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POLSKI raz a dobrze
for Foreigners
• Modern language
• Everyday conversations
• Grammar and vocabulary
• Exercises
wydawnictwo LINGO
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Stanisław Mędak
POLSKI raz a dobrze
for Foreigners
Elementary level
A1, A2, B1
English translation
Dennis McEvoy
Projekt okładki serii: Marcin Rojek, 2-arts.com
Projekt makiety i opracowanie graficzne: Studio 27, biuro@studio27.pl
Zdjęcie na okładce: © Massonforstock / Fotolia
Redakcja i korekta: Paweł Pokora
Korekta angielska: Michael Mulkeen, Dominique Seillon
Lektorzy: Klara Bielawka, Sławomir Federowicz, Jolanta Olszewska, Michał Podsiadło, Miłogost Reczek
© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Lingo sp.j., Warszawa 2011
ISBN: 978-83-60287-49-1
Skład i łamanie: Studio 27
Druk i oprawa: Pozkal
Instead of an introduction
Starting from the irst lesson, the textbook Polski raz a dobrze introduces simple
and useful syntactic structures of the Polish language. The problems contained
within the textbook are progressively developed in terms of morphology,
inlections, as well as the vocabulary of modern Polish. Basic information
concerning functional grammar and vocabulary is given in the sections HOW
DOES IT WORK? The large amount of practical information provided should
help the student quickly assimilate useful vocabulary and an understanding of
the function of cases, as well as accustom the student to Polish syntax.
In order to create one’s ”own” answer, or ”own” question, it is enough to memorize
the sample sentences or fragments of sentences, as well as the short explanations.
In the textbook dictionaries, lists, and tables not only is vocabulary provided,
but also verb syntactic combinations, contextual aspect pairs, syntactic
constructions, and expressions.
The student will ind in the 25 textbook dialogues real Polish adapted to the
grammatical demands of the Polish language. The irst 10 dialogues act as a linguistic
bridge that eases the passage to the latter and more demanding dialogues that follow
in the goal of attaining grammatical competence. Attaining other competencies should
occur with the systematic repetition of the dialogues, the solving of the exercises,
and using the answers found in the exercise keys. It’s also recommended using the
various syntactic constructions contained within the explanatory sections.
Most of the exercises contained within Polski raz a dobrze are creative
exercises. They were conceived so as to aid students in the writing of the
answers (words, grammatical forms, expressions) resulting from the context.
The entire textbook is intended for those studying Polish at the elementary
level A1, A2, B1. The scope of the grammatical and lexical material also covers
the demands for later stages of the elementary level.
Kraków, May 8th, 2010.
Stanisław Mędak
Important note
The irst four lessons in the coursebook Polski raz a dobrze present basic Polish
structures and phrases which are useful in everyday communication. These
structures are introduced in natural dialogue and are marked in colour. They
are translated below. We hope this strategy will enable the learner to acquire
effortlessly not only basic sentence structures, questions and answers, but
also Polish letters, sounds and intonation.
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Table of contents
Table of contents
Polish alphabet
Letters and sounds
Cardinal numbers
Ordinal numbers
Lesson 1
Edgar chce mieszkać w Polsce
Nominative singular. – The function of the nominative in sentences. – Inflectional endings.
– Interrogative pronoun kto. – Grammatical genders. – Demonstrative pronouns ten, ta, to. –
Functions of the word to in a sentence. – Personal pronouns ja, ty, on, ona... – Conjugation of
the verb być in the present tense singular. – Conjugation of the verb nazywać się. – Question
and answer construction: words czy / jak. – Negating the verb.
Lesson 2
Edgar w Fundacji Nowa Polska w Nowym Jorku
Possessive pronouns mój, moja, moje; twój, twoja, twoje. – Demonstrative pronoun to.
– Interrogative pronoun co. Sentence and question construction. – Conjugation of the verb
Lesson 3
Edgar i Marta lądują w Balicach
Question and answer construction. – Adjectives czyj, czyja, czyje – Possessive pronouns:
mój, twój, jego, jej / nasz, wasz, ich. – The construction proszę + infinitive. – The word
nie. Sentence construction with the word nie. – Conjugations of the verbs mieć, wiedzieć.
Lesson 4
Miłe zaskoczenie
Connecting adjectives with nouns. – Possessive pronouns, moja, twoja, jego, jej... –
Conjugation of verbs robić / cieszyć się. CONJUGATION II. – Neuter nouns such as imię. –
Declinations of the word imię. – IMPORTANT INFORMATION: expression się.
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