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How to Build a Barrister's Bookcase
How to Build a Barrister's Bookcase
Stackable cases with retractable overhead doors
by Jeff Greef
Jeff Greef's walnut lawyer's cabinet resembles a garage for books, complete with
overhead doors. A pair of carcase modules capped with a top unit (left) waits to be
stacked onto another pair resting on a base unit (right). Greef waxes the back side of
one of the retractable doors, which is guided by a simple pulley mechanism that's pat-
terned after the guide system used in the 1906 cabinet in the photo below.
mong the victims of California's 1989 Loma Prieta earth-
quake was a sectional bookcase (also known as a lawyer's
or barrister's bookcase) belonging to a friend of mine.
When she asked me to rebuild it, I inspected the parts she had laid
in her garage. Damage was minimal, mostly disassembled joints
rather than broken wood, so repairs would be easy. The bookcase
was composed of separate cases stacked together and aligned by
tongues, grooves, dowels and holes. There were also pedestal and
crown units that attached to the bottom and top of the assembled
cases. Each shelf module had a glazed door,
which pivoted at its top, then slid into a pock-
et above the opening.
I also saw something that mystified me—a
curious system of metal bands, wooden chan-
nels, and small wooden pulleys, around which
the bands were wrapped. Closer investigation
revealed that the purpose of the mechanism
was to guide the doors, so they would slide
parallel to the case sides and not turn askew
and bind with the carcase when opened. I was
so intrigued by the guide system on this 80-
year-old set, I resolved to build a stacking
bookcase with a similar wood and metal
mechanism for myself (see the photo above).
The refurbished bookcase, labeled "The
Viking," was patented and built by Skandia
Furniture Co. of Rockford, Ill (see the photo below). Patent dates
on the label, and the owner's recollection, put the time of the case's
manufacture around 1906.1 was disappointed at first to see the ba-
sic construction for the carcase modules was rabbets and nails. But
practical experience contradicted my negative judgment—all the
nailed joints survived the thrashing of the earthquake, whereas half
the hide-glued joints broke. After reconsidering, I decided to use
the same construction as Skandia with only minor changes. I broke
the project down into four assemblies: top and bottom units, car-
cases, doors and parallel mechanisms.
Materials and case construction
All visible wood on the Skandia cabinet was
darkly stained oak, and all the unexposed
parts were made from either poplar or alder.
For my case, I used air-dried California black
walnut for the primary wood and poplar for
the secondary wood. I edge-glued walnut to
poplar for the cabinet bottoms (bookshelves)
and for the rear rail of the top unit. Instead of
gluing up the carcase sides, which had
cupped on the oak original, I used single
pieces of quartersawn walnut. I grain matched
the sides to create a continuous pattern from
top to bottom and did the same for the walnut
end caps and door stiles. I used poplar for the
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stretcher and back rail of the bottom unit
and also for the carcase tops, which serve
as the base for the door guides. I also used
poplar for the pivot-post guide channels
and all the wooden pieces needed to
make the parallel mechanism.
drilled a mating hole in their bottoms to
keep the stacked components aligned.
Doors— Although the Skandia door-frame
moldings -were probably shaper cut, I cut
the sticking on my router table. To make
the recess for the glass, I rabbeted the back
of my door frames with a set of reversible
cope-and-stick router cutters. Because I
don't like to rely on a stub tenon alone, I
dadoed out the mating frame parts and in-
serted solid loose tenons (see the top pho-
to). I sized the door's width, leaving about
in. clearance on each side and rabbeted
the back of the door stiles to mate with the
rabbet on the end caps. Just before instal-
lation, I trimmed the door's top and bot-
tom to fit the case opening. To retain the
glass, I nailed a -in. darkly stained poplar
molding around the inside of the frame.
One of the two pivot posts on each door
must be retractable to install the doors in
their guide channels. On one side of each
door, I bored a -in. hole for the fixed
post, which fits tightly with no adhesive.
For the spring-loaded post, I bored a
in. hole 2 in. deep and then bored two
-in. holes right next to each other in the
rear face of the door frame directly over
the long hole. I then chiseled the two
holes to form a beveled slot (see the bot-
tom photo at left). Next, I inserted a spring
in the pivot-post hole, followed by a 2 in. length of -in.-dia.
brass rod. I pushed the rod in until the spring was fully com-
pressed, and then I scribed a mark on the rod through the beveled
slot. I removed the brass rod, bored a hole at the scribe and
tapped threads to accept a brass machine screw, which acts as a
stop to retain the spring-loaded pin.
Top and bottom units The shaped
front rail (fascia) of the top and bottom
units adds a nice profile to an otherwise
rectilinear construction (see the drawing
on the facing page) I cut the coves on the
rails by clamping an angled fence on my
tablesaw and running the workpiece over
the blade several times taking a -in.-
deep cut with each pass. To make way for
the tops of doors as they are swung open,
I also coved the bottom of each walnut
shelf front and the underside of the cap
edge of the top unit. Using my miter
gauge on the tablesaw, I crosscut the an-
gled groove that receives the front rails in
both the top and bottom units' sides. The
inside grooves for the rails on the bottom
unit's sides can go right across the piece
and not be seen, but not so on the top
unit's sides. I stopped the top's grooves
for the front and rear rails and likewise for
the grooves that hold the raised panel top.
Next, I cut the tenons on the ends of the
rails in two passes on the tablesaw: one
with the piece flat to define the shoulder;
and the other with the piece upright to cut the tenons' cheeks.
Then I fitted the rails' tenons into the grooves and scribed the rail
profile onto the sides, I found that it was much easier to match the
leading edge of the sides to the contour of the rails than vice ver-
sa. After bandsawing the front edges of the sides, I scraped
and sanded them smooth. To complete the joinery for the top
unit, I cut shallow, stopped rabbets in the sides to receive the cap
edge. To hide this joint from the front, I cut -in.-long tongues on
the ends of the cap edge to overlap the joint (see the drawing on
the facing page).
To make the bookcase door frames, the
author used his router table and a set of
reversible cope-and-stick cutters, and then
he strengthened the joints with solid loose
tenons. The stiles and the rails are also
rabbeted for the glass.
By spring-loading one of the -in.-dia.
brass pivot posts in each door, the
author can install or remove the doors
with ease. A brass setscrew, which threads
into each spring-loaded post, retains the
post in the frame. To avoid weakening
the door's stiles, he chiseled the setscrew's
beveled access slots in the top rail.
Making the parallel mechanism
As shown in the drawing on p. 54, the parallel mechanism consists
of three pans: guide channels along the carcase sides, a pulley and
a track at the back, and two steel bands. Both pivot posts protrude
through holes in the front end of the bands. Each band follows its
own guide channel, wraps around a pulley, and meets in a com-
mon track in the rear where the ends of the two bands are con-
nected. When one band moves, the other moves an equal amount,
thus the door stays parallel. And since the bands slide inside the
guide channels and the rear track, they can't buckle.
Carcases— Though the basic construction of the carcases is sim-
ple rabbet joints (which I screwed together rather than nailed), the
alignment of the numerous rabbets is involved. I scrutinized the
Skandia cabinets and dimensioned my carcase to make assembly
as easy as possible (see the drawing). The solid-wood sides have
face-frame-like front end caps that have a rabbet onto which the
doors overlap. This overlap inhibits dust intrusion, hides the door
guides and stops the door from swinging inward. Another rabbet
crosses the top of the end caps to make way for the doors to slide
by. The end caps run the full height on the front of the sides, mi-
nus in. at the top. This in. equals the length of the tongue at the
top of the sides that joins each carcase module to the case above
it or to the top unit. The bottom of the top unit's and cases' sides
must, therefore, have a corresponding groove.
The carcase bottoms fit into rabbets in the sides and are notched to
fit around the front caps, as shown in the drawing. The -in. tongue
at the front of each bottom (edge-glued walnut piece) overhangs the
end cap much like the cap edge on the top unit. I also rabbeted the in-
side of the carcase sides for the poplar tops and for the -in. plywood
backs. Finally, I installed a dowel in the top of each front end cap and
Guide channels —The channels along the carcase sides serve two
functions, as shown in the drawing detail on p. 54. They support
the pivot posts as the door slides as well as guide the bands. Al-
though each Skandia channel was made from one solid piece, I
made mine in two parts, as shown in the detail. I routed track for
the bands with the thinnest (0.050-in.) slot cutter my tool man
could find. To use his three-winged cutter, I needed a special ar-
bor as well. (Arbors and cutters are available from Steve Cash, San-
ta Cruz Saw and Tool, 1115 No. 9 Thompson Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif.
95062; 408-462-6936.) I crosscut the channels just shorter than the
side width (to allow for shrinkage of the case's sides) and bored
and countersunk oversized screw holes within the guide channels.
I set the channels in place and used the holes to guide pilot holes
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into the sides before I screwed the channels
to the case, as shown in the photo at right.
the band between two blocks of wood and
taping the end of the band over a guide
hole bored in one of the blocks, I was able
to clamp the pieces in my vise and bore
through the guide hole. Once the bands
were bored and back in place, I trimmed
the ends with tin snips, so they would not
protrude beyond the closed doors.
Pulleys, corner block and rear track—
At the rear of the guide channels, there are
two different blocks to guide the bands. In
the left corner, there's a wooden pulley
block; in the right corner, a curved guide
block. For the curved guide, I just band-
sawed a quarter of a l-in.-radius circle in a
2x2 block. I cut the pulley from a 2x2
block using a standard hole saw. I found
that the plug from a -in. hole saw fit
snugly within the hole cut by a -in. hole
saw. To trim the pulley down for a looser
fit, I put a bolt through the pulley's center
hole, chucked the bolt in the drill press,
and on low speed, took a file to the
perimeter of the pulley. For the rear track piece, I first tapered the
leading edge on the jointer from 2 in. wide at one end to in. wide
at the other. Next, I set up the slot cutter in my router table and cut
slots to house the bands. I carefully adjusted the height of the cut-
ter to make the slots tangent to the pulley hole. Then I cut the
tracks in the pulley corner block. To center the pulley in its hole, I
used the hole-saw arbor bit and a pulley as a center punch. Final-
ly, I screwed a pulley block, curved guide block and track piece to
each case top.
To allow for wood movement in the
side of his case, Greef fastens a guide
channel by first drilling oversized holes
in the guide. Then he installs three screws
within the channel using needle-nose
pliers and a tiny screwdriver. To complete
the door-guide system, he glues a pair of
walnut skids at the front of the case and a
pair of cork bumpers at the rear.
Installation— After chiseling slots in the
back of the end caps in line with the side
channels to allow clearance for the pivot
posts, I trimmed the posts to length and fit-
ted the door in place. Then I inserted the
fixed post in a band hole, retracted the oth-
er spring post and released it into its hole.
The door slid smoothly, quietly and paral-
lel along the guides. Out of the corner of
my eye, I saw the Viking smiling from the Skandia cabinet's label.
Final assembly
After installing all the doors, I applied finish to the individual
bookcase sections. To mount the bottom edge of the lowest case's
sides to the bottom unit, the Skandia cabinets had used separate
tongues and arc-shaped slots, which resembled biscuits. In keep-
ing with the original construction, I used my plate joiner to install
two biscuits in each bottom side to align the carcase above. I then
stacked all the shelf cases on the base unit and placed the crown
unit on top. With the bookcase put together, I noticed that when
each door was opened, the rabbet on the door's edges bore down
on the front end of the guide channel. The channel is about in.
thick at this point, and I recalled several of the originals had
cracked there. To avoid this, I installed rubbing skids on the case
top where the back sides of the door stiles contact the guide chan-
nels. I also added cork door bumpers at the rear of each case. Be-
fore placing any books on the shelves, I waxed the guide chan-
nels, pulleys, door edges and pivot posts. Because the original
Viking bookcase survived this long, I figured that earthquakes not
withstanding, my bookcase should outlive me.
Bands— After experimenting with a variety of banding materials, I
ended up using -in.-wide spring banding from an old Stanley -
in. by 12-ft. measuring tape (not the tape measure itself, but the
spring steel at the end of the tape). The springs are thin and strong,
and their cupped cross section keeps them rigid when straight. I
cut two bands slightly longer than needed for each mechanism.
Then, after I scuffed the paint off the ends and cleaned the mating
surfaces with solvent, I epoxied the band ends together. Next, I fed
the band assembly into the guide systems and extended the two
bands beyond the front of the channels to mark the pivot-post hole
locations. Then I removed the bands to drill the holes.
Boring holes through brittle spring steel is difficult. My first at-
tempts using the drill press yielded shattered metal. But, by placing
Jeff Greef of Santa Cruz, Calif, is a woodworker and journalist.
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Simple guides align overhead doors
by Alec Waters
Retractable overhead doors used in tradi-
tional lawyer's bookcases are a handsome
way to keep your books dust free. But many
woodworkers are reluctant to make book-
cases like this because they are intimidated
by complex door-alignment mechanisms.
Over the years, several guide systems have
evolved for keeping doors straight and par-
allel to their tracks. And fortunately, for
those who don't want to build exotic rack-
and-gear or pulley-actuated retractors, a
couple of these guides are very simple.
Jeff Greef of Santa Cruz, Calif., discovered
a fairly common scissor-guide system in
many antique barrister's bookcases. The
scissors are amazingly simple; they are at-
tached to the back side of the top of each
door, crisscross to form an "X" and then
connect again to the rear of the case (see
the drawing at right). The curve at the ends
of the bars is critical because the ends must
slip easily through the eyescrews when the
door is opened and closed. A pair of pivot
posts and guides enable the doors to swing
open and support the top of the door,
when it's retracted. Of course, the bottom
of the opened doors must be held up by
guides or cleats on the case sides.
For his bookcase, Greg Moore of Comox,
B.C. Canada, made a single carcase with
shelves rather than individual stacking shelf
units. Instead of using dowel, biscuit or
mortise-and-tenon joinery for the case,
Moore cut finger-like ends in the shelves,
bottom and top to penetrate the laminated
sides of the case. To create the spaces in
the case sides for the fingers, he staggered
the lengths of adjacent oak strips before
gluing and splining them with plywood.
Moore chose a basic pin-and-slot arrange-
ment to hang his doors. He routed stopped
grooves along both edges of each door to
receive brass pins that project from the
case sides. When the doors are closed, they
hang on the pins, and when open, the end
of the groove functions as a stop, so the
doors can't be pushed all the way into the
cabinet. Tight clearances keep the door
from jamming (see the drawing at right).
So the door can be removed or installed
on the case pins, Moore chiseled an escape
slot in each groove. He located the pins so
the distance from the top of each pin to the
bottom of the shelf above it equals the
thickness of the door frame plus in. He
also fastened a pair of horizontal cleats to
the case sides to help suspend each door
when opened. A screw-head slot superim-
posed over a groove in one end of each
cleat lets the case sides move freely during
seasonal moisture changes. Moore also left
clearance between the rear end of the
cleats and the back of the case to accom-
modate side shrinkage. Although Moore
first feared that without stops, the doors
would swing in and out of the cabinet like
saloon doors when closed, he discovered
that when released from a horizontal posi-
tion, each door automatically comes to rest
when it reaches a vertical state. A cushion
of air that gets trapped inside the cabinet
provides the braking action.
With both the scissor guides and the
pin-and-slot system (when the components
are precisely aligned and properly waxed)
the doors slide smoothly and remain paral-
lel. I suppose that there is one drawback,
though; now that I know about these sim-
ple guide systems, there's no excuse for
omitting retractable doors in the next book-
case I build.
Alec Waters is an assistant editor for FWW.
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