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Rybka 4 UCI Chess Engine

Name.....Deep Rybka 4 (SSE42, x86 and x64)
Platform.....Windows Operating System (Linux with emulator)
System Requirements....Any x86-64 Computer
Estimated Elo..... 3290-3300 (around 60 elo stronger than Rybka 3)
Official Public Release Date.....May 26 2010

Released to the free world.....May 25 2010 USA time.
Courtesy of DarkAvenger999

Here is the Rybka 4 the chessworld has been waiting for a long time. Not really that same jump from Rybka 2.3.2a to Rybka 3 but just
enough elo to keep it some guys satisfied. I've included the deep (mp) and SSE42 versions. The SSE42 will only work on corei7 and
phenomII CPUs. These versions of course are the strongest of Rybka 4 series but there are more versions left including chess 960 versions.
I have it but I don't feel like releasing it.

How did I get it before most of you guys? Well simple, I simply can buy stuff before they can be released. I was planning to release this a few days
after the official release but I feel a lot of elo is saved in this version in order to give way to rental Rybka (believe me this a real money hog, with news 
about GM topalov paying 100,000 euros for it), so I guess the developer doesn't care about this version but simply to tease customers and refresh Rybka's dormant status.

If you like it, you can support me and donate at my site or contact me at my email. Most of those funds will be used in sharing more of these rare releases, some of which are
not yet available to public. I'll also give something special to these supporters.

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