________ (ANNOY) when we get
lots of homework to do at the weekend.
6 How can you _________ (MEMORY) such
a long poem?
A Did you have (you/have) a nice day at school?
B No, I  didn’t ! I  1 _______________ (lose) my
mobile phone and I  2 _______________ (fail)
the Maths test!
A Why 3 _______________ (your brother/drop
out) of college last year?
B He 4 _______________ (not/pass) his exams.
But he’s OK now, he’s got a good job and he’s
happy. He never really 5 _______________
(like) college.
A 6 _______________ (you/check) your emails
last night?
B Yes, I  7 _______________ but there wasn’t
anything interesting.
2 Completethemissingwords.Thefirstletterofeach
We s tart school at 9 o’clock.
1 Come in and t _______ a seat.
2 I’ll be with you in a minute. I just want to
c _______ my email.
3 Be careful and don’t m _______ any stupid
mistakes in the test.
4 I’m quite b _______ at Maths so I have to work
really hard to pass my exams.
5 I hope I don’t f _______ my English exam.
6 When I changed schools, it took me a few
weeks to m _______ new friends.
5 Completethegapswiththewordsinthebox.Youdo
did didn’t was wasn’t were
weren’t use used
I remember my first few weeks at primary
school. At first I  didn’t want to go inside. The
teachers 1 _________ nice and friendly but
2 _________ know the other students and
I felt lonely. The beginning 3 _________ easy,
but then I made some friends and I started to
like school after a month or two. The classes
4 _________ interesting and fun, and I also
started playing in the football team. How about
you? What 5 _________ your school like? Did
you 6 _________ to do any sports?
3 Completethegapswiththewordsinthebox.There
aretwoextrawordsthatyoudonotneed. (5points)
amazed meet score terrified
t errifying tiring tutor uniform
A new boy started in our class last week. He is
very shy, when I said ‘nice to meet you’ he looked
1 _________ and didn’t say a word. Our form
2 _________ told him to sit next to me.
His name was Mark and he didn’t have a school
3 _________ or textbooks. I tried to help him all
day and I was really tired in the afternoon. The
next day we had a Physics test and Mark got the
best 4 _________! The teacher was
5 _________ because our class is not very good
at Physics.
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate
1 Completethegapswiththecorrectformsofthe
4 Completetheconversationswiththecorrectformsof
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