0One Games Battlemaps Slave Ship.pdf

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Battlemaps Slave Ship
This is the complete set of Battlemaps covering the whole Cottonmouth , the slave ship introduced in Blood Runs Cold
adventure module. These battlemaps provide you plenty of space to customize and expand the adventure or to create one yourself
as the Cottonmouth could be easily adapted to other adventures.
In this accessory you will find 11 gorgeous battlemaps, one for each location of the Cottonmouth .
This accessory features the amazing rendered 3d maps produced by Øone Games . The maps come with 1 inch square
grid and are suitable for miniature and role playing games. You will find, of each map, two versions: full color and grayscale
(optimized for B&W printing). Starting with this product we’ve dropped the line-art section. This is due to the fact that all of
these battlemaps come with a stunning 150 dpi resolution. This will give you an incredible print quality.
You can lay on the game table the whole Cottonmouth by placing together all the paper sheets.
Each map shows a section of the ship from a top-down perspective with stunning lighting effects and superb 3D-rendered
objects. You can easily print out these maps and place your favorite miniatures on them. Highly detailed, these maps add flavor
and facilitate tactical movements while running combat encounters. A one-inch square grid is drawn on each map but blended in
perfectly with the environment.
Each map is printable on a single sheet of paper. You can print out the map you need in full color, or choose its grayscale-
optimized version if you do not want to consume too much ink. Even if you decide to print them in color, these battlemaps will
be always more cost-effective than a printed version, as you can print out just what you need... even multiples of your favorite
Get Inspired
These maps are so detailed that simply looking at them can give thousand of ideas for your own games. Why does a blade of
blue light filters through the captain’s cabin entrance? What kind of valuables were in the main hold, or who is imprisoned in the
slave hold? You know the answer, and your players will soon discover it.
Be Descriptive
Even if you do not use the battlemaps for combat, their amazing detail will assist you in room descriptions. Looking at the map
while describing the room to the players becomes easier than read plain text. You could look at the captain’s cabin and say:
Before you is a large cabin taking up much of the stern of the barge. The dark wood paneled walls have been etched with
strange sinuous sigils, which are difficult to decipher. A small shrine at the far back of the room is draped in blue cloth and bears a
number of carvings depicting eels, lamprey and leeches that glitter with a golden glow. Two braziers beside the small altar release a
thick cloud of smoke, which reeks of incense into the air.
Build Your Own Dungeon
You can assemble a dungeon using the battlemaps, connecting them with dark hallways and dangerous corridors and finally
fill them with hideous critters of your choice. The players will enjoy the battle in your custom built dungeon. More of these
supplements are available, and in no time you will be able to build any dungeon you desire.
Take a look at the end of the book, you’ll find a checklist of all the battlemaps produced by Øone Games.
Battlemaps: Slave Ship
Product Code: MAC18. First edition 12/2004
Ship Design: Guido Barbati
3D Modeling: Guido Barbati
Texture Mapping: O’Bully
Graphics: O’Bully
Software Engineer: Anna Fava
All of the content of this book is © by Øone Roleplaying
Games. The reproduction or retransmission of any part of this
book, without written permission of the copyright holder is
expressly forbidden, except for the purpose of reviews.
Permission is granted to print this book for personal use only.
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top view
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