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{3190}{3275}The legend of Orpheus|is well-known.
{3285}{3429}In Greek mythology, Orpheus was|a troubadour from Thrace.
{3441}{3513}He charmed even the animals.
{3522}{3633}His songs diverted his attention|from his wife Eurydice.
{3638}{3714}Death took her away from him.
{3716}{3774}He descended|to the netherworld,
{3775}{3847}and used his charm|to win permission
{3848}{3896}to return with Eurydice|to the world of the living
{3898}{3978}on the condition|that he never look at her.
{3983}{4034}But he looked at her
{4044}{4133}and was torn away from her|by the Bacchantes.
{4144}{4213}Where does our story|take place...
{4223}{4279}and when?
{4289}{4392}A legend is entitled to be|beyond time and place.
{4418}{4459}Interpret it as you wish...
{5556}{5625}Heurtebise, help Cegeste|across the square.
{5694}{5736}I'm not drunk!
{5737}{5782}Yes, you are.
{6591}{6656}- Greetings!|- You're smashed.
{6725}{6769}Sit down for a minute.
{6775}{6876}- I've driven everyone away.|- You've entered the lion's den.
{6883}{6941}I wanted to find out..
{6956}{7038}- What will you have to drink?|- Nothing, thanks. I had a drink.
{7040}{7101}It was rather bitter.
{7114}{7165}You're brave to speak to me.
{7168}{7246}I'm no longer in the battle.
{7256}{7338}I gave up writing at 20.|I had nothing new to say.
{7343}{7391}They respect my silence.
{7398}{7469}No doubt they think|I have nothing new to say,
{7470}{7551}and that a poet should not be|too famous.
{7567}{7622}They're not very fond of you.
{7639}{7692}Actually, they hate me.
{8166}{8255}Who's the not very amiable|young drunkard
{8257}{8291}who doesn't seem to be|averse to luxury?
{8293}{8373}That is Jacques Cegeste.|A poet.
{8381}{8445}He's 18 years old|and adored by all.
{8462}{8510}His companion, the princess,|finances the review
{8511}{8572}that published his first poems.
{8580}{8653}The princess is very beautiful|and very elegant.
{8659}{8731}She's not from here,|but she needs to be among us.
{8740}{8784}Here is her review.
{8844}{8885}Every page is blank!
{8886}{8949}It's called "Nudism."
{8978}{9013}It's absurd.
{9016}{9103}Less absurd than if it were|full of absurd writing.
{9107}{9167}No excess is absurd.
{9198}{9262}Orpheus, your gravest fault
{9263}{9346}is knowing how to get away|with going too far.
{9357}{9401}The public loves me.
{9430}{9477}The public is alone.
{9543}{9587}They're talking about us.
{9597}{9639}It seems they change everything|and publish texts.
{9641}{9682}I have his poems.
{9685}{9774}Hold on to them. In his current state|he's apt to leave them anywhere.
{9785}{9822}Jacques, give them back!
{9895}{9933}I'll knock you out!
{9954}{10006}Will you calm down?|I hate scenes.
{10007}{10047}Of course.
{10564}{10648}The Poets' Cafe.|There's a brawl.
{10963}{11012}Your cafe amuses me.
{11014}{11059}It thinks it's the center|of the universe.
{11061}{11097}It is.
{11099}{11173}You know it,|and that annoys you.
{11194}{11262}Is my case hopeless?
{11264}{11338}No. If it were,|they wouldn't hate you.
{11358}{11410}What should I do?
{11412}{11460}Fight them?
{11518}{11565}Astonish us.
{12587}{12631}Your papers.
{12786}{12847}My apologies, sir.|I didn't recognize you,
{12852}{12926}though my wife's room|is full of portraits of you.
{12942}{13002}- The gentleman is with me.|- My apologies once again.
{13072}{13121}You're in too well|with the police.
{13123}{13203}- Me?|- I advise you to disappear.
{13205}{13270}You might be blamed|for this unpleasantness.
{13280}{13334}That's too much!
{13356}{13381}Let me go!
{13383}{13428}You have no right|to treat him like this!
{13430}{13484}- He has no papers.|- I vouch for him.
{13486}{13533}- You can explain it at the station.|- This is outrageous!
{13534}{13570}We're just doing our job.
{13572}{13637}Let me go!
{13654}{13702}Scum! Swine!
{13704}{13768}Let me go!
{13811}{13875}- The little bastard bit me!|- Watch out!
{14107}{14149}- Get the license numbers.|- We couldn't see them.
{14151}{14182}Put the other units on alert.
{14353}{14421}Put him in my car and take care|of this pathetic crowd.
{14599}{14638}Heurtebise, help them.
{14699}{14760}And to think it happened here,|where no one even passes through!
{14902}{14968}Don't stand there|like a lamppost.
{15023}{15060}Yes, you!
{15062}{15103}Make yourself useful.
{15168}{15268}I need you as a witness.|Get in. Quick!
{15680}{15717}Give me your handkerchief.
{15752}{15800}He looks badly wounded.
{15868}{15921}Don't make useless remarks.
{15973}{16026}The hospital is behind us.
{16027}{16101}You don't think I'd take|this child to a hospital.
{16220}{16256}Don't touch him!
{16366}{16423}this young man is dead.
{16426}{16488}Will you mind|your own business?
{16503}{16551}When will you stop meddling|in other people's business?
{16553}{16612}It was you who told me|to come with you.
{16682}{16731}Will you please be quiet?
{17436}{17487}Take the usual route.
{17583}{17623}The radio.
{17822}{17882}goes faster backwards.
{17884}{17927}Three times.
{18036}{18073}I repeat.
{18202}{18265}Your attention, please.
{18275}{18355}A single glass of water|lights up the world.
{18357}{18439}- Where are we going?|- Must I force you to be quiet?
{18464}{18532}A single glass of water|lights the world.
{18550}{18604}Twice. I repeat.
{18930}{18963}Hello there!
{19160}{19255}But... those are the men|who knocked this boy down.
{19262}{19302}You're being stupid.
{19308}{19366}Please, ask me no more questions.
{20454}{20531}Get out and let my men work.
{20612}{20685}Take the body out of the car|and take it up there.
{21576}{21623}Are you sleepwalking?
{21700}{21744}I must be.
{21983}{22061}Everyone is dawdling.|I don't like it when people do that.
{22111}{22157}Wait for me here,|young man.
{22506}{22560}Lay him on the floor.
{22721}{22768}Follow me.
{22811}{22867}You're clearly asleep.
{22923}{22981}Yes, I'm asleep.
{22992}{23040}It's very strange.
{23088}{23161}- You must explain..|- No, I won't.
{23170}{23266}Sleeping or dreaming, the dreamer|must accept his dreams.
{23268}{23324}I have a right|to ask for an explanation.
{23326}{23392}You have every right, my dear man,|and so do I...
{23394}{23439}so we're even.
{23442}{23489}Turn off that music!
{23534}{23609}There's a dead man in the next room|and the men who killed him.
{23620}{23701}- I repeat... I demand-|- And I demand you not touch that radio!
{23710}{23790}- Message: The mirrors would do well...|- Calm down and have a seat.
{23792}{23859}to reflect further.
{23872}{23918}Three times.
{24075}{24107}You're unbearable.
{24169}{24220}Sit down.
{24236}{24282}Wait for me in this room.
{24287}{24350}My servants will bring you|some champagne and cigarettes.
{24352}{24396}Make yourself at home.
{24426}{24528}You try too hard to understand|what's going on, my dear young man,
{24530}{24566}and that's a serious mistake.
{24568}{24642}But they expect me at home.
{24643}{24680}Let your wife wait.
{24691}{24757}She'll be all the more pleased|when you return.
{25063}{25109}- Is everything ready?|- Yes, ma'am.
{25235}{25293}Cegeste, get up.
{25450}{25510}- Do you know who I am?|- I do.
{25511}{25579}- Say it.|- My death.
{25583}{25660}Good. From now on|you will serve me.
{25661}{25703}I will serve you.
{25704}{25786}- You will obey my orders.|- I will obey your orders.
{25839}{25879}Now, come with me.
{25901}{25950}Hold on to my dress.
{25965}{26016}Do not be afraid.|Don't let go.
{28871}{28913}Where are we?
{28988}{29042}- I said where are we!|- I don't know.
{29044}{29079}I'm supposed to wait for you|and take you back.
{29081}{29133}Where is the princess?|Where is the villa?
{29135}{29196}Sir, if you will kindly|get in the car..
{29668}{29711}Yes, yes!
{29713}{29768}The woman was staying|at the Thermal Hotel.
{29774}{29810}Call the manager for me.
{29816}{29861}They want to speak|to the manager.
{30031}{30079}This is the chief inspector speaking.
{30081}{30124}I'm sorry to trouble you again.
{30128}{30181}Have you conducted|your investigation?
{30183}{30233}Hello? Hello?
{30282}{30337}I can only repeat|what I've told you, Inspector.
{30340}{30403}There is no woman here|fitting that description,
{30409}{30449}nor have I seen any Rolls-Royces.
{30451}{30512}I'll drop by at 2:00.
{30560}{30616}It's unbelievable.
{30668}{30758}Not at the Thermal,|not at the Fabius,
{30782}{30831}and not at the Two Worlds.
{30852}{30918}He'll never come back.
{30927}{30975}There, there, calm down.
{30977}{31021}Men always come back.
{31023}{31077}They're so absurd!
{31080}{31141}But where is he?|Where can he be?
{31145}{31223}There's no point in lying to you.|He's with that woman.
{31228}{31272}No, no! I don't believe it!
{31274}{31362}Inspector, tell her it's not true.|You know Orpheus!
{31369}{31458}- Tell her it's not true.|- It's difficult to say.
{31459}{31545}Yours is a perfect marriage,|but sometimes men lose their heads.
{31724}{31802}- It's a messy story.|- Will the press create a scandal?
{31804}{31874}No, I gave strict orders.
{31875}{31941}Besides, the reporters|don't know anything yet.
{32197}{32265}- It's a reporter, Inspector.|- What?
{32298}{32342}What is it?
{32540}{32621}I've been sent by the Sun.|Is your husband in?
{32622}{32694}My husband can't be disturbed.|He's sleeping.
{32695}{32745}He worked all night.
{32746}{32818}I came by to see him,|but I didn't want to disturb him.
{32826}{32890}Fine. I'll go then. Can I drop you off|somewhere, Inspector?
{32892}{32955}- Not necessary. I have my car.|- What was it you wanted?
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