Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery - M. de Villiers, et al., (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf

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Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
Biotechnology: Pharmaceutical Aspects
Volume I: Pharmaceutical Profiling in Drug Discovery for Lead Selection
R.T. Borchardt, E.H. Kerns, C.A. Lipinski, D.R. Thakker, B. Wang
Volume II: Lypophilization of Biopharmaceuticals
H.R. Constantino, M.J. Pikal
Volume III: Methods for Structural Analysis of Protein Pharmaceuticals
W. Jiskoot, D.J.A. Crommelin
Volume IV: Optimizing the ‘‘Drug-Like’’ Properties of Leads in Drug
R.T. Borchardt, E.H. Kerns, M.J. Hageman, D.R. Thakker,
J.L. Stevens
Volume V: Prodrugs: Challenges and Rewards, Parts 1 and 2
V.J. Stella, R.T. Borchardt, M.J. Hageman, R. Oliyai, H. Maag,
J.W. Tilley
Volume VI: Solvent Systems and Their Selection in Pharmaceutics and
P. Augustijns, M.E. Brewster
Volume VII: Drug Absorption Studies: In Situ, In Vitro and In Silico
C. Ehrhardt, K.J. Kim
Volume VIII: Immunogenicity of Biopharmaceuticals
M. van de Weert, E.H. Møller
Volume IX: Advances in Bioactivation Research
A. Elfarra
Volume X: Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
M.M. de Villiers, P. Aramwit, G.S. Kwon
Nanotechnology in Drug
Melgardt M. de Villiers
University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, USA
Pornanong Aramwit
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Glen S. Kwon
University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, USA
Melgardt M. de Villiers
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI, USA
Pornanong Aramwit
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, Thailand
Glen S. Kwon
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI, USA
DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-77667-5
e-ISBN: 978-0-387-77668-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008935894
# 2009 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
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Printed on acid-free paper
ISBN: 978-0-387-77667-5
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