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[5][26]previously on "survivor":
[44][83]here in samoa, there are two tribdz|going in two different directions.
[84][121]for the purple tribe, galu, it's|sunshine and rainbows.?
[122][149]in my belly.
[150][182]they won both immunity challenges|and everyone is happy.
[197][211]everyone except shambo.
[212][235]the way that the rest of the|tribe does sthingz way different...
[236][266]...than the way I do things, and|it's really frustrating.
[267][297]losing has frustrated|everyone on foa foa.
[300][316]everyone except russell.
[317][331]i didn't come here to work.
[332][343]i came here to play.
[345][394]russell is the first person in "survivor" history|to find a hidden immunity idol without any clues.
[395][439]he's figured out how to manipulate|the others into doing his bidding.
[440][452]they can be my little puppets.
[453][487]they'll run when I|tell them to walk.
[488][512]when I'm finished with them|throw them in the trash.
[513][542]ben can put people on|edge without trying.
[564][584]he got kicked out|of a challenge.
[595][633]first time in the history of "survivor."|take a spot here, you're done.
[634][646]kept everyone up all night.
[675][700]...and lashed out at a visitor|from the other tribe.
[701][719]if I was a girl I would slap|you is what I would do.
[720][747]ghetto trash.
[748][763]plain and simple.
[764][785]ben's actions put a|target on his back.
[810][833]...ben would be the right|choice to kick out.
[834][845]he's crazy.
[846][876]but russell wanted betsy out|because betsy didn't trust him.
[876][893]why didn't you trust me|from the beginning?
[894][919]you're going to look back|on this and reregret it.
[923][953]at tribal council, ben|got his way.
[954][990]ben was spared and|betsy was voted out.
[1002][1049]17 are left, who will be|voted out tonight.
[1143][1174]what have you been thinking?
[1176][1201]i've been thinking ben's|got to be the next to go.
[1203][1234]tell me why. is that for personal|jeeps the guy's mean.
[1235][1263]i agree with you. I|want him out.
[1264][1285]you see how he laid into her?
[1286][1297]i mean it wasn't|just an argument.
[1298][1322]it got really personal and|I think inappropriate.
[1323][1334]- ghetto trash. - totally...
[1335][1358], that's terrible.
[1404][1461]...- at the last tribal council, - ben was this|close from saying something to yasmine...
[1462][1529]...that would have made me fly over a stool and|say-- not even say but, you know, put him down.
[1534][1597]we vote off betsy, but at this point, ben|is a mental plague on our tribe.
[1704][1721]how you feel?
[1724][1736]i feel good.
[1737][1756]how do you feel|about last night?
[1757][1801]it's always brutal, but it was the...|I mean, it was the majority.
[1802][1820]it was the plan, so...
[1820][1856] you have any in mind|who you would want to...
[1930][1946]nobody here is|playing the game.
[1947][1980]nobody is playing the game|but me on my tribe.
[1981][2004]not one person. it's crazy.
[2004][2037]i think we should definitely see how|today goes before we start discussing--...
[2038][2063] is just a reward, I hope.
[2069][2090]yeah, I don't know|what today is.
[2093][2117]this might be the|worst in history.
[2117][2134]and I might be the best.
[2134][2166]i'm going to have them all under|control like zombies walking around.
[2188][2251]http: //bbs. sfileydy. com=-|proudly presents
[2252][2344]=http: //bbs. sfileydy. com=
[2770][2806]survivor|season19 episode 03
[2989][3021]do you put a ton in or just enough|to cover the top a little bit?
[3027][3053]if that doesn't get it started, I|don't know what the hell will.
[3053][3070]let me just show you one time.
[3071][3091]hold it really, really tight.
[3095][3121]and try to push that|spark in there.
[3122][3142]- up to the try? - yeah.
[3158][3186]just doing that, you're just|going to destroy the flint.
[3204][3234]we're almost out of flint because these|people don't know what they're doing.
[3235][3257]i'm the only one that|knows how to start fire.
[3260][3301]i think a lot of these people out here, they're|not used to being out in the woods.
[3309][3352]kind of pansies and-- mick's not|an outdoorsy guy like myself.
[3353][3374]i wasn't surprised he|didn't know how to do it.
[3375][3396]i tried to show him and|give him a few tips.
[3398][3420]it didn't really help.
[3432][3455]it's a little easier.
[3456][3468]not with a flint like that.
[3469][3496]you want me to try for a sec?
[3512][3541]without my help, these|people will die.
[3591][3605]i saved the day once again.
[3606][3622]you got it going.
[3683][3694]i started the fire|this morning.
[3695][3707]mick was trying to.
[3709][3720]he was having a lot|of trouble with it.
[3722][3734]it's a lot of technique.
[3734][3781]it's a lot of strength, not to be|chauvinistic, not to put you girls down...
[3782][3808] won't be able to start|the fire with the flint.
[3809][3829]the way it's worn down, it's, like, flat.
[3830][3859]if you just try, it's going to be|you're just going to waste it.
[3860][3889]so I wouldn't even-- I|wouldn't even attempt to.
[3890][3906]i'm not just saying that. you're|hands aren't big enough.
[3931][3983]...ben is trying to tell everybody they can't|survive without ben which, hey, I applaud it.
[3984][4008]you're trying to save yourself|but that's not how you do it.
[4009][4021]ben, did you sleep last night?
[4022][4037]first time in seven days.
[4038][4059]- did you poop yet? - no.
[4060][4088]i pooped this morning and I think it was|the biggest poop I think in my life.
[4116][4180]as long as ben keeps his crazy rantics going|on, his ass is going to be on the line.
[4182][4209]you want something to bite on?
[4213][4230]i got something for you, buddy.
[4239][4275]i've got to keep ben here a little longer|because he's good for the challenges...
[4276][4294]...and he'slet strongest|guy around camp.
[4295][4343]i'm going to have to debate which|one I'm going to send home next.
[4344][4365]lizard, anybody?
[4491][4519]exhale out slowly|through the nose.
[4532][4541]you got it.
[4542][4570]again, all the way up.
[4573][4588]breath in through the nose.
[4589][4605]hold it in.
[4606][4619]right now, we're winning.
[4620][4643]we're feeling good. there's|great morale.
[4644][4679]we're work hard. we're all pitching|in at camp. we're all doing stuff.
[4695][4724]so we don't have to|always be in game mode.
[4725][4769]sp that's a huge, huge advantage|that we have over foa foa.
[4859][4879]...are you freaking kidding me?
[4880][4909]we've got four people|doing yoga this morning?
[4925][4972]kind of alienated from my tribe|because I'm not in the 9020010 click.
[4973][5014]we're going to do this slow and then|we're going to put it in rhythm.
[5021][5038]i'm not doing the|warm and fuzzy.
[5039][5072]i'm doing the rambo-shambo|provider role out here.
[5073][5092]feet up at an angle.
[5093][5099]do we have water?
[5100][5119]no, do we have food?
[5137][5151]do we have firewood?
[5162][5184]screw yoga, man.
[5353][5432] what I'm figuring is she's becoming a threat to us, so one|thing I do know for a fact is she was trying to get rid of you.
[5434][5452]oh, man.
[5452][5479]gotta get rid of ben.
[5480][5498]just don't tell her nothing.
[5499][5513]we're going to sneak here.
[5513][5547]we're going to tell her whoever, and|then we're going to all vote for her.
[5549][5586]the reason I told ben about ashley|gunning for him is because right now...
[5586][5628]...i think I need ben so every person that tries to|get rid of him, I'm going to get rid of them.
[5629][5666]- *** - nobody listens|to her anyway.
[5668][5700]just keep us between us.
[5701][5729]- *** - cool.
[5730][5746]all right, man.
[5747][5781]i'm telling you, you plant that little seed|in their head in that little brain...
[5782][5812]...and then it grows, and it's|called a russell seed.
[5813][5840]it takes over|their whole mind.
[5841][5888]so that makes it easy for me to|manipulate every single one of them.
[5932][5959]you know what? last night, you|stabbed me in the back.
[5960][5980]dinothing wrong. I was|playing the game.
[5981][6012]you didn't come to me, and you|heard something about me. at all.
[6013][6040]because I didn't think I needed|to at that exact moment.
[6041][6077]you know what? that's the easiest thing to come|and say,"hey, everybody is talking about you.
[6078][6094]"I had to find out|from somebody else.
[6095][6112]- who did you find out|from? - it wasn't russell.
[6113][6166]that's all I'm saying. and I don't trust you|so I'm not going to say anything else.
[6211][6227]...not surprising.
[6228][6244]when people fight, I love that.
[6245][6265]how could they not even|think it was me?
[6265][6295]you know, these people|are just idiots.
[6296][6312]it is shocking.
[6313][6335]that these people|trust me so much.
[6336][6349]i mean, they really do.
[6350][6378]everybody here trusts me.
[6488][6502]...- no, that's not|true. - I know.
[6503][6525]- I can promise you that's|not true. - I know.
[6526][6544]- but just so you know.|- I did not say that.
[6545][6567]i didn't.
[6568][6596]i'm not-- you know what I told him,"you know|what, I'm not going to fight with you.
[6634][6659]..."I've never been so|confused in my entire life.
[6660][6729]yesterday ben's name got thrown around by everyone, and|apparently someone said that I was the one that brought it up.
[6730][6752]so I do not feel safe.
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