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Pinyin (11) phonetics
English to Mandarin
Mark Tarpinian
March 22, 2008
Pronunciation = Fayin (11) …
Using Pinyin to represent sound, then the equivalent Roman alphabet pronunciation is …
a = ah at end of word (examples: ta = tAH, ma = mAH)
a = eh after u, like the e in “pen” (examples: yuan = yooEHN)
ai = eye (examples: Shanghai = shang-hEYE, bai = bEYE)
ao = ow (examples: hao = HOW, bao = BOW)
e = uh (examples: wo de = wOH dUH, wo men = wOH mUHn, che = chUH)
ei = ay (examples: mei = mAY, wei = wAY)
i = ee ending word—not before ng, after u or a—after d, l, n, q, y, j (examples: di, li, ni, qi,
yi, ji)
i = ih as in “it” after s, z (examples: si, zi)
i = ir as in sure after sh, ch (shi, chi)
iu = yo (examples: wang chiu = wang chYO, pi jiu = pee jYO, niu nai = nYO nEYE)
ou = OH (example: zou = dzOH)
u = oo (yuan = YOO-EHN)
v = yu (like the double dot “umlat” in German)
ui = ooAY (examples: hui = hooAY)
ch = ch hard, mouth round (example: chi)
q = ch soft, mouth flat (example: qi)
sh = sh hard, tongue curled touching roof mouth
x = sh soft, flat tongue
zh = j hard, ½ air out nose and ½ out mouth (example ZhongShan Park)
j = j soft, all air out mouth (example: jia)
c = ts (tongue touches teeth then releases)
z = dz (example: zao)
tones (1 st di yi sheng … 2 nd di er sheng … 3 rd di san sheng … 4 th di si sheng … 0 toneless)
Which tone is it? Di ji sheng? (431)
First (1) = Flat … Second (2) = Rising … Third (3) = Fall then Rise … Fourth (4) = Falling
Remember this sequence by : walking on flat ground, up, thru valley, then down other side!
Contents by Subject
Subject Page
Forming Verb Tenses 3
Basic Verbs & Grammar Terms 3
Pronouns 3
Greetings 4
Replies & Questions 5
Telephone Talk 8
Feelings & Comparisons 8
Numbers 10
Colors 10
Time & Frequency 10
Conjunctions & Conditionals 12
Prepositions Of Place 12
Directions & Transportation 13
Places & Geography 14
Shopping 15
Food & Restaurant 16
Human Body 17
Sports & Fitness 18
Furniture 19
Fashion Clothing/Jewelry 19
People & Animals 20
School 21
Computer Terms 22
Nationality & Language 23
Photography & Movies 23
TV & Music & Dance 24
Weather & Travel 24
Holidays & Celebrations 25
Mark Tarpinian Biography 25
Forming Verb Tenses
Make sentence past add “le” at end (=did, done) (Wo dao le. = I’ve arrived.)
Make sentence progressive add “zheng zai” (44) before verb (=ing)
Make sentence future add “hui” (4), “yao” (4), “xiang yao” before verb (=will)
To make a question add “ma?” (1) at end (except when using the words …
What, When, Where, Why, Why, How)
Basic Verbs & Grammar Terms
To be, to live / spend time happily shi (4), guo de hen kuai le (40344)
To have, to make / to do, to let, to use you (3), zuo (4), rang (4), yong (4)
What makes (let’s) you be happy? Shenme rang ni gaoxing? (204313)
To speak, to tell, to say (news) shuo (1), gao su (44), ting shuo (11)
To ask / request, to invite / invitation wen (4) / qing qiu (32), yao qing (13)
To listen or to hear ting dao (14)
To look (at) / see, to read, to write kan (4) / jian (4), du (2), xie (3)
To forget, to remember wang ji (44), ji de (40)
To come, to go (out), to stay, to stop lai (2), qu (chu) (41), dai (1), ting zhi (23)
I’ll stay at home. Wo dai zai jia li.
To eat, to drink, to sleep chi (1), he (1), shui jiao (44)
To walk, to run, to shop zou (3), pao (3), mai dong xi (311)
To give to, to receive, to take (sth from) gei (3) (things) , shou dao (14), na (2)
To send (electronic) email to … fa (dian zi) you jian gei …
Can, cannot: expressing ability hui (4), bu hui (zuo) (444)
Can, cannot: expressing timing neng (2), bu neng (42)
Which tone is it (this word)? Di ji sheng (diao)? (4314)
First tone, second tone … di yi shen, di er shen (441) …
Historic 4 - character Chinese idiom cheng yu (23) (its meaning greater than words)
Noun, verb, adjective (adj) ming ci (22), dong ci (42), xing rong ci (222)
Note: singular/plural noun form=same quantity known context/counting word (yi ge ...)
Note: Mandarin uses no articles a/an/the frequently use this/that (below) or counting word
Note: make noun an adj adding “de” (0) mei guo=America, meiguode (320)=American
(or sometimes adding “xing de” 40)
I, my, we, our wo (3), wo de (30), wo men (30), wo men de (300)
You singular/plural, your ni (3) / ni men (30), ni de (30)
Myself, yourself, oneself zi ji (43), ni zi ji (343), zi wo (43)
He or she, his or her ta (1), ta de (10)
It, Its ta (1), ta de (10)
Himself or herself or itself ta zi ji (143)
They, their ta men (10), ta men de (100)
Themselves ta men zi ji (1043)
This (one), that (one) zhe (ge) (40), na (ge) (40)
Those, these na xie (41), zhe xie (41)
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