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In Her Defense
Book Two of the Heart of Justice series
Denise A Agnew
(c) 2009
In Her Defense
Book Two of the Heart of Justice series
Denise A Agnew
Published 2009
ISBN 978-1-59578-511-4
Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509
Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2009, Denise A Agnew. All
rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Liquid Silver Books
Terri Schaefer
Cover Artist
April Martinez
This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of
the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.
To my husband, Terry. Forever and always my number one hero.
To Lena Robinson for her encouragement, support, and excellent critique skills.
To B.J. Bourg and Jim Adams for police procedural information and technical help
about SWAT teams.
To all the gang on Weapons Info. Yahoo Group for additional information on
firearms and their use. Thank you for your excellent assistance. Any errors related to
police procedure and SWAT teams is entirely mine.
Chapter One
Celeste Rice knew whatever happened tonight would change her life…for better or
worse. She wouldn’t know which until she spoke to Deputy Mick MacGilvary.
Warm and unusually humid, the Colorado night pulsed with exhilaration as Celeste
and hundreds of other spectators watched and cheered the martial arts opponents battling
on the mat. She’d come to this charity event to help the El Torro Sheriff’s Department
raise funds for a local community center, but as soon as she saw Mick, she forgot
everything but how he’d always made her feel.
Hot. Bothered. Ready to do something nasty and illegal.
She worried the hem of her teal camisole blouse. Her nipples beaded tightly against
the fabric. She squirmed, her new low-rise denim shorts feeling too tight against the
sensitized tissues between her legs.
Sitting in the gym’s bleachers, watching Mick perform, she experienced undeniable,
jaw-dropping, full-throttle lust. She couldn’t squelch her reaction to the magnificent
primal male display.
She recognized Mick’s opponent as his brother, Trey. Trey had a lean, corded
strength not unlike Mick’s, but Celeste’s eyes were drawn to how Mick’s physique
flexed, his body a weapon as he jumped high into a kick. Trey dodged, then went on the
offensive, attacking with force. Mick blocked the blow, his face filled with ruthless
As applause rose, she joined with others in showing her appreciation. Soon Mick and
Trey changed to another form of martial arts. Keysi, the announcer called it, and the sheer
brutality and harsh determination showed in both Mick and Trey’s faces. Her focus
stayed on Mick as he performed each move.
From her position at the bottom of the bleachers, she heard their harsh breathing, the
slap of bare feet on the mat, grunts of exertion. As Mick feinted to the right, his muscles
rippled. Caught up in the excitement, she leaned forward until her elbows rested on her
knees. She could almost feel the energy, their breathing coming hard, hearts pumping
strongly, sweat beading.
Quick and graceful, Mick’s moves showed a raw masculine power she felt down to
her bones and through every fiber.
His black hair, cut short, curled the slightest bit with moisture. His expression was
hardened with purpose. As his navy blue t-shirt strained over his wide shoulders, broad
chest, and strong arms, her mouth dried up and her throat constricted. Blue shorts allowed
a full view of tan, sturdy leg muscles that surged and bunched. Even from a distance, he
was one of the most compelling men she’d ever seen. God he’s fantastic.
Yet ten years ago, she’d turned down a chance to discover ecstasy in his arms.
Now she craved him with no-holds-barred desire. She hadn’t understood how much
she wanted him until she saw him tonight. Now she hoped to rectify her past mistake.
She pulled air into her lungs on a slow inhalation. He was dangerous and she’d
always known it. The idea should repulse her. After all, violence had taken away
everything she loved. Not that she believed Mick would ever hurt her, but his job was
hazardous. Frightening.
She glanced around at the other women watching Mick and Trey. Were some of
them wives and sweethearts of the cops participating in this exhibition? How did they do
it? How did they accept the danger these men lived with every day?
Even as she wondered how these women coped with the possibility of violence
tearing apart their lives, she couldn’t deny the appeal of these oh-so-physical men. They
were strong, protective, powerful. Energy seemed to pulse around them, drawing her
attention to their potency.
Once again, her gaze swung back to Mick. If she could have sex with him once,
maybe it would vaccinate her against any deeper feelings, from thinking she’d thrown
away a chance at true happiness.
Just once I’d like toe-curling, bone-melting sex.
She could search for raw sex with another man, but her obsession with Mick
wouldn’t retreat. She’d tried to beat it into submission more than once, and failed.
I’ll flush him out of my system once and for all.
Even as she sat among hundreds of people with the lights blazing, sounds of the fight
echoing in the huge room, she couldn’t deny her arousal. She knew if Mick touched her
intimately he’d find her swollen and hot with need. She licked her lips. Oh, God. Yes.
Just the thought of such an intimate touch made her close her eyes and visualize. His
fingers would slide with a tender touch, taunting her as he stroked ultra-sensitive surfaces
and listened to her moan. She’d imagined, night after night, how a heart-stirring intimacy
with him would feel. She wanted to be close to him again, to understand his thoughts, his
No. Intimacy had nothing to do with this. She needed to discover the sexuality she’d
denied for so long. She needed to get over the frigidity that threatened every relationship
she’d attempted with a man. She trusted Mick to help her find that sexuality and bring it
into the light. She knew he would make the experience one for a lifetime.
She heard one of the men groan with effort, and her eyes flew open. With another
lightning maneuver, Mick avoided one of Trey’s strikes.
Trey backed off the fight. “Uncle.”
Mick and Trey patted each other on the back, shook hands and bowed. Bystanders
clapped and cheered. The master of ceremonies for the event thanked everyone and the
gathering broke up.
Now’s the time, Celeste . Though she’d come here hoping Mick would agree to a
date, he might also help her with a niggling problem she’d encountered the last couple of
weeks. She chewed her lip just thinking about the situation.
As a cop, and member of SWAT, no less, he could tell her how to jettison an ex who
didn’t understand the meaning of the word no. She would approach him and ask. Simple.
Right. Her stomach did a nervous flip. After the way they’d parted ten years ago, he
might reject her. Buck up. She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, cloaking
herself in a mantle of confidence she sometimes didn’t feel. Not lately anyway.
As Mick left the mat, her gaze riveted on him. She would know Mick’s familiar walk
anywhere—commanding, self-assured, and with the slightest swagger. Mick laughed at
something Trey said, and she noticed two other women not far from her staring at the
men with clear interest.
She remembered his no-nonsense, see-through-to-the-heart gaze. He always had the
most beautiful, burning eyes. Mick swung his attention toward her. For a minute, he
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