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Vegetables SP 291-K
Tomatoes for the Home Garden
David W. Sams, Professor Emeritus, Plant and Soil Science
Originally prepared by Alvin D. Rutledge, Professor Emeritus, Plant and Soil Science
Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable grown in
home gardens. They are more nutritious than many veg-
etables and provide signifi cant amounts of both vitamins A
and C. Tomatoes are served fresh, are a major component
of many salads and are used in many cooked dishes.
Sweet Million is a very prolifi c cherry tomato that is
resistant to several diseases. It is extremely sweet and liked
by most who try it.
Floramerica and Celebrity are good-quality, determi-
nate varieties for those who want concentrated harvest. Ju-
bilee and Pink Girl fulfi ll the need for tomatoes of various
colors. Big Boy is a large “beef-steak” type for those who
want large, solid fruit.
Better Boy is a good-quality, hybrid tomato that is
widely available. It is the standard by which other home
garden tomatoes are compared.
Long Keeper is a tomato designed to be harvested in
the fall. It is below average in taste but will keep two or
three months or more at room temperature. It has orange
skin but red fl esh.
Tomatoes are either determinate or indeterminate.
Determinate tomatoes are referred to as self-topping or
low-growing types. They may grow to a height of 3 or 4
feet with proper cultural care. The terminal bud then forms
a fl ower and the plant does not grow any taller. Numerous
fruit is set over a very few weeks and ripens over a short
harvest interval, usually four to fi ve weeks.
Indeterminate varieties continue to grow taller through-
out the growing season unless they are killed by insects or
disease. They set and produce fruit throughout the summer
and fall. They require 5- or 6-foot stakes to provide good
support. Fruit of indeterminate tomatoes is usually softer
and has more gel and thinner walls than determinate types.
The tomato varieties listed below allow a gardener to
produce the type of tomato of his/her choice and to produce
fruit throughout the growing season.
Early Girl is an extremely early variety that will con-
tinue to bear throughout the season. Its fruit size is smaller
than most tomatoes, however.
Soil Preparation
Soil should be prepared as for any garden vegetable.
Turn it in time to allow undecayed plant material to decay
before planting. This may require four to six weeks. Apply
fertilizer and lime and work them into the soil before plant-
ing. Lime should be applied several weeks ahead of plant-
ing for maximum effectiveness. The soil pH should be 6.1
or above to help prevent blossom-end rot. The soil should
be worked 6 or more inches deep and until it has a fi ne but
not powdery texture. A soil test is the only way to be sure
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Determinate (D)
Indeterminate (I)
Days to First Size (oz.) Comments
Early Girl
Sweet Million
Pink Girl
Big Boy
Long Keeper
1 inch
exactly how much lime and fertilizer are needed. If no soil
test has been done, two to three pounds of a common fertil-
izer such as 6-12-12 per 100 square feet of garden space
may be used.
harden tomato transplants by withholding water until the
plants just begin to wilt. This requires very close attention
and is diffi cult for most home gardeners.
When a tomato plant is properly hardened, the veins on
the underside of the leaves will have developed a tinge of
purple. If the entire underside of the leaf is purple, the plant
has been over-hardened and will be stunted.
Avoid purchasing tomato plants that have wilted exces-
sively, have spots on their leaves, are excessively yellow or
have purple lower leaves. If possible, purchase varieties that
have the letters VFN after their name. This indicates that
they have resistance to verticillium and fusarium wilt and
to nematodes.
Blossom-end Rot
Blossom-end rot is a leather-like decay of the blossom-
end of the fruit. There are several ways of reducing the
amount of blossom-end rot on your tomatoes. These are
based on maintaining proper calcium levels in the tomato
fruit. First, be sure to lime your garden according to the
soil test recommendation. Lime is calcium carbonate and
supplies calcium to the soil. It also raises the pH, making
it easier for the plant to take up calcium. Second, maintain
uniform soil moisture by using irrigation and mulches.
Calcium must dissolve in soil moisture to be taken up by
plants. Tomatoes will also have less blossom-end rot if they
are not pruned too heavily and if they are not fertilized too
heavily with ammonium nitrate.
It is best not to plant tomatoes in the same location
in the garden two years in a row. If possible, rotate plants
around the garden so they are not planted in the same loca-
tion more than once every three or four years. This does
not eliminate but will help prevent disease and nematodes
from building up in the soil.
Good yields are possible only when a gardener begins
with high-quality plants. The plants should be short and
stocky with well-developed root systems. Plants that have
been grown in containers normally have better-developed
root systems and grow better than bare-root plants. Both
plants grown in containers and bare-root plants must be
kept moist or the roots will die and the plants will be
stunted. Stunted tomato plants usually grow but will pro-
duce smaller, later crops.
Stocky tomato transplants will be 7 or 8 weeks old.
They should be hardened before they are set into the garden
to prevent injury from hot sun, cold temperatures and dry-
ing winds. Tomatoes may be hardened by exposing them
to temperatures 10 degrees below normal for a week or
so before they are set into the garden. It is also possible to
When tomatoes are 6 to 8 inches tall, they should be
planted deep enough to completely cover the root ball.
Planting can be done after the last spring frost through June
25. If plants have been grown in fi brous containers, the
top of the container must be completely covered with soil.
This prevents the container from serving as a wick, slowing
water loss. The distance between plants in the row depends
upon the type of tomatoes being grown and the severity
of pruning or intended suckering. Suckering consists of
removing growth in the leaf axis. Determinate varieties
do not grow as tall as indeterminate and can normally
be spaced closer in the row. If suckering is not intended,
plants will need to be spaced further apart. The in-row
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spacing varies from 18 inches to 24 inches between plants.
Between-row spacings can vary from 4 feet to a width suit-
able for use with the cultivation equipment available. If tall,
leggy plants are to be planted, it is advisable to either lay a
portion of the plant horizontal or plant it 6 to 8 inches deep.
This allows the plant to develop a root system along all of
the buried stem.
support to keep plants off the ground. Usually, two plants
are set between stakes. Tomatoes are often suckered with
this system. When cages are used for support, the cage must
be of strong materials, such as concrete reinforcing wire.
Cages should be well anchored to support the weight of the
plants and fruit. The cage should have suffi cient openings
to allow removal of ripe fruit. A 6-foot length of wire will
form a cage about 21 inches in diameter. Unsuckered toma-
toes are allowed to grow in the cage. Yields per plant are
usually higher in a cage than when supported by stakes.
Organic mulches such as straw, leaves, grass clippings
or compost can be applied after plants are set. Mulches
applied 4 to 6 inches thick provide weed control, uniform
moisture levels, reduce certain disease problems and im-
prove fruit quality. Organic mulches should not be applied
until the soil is warm. Black plastic can be used to maintain
uniform moisture, control weeds, enhance and improve
fruit quality. If plastic is used, lay 4-foot wide strips in
the row area and seal the edges with about 6 inches of soil
about two weeks before the planned transplanting date.
Plant the tomatoes through slits cut in the plastic.
Nitrogen Sidedressing
Nitrogen sidedressing applied at the right time and
at the correct rate can greatly enhance the production of
tomatoes. Sidedressings are applications of fertilizer along
the plants at some stage of growth. They are started when
fruit on the fi rst cluster is about the size of a half-dollar,
and repeated every four weeks through harvest. If they
are applied prior to this time, it is very likely that blooms
will drop and fruit set will be eliminated or reduced.
Ammonium nitrate is the most common nitrogen source.
Apply one tablespoon in a circle around the plant at each
sidedressing about 12 inches from the plant.
Providing Support
The best-quality tomatoes are grown on supports. It
requires less space to produce the same quantity of ed-
ible fruit with supports. Tomatoes are normally supported
with stakes or cages. If stakes are used, each stake should
be about 4 feet tall for determinate types or 6 feet for in-
determinate types. Stakes can be provided for each plant.
Tie plants loosely to the stakes at 8- to 10-inch intervals.
Stakes can also be placed between each two plants and
supports provided by the “Florida Weave” technique. In
this technique, string is tightly stretched horizontally along
both sides of the stakes at the same height, with plants held
between the string layers. String layers are repeated every 8
to 10 inches vertically as the plant grows. When stakes are
strong and well-anchored, this system provides suffi cient
For best tomato growth, keep the soil in the root zone
moist enough to prevent wilting of tomatoes. This is best
done by applying 1/2 to 3/4 inch of water twice a week to
the root zone during periods of dry weather. If possible, use
trickle irrigation. Less foliage disease occurs with trickle
than sprinkler irrigation. If sprinkler irrigation is used, ap-
ply as late in the afternoon as possible, but early enough to
allow foliage to dry before nightfall.
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