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Encountering Buddhism : Western Psychology and Buddhist Teachings
Encountering Buddhism
SUNY series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology
Richard D. Mann, editor
Encountering Buddhism
Western Psychology and Buddhist Teachings
Edited by
Seth Robert Segall
State University of New York Press
Published by
State Universit y of New York Press, Albany
© 2003 State Universit y of New York
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
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For information, address State Universit y of New York Press,
90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany, NY 12207
Production by Judith Block
Marketing by Fran Keneston
Library of Congress Control Number
Encountering Buddhism : Western psychology and Buddhist teachings / edited by Seth
Robert Segall.
p. cm. — (SUNY series in transpersonal and humanistic psychology)
ISBN 0–7914–5735–4 (alk. paper) — ISBN 0–7914–5736–2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Buddhism and psychoanalysis. 2. Psychotherapy—Religious aspects—
Buddhism. 3. Spirit ual life—Buddhism. 4. Buddhism—United States—Histor y—
20th cent ur y. I. Segall, Seth Robert. II. Series.
BQ4570.P755 E62 2003
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