Evening Bell Chant.pdf

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Evening Bell Chant transliteration
Evening Bell Chant
(Chanted solo in the evening. During ceremonies, the assembly chants it in unison.)
mun jong-song
bon-ne dan
ji-hye jang
bo-ri saeng
ni-ji ok
chul sam-gye
won song-bul
do jung-saeng
pa ji-ok jin-on
om ga-ra ji-ya sa-ba-ha
om ga-ra ji-ya sa-ba-ha
om ga-ra ji-ya sa-ba-ha
Hearing the sound of the bell,
all thinking is cut off,
Wisdom grows;
enlightenment appears;
hell is left behind.
The three worlds are transcended.
Vowing to become Buddha
and save all people.
The mantra of shattering hell:
om ga-ra ji-ya sa-ba-ha
om ga-ra ji-ya sa-ba-ha
om ga-ra ji-ya sa-ba-ha
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