New In Chess - The First 25 Years - 2009.pdf

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New In Chess- The First 25 Years
New In Chess-The First 25 Years
Edited by Steve Giddins
New In Chess 2009
© 2009 New In Chess
Published by New In Chess, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any fo rm or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission fr om the publisher.
Cover design: Vo lken Beck
Production: Joop de Groot
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Interview Mikhail Botvinnik [I 984l o] . I I
Jeroen Piket, an early game [ I984l I] . . I7
The inimitable Tigran Petrosian [I 984/2] . I 8
John Nunn's best ever: Beliavsky-Nunn, Wijk aan Zee I985 [I985I 4]. . 26
Tony Miles: Impossible challenge [I 985 I I I] . .
. 30
Ricardo Calvo: One bridge too far {I986I8]. . . . s o
Bent Larsen: Too much preparation [ I988l 3] . . 53
Boris Spassky: 'I like to play with the hands' [ I988l 7] . . 57
Jan Timman:J.H. Donner obituary [I989II]. . . . . . . 63
So i a Polgar: Three is company! [I989i2] . . . . . . . . 6 7
Garry Kasparov: 'I guess that I am continuing Fischer's i ght' [ I989l 7 J. . 70
Lajos Portisch: 'I'm too aggressive' [ I990l 3]. . . . . . .
. So
Interview Lev Polugaevsky [ I990l 7] . . . . . . . . . . .
. 88
Hans Ree: Michael Basman, 'The Killer Grob' [I99I I 4].
. 9I
Vasily Smyslov: My Collected Studies [ I99I I 5 J . . . . .
. 94
Anand bales Commonwealth of Independent Chess Stars [ I992l I J
Genna Sosonko: My Misha [I992I5]. . . . . . . .
Bobby Fischer: A self-destructive legend? [ I992l 7] . . I I7
Garry Kasparov: 'Bobby Fischer is an alien' {I992I7] . I23
Hans Ree: Kasparov and Short happy together [I 993 I 2]. I 2 5
Interview Florencio Campomanes [I993I7} . . . . . . . I29
Linares I994: Anatoly Karpov-9 wins 4 draws [ I9941 3] I40
Anatoly Karpov, 'the best player of the moment' [ I994l 3}. I49
Kasparov takes a healthy bite out of the Big Apple [ I99S I 7] . I 55
lvanchuk-Shirov: 21. V g7!! The most spectacular move ever? [I99612]. I6S
In memory of a teacher: Genrikh Kasparian [ I996l 2] . . . . . .
I 67
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: 'I have plans until the year 2ooo' [I996I7].
Anand-Karpov, Las Palmas I996 [I997I I]. . . . . . . .
Kasparov self-destructs in Deep Blue rematch [I 997 I 3 j . . . . .
I 8 5
Tim Krabbe, king of chess curiosities [ I987 I 3]
Jan Timman: Spassky-Tal, Tallinn I973 [I9921 sf . . .
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