Queen's Gambit Accepted - Ken Smith, John Hall, 1995.pdf

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Ken Smit� Jo�n Hal
Chess Digest, Inc.
Queen's Gambit Accepted
Copyright© 1995
Chess Digest, Inc.
All rights reseved under Pan American and Intenational
Copyright conventions.
Cover photograph is a painting copyright© 1995 by Keith Halonen (see page 7)
ISBN 0-87568-255-3
This is a revised and enlarged edition of Queen's Gambit
Accepted- Chess Digest (Ken Smith) 1974.
No pat of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means:
electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tapes, mechanical photo­
copying, recording or othewise, without prior and current
permission rom the publisher.
Authors: Ken Smith and John Hall
Editors: Ken Smith and Roy DeVault
Computer Typesetting: Roy DeVault
Cover: Elaine Smith
Final Proof: Sid Pickard
Final Preparation and diagrams: Roy DeVault
Publisher: Chess Digest, Inc.®, 1601 Tantor (P.O. Box 59029)
Dallas, Texas 75229
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