Warhammer Quest Chaos Warrior_noPW.pdf

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Chaos Warrior
· Chaos Warrior ·
This is an electronic version of Games Workshop’s Warhammer Quest Pit Fighter Warrior pack.
As much as possible this electronic version resembles the original, though colour depths and the resolution of the images has been reduced in order to produce a smaller file size.
Due to the licensing restrictions on the Fonts used, they can't be embedded in the PDF. So to ensure that the manual looks as it's intended to you'll need the “Casablanca Antique”
and the “Book Antiqua” fonts.
Chaos Warriors are thought of as inhuman, daemonic killing machines. men
who have sold their souls for the pleasure of indiscriminate slaughter.
Indeed this is in some measure true, and there are those who are so blighted
by chaos that they must fight eternally in the warhost of their daemonic
masters, having forgotten and abandoned their humanity forever.
However they have entered into their pact with the chaos powers, all Chaos
Warriors have certain things in common: they have sold their souls to the lords
of chaos, and have glimpsed the possibility of immortality and power beyond
dreams. Equally, they all know that there is no turning back - they are
irrevocably damned.
There are many reasons why a man may turn to chaos, and many paths he
may travel to serve the dark gods Some are enlisted by sects in their home
town, following an inconspicuous trade by day, and joining the coven by
night, revelling in the dangerous pleasure of the forbidden Others might be
driven to follow the path of chaos through personal tragedy. Whatever the
cause, desperation has often been known to drive otherwise upright
individuals down the dark road to depravity and change.
When the other Warriors first meet the Chaos Warrior. the warping influences
of his daemonic masters may have already manifested themselves visibly, as
marks on his flesh, twisted features or in extreme cases extra eyes. ears, fingers
or the like. If this is so, then the Chaos Warrior is likely to be very careful to
conceal his true appearance when in the company of the Warriors. wearing his
armour at all times, or keeping his features obscured by heavy cowls. furs or
Sometimes soldiers of fortune, mercenaries or freelances are inculcated into
the ranks of those following chaos In their case the desperation is often
more immediate - perhaps they call out for salvation as their enemies close
in on them for the kill, and all hope seems lost. Then, the powers of chaos
may see fit to intervene and save the individual - at a price.
If the Warriors knew his true nature, they would be unlikely to tolerate the
Chaos Warrior’s company, as they have more than likely faced his kind in
battle in the past Individually though, many Chaos Warriors are not evil as
such, they Simply follow a different path from the rest of the world. Their
objectives, urges, goals and desires are often incomprehensible to any other
creature. inevitably making these individuals outcasts in any society, other than
with their own kind. Yet for a while, a Chaos Warrior will make a stalwart ally,
a deadly fighter and a powerful opponent to any who stand in his way. His is a
lonely path, and ultimately leads to the darkest realm imaginable.
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· Chaos Warrior ·
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Chaos Warrior
This pack contains everything you need to introduce a new Warrior to your
games of Warhammer Quest, including his Warrior card, Warrior counter,
Equipment card, a rulebook, any special cards and a Citadel miniature to
represent the Warrior himself.
Remember too, that if there is not a Barbarian in the party, then one of the other
Warriors will have to carry the lantern and be the leader
This rulebook is split into three sections: a basic Warhammer Quest section,
an Advanced Warhammer Quest section, and a Roleplay section.
If you want to, you can take more than four Warriors into an adventure, adding
the Chaos Warrior to the party of Warriors. If you do this, you will have to
make sure that there are enough Monsters to go round! The cards and tables
from the Warhammer Quest game are designed for parties of four Warriors, and
if you send fifteen different Warriors down a dungeon, then the game as it
stands will present no challenge at all! As a general rule, stick to parties of four
Warriors, but if you have a party of five or six, then increase the number of
Monsters by an equal proportion.
The Warhammer Quest rules contain all the rules for using the Chaos
Warrior in your games. The Advanced rulebook covers all the rules for the
progression of the Chaos Warrior through the battle-levels including any
spells, skills or special rules, and the final section gives rules guides for
using the new Warrior in the Roleplay system.
If you wish, you may replace one of the Warriors from the Warhammer
Guest game with the Chaos Warrior. Simply allow one of the players to
choose the Chaos Warrior. The rules which follow explain how to use the
Chaos Warrior in your games. Remember to put the Warrior counter for the
original Warrior back in the box, replacing it with that of the Chaos
For example, if you have six Warriors in the party, this is 50% more Warriors
than the Event cards are set up to deal with. In this case, you should make sure
that each time Monsters appear. there are 50% more of them. If the card says
“1D6 Orcs”, roll the dice as usual and then multiply the result upwards to match
the party size. - so a dice roll of four Orcs would become six Orcs, and so on.
The profile of a Chaos Warrior is as follows:
The Chaos Warrior starts off with 3D6 Wounds. When you are rolling Wounds,
remember that if you roll any l’s, you may re-roll the dice, but if the dice comes
up with a second 1, you must keep it.
Weapon Skill
Ballistic Skill
5 +
3 (4)
The Chaos Warrior does not have an Equipment card as such, instead he starts
the game with the “Mark of Chaos” card. This represents the magical emblem
which the Chaos Warrior has emblazoned on his flesh, the sign of his chaos
patron. The Mark of Chaos allows the Chaos Warrior to re-roll any single dice
roll once per adventure.
Pinning Roll
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Chaos Warrior
The Chaos Warrior carries a mighty axe, which causes 1D6 + his Str (3)
Wounds whenever he hits his target.
In addition to the equipment, armour and weapons outlined above, the Chaos
Warrior also starts the game with a number of other special abilities and items.
Because of the unpredictable nature of chaos, the nature and number of these
“gifts” is not fixed. Each time you bring a Chaos Warrior to a game of
Warhammer Quest, you must work out what these “gifts” are.
At the start of the game, the Chaos Warrior is wearing light armour, which
gives him +1 Toughness (taking his Toughness from 3 up to 4)
Before you start the game, roll a dice and consult the table below.
The Chaos Warrior starts the game with 2 chaos
attributes and 1 chaos artefact.
The Chaos Warrior starts the game with 1 chaos
attribute and 2 chaos artefacts
Roll on the two tables below to find out what artefacts/attributes your Chaos
Warrior has.
Mindless . If the Wizard rolls a 1 in
the Power Phase, the Chaos Warrior
turns into a mindless, babbling idiot
He has a WS of 1 until the end of the
turn. when he returns to
Poisonous Bite. Once per turn, the Chaos Warrior may make a
special site attack, in addition to his normal attacks The Bite
attack is at -1 to hit, and causes 2 Wounds, with no modifiers
Arcane Knowledge . If the Wizard
rolls a 6 in the Power Phase, the
Chaos Warrior is overcome by dark,
chaotic thoughts Roll a D6.
Warp Magic. Pit the start of the game, randomly select one
spell card. The Chaos Warrior may cast this spell once during
the adventure, and it works automatically.
The Chaos Warrior may do
nothing this turn. Any
opponents who attack him
may add +2 to their to hit
rolls. The Chaos Warrior
Returns to normal at the start
of the next turn.
Teleport . Once per game, the Chaos Warrior may teleport,
instead of moving. He may teleport to any square on the board.
When teleporting, he may ignore Pinning rules. Remember the
rules for being lost in the dark though!
The Chaos Warrior gains +
lD6 Initiative for the turn. He
may also take one random
spell card, which must be
cast immediately The spell is
cast automatically If it cannot
be cast for any reason, it is
Warp Frenzy. At the start of each new event that reveals
Monsters, roll a dice. On a scare of 6 the Chaos Warrior is
frenzied for the duration of the combat. While frenzied, he has
+2 Attacks. but is at -1 to hit.
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Chaos Warrior
Parrying Blade. This weapon
reduces the attacks of one of the
Warrior's opponents by -1.
Lashing Blade. This weapon allows the Warrior to strike
opponents up to four squares away.
Ring of Desolation. This ring allows
the bearer to make an Ice Missile
attack once per turn, in addition to
any other attacks he might make. The
Chaos Warrior must make a BS roll
to hit. Any Monster hit is frozen for
the rest of the turn. While frozen, a
Monster may not attack or be
attacked. The Monster will return to
normal at the beginning of the next
Chalice of Night. Roll a dice at the start of the game - this is
the number of Attacks that will hit automatically this
adventure. The Chaos Warrior may choose which attacks hit
Entrancing Blade . This blade has a hypnotic effect on
Monsters that are attacking the Chaos Warrior Any Monsters
attacking the Chaos Warrior must roll a dice If they score 6,
they may do nothing that turn.
Axe of Mighty Striking. Once per game, this weapon will
cause 8D6 Wounds damage. Toughness and armour may be
deducted as normal. The Chaos Warrior must state he is going
to make this special attack before he rolls the dice to hit. If he
misses, the attack is wasted. At other times the axe causes
normal damage (1D6+3), though it does still count as being
Chaos Warriors may keep any type of treasure. However, they may only
actually use potions and non-magical treasure, such as gold, firebombs,
flashpowder etc.
All they can do with the rest is collect it for its gold value, which is totalled
up at the end of the game. Of course, the Chaos Warrior may decide to sell
some of his treasure to the other players if he wants to...
Though the Chaos Warrior cannot use magic treasure, he can of course use
chaos artefacts!
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Chaos Warrior
The Chaos Warrior is a somewhat enigmatic. unusual character, and as such
may cause suspicion and distrust when he visits a Settlement. Sometimes
the militia of Settlement will even throw the Chaos Warrior out of town. Of
course, if he has any obvious signs of chaos, the likelihood of this
happening increases tremendously.
He must spend 2D6xl0 gold as offerings at the Chaos Temple. hoping to receive
the attention of his dark gods.
After paying the required gold, roll a D6 and consult the table below :
The warping forces of chaos surge through the Chaos
Warrior's veins. and he staggers drunkenly around the
temple. When he comes to his senses, he realises that he has
been... changed!
Whenever the Warriors arrive in Settlement, the Chaos Warrior must roll a
dice for every chaos attribute he possesses that is obviously manifest. These
attributes are marked with a star (*) in the following tables. If any of the
dice comes up with a 1, then he is refused admission to the Settlement.
The Chaos Warrior gains 2 chaos attributes, see the Chaos
Attributes Table on Page 9.
The Chaos Warrior may visit the following locations:
The Alehouse, any trader, the Alchemist and the Chaos Temple. He may
visit the Pit Fighter’s. fighting school (but not the armoury). He may visit
the Gambling Den. He may not visit any other location at all.
The warping forces of chaos surge through the Chaos
Warrior's veins, and he staggers drunkenly around the
temple. When he comes to his senses, he realises that he has
been. Changed!
The Chaos Warrior can buy any items which are available to the Barbarian,
with the exception of missile weapons. He does not like missile weapons,
preferring to dispatch his foes with his trusty blade.
The Chaos Warrior gains 1 chaos attribute , see the table
The gods of chaos are not listening, there are greater things
afoot in the world to claim their attention.
In many towns there are those who have rejected the accepted gods, the
established religions, and have turned to other, darker Forms of worship
These Chaos cults are steeped in secrecy, as to be revealed as a follower of
chaos is to be shunned, reviled and often executed. However, the attraction
of chaos is power and immortality, and there are usually the insane few who
are willing to take whatever risks are necessary to gain the patronage of the
chaos gods.
The Chaos Warrior’s pleas go unanswered.
The Chaos Warrior stands before the altar to his dark gods,
imploring that they listen to his cries. In the past, they
punished him by granting him a warping, crippling attribute.
Despite this cruel trick, the Chaos Warrior has served his
masters well, and is sure that now is the time for the balance
to he redressed.
Whenever he visits a Settlement. the Chaos Warrior may attempt to find a
Chaos Temple, to pray to his dark gods and to make offerings and sacrifices
to the altar that lies within.
The player must select any single attribute, crossing it off his
Warrior profile As that attribute vanishes, the Chaos Warrior
gains another! Roll another attribute randomly, and take that
The Chaos Warrior must find the temple. just like any other special location
in a town or city.
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