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Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hoodies!
Written by Toby Pilling
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Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hoodies!
was spared his memory, and he raged long at
the incredulous faces of his friends, who
supposed he had supped overlong on some
heady brandy. At last, he set forth on his steed
into the deep forest of Châlons, seeking solace
in his confusion, for he knew he could never go
back to his previous existence. There it was that
the figure of the Horned One appeared to him,
and secrets were revealed that explained much.
Michel forswore his former life, and now follows
the cult of Taal, of whom he believes the
Horned One is an aspect. He gained a following
of Herrimaults, including his lover, Judi de
Chevalier, herself of noble blood.
“Herrimaults? They are mere vermin: outlaws. I
do not distinguish between them, and neither
shall the hangman’s noose.”
- Nicholas de Rainault, Castellan of Castle
The scenario is designed to set players and
characters several challenges beyond mere
combat. All of its protagonists are human, with
not a chaos cultist amongst them, so it provides
some interesting moral dilemmas. You will also
find no details of stats for any of the
protagonists herein. This should provide
flexibility when balancing the encounter to the
ability level of your adventuring party, as well as
hopefully encouraging more diplomacy as
opposed to conflict.
The band of outlaws has protected local villages
from the depredations of the less salubrious
denizens of the forest, as well as from the worst
exploitation of the local nobility. The latter is
mostly represented by the ruthless figure of
Nicholas de Rainault, Castellan of Castle
Châlons, which dominates the western fringe of
the forest. The Castellan has laboured long to
capture Michel and his fellows, and has recently
been presented with his best chance yet. A
Grail Damsel arrived at his door recently,
predicting the location of a source of information
regarding the outlaws. Armed with this
foreknowledge, De Rainault captured an ex-
member of the group, who betrayed his former
companions. An expedition has hence being
launched to rid the forest of this thorn. The
players will get caught up in this, as they begin
the scenario as victims of Michel’s merry band.
Will their motivation to retrieve their belongings
waver as they learn more of their erstwhile
enemy and allies? The scenario explores that
It’s setting is the Forest of Châlons, within the
Dukedom of Bordeleux, in the Kingdom of
Bretonnia. Little work is required to set it
elsewhere in that land, and it caters for a party
of any experience level. It can be completed in
an evening, though options have been provided
to extend the encounters.
Nothing’s forgotten. Nothing is ever forgotten.”
- Michel, the Hooded One
Michel is the eldest son of Baron Turpin, a local
lord. A life of esteemed privilege awaited him,
and indeed he had already begun a life of
Knight errantry when an event occurred that
changed his life, forever.
One important factor that makes ‘Hoodies!’ work
even better, is to make sure it occurs soon after
the players have been well rewarded for their
recent actions, either through loot, gift or
payment. Indeed, this is your excuse to give
them such a reward, for, alas; they will probably
have little chance to enjoy it. Whilst players may
bemoan being ‘railroaded’ or ‘stitched-up’, I
prefer to see their loss as a vagary of fate, or
even a trial from the Gods. Remind them that
after all, bad fortune oft turns out good. Such re-
assurance should soothe their wailing.
Two years ago, the Fey Enchantress visited the
Grail Chapel of the city of Bordeleaux. A
conclave was held within it behind closed doors,
with various Grail Damsels and Grail Knights in
attendance. Not even the Duke himself was
allowed within, for he has yet to sup from the
Grail. Michel and some of his hot-headed
comrades were so enflamed by the
Enchantress, they dared to infiltrate the sacred
gathering, so as to gaze more upon her
unearthly beauty. What they espied, before their
deception was unveiled, shook their faith in the
cult of the Lady to the core. The Fey
Enchantress herself, rather than punish them,
ensorcelled them, so that when they woke the
next morn, they remembered naught of the
previous night: all was forgotten. Only Michel
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hoodies!
the night, if they travel with her small entourage
for the day. A couple of attractive young serving
girls will titter at the players from the back of the
wagon if they require further encouragement to
take up the offer – which is not a particularly
onerous one anyway. If they do, they will get the
chance to converse with Lady Isabelle and her
servants. It does not fundamentally change the
scenario if they do not take up the offer – just
have them ambushed later alone.
“Sackcloth and ashes? My dear boy, I am a
petitioner to the Lady, not a pox-ridden, Shallyan
pilgrim. One maintains certain standards.”
- Lady Isabelle
The encounter begins on a road through the
forest. To add some regional flavour, a rumour
table is available should the players wish to seek
news of the route they shall shortly traverse.
Lady Isabelle
A noblewoman of neighbouring Bastonne,
Isabelle is in her early thirties, but is having
difficulties providing an heir for her husband; at
least, her husband has blamed her for the
difficulties. Therefore, she is on a pilgrimage to
the Grail Chapel in Bordeleaux, to make an
offering and seek the blessing of the Lady in
encouraging her fertility. Some pilgrims might
attempt the journey barefoot or even on their
knees – such baseness is totally beneath
Isabelle. She is haughty and a little distant, and
will certainly not admit the reason for her
pilgrimage. However, she is not particularly nasty,
and is happy enough to gossip and chat with
someone around her social level. Her servants
include a pair of flirtatious maids, Elise and Anne,
her driver Anton and her liveried man-at-arms,
Rumour Table
Roll a d10 and consult the following list.
1-2 “You’ll be passing by the Castle? I warn you
that the entry toll is quite high. The Castellan is
keen on collecting his taxes. Yes… keen indeed.”
3-4 “Of course, there are foul creatures in the
woods. The villagers have their defenders
though. Men-at-arms? Well, err…sort of.”
5-6 “Beware the Herring! Led by a Cod they are:
A voracious pack!”
“What? Man eating fish? Are you mad, or
just stupid!?”
The Ambush
Even with extremely cautious progress (and
Isabelle will demand speed to reach the next
habitation before nightfall), grant the PCs only a
very difficult perception test to allow them a round
of warning. Michel and his band will be well
hidden around the track, placed so as to minimise
the chance of being charged by those they wish
to rob. The ambush will begin with a warning
arrow thudding into the side of the wagon – if it
can pin a PCs sleeve to it, so much the better.
Outlaws will emerge from cover with long bows
bent and aimed – a passed perception test will
identify over a dozen opponents. A hooded
Michel will demand, politely but firmly, that the
guards (including the PCs) throw down their
weapons. If they do so, he shall appear from
behind a tree with a couple more of his
companions, ahead of the wagon. He assures
Isabelle that she and her companions shall not be
harmed, and will be free to continue their journey
once they have made a contribution.
7-8 “You’ll be seeking the Lake then? We get
them coming through here all the time: Questing
knights, Grail pilgrims, Nipponese tourists. If you
want my opinion…”
9-10 “They say Duke Alberic is looking for a
reliable steward, so he can go on his own Grail
Quest. I hear the Castellan of Castle Châlons
considers himself in the running...”
Either way, the characters eventually hear the
sound of hammering and cursing up ahead. They
soon come upon the wagon of Lady Isabelle,
which her driver and man-at-arms are busy
repairing the wheel of. Indeed, they are putting
the finishing touches to the work, and will be
about to re-start their journey as the players
approach. The erstwhile handymen will appear
surly and suspicious of the PCs to begin with, but
Isabelle herself will greet them with the natural
confidence of the noble born, addressing herself
to the most gentrified of them. The damaged
wheel has delayed them in their journey, so dusk
may now fall before they reach the safety of the
next hamlet. She will offer to pay for the food and
drinks of the players when they reach a haven for
If the PCs disarm, Michel will concentrate his
attentions on Lady Isabelle’s wagon, and will
indeed relieve it and her of any riches. Only if any
of the PCs look noble born or wealthy will he
attempt to part them from some of their valuable
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hoodies!
possessions. If the PCs have a great hidden item
of value, even if they look destitute, he will by
some sixth sense sniff out their nervousness and
attempt to locate it. Once he has done so, he will
thank the victims, bid them a good onwards
journey, and disappear rapidly into the forest with
his companions. As they know the forest inside
out, it should be easy for them to evade pursuit,
using streams to mask attempts to track them,
and even ambushing any attempt to follow.
with a lance.
He is devoted to his mission, which he feels is
divinely inspired; hence is more committed than
even other Herrimault leaders to the cause of
justice he pursues. He speaks little of the cult of
the Lady, but views Grail Knights and Damsels
alike as individuals to be avoided, not lauded. He
has no idea that his younger brother has taken
the Grail vow, as he sought to protect his family
by feigning his own death.
Of course, PCs may not willingly submit to such
treatment, even outnumbered as they are. They
may attempt to flee, in which case if they appear
mere peasants, Michel will let them go; though
not before some of his men have loosed arrows
at them.
Will you tolerate this?
The aftermath of the robbery is the time for
Isabelle to belittle the party’s efforts, no matter
what they were; if they ran or submitted, they
were craven; if they fought or brazened it out,
they rashly put her and everyone else at risk.
She’ll also curse the outlaws whole-heartedly,
and promise a reward (which will now have to be
collected from her estate) to capture them and
bring them to justice. Hopefully, the PCs will find
it difficult to tolerate a humiliating situation where
they did not win, or even deal any damage, to
their foes.
If they draw weapons and fight, charging into the
undergrowth, again after a few volleys of arrows
(which will also slay Jacques, Isabelle’s man-at-
arms), Michel will order the retreat – he knows
the religious ritual is approaching tonight, and
does not want to risk unnecessary casualties.
Before the retreat, however, Isabelle will cast a
casket of valuables to him, bidding him take them
and be damned. Make sure the PCs suffer from
their rash action though, and end up having
sustained a few wounds.
Lastly, the PCs may keep their weapons and
attempt to hunker down and defend or negotiate.
Michel will simply give them an ultimatum,
knowing he is in a position of strength. Once
more, the PCs are likely to receive a few volleys
of arrows, before Isabelle will end such
foolishness, again granting Michel a casket of
valuables, which he will be content with.
‘…Thou shalt give unto thine glorious liege the
taxes that he requires.
If the PCs are on the road alone, adapt the
ambush event. Remember, the aim is certainly
not to kill the PCs, preferably only to rob or
wound them. Stupidity though on their part,
should carry consequences.
Thou shall labour all but feast days,
And no more than a tenth-share shall you keep
for kith and kin.
Rejoice! For a knight of Bretonnia provides your
The Peasant’s Duty
Noble and generous, charming and fair, Michel
can also seem at times detached, distracted and
over earnest. His followers however see the latter
as minor foibles in a leader they almost worship.
One way or another, the PCs should continue on
the road to reach Vaysey before nightfall,
preferably in the company of Lady Isabelle.
His confidence and speech befit a noble, but his
familiarity with the wilderness and concern for the
poor mark him as different. His time in the forest,
and his devotion to Taal, has brought him useful
outdoors skills. As regards the arts martial,
unusually for a Bretonnian noble, he was
interested and excelled in archery. This was to
the detriment of more knightly skills, like jousting
They will discover a simple hamlet, obviously
poor, but as homely as the inhabitants can make
it. A successful perception test will accrue the
observation that few inhabitants seem abroad,
and those there are seem nervous, even fearful.
If the test was passed by 20%, characters may
catch a glimpse of the glint of metal within a
shadowed doorway. It is because they are
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hoodies!
currently being observed.
serves to strengthen their group loyalty. Led by a
Villein called Pierre, who tends to keep his own
Nicholas de Rainault, Castellan of Châlons
Vain, cruel, proud and prone to dangerously
paranoid rages, the Castellan can also be urbane
and witty when the mood takes him; be sure
though never to trust him. He is more sly and
cunning than intelligent, and is careful to only ride
roughshod over those below him. Certainly, his
over-riding ambition is to feather his own nest and
rise up the ranks of the nobility. Saying that, he
does not lack courage, fuelled as it may be by an
utter contempt for the many groups he despises;
including of course, peasants and outlaws.
Until something goes wrong, when the PCs meet
him he will be in an ebullient mood, looking
forward to vanquishing his foe. Repaying the
many previous sleights he has suffered at the
hands of Michel, it is obvious, has become almost
an obsession for him.
Mounted Yeomen
Highly motivated when well led, and capable
enough; they are armed with spears, bows and
shields. Marcel leads them as Warden – a
somewhat boastful man of crude manners.
Willing enough, though not greatly skilled - lightly
armoured, half carry swords and shields; the
others, mighty halberds. Louis is their Yeoman
Warden, who seems dull witted and
unimaginative; though his doggedness and
loyalty impressed the Castellan.
Welcome Party
If the PCs exhibit suspicious behaviour, or when
they reach the centre of the village, the Castellan
himself will reveal himself, as will a force of his
men-at-arms. Their appearance will affect his
reaction, as is usual in Bretonnia. If they are still
with Lady Isabelle, he will be courteous and
address himself to her, unless he has good
reason to do otherwise.
The Castellan of Châlons has taken over the
village, garrisoning his men in hiding within its
hovels, whilst sending out some peasants (not
beyond line of sight) to maintain a facade of
normality. Their families, alas, serve as hostages
to dissuade misconduct: He has threatened to cut
out, ‘with a spoon’, the tongues of the loved ones
of any who speak a word of his presence to
outsiders. None of those so threatened know
what such an act would entail; neither do they
wish to find out.
Generally, he would be suspicious of commoners,
as he may believe them to be agents of the
‘outlaw vermin’, as he terms the Herrimaults.
News or proof of their own conflict with the
outlaws will interest him, and help allay his
suspicions. What he’ll then do is invite the party
for refreshments, pressing them for information
whilst he gets Souris to covertly observe them
and assess their risk.
Subservient and sullen in front of the Castellan
and his men, these poverty stricken wretches
labour under a noticeable shadow of fear. If
spoken to alone, some successful fellowship tests
(influenced by the PCs social level and how they
have behaved towards the peasants thus far)
may elicit news of the Castellan’s threats, the
high taxes they labour under, and the help the
Herrimaults offered in driving off some starving
Beastmen last winter.
Lean and mean looking, Souris has a rat like,
furtive face. He was a bandit in the forest before
Michel arrived and ‘subverted’ them, as Souris
sees it. He felt he had little choice but to join
them, but over time his greed and callous
methods began to jar with the Herrimault’s oath.
He was forced out of the band, though some
argued for his death; Michel’s mercy, however,
has not been repaid. With Eloise’s help, he was
captured in a nearby town after an act of violent
robbery, and pleaded with the Castellan to trade
his life for information on his enemy. A deal was
struck, and now an unrepentant Souris is
enjoying his own revenge.
The Castellan’s Forces
A mixed bag of around fifty individuals; the best
are the dozen foresters, and half a dozen
mounted yeomen. The rest are footmen; poorly
trained but well armed.
Outdoorsmen dressed in drab greys and greens;
taciturn loners on the whole, but well skilled in the
use of the longbows they bear, and in forest lore.
They know they are hated for enforcing the King’s
laws on poaching, but such knowledge merely
He knows Edouard is a supporter of the
Herrimaults, but has not denounced him as he
has designs on the Headman’s pretty young
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