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Ruins of Adventure
Ruins of Adventure
Writing: Mike Breault, David Cook, Jim
Ward, and Steve Winter
Editing: Scott Haring
Cover Art: Clyde Caldwell
Interior Art: James Holloway
Cartography: Diesel, Dennis Kauth, and
David Sutherland
Typography: Betty Elmore
Keylining: Stephanie Tabat
Introduction .........................................................................
Civilized Phlan ......................................................................
Reconquest of Sokol Keep ............................................................
Kovel Mansion ......................................................................
Mansions ..........................................................................
Slums ..............................................................................
The Temple of Bane .................................................................
Delving Into Kutos Well .............................................................
Mantors Library ....................................................................
Stojanow Gate ......................................................................
Podol Plaza ........................................................................
The Cadorna Textile House ...........................................................
Valhingen Graveyard .................................................................
Valjevo Castle .......................................................................
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Sorcerers Island .....................................................................
Zhentil Keep Outpost ................................................................
Thri-Kreen Village ...................................................................
Orcs ...............................................................................
Nomad Camp .......................................................................
Lizardmen Lair ......................................................................
Kobolds Kingdom ...................................................................
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permission of TSR Inc.
Hobgoblins Lair .....................................................................
Random Encounters Section .................................................. .81
Forest .................................................................. ..82
Grasslands .............................................................. ..83
River & Coast Areas ....................................................... ..84
Low Hills ................................................................ ..85
Mountains ............................................................... ..88
Human Town Areas. . ...................................................... . .87
Unorganized Inhuman Town Areas ............................................. .88
Organized Inhuman Town Areas ............................................... .89
Outside Town Areas ........................................................90
Evil Specials ............................................................. ..92
Humans.. .......................................................93
Inhumans ............................................................... ..94
Swamp ................................................................. ..96
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ISBN 0-88038-588-X
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Ruins of Adventure is a module that
allows players of the ADVANCED
enjoy the same adventure as players
of the AD&D® computer game, Pool of
Radiance, produced by SSI, Inc.
Ruins of Adventure uses the same
plot, background, setting, and many
of the same characters as the com-
puter game. In fact, players of Pool of
Radiance will find useful clues to the
successful completion of their com-
puter mission in this module.
Ruins of Adventure is set in Phlan, a
small town on the northern shore of the
MoonSea in the Forgotten Realms.
Anyone running a FORGOTTEN
REALMS™ campaign will have no trou-
ble fitting this module right into their
game. While this module is designed
for beginning and low-level characters
who will grow in power as they take on
bigger and bigger challenges in the
ruins of Phlan, it is also flexible
enough to accommodate player char-
acters of nearly any level.
The module is divided into many
separate episodes, some taking place
inside the city of Phlan, and some
occurring in the wilderness around the
area. Some episodes are crucial to ful-
filling the ultimate goal of the
adventure—freeing Phlan from the
evil forces that have held it for 50
years—and others have no specific tie
to the goal at all, and are in the adven-
ture for a change of pace. Many of the
episodes will also lead off into tan-
gents of their own if the DM wishes to
develop them, giving a party of adven-
turers many choices throughout the
play of the module.
The DM should read through the
various episodes carefully. Also, pay
attention to the descriptions of Por-
phyrys Cadorna, Tyranthraxus, and
the various “stock” NPCs that appear
later in this introduction. Use these
NPCs liberally to encourage the play-
er characters to tackle the various
challenges of Ruins of Adventure only
as they become strong enough to han-
dle them. The PCs should not go after
Valjevo Castle first, for example, and if
they seem intent on it, find an NPC
that can guide them to an adventure
more to their initial level.
Many of the episodes in this module
can be lifted whole from the Phlan set-
ting and used in an ongoing AD&D®
campaign in a completely different
fantasy world. This is especially true
of the wilderness adventures.
So take the elements you like out of
this module, leave the rest, and struc-
ture an adventure that best fits your
preferences and your players. And
most of all . . . Have fun!
tary survivors straggling in to lose
themselves in the maze of the slums.
Then families arrived perched on
plodding wagons. They told stories of
neighboring villages set to the torch,
the humans slaughtered—or worse.
Trade dropped off. Fewer caravans
arrived. Fewer ships came to collect
the scanty cargoes. The merchants
were concerned. Scouts were sent.
They returned telling of hordes of
orcs, goblins, ogres, and giants doing
what they had never done before—
marching as armies with order and
discipline. It was the fear of their com-
manders, fearsome dragons, that
held them together. Towns closer and
closer to Phlan fell, the stream of refu-
gees increased. Cautious merchants
packed their goods and left. Greedy
merchants hurriedly amassed for-
tunes from the frightened people
while keeping one eye always on the
door. The Council fretted and fussed.
Some wanted appeasement, some
favored an army, and still others
poured money into the walls of Phlan.
But no strategy was ever agreed
When the armies finally came,
Phlan was simply not prepared. For a
day the Council watched the lines
drawn up outside the walls—ranks of
leering, skull-painted beasts dragging
obscene machines of war. They could
not surrender, for they knew there
would be no mercy from these
cohorts. Valiantly, but futilely, they
mustered their men. Their spearmen
were ready to meet the charge.
From the start of the attack, the
humans were defeated. They were
out-numbered, out-fought and out-
generalled. The first wave struck from
the air—wheeling flights of dragons
after dragons swept over the rooftops,
setting ablaze vast portions of the city.
As the flames licked over the chim-
neys, the attackers charged into the
trapped militia. The Battle of Phlan
was a massacre.
In 50 years, however, the dragon
armies have flowed and ebbed, leav-
ing behind pockets of despair and
desolation. These isolated domains
cannot withstand the unstoppable
It has been 50 years since the city of
Phlan was a small but growing city on
the shores of the great MoonSea.
Trade sailed into to Phlan, past the for-
tress of Sokal Keep where the watch
scanned the sea for pirates, into the
small harbor at the mouth of the Sto-
janow River. Galleys, pinks, cogs, and
schooners came from the merchants
to the south, braving the sea to this
small northern port. Townsmen off-
loaded pungent spices, dark woods,
reptilian leathers, filmy cloth, gnarled
barks, hammered steel, veined
marbles—the riches of the southern
shores. From the north came thick-
bearded men—men of the bitter
plains, granite mountains, and icy
swamps beyond, leading caravans
burdened with silky furs, heavy wools,
rare ores, straight-beamed woods,
and the ivories of beasts long-
forgotten in lands further south. Slow-
ly, with patience and endurance, the
caravans plodded to Phlan meeting
others, friends in the dwarves of the
Dragonspine and elves of the Quiver-
ing Forest, foes in the orcs who came
from the Tweenhill gap or the reptilian
race of the swamps. In Phlan north-
man and southerner met, haggling,
cheating, lying and drinking. Phlan
was well on its way to becoming a
prosperous trading town.
And then the dragons and their arm-
ies came. At first the men of distant vil-
lages stopped trekking to Phlan. No
trader came back with tales of new
discoveries. The distant outposts
slowly disappeared. Then refugees
began to arrive. At first they were soli-
flood of human dominance. Men have
returned north of the MoonSea and
are determined to reclaim their lost
Such is the case in Phlan. Although
the city proper—its districts and its
fortresses—are still held by the twist-
ed offspring of the original conquer-
ors, good men have managed to gain
a foothold in the ruined city. Fired by
the feelings of destiny and progress,
they have set their sights on reclaim-
ing all of Phlan and restoring it to its
former glory. To this end, they are
backed by a new Council, a consorti-
um of the children of the original mer-
chants of Phlan and new, eager
unknown. The location of the pool is a
lost secret, now only known to the
Boss. By now suspicious of the
motives of the player characters, Por-
phyrys leads his own band of adven-
turers on a mission to extract the
Boss’s secret.
However, reaching the boss is not
an easy matter. It is known that he
uses the fortress on the hill as his
base. The only landward approach is
heavily fortified—a small army would
be needed to penetrate the main gate.
Along the river, the ground rises in
steep cliffs (though not insurmounta-
ble). Worse than this, the Barren River
(once known as the River Stojanow)
prevents anyone from reaching this
side. This river is a seething current of
acid and poison. Somehow the water
is steeped in acids so powerful they
can destroy a boat (or person), even if
the deadly toxins don’t kill first. As if
these two were not enough, horrible
unknown creatures crawl the banks,
looking for prey. Until the river is
cleansed, there is no way to reach the
fortress of the Boss.
However, the Boss has not been
blind to what is happening. As the
player characters become more suc-
cessful, the Boss tries to organize bet-
ter defenses for the tribes under him.
When these fail, the Boss goes about
gathering new recruits. He makes a
point of having his agents avoid con-
tact with the player characters, if at all
possible. The player characters will
become aware of these movements
as they deal with those outside the city
and they pass information on to them.
In the final confrontation, if the party
succeeds in reaching the Boss, they
discover the evil leader is a Bronze
Dragon. However, bronze dragons are
not normally evil. Instead the poor
creature has been possessed by a ter-
rible and powerful being—the Pool of
Radiance was not all it was supposed
to be. When the dragon bathed in it
centuries ago, a thing lurking there
seized its mind. Boring into its skull,
the creature has controlled the dragon
and through it the forces of the city.
However, the creature is not immor-
tal and must find a new host quickly if
the dragon is slain. Thus, at the same
time as the player character arrives,
so does Porphyrys and his party. A
battle may break out. If the player
characters concentrate on defeating
Porphyrys, the dragon/thing will use
the diversion to escape. If the charac-
ters concentrate on the dragon, Por-
phyrys will try to stop them (since he
does not want the dragon killed). One
way or another, the spirit possessing
the Bronze dragon will transfer to
another character (Porphyrys, unless
he is defeated, or another non-player
character) and, in a massive demon-
stration of new power, make its
escape. The dragon, confused, will
continue to attack, believing (perhaps
rightfully so) that its life is threatened
by the player characters.
With their leader gone, the evil
inhabitants of Old Phlan will become
divided, disorganized, and easily
The Plot Overview
The basic story is very simple. The
player characters are hired to help
clear the ruined city of Phlan of the evil
creatures that have overrun it. The
reward will be cash, although property
can be taken instead. As the player
characters begin the task of block-
clearing, they hear rumors and threats
about the “Boss” —the master brains
behind the uneasy confederation of
evil creatures. It is clear that this
“Boss” holds some special great
power over the goblins, orcs, hobgob-
lins, and others of the city, binding
them to his will. All of them speak of
him with hushed awe and fear, but
none know exactly what his hold is. At
the same time, Porphyrys, the son of
Cadorna the Cloth Merchant (one of
the old families of Phlan), becomes
curious about this “Boss” and the
source of his power. Using his position
on the council, he begins to send the
characters on different missions,
ostensibly to clear the city, but also to
gain secret knowledge for himself. As
the characters complete these mis-
sions, they bring back more informa-
tion about the nature of the Boss’s
power. Gradually, the son of Cadorna
(and hopefully the players) learn of the
Pool of Radiance. This pool suppos-
edly confers great power and leader-
ship on those who bathe in its waters.
However, the location of the pool is
Porphyrys Cadorna
Central to the story of the Ruins of
Phlan is the rise to power (and treach-
ery) of Porphyrys Cadorna, the last
scion of the Cadorna family. Although
acting primarily behind the scenes, he
is one of the central antagonists and
motivating factors in the adventure.
Given here is a complete descrip-
tion of Cadorna, both his abilities and
background. After that is a description
of how Cadorna would like to orches-
trate the reclamation of Phlan, and
how he will try to manipulate the play-
er characters and the other key NPCs
to get his way.
Porphyrys Cadorna
Normal Human
Strength: 7
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 9
Charisma: 13
(Although statistics are given for
Cadorna, they should not be impor-
tant to the adventure. Cadorna never
advances in level, gains additional hit
points or improves his abilities. His
power is measured more in influence
and importance on the Council and in
the resources he has at his disposal.)
their wealth with them to live in com-
fort elsewhere. The rest they carefully
hid, thinking the hordes would shortly
pass and they would return. But this
was not the case.
During this exile, Porphyrys was
born and raised. All through his youth
he listened to the bitter stories of his
father—stories of the stolen grandeur
of the Cadornas, stories that made
excuses for Eugenia’s failures. Even-
tually his father and mother died,
poorer than they had been, though by
no means poor. Their dreams of
restored glory died unfulfilled. Thus,
Porphyrys has inherited their cup.
Then opportunity came as the
recovery of Phlan began. Using his
funds and the influence of the
Cadorna name, Porphyrys returned
and claimed a seat on the Council. But
it is a far cry from the old days. His
position is minor and his advice sel-
dom sought. Porphyrys is determined
to change all that.
clear the intervening blocks also. The
rest of the Council will offer other,
lesser missions. Cadorna will actively
support the player characters in dis-
cussions with the Council. His stock
with the other members will rise slight-
ly. If the characters have found infor-
mation on the Pool of Radiance,
Cadorna will become interested in
their faint clues. He will hire a thief to
steal any materials on the subject that
the characters may have.
Once the characters clear the Tex-
tile House, Cadorna will move in and
demand extra protection. This he gets
in the form of extra watchmen. These
watchmen quickly become a private
army and reactions to all strangers in
the area are unfriendly. He also
uncovers the lost family treasure and
begins to use it buy influence. By this
time he has moved up a notch or two
on the Council’s ladder.
By now, Cadorna is greatly inter-
ested in the Pool of Radiance and
wants to learn its location. Under the
guise of saving the city’s historical
treasures, he offers the player charac-
ters the mission to the Library. There,
they are to gather various books and
materials and return them to him.
Cadorna hedges his bets by buying
several NPCs in the town, such that at
least one new NPC in the player char-
acter party (if there is one) will secretly
be in the service of Cadorna. This
NPC is to make sure that nothing is
kept from Porphyrys and that certain
books are taken without the player’s
After the characters have gathered
the information from the Library,
Cadorna decides he has no further
use for them. He believes he knows
the location of the Pool and now wants
any possible complications out of the
way. At first, he attempts to get rid of
the characters by having the Council
only post the most dangerous
missions—the storming of the gate,
the cleansing of the river, etc.
If these fail, Cadorna will hire a par-
ty of NPCs (of equivalent level to the
player characters) to track and kill the
party. To avoid being implicated, he
Hit Points: 3
Armor Class: 10
Weapons: A dagger is concealed
under his robes and another worn
openly at his waist as is common for
the time.
Equipment: Robes, brown or
orange in color, and a house in the set-
tlement. No magic items or other
equipment of significant importance.
Appearance: Porphyrys Cadorna
is a short, gaunt young man of about
22 to 27 years of age. His hair is dark
black, thick and straight. His cheek-
bones are well-pronounced and his
nose is sharp and pointed. His brilliant
green eyes sparkle with a keen intelli-
gence. When he speaks, he speaks
softly yet his voice is penetrating. A
sarcastic wit and urbane tone give his
words impact.
Personality: Here is a man not be
trusted, except that no one has fig-
ured this out. At his core he is grasp-
ing, venal, and obsessed with the idea
of achieving the glory his family once
held. Thus he has rationalized all
manner of excuses for the failure of
his family. The blame is always placed
on others; conspiracy and treachery,
he thinks, have robbed him of his
birthright. Outwardly he appears intel-
ligent yet lackluster, clever enough but
a lazy dilletante. Others consider him
harmless yet not perfectly trustworthy.
However, this fault they ascribe to his
lack of diligence rather than any direct
malevolence on his part.
Background: Porphyrys Cadorna
is the son of Eugenia Cadorna, once
master of the Cadorna cloth mer-
chants. Before the collapse of Phlan,
the Cadornas had been masters of the
leading cloth guild. But even by the
time of Eugenia, their power had been
on the wane for some time. Then
came the invading armies. Eugenia
and his family fled, taking enough of
Cadorna’s Plan
When the characters first approach
the council, Porphyrys holds the least
significant position.
Porphyrys’ first ambition is to regain
the lost fortune of the Cadorna family.
He must find strong and capable
adventurers who can do the job for
him. He supports the missions of the
Council as a way of testing applicants.
The first mission of significance to him
is the clearing of Sokal Keep. If player
characters accomplish this, other mis-
sions (that meet his ambitions) will be
offered. If the player characters return
to the Council without clearing the
island, he will be quite sarcastic and
galling (“So, a bunch of frogs were
just too much for you?,” etc.). He
votes against allowing any more mis-
sions to the PCs until the island and
keep are cleared.
Once the characters clear the keep,
Porphyrys will decide they are capa-
ble of tackling the Textile House. This
mission will be offered, with the stipu-
lation that payment will not come until
the block is settled and not before.
Therefore the characters will have to
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