The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings by John A Keel (2002).pdf

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The Complete Guide To Mysterious Beings
This book is dedicated to the memory of
Otto Binder, Charles Bowen, Alex Jackinson,
Coral and Jim Lorenzen, Ivan T. Sanderson
and all the others who spent their lives
pursuing the unknown and the unknowable.
1. A World Filled with Ambling Nightmares
2. ”The Uglies and the Nasties”
3. Demon Dogs and Phantom Cats
4. Flying Felines
5. The Incomprehensibles
6. Giants in the Earth or ”Marvelous Big Men and Great Enmity”
7. The Hairy Ones
8. Meanwhile in Russia
9. Big Feet and Little Brains
10. Creatures from the Black Lagoon
11. Those Silly ”Flying Saucer” People
12. The Big Joke from Outer Space
13. Cattle Rustlers from the Skies
14. The Grinning Man
15. Cherubs, Angels, and Greys
16. The Bedroom Invaders
17. Winged Weirdos
18. The Man-Birds
19. West Virginia's ”Mothman”
20. Unidentified Swimming Objects
21. Scoliophis Atlanticus
22. The Great Sea Serpent of Silver Lake, New York
23. The Yellow Submarine Caper
24. Something Else...
Afterword: 2002
No matter where you live on this planet, someone within two hundred miles of your home has had a
direct confrontation with a frightening apparition or inexplicable ”monster” within the last
generation. Perhaps it was even your cousin or your next-door neighbor. There is a chance – a very
good one – that sometime in the next few years you will actually come face to face with a giant
hair-covered humanoid or a little man with bulging eyes, surrounded by a ghostly greenish glow.
An almost infinite variety of known and unknown creatures thrive on this mudball and appear
regularly year after year, century after century. Uncounted millions of people have been terrified by
their unexpected appearances in isolated forests, deserted highways, and even in the quiet back
streets of heavily populated cities. Whole counties have been seized by ”monster mania,” with
every available man joining armed posses to beat the bushes in search for the unbelievable
somethings that have killed herds of cows and slaughtered dogs and horses.
Over the past hundred years, thousands of intriguing human interest items have appeared in
newspapers all over the world, describing incredible encounters with awesome creatures unknown
to science. Can all these items be hoaxes and journalistic jokes? Can we believe that the major wire
services, whose very existence depends on their reliability, employ men to concoct and circulate
irresponsible tales about hairy giants and helmed pygmies stepping from circular flying machines?
Can we conclude that the millions of badly frightened people who have reported such encounters to
the local police and authorities are merely pathological liars and lunatics?
We know that our little planet is infested with remarkable animals and insects that defy common
sense. Have you ever considered the total absurdity of the giraffe? Or that inane rodent, the
lemming, swarms of which periodically march across miles of ice in the Arctic to drown themselves
in the sea?
Scientists had a good laugh in 1856, when Paul du Chaillu returned from the Congo and described
his encounter with a hairy giant. ”He stood about a dozen yards from us, and was a sight I think I
shall never forget,” du Chaillu reported. ”Nearly six feet high, with immense body, huge chest, and
great muscular arms, with fiercely glaring large deep gray eyes... he stood there and beat his breast
with his huge fists till it resounded like an immense bass drum.”
We know now that du Chaillu was the first white man to meet a gorilla in Africa. Gorillas did not
exist in 1856 simply because the desk-bound scientists of London and Paris said they did not exist.
People are still seeing things that do not exist scientifically. They are seeing them in Nebraska, in
England, in Siberia, in South East Asia, and in national parks everywhere.
A Reuters dispatch from Malaysia on August 15, 1966, reported that an ape twenty-five feet tall was
on the loose. Residents of the little village of Segamat were quoted in the Malay Mail as describing
a shy, harmless giant who blundered about in the bushes, leaving huge eighteen-inch footprints in
his wake. The report speculated that perhaps the giant ape was on the move because of the pressure
of advancing civilization and the loss of feeding grounds.
An ape twenty-five feet tall is a biological impossibility. But that does not mean that one cannot
Berwick, Nova Scotia, sounds exotic and faraway. Actually it is on the Canadian peninsula lying
just off the coast of Maine. In April 1969 a giant eighteen-foot-tall figure was seen by many
residents on the outskirts of that little town in the Annapolis valley, according to the Evening News.
It was allegedly a ”tall, very dark form” seen striding about the landscape at a speed of about twenty
miles per hour. After the initial witnesses reported the ”Phantom,” as it became known, local police
had to assign two cars to the area to control the bumper-to-bumper traffic.
People in Nova Scotia have been seeing all kinds of oddities for years. Giant luminous snakes that
appeared suddenly and melted away mysteriously were reported there in 1967.
These things are ”erratics” and ”anomalies.” They have been entertaining us for years, and their
appearances have spawned all kinds of cults and ”crackpot-ologies” ranging from ”Angelology”
(the study of the frequent appearances of angels) to UFOlogo (the study of flying saucers). Since
1896 a spectacular assortment of weird apparitions have been dropping out of the sky to plague us.
A nude giant paid a visit to Michigan in 1897, according to the newspapers of the period, and when
a farmer tried to move in for a closer look, the creature lashed out with his giant foot and broke the
poor man's ribs.
For the past twenty years South America has been infested with beings ranging from eight-foot
giants with single eyes in the middle of their foreheads to little man-shaped things only two feet tall.
Cyclopean giants have also reportedly been seen in the state of Oregon, and a radio announcer in
Minnesota claims he ran into a group of tiny animated tin cans only six inches tall. Other creatures
ranging from fifteen to twenty feet in height have scared the daylights out of people in such
scattered places as Mexico and Argentina.
In West Virginia more than one hundred sober, God-fearing people have seen some sort of tall, gray
human-like figure with wings since 1966. It has glowing red eyes and is known locally as
”Mothman.” A similar creature horrified four teenagers in Kent, England, back in 1963.
These are only a few of the examples in our lexicon of monsters and ambling nightmares. There are
hundreds more and we will try to give a comprehensive, documented account of each one as we go
along. Unfortunately there is very little scientific evidence that any of these things really exist. In
many cases unusual footprints were found on the ground afterwards and plaster casts were made of
them. In some instances witnesses were clawed or went into a state of shock and required medical
attention. Over and over again police officers and sheriffs have thought enough of the witnesses'
credibility to organize posses and search parties to scour the area for some trace of these elusive
beasts, always without success.
You are, of course, familiar with the giant footprints of the celebrated Abominable Snowman
(ABSM) of the Himalayas, which have been seen and photographed by numerous mountain-
climbing expeditions. But did you know that the same kind of tall, hairy creature has frequently
been seen throughout the United States? He – or it – turns up almost annually in such places as
California, Michigan, Florida, and New York. Hundreds of people have seen these ABSMs in the
past hundred years. All of their descriptions tally. The reliability of most of these people is beyond
We have personally investigated many of the cases in this book and have talked to the witnesses for
hours on end, probing for discrepancies in their stories and trying to uncover emotional or
psychological aberrations. It is our studied conclusion that the great majority of these people are
telling the truth. Any one of them would make an acceptable and credible witness in a court of law
if called upon to testify about a more mundane matter. We are not dealing with wild-eyed crackpots
and publicity seekers. These are people very much like yourself and, contrary to the hardboiled
cynicism of New York editors, most people are honest and they are particularly truthful when trying
to describe an unusual but possibly important event to police officers, newsmen, and scientific
Many of these witnesses will be named in this book. They are real people, they exist, and you can
check them out if you wish, although by now most of them are weary of the ridicule and nonsense
that usually follows the act of reporting an unusual event.
Skeptics who have had no newspaper experience usually try to make an issue out of the reliability
of newspaper reports. We grew up in the newspaper business and have been involved in journalism
all our life. Newsmen are trained in a hard school and total objectivity becomes a part of their
lifestyle. Most newspaper reports are very reliable. We personally have had the opportunity to check
out many newspaper clippings by visiting the scene and talking directly to the witnesses. Often we
found that the local newspapers had actually protected the witness by playing down or deleting
altogether the more incredible aspects of his story. This means that many of the newspaper accounts
offer only a superficial description of the event and an in-depth, on-the-spot investigation is
necessary to uncover all the details.
So we are not going to dwell on the false issues of reliability in this book. Rather, we are going to
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