WRT54GP2 Unlocking Instructions.pdf

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WRT54GP2 Unlocking Instructions
WRT54GP2 Unlocking Instructions
NOTE: Use these instructions at your own risk. Also credit goes to “meister_sd” who
provided information on unlocking it initially. I am writing these instructions based on
my experience in unlocking the WRT54GP2 after reading so many posts on it. I am trying
to put all the information at one place. I did not have prior knowledge of unlocking using
XML file method and I had spent countless hours in learning the method. Each time I
tried I ran into issues. After reading thru so many posts, finally I was successful. So, I
thought of putting this document together for people who are on the same boat as me and
I think it will be beneficial to every one.
I am making an assumption here that you know how to log on to your Home router and
also WRT54GP2 routers admin.
Things Needed:
o Home Router: I used MN-700 which is Microsoft’s wireless router.
o PC: Windows XP PC with SP2. The IP address it acquired was
(I will be using this address throughout this document and you have to replace
it with your actual system IP address or where your TFTP server is installed.
For simplicity install Simple DNS Plus and TFTP programs one this same
o Simple DNS Plus: (Search in Google, download it. You will get 14 day trial
o TFTP : I used PumpKIN (Again search in Google, download it)
o WRT54GP2: This is the one I am trying to unlock. Brought it from
CompUSA during the famous sale. (Free after MIR)
o wrt54gp2_v1.27.02_209_combin_code.bin (Download it from the location:
108d5ed8c0/wrt54gp2_v1.27.02_209_combin_code.zip . Unzip the zip file
and place it on the desktop)
o wrt54gp2_v1.30.01_000_VM_3.1.06_LI_combin_code.bin (Download it
from location:
_code.bin and place it on the desktop)
o XML File : Create an XML file as below. You can get the contents of the
XML file from location
(Just copy the contents of the XML file paste in a notepad and save it as spa
spaWRT54GP2MACID.xml. spaWRT54GP2MACID is your MAC Id present
at the back of your WRT54GP2’s router. Make sure the contents of the file are
exact and there are no spaces in the beginning of the file or in the end). Look
at the screen shot below.
Unlocking Credit: meister_sd Page 1 of 12 Document Created by: bommenarao
WRT54GP2 Unlocking Instructions
o This is just the regular connections that you use daily but anyway I am
describing it here. Connect your Cable Modem/DSL Modem’s WAN output
to your Home router’s WAN Input port. Connect your PC and WRT54GP2’s
to your home router’s LAN’s connections. If you have any other connections
remove it during these unlocking steps.
Step 1:
o Check the existing firmware of your WRT54GP2. (Mine was FV: 1.28.00 and
VV :2.0.13(LIVd). You need to log into WRT54GP2 and check the Status
Tab to get his information. (I am hoping that you know how to log into your
WRT54GP2 J , if not just stop here and seek some help than going thru rest
of the steps will not be helpful to you. You can refer manuals for help)
o Now connect the WRT54GP2 to the main internet. Wait for 5 minutes or so.
Log back into WRT54GP2 and check the Status Tab. Both the Firmware
versions will be incremented. (Mine was FV:1.30.01 and VV was 3.1.6(LI). (If
your PC’s LAN disconnects and connects back, it means that the router is
rebooting after downloading the new Firmware. Also never disconnect your
router during flashing the firmware, it may damage your router.)
o Once this is done, DISCONNECT the internet connection. The best way is to
switch off your cable modem or DSL modem. To make sure there is no
internet connection, type www.google.com site and see. Page not found
message should be displayed.
Step 2:
o Log into your WRT54GP2 router with internet connection disconnected. Click
on Administration tab. Then click on Firmware Upgrade tab. Browse to the
Unlocking Credit: meister_sd Page 2 of 12 Document Created by: bommenarao
WRT54GP2 Unlocking Instructions
file “wrt54gp2_v1.27.02_209_combin_code.bin” and click on Upgrade
button. See screen shot below:
o After few seconds it will challenge with a password dialog box. Enter “user”
for userid and “7756112” for the password and click OK button. (NOTE: If
the password does not work repeat the Step 2 with the password: 8995523).
(For me password “7756112” worked). If both the passwords does not stop
here and search for other password in Google.
o Once everything goes well Upgrade Success message is displayed and
WRT54GP2 gets rebooted. Log back into the router and take the note of the
Firmware’s. They should match the FW’s that there on the file name.
o Now remove the WRT54P2’s power supply.
Step 3:
o Install TFTP program on your PC which was downloaded onto your desktop.
Once it is installed start the TFTP program. Click on Options. On the options
screen, make changes as below screen shot and save. Also take a note of the
TFTP file system root, path. If the directory is not present, create one in your
PC drive.
Unlocking Credit: meister_sd Page 3 of 12 Document Created by: bommenarao
WRT54GP2 Unlocking Instructions
Step 4:
Install Simple DNS. Once it is installed, open/start up the Simple DSN Plus program.
Choose, Tools | Options menu. Make the changes as in the screen shots below:
Unlocking Credit: meister_sd Page 4 of 12 Document Created by: bommenarao
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WRT54GP2 Unlocking Instructions
Unlocking Credit: meister_sd Page 5 of 12 Document Created by: bommenarao
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