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Number 52
Summer 2001 $5.50
Summaries of articles in this issue; mast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Contributions to Human Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The mechanical efficiency of bicycle derailleur and
hub-gear transmissions
Chester Kyle and Frank Berto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Technical notes
Bicycle stability after front-tire deflation
Dave Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
There is a better way than rolling
Detlev Tschentscher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tire-rim compatability, John Stegmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Control of hydrofoils using dynamic water pressure
Alastair Taig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Project review
CHicK-2000 Project Team “Active Gals”
Reviewed by Mark Drela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Book review
Richard’s 21st Century Bicycle book(s) , by Richard
Ballantine, reviewed by Dave Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Battle Mountain crank arms, Matt Weaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Response to Matt Weaver, Danny Too . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Crank-arm length and leg length/proportions?
John Stegmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Response to John Stegmann, Danny Too . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
A bit of history viewed from Eastern Europe
Marek Utkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The future of Human Power, Dave Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Number 52 Summer 2001 $5.50/IHPVA members, $4.50
The mechanical efficiency of
bicycle derailleur and hub-gear transmissions
Chester R. Kyle, Ph.D.
Frank Berto
is the technical journal of the
International Human Powered Vehicle
Number 52 Summer 2001
David Gordon Wilson
21 Winthrop Street
Winchester, MA 01890-2851 USA
Associate editors
Toshio Kataoka, Japan
1-7-2-818 Hiranomiya-Machi
Hirano-ku, Osaka-shi, Japan 547-0046
Theodor Schmidt, Europe
Ortbühlweg 44
CH-3612 Steffisburg, Switzerland
Jean Anderson
P.O. Box 12858
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-2858
Philip Thiel, Watercraft
4720 - 7th Avenue, NE
Seattle, WA 98105 USA
JS Design & JW Stephens
Paul MacCready, Honorary president
Ben Wichers Schreuer, Chair
Open, Vice-chair
Open, Secretary/treasurer
PO Box 1307
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-1307 USA
Phone: +805-545-9003
E-mail: <>
Human Power (ISSN 0898-6908) is
published irregularly for the International
Human Powered Vehicle Association,
a non-profit organization dedicated to
promoting improvement, innovation and
creativity in the use of human power
generally, and especially in the design
and development of human-powered
Material in Human Power is copyrighted
by the IHPVA. Unless copyrighted also
by the author(s), complete articles
or representative excerpts may be
published elsewhere if full credit is
given prominently to the author(s) and
the IHPVA. Individual subscriptions and
individual issues are available to non-
IHPVA and non-HPVA members.
The mechanical efficiency of bicycle
derailleur and hub-gear transmissions
Chet Kyle and Frank Berto have given us
a long-awaited and very valuable report
on a precise study of the efficiencies of a
wide range of bicycle transmissions. It is
both quantitative and well discussed. One
intriguing conclusion is that, in general,
hub gears have efficiencies about a couple
of points lower than do derailleurs.
However, hub gears that were “run in”
and lubricated with light oil rather than
grease showed efficiencies almost up to
the derailleur level. As the authors state,
one arrives at more (interesting) questions.
There is a better way than rolling
Detlev Tschentscher is following the
pioneering work of John Dick, who
made “Springwalker”, in studying and
building human-powered “exoskeletons”
that promise to make walking faster and
possibly capable of surmounting higher
obstacles and rougher ground.
Further experiments on run-flat stability
after front-tire deflation
Dave Wilson reports further experiments
that seem to confirm (though on the basis
of only two tests) that a good tight fit of
tire to rim is also vital to provide run-flat
stability and control.
Tire-rim compatability
John Stegmann relates, humorously at
times, his adventures in manufacturing
rims and in coping with the tendency of
tires to creep and to allow the tubes to pop
out and explode. He found that a good tight
fit is important.
Control of hydrofoils using dynamic
water pressure
Most (all?) HP hydrofoils have had
their angle of attack controlled through
a surface skimmer attached to a linkage.
Al Taig has developed a lower-drag and
cleaner alternative: using the impact (pitot)
pressure picked up on the leading edge of
the strut supporting the foil from the hull
and controlling the attack angle from, e.g.,
a bellows.
CHicK-2000 project team “Active Gals”
Mark Drela reviews the report and
videotape of a remarkable Japanese team
that has achieved record performances
with a talented woman pilot and an
innovative plane. The wing uses a stressed-
skin construction, allowing the main spar
to be an I-beam and producing a “. . . wing-
tip deflection [that is] amazingly small
considering its low empty weight of 31 kg
and its immense wing aspect ratio of 44.”
Richard’s 21st century bicycle book(s),
by Richard Ballantine.
Your editor reviews two versions of
the same book by Richard Ballantine:
one in British English for the UK-European
market, and one in American English for
the North Americans. He gives two thumbs
Comments by Matt Weaver and John
Stegmann on a paper in Human Power 51
on crank-arm length on recumbents, and
responses by author Danny Too.
Marek Utkin writes a guest editorial
from Poland on aspects of the HPV scene
Your editor reviews some discussions on
the future of HUMAN POWER.
Since human power provides the
propulsion for a bicycle, losses in
mechanical energy are far more impor-
tant than if purely mechanical or elec-
trical power is used.
The mechanical efficiency of a drive
system is defined as the ratio of the
power output to the power input in per-
cent. Typically, automotive drive sys-
tems are from 80% to 99% efficient [1],
meaning that from 1% to 20% of the
energy input is lost in friction. A well-
oiled straight chain-and-sprocket bicy-
cle drive can be as high as 99% efficient
[2]. With other types of bicycle trans-
missions, however, the range in effi-
ciency can be similar to an automobile,
that is from 80% to 99% [5–11]. In a
bicycle, small losses can mean large
performance differences—especially in
competition [3, 4].
For example, suppose Christopher
Boardman, the present holder of the
bicycle world hour record (56.375 km;
Manchester, England, 1996), were to
use a bicycle with a drive that lost 2%
more energy than his record machine.
Boardman would travel almost 0.5 km
less in one hour [3]. The hour record
has been broken several times in the
past 30 years by less than 0.5 km. If an
Olympic 4000-meter pursuit team were
to use bicycles that were 2% less effi-
cient, they would be about 2 seconds
slower in the 4000-meter team-pursuit
race, which would have moved them
from first place to fourth place in the
1996 Atlanta Olympics (4 min 8 sec vs .
4 min 6 sec) [4]. By using the wrong
fixed gearing, differences of 2% are eas-
ily possible.
Previous published reports
There have been many published
reports on the mechanical efficiency of
bicycle transmissions during the past
century; however, only a few have
measured the efficiency using accurate
mechanical means [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11]. These studies found that bicy-
cle drive efficiency depends upon many
conditions such as load, chain tension,
rpm, gear sizes, and the transmission
type. As mentioned, the efficiencies
varied from about 80% to 99%. The fac-
tors causing energy loss will be dis-
cussed in more detail later.
Mechanical methods of testing nor-
mally employ dynamometers that mea-
sure torque and rotational speed at the
input and output of the drive system
(with mechanical or electronic trans-
ducers). The combined energy losses in
The editor and associate editors (you may choose with whom to correspond) welcome
contributions to Human Power . They should be of long-term technical interest. News
and similar items should go to HPV News or to your local equivalent. Contributions
should be understandable by any English-speaker in any part of the world: units should
be in S.I. (with local units optional), and the use of local expressions such as “two-by-
fours” should either be avoided or explained. Ask the editor for the contributor’s guide
(available in paper, e-mail and PDF formats). Many contributions are sent out for review
by specialists. Alas! We cannot pay for contributions. Contributions include papers,
articles, technical notes, reviews and letters. We welcome all types of contributions
from IHPVA members and from nonmembers.
Bicycle crank
furnished by
the USOC
2 Number 52 Summer 2001 Human Power
Human Power Number 52 Summer 2001 3
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all drive-train components such as
the bearings, chains, sprockets, gears,
and derailleurs are usually included in
the efficiencies. However, some studies
report the efficiency only of isolated
components [6, 7, 9]. Thom [6] mea-
sured the efficiency of three-speed hub
gears and bearings without including
sprocket losses. Dell’Oro [7] isolated
derailleur losses from the rest of the
drive system. Cameron [9] measured
the required static force to lift a known
weight with a bicycle chain draped
over a single sprocket. He assumed
losses were constant with rpm, and
estimated fixed-gear efficiencies under
various loads. The remaining studies
measured the overall efficiency of the
bicycle drive system [1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11].
Indirect methods such as repetitive
field time trials, field or laboratory oxy-
gen-consumption studies, crank-power-
meter field trials, or crank-power-meter
studies on stationary trainers, lack the
necessary precision to give reliable
results. Usually such methods have an
error band of several percent.
During 9–13 October 2000, in the
Laboratory of the Browning Research
Facility on Bainbridge Island, Wash-
ington, the authors and Peter Kauff-
man, technical consultant to Browning
Research, used a specially-devised
dynamometer system to measure the
mechanical efficiency of eleven bicycle
transmissions. The transmissions were
two Browning automatic bicycle trans-
missions (a 4-speed, and a 12-speed),
a Shimano 27-speed mountain-bike
derailleur transmission and eight inter-
nal hub-gear transmissions (Shimano
3-, 4- and 7-speed, Sachs 3- and 7-speed,
Sturmey Archer 3- and 7-speed, and a
Rohloff 14-speed.
Most of the previous bicycle-trans-
mission tests were done on derailleur-
type chain drives [1, 7, 8, 9] and these
efficiency tests were limited to only
a few gears. As far as the authors
know, the wide-ranging 27-speed trans-
missions available today have not been
tested, or at least the tests have not
been published. No doubt manufactur-
ers have tested their transmissions for
efficiency, but if so, the results of their
tests are unpublished.
Prior to the 1970s, before derailleur-
equipped bikes became really popular,
there were some efficiency tests per-
formed on planetary hub gears [5,
6]. Hub gears are still quite popular
today in Europe where they are used
mainly on city commuter bikes. Hub-
gear transmissions have the advantage
of being nearly weatherproof, with low
maintenance—and they permit a chain
guard that completely shields the chain,
and allow bicycle commuting without
worrying about soiling good clothes on
a greasy chain. However, they have
never been popular with serious rec-
reational cyclists or racers since the
range of gears has been limited. Also,
they are heavier than a derailleur-type
transmission and they have had the
reputation of being mechanically inef-
ficient. Recently, however, there has
been a revival of interest in the hub
gear for several reasons. They are now
available with an increasing number of
gears (as many as 14), they lend them-
selves to fully automatic operation, and
they can easily be adapted to bikes
with an electric-motor boost. Regarding
the hub gear’s reputation for mechani-
cally inefficiency, this paper will pres-
ent information that shows this is not
necessarily so.
Purpose of current tests
The purpose of the current tests was
to compare the mechanical efficiency
of the most common types of bicycle
drives under identical conditions. Since
limited time was available, the test
apparatus had to handle all of the
most common types of bicycle trans-
missions and to rapidly measure effi-
ciency. Since power input to a bicycle
crank is typically between 50 and 400
watts [4], and since losses can be as
low as one to two percent, the trans-
mission test system had be sensitive
enough to determine power differences
of just a few watts (less than 5).
The test system consisted of four main
elements (see photo on page 3).
1. Bicycle crank dynamometer
To measure input power, a dyna-
mometer fed power to a bicycle crank
by means of a 2-horsepower variable-
speed DC motor, mounted on gimbals
so that the motor case could rotate
freely. The motor case was restrained
by a torque arm attached to an elec-
tronic load cell that measured the
torque force. Oscillations in the load
were smoothed by connecting the
torque arm to the load cell through a
thin nylon cord that transmitted force
through a flywheel-type inertial damp-
er. The rpm of the motor shaft was
measured by timing each revolution
torque and ω is the angular velocity of
the crank.
2. Bicycle-drive-train fixture
A special test fixture was built to
mount a bicycle bottom bracket, crank
and chainrings, plus a rear hub without
spokes or wheel. On the non-drive side
of the hub, a sprocket was attached to
the hub which drove a Monarch bicycle
ergometer wheel. The adjustable fix-
ture was built by Jim Merz for Brown-
ing Research, and it allowed rapid
changing of front sprockets, chains and
rear hubs.
3. Monarch ergometer wheel
To measure power output, a Mon-
arch aluminum ergometer wheel was
driven by a chain from the drive-train
fixture through two 36-tooth sprockets,
one on the ergometer wheel, and one
on the non-drive side of the bicycle
hub. A nylon cord, approximately 3 mm
in diameter, was wrapped twice around
the ergometer wheel with one end
attached to a transducer and the other
hanging downward with a suspended
weight. The direction of rotation of
the wheel was away from the hanging
weight so the tension in the load-cell
cord (slack side) was a small fraction
of the applied hanging weight (load
side). The ergometer load and thus
the power output could be adjusted by
hanging various weights on the nylon
cord. Knowing the difference in tension
between the two cords and the rpm,
the output power from the bicycle
hub could be calculated. The rpm of
the ergometer wheel was measured
The power output of the system was:
P o = k ω o ( Τ 1 T2), where P o is the out-
put power, k is a proportionality con-
stant, ω o is the ergometer wheel angu-
lar velocity, T1 is the weight, and T2 is
the slack-side tension.
A disadvantage of this method was
that the friction losses in the ergometer
wheel drive were unknown. In order
to find the corrected transmission
efficiency, the ergometer drive losses
would have to be determined, and this
was done only at 75 rpm. However,
for determining the rank order between
transmissions, since they were all test-
ed under identical conditions, no cor-
rection is necessary. The efficiencies
reported in this article include ergom-
eter-wheel drive losses, so the actual
transmission efficiencies would be
higher by 2 to 2.5%.
4. Data-acquisition system
A portable computer was adapted by
Peter Kauffman of Browning to receive
signals from the load cells and revolu-
tion counters. The computer sampled
the transducers and averaged the read-
ings over a selected time interval.
The software automatically calculated
ergometer power along with the
mechanical efficiency of the bicycle
drive including the ergometer drive. All
of the data and calculations were dis-
played in tabular form on the computer
screen, and the data were stored for
later analysis.
• The load cells were calibrated
using weights. The load cells agreed
with the weights within ± 0.2%. The
accuracy of the angular-velocity trans-
ducers of both the crank and the
ergometer wheels were checked by two
methods. The crank rpm was verified
with a stop watch. The rpms of both
the crank and the ergometer wheel, as
indicated by the transducers, were then
used to compute the gear ratio which
was compared with the known ratio.
The calculated gear ratio agreed with
the known ratio normally within three
significant figures (one part in 1000).
• The first test series was with the
crank dynamometer directly connected
to the ergometer wheel through two
36-tooth gears. The purpose was to
estimate the power losses of the ergom-
eter wheel drive. Since chain tension
is probably the most important factor
in gear friction [8] the ergometer wheel
weights were the same as those used
in normal testing—from 1.8 kilos to 16
kilos. The speed of the crank and wheel
were constant at 75 rpm. This test did
not directly measure ergometer-wheel
drive losses since the wheel rpm did
not vary (as when testing transmis-
sions). Also, the bottom-bracket bear-
ings were in the loop, making an extra
set of bearings. The friction losses were
small (from 1 to 6 watts; see fig. 13*),
but as previously mentioned, account-
ing for the losses would raise the
reported efficiencies by 2 to 2.5%.
• The test fixture was then used to
test the efficiency of eleven transmis-
sions. Weights were chosen to produce
80 watts, 150 watts and 200 watts out-
put power at 75 crank rpm. All chains
were well oiled with light machine oil.
Hub gears were usually left with their
original grease lubricant, but this was
replaced in two hubs with light oil.
The transmissions that were tested
had the following gears.
Derailleur-type transmissions
4-speed automatic: Browning
This transmission has a gear layout
similar to a standard derailleur system
except electronically actuated hinged
gear segments in the rear cluster shift
the chain up or down either automati-
cally or manually. The Browning chain
guide and tensioner, with its two jock-
ey pulleys, has a similar appearance to
a derailleur, and probably has nearly
identical friction characteristics. It is
however a passive follower. In this
paper, the two Browning transmissions
and the 27-speed derailleur transmis-
sion will often be referred to as “derail-
leur-type” transmissions. The Browning
4-speed was tested with a 42-tooth
front chainring and a 12-, 17-, 23-, and
32-tooth rear cluster.
12-speed automatic: Browning
An automatic transmission similar
to the Browning 4-speed, except with
three front chainrings 48/38/30, and the
same 4-speed rear cluster 12/17/23/32.
The gears are (1) 30/32; (2) 38/32;
(3) 30/23; (4) 48/32; (5) 38/23; (6) 30/17;
(7) 48/23; (8) 38/17), (9) 30/12);
(10) 48/17; (11) 38/12; and (12) 48/12.
27-speed: Shimano
A Shimano Ultegra 27-speed moun-
tain-bike transmission with three front
chainrings (44/32/22 teeth) and a
9-speed rear cluster (12, 14, 16, 18,
20, 23, 26, 30, and 34 teeth). Because
of time constraints, only 15 of the
27 gears were tested: (1) 22/34;
(3) 22/26; (4) 32/34; (7) 22/20; (9) 32/26;
(10) 44/34; (11) 22/16; (15) 32/20;
(16) 44/26; (18) 22/12; (20) 32/16;
(21) 44/20; (24) 32/12; (25) 44/16; and
(27) 44/12.
Planetary-geared rear hubs
3-speed: Sachs
An internal planetary-geared rear
hub with a 40-tooth front chainring
and a 19-tooth rear cog. The three hub
gears are: (1) Ratio = 0.75); (2) 1.00;
and (3) 1.33.
3-speed: Shimano
A rear hub with a 40-tooth front
chainring and a 19-tooth rear cog. The
three hub gears are: (1) 0.74; (2) 1.00;
and (3) 1.36.
3-speed: Sturmey Archer
A rear hub with a 40-tooth front
chainring and a 19-tooth rear cog. The
three hub gears are: (1) 0.75; (2) 1.00;
and (3) 1.33.
4-speed: Shimano Auto D
A rear hub with a 31-tooth front
chainring and a 23-tooth rear cog. The
four hub gears are: (1) 1.00); (2) 1.24;
(3) 1.5; and (4) 1.84.
7-speed: Sachs
A rear hub with a 40-tooth front
chainring and a 19-tooth rear cog. The
transmission shifter was damaged and
could be shifted to only two gears:
(1) 0.59 and (4) 1.00.
7-speed: Shimano Nexus
A rear hub with a 40-tooth front
chainring and a 19-tooth rear cog. The
seven hub gears are: (1) 0.63); (2) 0.74;
(3) 0.84; (4) 0.99; (5) 1.15; (6) 1.34; and
(7) 1.55.
7-speed: Sturmey Archer
A rear hub with a 40-tooth front
chainring and a 19-tooth rear cog. The
seven hub gears are: (1) 0.60; (2) 0.69;
(3) 0.80; (4) 1.00; (5) 1.24); (6) 1.45; and
(7) 1.68.
14-speed: Rohloff
A rear hub with a 40-tooth front
chainring and a 16-tooth rear cog.
The fourteen hub gears are: (1) 0.279;
(2) 0.316; (3) 0.360; (4) 0.409; (5) 0.464;
(6) 0.528; (7) 0.600; (8) 0.682; (9) 0.774;
(10) 0.881; (11) 1.000; (12) 1.135;
(13) 1.292; and (14) 1.467.
We tested each transmission at
three loads: 80 watts, 150 watts, and
200 watts (power output at the ergom-
eter wheel)—all at 75 rpm. The crank
speed of 75 rpm was chosen as being
typical of recreational cyclists. There
was insufficient time available to test
each transmission at both variable load
and variable rpm. The power outputs
of 80, 150 and 200 watts, represent
the typical energy requirements of com-
muting or recreational cyclists in good
physical condition, traveling at speeds
from 24–35 kph (15–22 mph), on a
level, smooth road with no wind [1, 3].
Bicycle racers can produce steady
*See pages 8–11 for figures and tables.
4 Number 52 Summer 2001 Human Power
Human Power Number 52 Spring 2001 5
electronically. The output shaft of the
motor was connected to a bicycle
crank through a flexible coupling.
Knowing the torque and the rpm, the
input power to the crank could be
calculated. The dynamometer was fur-
nished by the U.S. Olympic Committee
(USOC) Sports Sciences Division.
The power input to the bicycle crank
was given by:
P i = k τω where P i is the power, k
is a proportionality constant, τ is the
66561009.022.png 66561009.033.png 66561009.044.png
power outputs that are much higher
than this for periods of more than
one hour—from 300 to 450 watts [3].
Although the occasional recreational
cyclist may produce over 200 watts,
it is doubtful that cyclists using hub
gears would frequently put out more
than 150 watts unless being chased by
rabid dogs. The results of the tests are
shown in figures 1–14.
In figures 1–12 the efficiency is plot-
ted in three ways.
1. Efficiency vs . power output
Here all of the individual power
and efficiency data points were plotted
for each gear. These curves give the
detailed performance of each transmis-
sion under varying load. As examples,
see figures 1, 4 or 5. All transmissions
were not plotted but they could be,
using the data in tables 1 and 2.
2. Average efficiency vs . gear number
Here, efficiencies for all test loads
were averaged for each gear and the
averages were plotted against the gear
number. This curve shows the effect of
gear ratio on efficiency under varying
load conditions. For examples see fig-
ures 2, 6, 8, 10, or 11.
3. Average efficiency vs . load
Here, transmission efficiencies for
each load were averaged for all gears.
This curve is a measure of the per-
formance of each transmission under
varying conditions. For example, see
figures 3, 7, 9, or 12. These curves pro-
vide probably the simplest way to com-
pare transmissions.
By viewing the curves, several general
observations and conclusions can be
1. Efficiency generally increases with
the load—for all transmissions.
Figures 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, or 14
all show this trend. Although friction
increases with chain load, rpm, and
other factors [8], obviously the residual
friction in a gear train becomes less
important as the input power increases,
while the friction factors that increase
with load go up less rapidly than the
The clearest example of this is
shown in figure 14. This was the only
case where we tested a transmission
at over 200 watts and under 80 watts.
More tests were planned, but a shear
pin parted in the drive train and this
experiment was aborted. The uncor-
rected efficiency increased from about
91% to over 97% as the output power
increased from 50 watts to 370 watts at
75 rpm.
By assuming that ergometer-wheel
rpm has no effect on the drive losses
(fig. 13), a rough estimate of the abso-
lute system efficiency can be made.
Spicer shows that drive-train losses
are a function of the crank rpm [8];
however, as previously explained, this
effect was not measured. When correct-
ed for ergometer-drive losses, the trans-
mission efficiency increases from 1% to
3% (see fig. 14). Efficiency is over 98%
at the highest load. The corrected effi-
ciencies are in good agreement with
Spicer [8] who found that efficiency
was over 98% with 52/15-tooth sprock-
ets at 200 watts.
2. Hub gears are generally about 2%
lower in efficiency than derailleur-type
gears. But there are exceptions.
This is illustrated by figures 3, 6, 7,
and 12. Figure 12 shows that the effi-
ciencies of the Shimano 4, Sachs 7,
Shimano 7, Sturmey 7 and the Rohloff
14 all cluster about two percent lower
than the Browning 4, Browning 12, or
the Shimano 27.
However, two of the 3-speed hub
gears did not follow this trend.
The grease in the Sachs 3 and the
Sturmey Archer 3-speeds was replaced
with light oil, and unlike the other hub
gear transmissions, the efficiencies of
the Sachs 3 and Sturmey 3, compare
well with the best of the derailleur
transmissions (figs. 7, 9, and 12).
Also, these transmissions were worn
in, whereas many of the others were
new. Manufacturers would do well to
replace heavy grease in their hub gears
with light oil. Although oil wouldn’t
last as long as grease, the energy
savings would be significant. Unfor-
tunately commuters have a tendency
to ignore maintenance until something
breaks, so light oil probably wouldn’t
be a popular choice.
Also, with the Shimano 4, the first
gear (a 1.0 ratio) had a higher efficien-
cy than the derailleur transmissions,
even though gears 2, 3, and 4 had a
lower efficiency (see fig. 6). In a plan-
etary transmission (also called epicy-
clic), even when the hub ratio is 1.0,
the planet gears are still in motion [12];
however, all of the planetary transmis-
sions we tested had high efficiency at
1.0 gear ratios.
3. As the gear ratio increases, the
efficiency tends to decrease for all
transmission types.
This is illustrated by the trend lines
in figures 6, 8, 10, and 11. Even though
the greatest efficiencies are sometimes
near the highest gear ratios, the aver-
age efficiency decreases with higher
ratios, (the high efficiencies were:
Shimano 4 = gear 1, Rohloff = gear 9,
Browning = gear 2, and Shimano 27 =
gear 21).
4. With modern transmissions, where
multiple gears are available, there is
often a difference of 1% to 3% in effi-
ciency between adjacent gears.
This applies to both hub gears and to
derailleur gears. See figs. 2, 6, 8, 10, and
11 (especially figures 8, 10 and 11).
In figure 11, in the Shimano 27-speed,
there is a 4% difference in efficiency
between gears 21 and 24 and between
gears 24 and 25. In figure 8, for the
Rohloff 14, there is a 3% difference
between gears 7 and 8.
An average 2% difference in efficien-
cy is thus easily possible if the wrong
gears are chosen.
If racers, or even commuting or tour-
ing cyclists, could choose optimum
gears they would be hundreds of
meters ahead at the end of 60 km
(37 mi). For example, if Lance Arm-
strong, in the Tour de France 58.5-km
time trial (36.4 mi) were to choose
the wrong gear, a drop of 2% in efficien-
cy would cause him to be 410 meters
behind (27 seconds) at the end of the
time trial, easily enough to lose the
stage [3]. Incidentally, Armstrong aver-
aged about 54 kph (33.6 mph) for the
time trial (58.5 km long = 36.4 mi).
With commuting riders who travel
24 kph (15 mph), instead of 54 kph
(33.6 mph), it only gets worse. A 2%
drop in efficiency would lead to an
800-meter gap (about 2 minutes). The
reason for the increasing gap is that the
slower cyclist spends much more time
on the course [3]. The point is, why
waste energy when it is unnecessary.
5. The tests show that some gears
are inefficient.
Hub gears
In hub gears, such as the Rohloff
14, the efficiency no doubt depends on
how many elements of the gear train
are in motion as each gear is selected
(see fig. 15). In the Rohloff, gears 3, 5,
7, 12, and 14 have the lowest efficiency.
This superb but complex transmission
has roller bearings and uses light oil as
a lubricant. Shifting is quite simple: suc-
cessive gears are reached by pulling on
the single shift cable in one direction
or the other. No attempt will be made
to explain this mechanism. It is obvious
from the diagrammatic illustration (fig.
15) that it cannot easily be explained.
Derailleur gears
On the other hand, factors affecting
the efficiency of derailleur gears
become clear by examining the curves
in figures 10 and 11. For example, a
12-tooth sprocket seems to cause ineffi-
ciency. In the Shimano 27-speed, gears
4, 9, 15, 18, and 24 have the lowest
efficiency. The two gears with the low-
est efficiency of the 15 tested, both
use a 12-tooth sprocket. The gears with
12-tooth sprockets (18, 24 and 27) have
an average efficiency of 91.2%, while
those involving 16-tooth sprockets (11,
20 and 25) have an average efficiency
of 93.5%.
Other gears
In the Browning, the 12-tooth sprock-
ets averaged 92.1% efficiency, while
the gears involving a 17-tooth sprocket
averaged 92.9%. The two lowest effi-
ciencies of the 12 gears tested had
12-tooth sprockets (gears 9 and 12).
Apparently the sharp angle of chain
link bend in the 12 causes increased
friction compared to larger sprockets.
So it appears that larger gears than 12
are necessary for efficient operation.
When there is a choice of gear ratios
that are close, cyclists should choose
the gearing combination with larger
diameters [8].
Cross-chain gears make little differ-
ence. In the Shimano 27, the cross
chain between the two big gears on the
Shimano has a higher-than-average effi-
ciency (gear 10, 44/34), while the cross
chain between the two small sprockets
involves a 12-tooth sprocket (gear 18,
22/12; see fig. 11). In the Browning,
the large cross-chain gears (gear 4,
48/32), have a higher-than-average effi-
ciency, while the small-gear cross
chain involves a 12-tooth sprocket (see
fig. 10).
For some reason that is not appar-
ent, the mid-chainrings on both the
Browning 12 and the Shimano 27 did
not have high efficiencies. On the
Browning 12, gears using the 30-tooth
chainring (1, 3, 6, and 9) had a lower-
than-average efficiency. On the Shima-
no 27, gears using the 32-tooth chain-
ring (4, 9, 15, 20 and 24), all had a low-
er-than-average efficiency. This does
not appear to be a coincidence, but the
reason is not clear.
Had more time been available, it
would have been interesting to mea-
sure the effect of such things as rpm,
all gears in the 27-speed, a wider range
of power inputs, and various chain and
hub-gear lubricants. As usual, there are
more questions than answers.
The authors wish to thank Browning
Research for making available the facil-
ities of their laboratory for this project
and for supporting this study.
Thanks also to the Sports Sciences
Division of the United States Olympic
Committee for loaning us the bicycle-
crank dynamometer.
1. Kyle, C.R. and V.J. Caiozzo. 1986
(May). Experiments in human
ergometry as applied to the design of
human-powered vehicles. Int. Jl.
Sport Biomech . 2:6–19.
2. Marks, L.P. 1979. Mark’s standard
handbook for mechanical engineers ,
8th ed. NY: McGraw Hill. p3–29, 11–7.
3. Bassett, D.R., C.R. Kyle, L. Passfield,
J.P. Broker and E.R. Burke. 1999.
Comparing the world hour record in
cycling, 1967–1996: Modeling with
empirical data. Medicine and Science
in Sports and Exercise , 31:11,
4. Broker, J.P., C.R. Kyle, and E.R.
Burke. 1999. Racing cyclist power
requirements in the 4000-m individual
and team pursuits. Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise ,
31:11, 1677–1685.
5. Whitt, F.R. and D.G. Wilson. 1982.
Bicycling science . Cambridge: MIT
Press. Figure 11.16, p. 296.
6. Thom, A.P., G. Lund and J.D. Todd.
1956 (July 1). Efficiency of three-
speed bicycle gears. Engineering ,
7. Dell’Oro and M. Malone. 1995. Bicycle
derailleur losses . Melbourne:
University of Melbourne, Department
of Mechanical and Manufacturing
8. Spicer, J.B., M.J. Ehrlich, J.R.
Bernstein and C.J.K. Richardson
(Johns Hopkins University); M.
Masahiko Fukuda and M. Terada
(Shimano Inc.) 1999 (June) .
Efficiency and energy-loss location in
bicycle chain drives. Journal of
Mechanical Design .
9. Cameron, A. Measuring drive-train
efficiency. 1998–99. Human Power ,
10. Wilson, D.G. Transmission efficien-
cies. 1999. Human Power , 48:20.
11. Kyle, C.R. 1998 (September 15).
The mechanical efficiency of bicycle
transmissions . Report to Browning
12. Berto, F., R. Shepherd and R. Henry.
2000. The dancing chain . San
Francisco: Van der Plas Publications,
pp 23, 48–52.
Chester Kyle, adjunct professor of
mechanical engineering at California
State University at Long Beach, is a
consultant on the science of sports
equipment and has worked with several
teams and organizations: US Postal Ser-
vice 2001 Tour de France team, design
teams for USA 1984 and 1996 Olympics
cycling teams’ bicycles and clothing,
and Nike, as well as others, for aerody-
namic sports clothing.
Co-organizer of the first International
Human Powered Speed Championships
at Irwindale, California, in 1975, Kyle
and eleven others founded the Interna-
tional Human Powered Vehicle Associa-
tion (IHPVA) the following year. Kyle
is past president and secretary of the
IHPVA, as well as the de facto historian
of the organization. Editor and publish-
er of Cycling Science (1989–1991) and
science editor of Bicycling Magazine
(1984–1989), Kyle is a frequent contrib-
utor to scientific and popular publica-
Chet Kyle and his wife, Joyce, live on
ten acres of rural pasture and forest in
a home they and their four, now-grown
children built near Weed, California.
Frank Berto, author of more than 150
articles and several books on cycling
technology, was engineering and West
Coast editor of Bicycling Magazine
(1986–1990). Berto is a consultant
on oil field gauging and instrumenta-
tion, cycling equipment and technology
(especially gearing), as well as a fre-
quent expert witness on cycling litiga-
tion. He is also a historic aircraft and
machinery enthusiast.
Frank and Connie Berto live in San
Anselmo, California, on a large plot of
land affectionately called “Sleepy Hol-
Berto’s latest book, The Dancing
Chain , was reviewed in Human Power
51, Fall 2000.
6 Number 52 Summer 2001 Human Power
Human Power Number 52 Summer 2001 7
66561009.055.png 66561009.066.png
Browning 4
Shimano 4
Rohloff 14
Gear 1 = 0.75
Gear 2 = 1.0
Gear 3 = 1.36
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Gear number
Gear number
50 100 150 200 250
Output (watts)
Figure 2. Sachs 3, Shimano 3, Sturmey 3 (average efficiency vs . gear)
Output (watts)
Figure 8. Rohloff 14 (average efficiency vs . gear)
Figure 1. Shimano 3-speed (efficiency vs . load)
Figure 7. Browning 4-speed, Shimano 4-speed (average efficiency vs .
Shimano 7
Sturmey 7
Sachs 7
Rohloff 14
Shimano 4
Sachs 3
Shimano 3
Sturmey 3
Browning 12
Gear 1
Gear 2
Gear 3
Gear 4
Sachs 3
Shimano 3
Sturmey 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gear number
50 100 150 200 250
Output (watts)
50 100 150 200 250
Output (watts)
50 100 150 200 250
Output (watts)
Figure 10. Browning 12 (average efficiency vs . gear)
Figure 3. Sachs 3, Shimano 3, Sturmey 3 (average efficiency vs .
Figure 4. Browning 4-speed (efficiency vs . load)
Figure 9. Hub gear bicycle transmissions (average efficiency vs . load)
Shimano 4
Sachs 7
Shimano 7
Sturmey 7
Rohloff 14
Browning 4
Browning 12
Shimano 27
Gear 1
Gear 2
Gear 3
Gear 4
Shimano 27
Shimano 4
Browning 4
50 100 150 200 250
Output (watts)
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Gear number
1 2 3 4
50 100 150 200 250
Output (watts)
Gear number
Figure 5. Shimano 4-speed (efficiency vs . load)
Figure 6. Browning 4, Shimano 4 (average efficiency vs. gear)
Figure 11. Shimano 27 (average efficiency vs . gear)
Figure 12. Derailleur-type transmissions compared with hub gears
(average efficiency vs. load)
8 Number 52 Summer 2001 Human Power
Human Power Number 52 Summer 2001 9
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