Parker Blue - A Demon Underground Novel 1 - Bite Me.pdf

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* * * *
Bite Me
By Parker Blue
The stench of rotting garbage filled my nostrils as I scoured the dark streets of San
Antonio for something to take the edge off. I definitely needed it—this was one of those
nights where I felt less than human. No reason, really, except tomorrow was my
eighteenth birthday, and tonight, everyone else my age was having a good old time at
Homecoming, watching a stupid football game and going to some lame dance.
But not me—no, the home-schooled freak wasn't invited. Not that I cared. They had no
idea what went on in the real world, no idea what horrors prowled the night streets.
Horrors like me.
A stifled cry came from a dark alley to my right. It sounded promising, so I checked it out.
Sure enough, some dude had a young Emo punk pinned against the brick wall, his head
buried in the kid's neck. Either they were indulging in some heavy necking, or a vampire
was having an evening snack.
Given the wide-eyed fear in the kid's eyes, I was betting on the latter. Either way, he was
going to have one serious hickey tomorrow morning.
I stepped up to the vamp and tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me?"
He whipped around, looking shocked, fangs gleaming in the meager light. “Looking for
trouble, little girl?” he growled.
I grinned. It had been a long time since anyone had made the mistake of calling me a little
girl. “As a matter of fact, yeah. You up for it?"
The kid whimpered. The guy let go of him and I stepped back into the small pool of
illumination formed by the streetlight. Not only so I could see better, but to give the kid an
opportunity to run for it.
Smart guy—he took it, stumbling off into the night as the vamp stepped into the light. Tall
and muscular with long blond hair, the vamp wore skin-tight black leather. As a fashion
statement, it was a bit too obvious. He must think he was a real bad-ass.
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He looked me up and down and his lip curled in a sneer.
At five feet, seven inches tall, I look pretty innocuous, with an average build and average
brown hair that goes with my average olive complexion. Wearing jeans, heavy boots, and
a down-filled vest over a long-sleeved T-shirt, I could be any girl stupid enough to wander
the dangerous part of the city in the wee hours, alone.
I could be, but I wasn't.
The vamp's gaze was feral—hungry, yet wary. I'd obviously caught him off guard, and he
hesitated. He raised one eyebrow in contemptuous query when I didn't cringe. “You think
you can handle me?"
I shrugged. “I don't see why not."
He seemed taken aback. “Who are you?"
My name wouldn't mean anything to him, but what the heck. “Val Shapiro."
"Val?” he jeered. “As in Valentine?"
Yeah. So what? But all I said was, “Bite me."
"Love to.” He snarled, his fangs gleaming briefly in the lamplight, then charged at me with
inhuman speed.
Predictable. I side-stepped just as quickly. He flew past, missing me by inches. I cuffed
him in the back of the head as he went by, and I grinned.
First round to me.
He stumbled to a halt, and his hand went to the back of his head as if he couldn't believe
I'd touched him. He whirled around to glare at me, totally outraged.
Enjoying this more than I should, courtesy of my inner demon, I placed one hand on my
hip and used the other to wag a finger at him. “You've been a very bad boy.” Munching on
kids was so not cool.
"Bad? You haven't seen bad yet,” he growled.
I felt a tickling in my head—he was trying to control my mind. Good. Just what I'd hoped
for. Now that he'd opened a line between us, I could read his mind. His name was Jason
Talbert, and he was a truly evil vampire. But he was nowhere near strong enough to
control me.
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Obviously believing he had me in his thrall, the vamp rushed me again.
The part of myself I kept suppressed broke free with a burst of elation, and lust for the
game fizzed through my blood. Time to play.
I braced myself and met his rush with a sharp left jab, snapping his head back. The surprise
factor slowed him, but only for a moment. Baring his fangs, he tried to use his huge fists
to batter me into submission, but I blocked his flurry of blows before any of them could
land. It was easy when the mental connection allowed me to read his intentions so clearly.
He broke off to stare at me in surprise, circling me warily. I've been told my eyes flash a
harsh purple, like the color of a black light, when the succubus within me—I call her
Lola—comes out to play. From the look on his face, my eyes had done just that. “What
are you?” he demanded. “A slayer?"
I rolled my eyes. “The name's Val, not Buffy. Do I look like a blond cheerleader with
questionable taste in men?"
"Then what are you?"
My mouth quirked into a smile. “Just a girl looking to do some community service by
cleaning up the city."
He didn't respond, and didn't telegraph his intention mentally, so he caught me off-guard
as he slammed into me. I lost my balance and we both went down in a tangle of arms and
legs. Annoyed with myself for letting him surprise me, I head-butted him right in the fangs
and scrambled upright.
Good—I needed a real fight.
He jumped me again, but this time I was ready for him. We fought furiously, Jason
determined to sink his teeth into my neck and rip my throat out, and me just as determined
to stop him. Unfortunately, he liked close-in fighting, and I couldn't get enough space to
reach the silver stake I had tucked into my back waistband.
I grabbed his throat and squeezed, but he wrapped me in a vise hold and wouldn't let go.
He slammed me up against a brick wall, intent on crushing me. Trapped. Worse, the
power I tried so hard to keep confined was able to reach him through my energy field in
these close quarters and I could feel the lust rise within him as he ground his hips against
mine. Pervert.
Though I was able to hold off his slavering overbite and incredibly bad breath with one
hand, my other hand was caught between our bodies. He couldn't get to my neck, but I
couldn't get to my stake either.
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Time to play dirty. Remembering even vampires had a sensitive side, I kneed him in the
He screeched and let go of me to bend over and clutch the offended part of his anatomy.
That took care of the lust. I hit him with an uppercut so hard that he flew backward,
landing flat on his back on the sidewalk. Whipping the stake from its hiding place, I
dropped down beside him and stabbed him through the heart in one well-practiced motion.
His body arched for a moment, then he sagged and lay motionless—really and truly dead.
Now that my prey had been vanquished and Lola's lust sated, I could feel some of the
aches and pains he'd inflicted on my body. It was worth it, though. And I healed quickly,
so I wasn't likely to feel them for long.
But adrenaline pumped once more when I heard a car door open down the street. The
light was dimmer here between streetlights, but I was still visible—and so was the body I
crouched over. “Who's there?” I demanded.
"It ... it's me."
I recognized that voice. Annoyed, I rose to glare at my younger half-sister. “Jennifer, what
are you doing here?"
She got out of the back seat of the beat-up Camry, white-faced. “I told you I wanted to
come along."
"And I told you not to."
She shrugged, displaying defiance and indifference as only a sixteen-year-old could.
“That's why I hid in the back of the car."
Stupid. I should have checked. I usually drove my motorcycle—a totally sweet Honda
Valkyrie—but on nights when I went hunting, my stepfather let me borrow the old beat-up
car since it had a convenient trunk. Unfortunately, it was too easy for my little sister to
creep into the back seat and stow away there. Obviously.
Trust Jen to try something like this. I'd made the mistake of telling her about my little
excursions, even giving her some training on how to defend herself in case she ever
encountered one of the undead. She'd been eager to learn everything she could, but Mom
had gone off the deep end when she found out, especially when Jen had come home
sporting a few bruises.
Mom had forbidden Jen to talk about it again and had threatened me with bodily harm if I
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