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Blueprints Backdrops: "The Golden Eel Inn"
The Golden Eel Inn
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Written by Tim Hitchcock
Graphic Design by O’Bully
Cartography by Guido Barbati
Artwork by Raffaele Marinetti
Software Authoring by Anna Fava
Front text editing by Scott Haring
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Blueprints Backdrops and The Golden Eel Inn © by Øone Roleplaying Games
Welcome to Blueprints Backdrops!
This new set of products is based on Øone’s popular Blueprints . In Blueprints Backdrops , you
will ind a fully developed version of one of the locations from the Blueprints line. The Backdrop
features a complete description of the location, and its NPCs and monsters (if any), penned by one of
our talented writers, and portrayed by skillful artists. You also get a simpler version of the map found
in Blueprints and a complete detailed 3D map of the location. The 3D view will help you to visual-
ize the area and better describe it to your players. You can even show it to them, if you wish.
The product is suitable for use with any fantasy RPG system. We have separated the d20 stats from the
main text, allowing you to print out either a generic description or a fully d20-statted version.
But the good stuff is just beginning.
This product takes full advantage of PDF technology, joining old-fashioned style with the most ad-
vanced electronic features. In order to use this product you must use Adobe Acrobat 6 or later.
Using the exclusive “ Rule the Dungeon © ” feature (look for a big, blue-n-white button – don’t worry,
it won’t print) you will be able to fully customize this product. The 3D map can be changed to show
only one loor (for example), with or without walls (for another), with or without furniture, only an
external view, and on and on, with many combinations possible!
This product has also been designed to help busy referees prepare adventures – or even single en-
counters. Instead of spending extra time scaling the encounters to your party, the d20 stats are scaled
in three different versions suitable for low, mid, and high levels of play, using a “ Rule the Dungeon ©
This button lets you choose which level to play, and all the relevant text will change accordingly:
monsters will scale, DCs and traps will change, behaviors of the villains will change, all according to
the level of play you choose.
Note: The original map of the Golden Eel Inn appears in Øone’s Blueprints: The Great
City, Dock Ward
S ummary
FF4. Master Suite
FF5. Single Bedroom
Gf 1. Grand Foyer
Marcoso Kval
GF2. Formal Dining Area
Chef Panobla
GF3. The Waiting Room
GF4. The Washroom
GF5. The Stairwell
GF 6. The Kitchen
GF7. The Storage Room
GF8. The Stables
Author’s Bio
FF1. Stairwell
FF2. Washrooms
FF3. Private Conference Room
T he G olden e el
Tim Hitchcock
o verview
Located on a prime spot facing the
harbor prominently rests the Dock
Ward’s most celebrated and most
expensive inn, The Golden Eel. Golden
Eel caters to the pleasure of the port’s
wealthier clientele, particularly traveling
merchants and rich nobles who come
to sample its exquisite cuisine. It is also
a favored spot of higher-ups within the
local navy, who often rent its private
conference room to discuss strategies
over a ine cooked meal and imported
At the far end of the room is a long
counter top of veneered with a heav-
ily burled wood. Behind it stands a
fair-haired woman in her early thirties.
She wears a long burgundy-hued cotton
dress and bodice and a white blouse.
On top of the desk rests a small silver
bell, a leather-bound writing book,
and a quill and ink set. As you enter,
she looks up and asks in a polite voice,
“May I help you?”
Late night, the front desk is run by
an ex-con brute named Admir. He
conducts business at the front counter,
though he still requests a room deposit.
There is no bellhop after 10 pm
The richly-woven foyer carpet has
been enchanted. Upon command, it
animates and attempts to smother tar-
gets, as designated by Marcoso or the
desk clerk. It acts likewise if a patron
suddenly bears arms and threatens or
charges aggressively towards the desk
clerk. The carpet’s statistics are listed in
the NPC sidebar.
Note: Object statistics are listed in the
statistics section.
Mira runs the front desk for the
in during the day and early evening.
Mira invites guests into the check in
room located behind and to the left the
counter. Here she sits behind a large
chestnut desk. Clients sit opposite of
her while she takes their deposits and
gives them a room key. During this
time, she also summons a bellhop, her
13-year-old son Edram to take their
belongings upstairs.
To the left of the counter is a small
private room with an oak check-in desk
and some chairs. Within the desk is a
locked panel containing 36 sets of keys,
three sets for each room. Both Mira
and Marcoso possess a key to open
the panel. Customers receive one key
with the room; a second key can be
requested for an additional fee of 5 sp.
The desk keeps a third key in case of
For several generations now, the
inn has been owned and operated
by the Kval family. Immigrants from
a neighboring land, they bought the
establishment from the local navy and
converted it from rundown barracks
into a glorious inn. The current owner
is Marcoso Kval .
G round F loor
Gf 1. Grand Foyer
Note: The description below assumes
PCs have entered the inn during the day
on Mira’s shift. Light night, the desk is
run by Admir
Two massive oak doors swing inward
opening to a spacious and lavishly
decorated foyer. The walls are strik-
ing, deep lacquered wood paneling
set in inely carved frames offset by a
rich-hued ebon-wood loor, decadently
covered with a large, rich-hued carpet.
Wide open arches to the left and right
lead to other areas of the inn. There
are no windows in this room, however
it is brightly lit by a massive overhead
chandelier, hanging down from the high,
15ft ceilings.
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Kitchen hours run from one hour
before noon, until ive hours past
sunset. The dining room remains open
a few hours after the service closes, but
offers nothing but drinks during this
time. The NPC description section con-
tains a sidebar of possible patrons.
There is no menu at the Inn, instead
Chef Panobla prepares four dishes for
the afternoon and six for the evening,
based on whatever strikes his fancy
during the day, Afternoon is a two
course meal, while dinner is a full four
courses. Food here is extremely pricey,
but extraordinarily good. Regardless of
the fare, all ingredients are incredibly
fresh and the spices and seasonings are
exquisitely rare.
2 - The Golden Eel Inn, ground floor
equals 5ft.
emergencies. The establishment charges
a fee of 50gp to replace lost keys (cit-
ing client safety, they claim the cost is
needed to replace the locks.)
The north and south walls each share
a pair of large, intricately patterned,
stained-glass windows that lo ok as
though i m p orted f r o m an aband one d
monastery. Their heavy glass panes
allow lit t le light t o p a ss through them,
safeguarding the privacy of dining
patrons. Instead, light com es from the
aquari um and the small, tastefully
o rnate brass candelabras centerpieces at
each table. A large swinging door to the
west leads to the kitchen.
Examples include the following:
Raw deep crab legs cold marinated
in hand-pressed limejuice and spicy sea
Thrice backed tojanida stew over a
bed of fresh seaweed greens and sprin-
kled with fresh sea cat’s milk cheese.
Baby octopus in aspic and drenched
with octopi eggs.
Black pepper crusted, grilled walrus
steaks braised with oyster sauce.
Flambé urchin stuffed with orange fey
berries and set with honey-glazed lotus
petal-wrapped shrimp.
Whole cracked chuul claw boiled in
a broth of clams, onions, saffron, and
clover mead.
GF2. Formal Dining Area
The dining area is relatively small
and pri v at e , with on ly ten t ables. Sti l l,
its lavis h d é cor is o v e rwhelm in g. Th e
loors and lower half of the walls are set
with terra cotta tiles inlaid with blue-
green gl ass mosaic. T he up per walls an d
ceiling are white washed stucco framed
by thick chestnut timbers. The center-
piece of the room is a dais that supports
a massive glass tube aquarium sur-
rounded by four white marble pillars.
The pillar is some how light from inside,
illuminating a life-size copper-oxidized
statue of a mermaid and two-dozen live
baby golden eels. The room is inished
with brass ixtures, velvet and chintz
upholstered furniture, and blood-red
gossamer tablecloths.
Available upon reservation only,
the formal dining room only accom-
modates forty people, and then only if
seated in groups of four. Serviced by
four attractive servers (two females and
two males).
Though there are a few exceptions
made to regular patrons, guests of the
inn generally have priority over walk-
ins. Regardless, only those with proper
attire (a noble’s outit) are permitted
into the dining room.
Afternoon meals cost 50 gp each in-
cluding coffee, while evening meals cost
100gp each including coffee. Drinks
are extra and Panobla only serves the
inest wines and brandies (between 100
to 1000gp a bottle). For this reason,
lower level characters will most likely
require a patron to pay for their meals.
The DM can easily accommodate this
a bonus to a reward for prior services
well done.
T ippinG The S TaFF
The Golden Eel is a high end Inn and as such, its servants expect tips, usually
in the form of silver pieces for adults and coppers for the boys. If the boys aren’t
tipped, Durn in particular, they perform slightly under par. Perhaps not promptly
removing bedpans or more likely not replacing them with clean ones.
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