My So-Called Life - Episode 09 - Halloween - [Ripped by Jeromeo].txt

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00:01:11:<i>When l was little</i>|<i>l worshipped Halloween,</i>
00:01:15:<i>And truthfully, part of me still does,</i>
00:01:18:<i>Because it's your one chance</i>|<i>all year to be someone else,</i>
00:01:22:Are you sure you don't want|to wear my flapper dress?
00:01:24:Mom, why do you always ask|me everything 1 0 times? l said no.
00:01:28:<i>- l can't be Catwoman,</i>|- Do you want cereal?
00:01:31:<i>l want to be someone else, , ,</i>
00:01:33:<i>but to wear an actual costume</i>|<i>to school is too scary,</i>
00:01:39:No, thanks. l just don't see|the point of wearing a costume.
00:01:42:Mom, l can't be Catwoman.|Sheri H ickey is going to be Catwoman.
00:01:46:- And she's developed.|- l thought she was Madonna.
00:01:50:- l'll get it!|- She wants to be someone scary.
00:01:53:- Hello?|- Who is scarier than Madonna?
00:01:55:Dad, Madonna peaked.|lt's that Boyd guy.
00:02:00:Boyd ! No, no, no.|That's all right.
00:02:04:ls that the guy Mom|hired to replace you?
00:02:07:No one can replace me.|And, yes.
00:02:09:Well, no. No. Of course.|l understand.
00:02:15:O K, l'll see you then.
00:02:22:He'll be little late.|Chiropractor.
00:02:25:- Again?|- Mom?
00:02:27:- Mom, what should l be?|- A pain in the butt, since you are.
00:02:30:l'd be you, but nobody|can find a mask that ugly.
00:02:39:Danielle! Danielle,|let this be a lesson to you.
00:02:44:Don't always leave things|until the last minute.
00:02:47:So, do you want my flapper dress?
00:02:49:Mom, you asked me that 1 0 times.
00:02:52:You know what's happening?|l'm sleeping over at Rayanne's.
00:02:55:l know. l said you could.|Don't ask me everything 1 0 times.
00:02:58:l meant that as a joke.
00:03:07:So you basically feel|he's working out? Boyd?
00:03:11:What can l say? He's always either|coming late or leaving early.
00:03:16:There's always some chiropractic|adjustment l have to hear about.
00:03:19:l mean, he means well.
00:03:22:- Wait! Who are we going to be?|- When we grow up?
00:03:27:No, at Camille's|costume party tonight.
00:03:31:l hate Halloween.|You've got something.
00:03:35:- You can wear that flapper dress.|- l hate that flapper dress.
00:03:45:Hey, rat! Hey, rat girl !
00:03:47:l'm not a rat. l'm a cat.|Hey, hands off the tail.
00:03:53:Watch your tail, kitten !
00:03:56:l'm a cat, okay?|Deal with it.
00:04:00:<i>People are wearing costumes,</i>|<i>Even teachers are wearing costumes,</i>
00:04:05:<i>l should have worn a costume,</i>|<i>But who would l be?</i>
00:04:17:l can't believe people are walking|around dressed like idiots.
00:04:20:l wouldn't talk.
00:04:22:O K, people!|We're starting a new unit this week.
00:04:26:You want to read new books.|You want to study.
00:04:36:Well, in honor of All Saint's Eve,|we're going to be reading stories. . .
00:04:41:about famous ghosts and spirits.
00:04:46:Speaking of apparitions,|where's Catalano?
00:04:49:Does anybody know Jordan Catalano?
00:04:52:<i>Does anybody know Jordan Catalano?</i>|<i>That question got to me,</i>
00:04:58:<i>l mean, l'd had seven conversations</i>|<i>with him, and one really bad kiss, , ,</i>
00:05:04:<i>and one amazing one,</i>
00:05:07:<i>But did l know him?</i>
00:05:12:Sort of.
00:05:13:Tell him he better|quit ditching class.
00:05:15:l want him in tomorrow or l'm going|to have his butt kicked out of school.
00:05:19:There are too many good kids.|l don't have time for the bad ones.
00:05:22:O K, let's open our|books and turn to page 7.
00:05:40:- This is how drains get clogged.|- This is how girls get foamy.
00:05:48:- Scary costume!|- l got it from Brian Krakow.
00:05:51:l thought this Halloween,|l'd be everyone else.
00:05:55:- Angelica!|- You're Brian?
00:05:57:Wait until you see what l brought you !|They're actual.
00:06:00:lt's not a costume.|They're, like, real.
00:06:02:- Oh, look, mohair!|- Go, try them on !
00:06:06:What! Lerner handed out|the new book this early?
00:06:09:Somebody's got to do something.|Halloween bites this year.
00:06:12:We've got to find Tino.|Tino is M r. Halloween.
00:06:14:See you in Soc!|Good you're wearing a costume.
00:06:18:Because if more people|don't start wearing costumes. . .
00:06:20:they are going to be,|like, discontinued.
00:06:23:- Cute rat suit.|- l'm a cat!
00:06:26:Oh, my God !
00:06:27:That fits you perfect. We've got|to do your hair and your make-up.
00:06:31:Let's see who else had it. Don't you|like to see who else had a book.
00:06:35:- N icky Driscoll?|- Lie!
00:06:38:The N icky Driscoll?
00:06:40:- See for yourself.|- Who's N icky Driscoll?
00:06:43:U nreal.|There it is.
00:06:46:Oh, my God !|Didn't he, like, die on Halloween?
00:06:49:He didn't die on Halloween.|That's just a myth.
00:06:52:- He did so!|- Did not!
00:06:55:Who is N icky Driscoll?
00:06:57:- We heard about him freshman year.|- lt was after this Halloween dance.
00:07:01:He and his friends decided to|paint the gym black, just to do it?
00:07:06:And he was up in the rafters.
00:07:08:And some moron girl|leaves her spike heel. . .
00:07:12:right in the middle of the floor,|don't ask me why.
00:07:15:And, so, when he fell. . .
00:07:18:this humongous spike|stabbed him right in the nostril.
00:07:23:- Gross!|- Rayanne, that's disgusting !
00:07:26:Oh, shut up!
00:07:29:They just tell kids he died like that|so people won't climb the rafters.
00:07:34:No. No, it's true.|Our moms even know about him.
00:07:37:lt was the Halloween right|before Kennedy got shot.
00:07:41:That's not how l heard about it.
00:07:43:l heard he was trying|to hang this banner. . .
00:07:45:that declared his love for this girl.
00:07:47:N icky Driscoll.|This couldn't really be his book.
00:07:51:- lt's a prank. lt's fake.|- But look. lt's faded.
00:07:54:He and my uncle's friend|were in the same class.
00:07:59:And my uncle said the night he died,|there was this storm. . .
00:08:03:and the electricity went out.
00:08:05:And the next day, they found out|the electricity went out. . .
00:08:09:at the exact|same time that N icky died.
00:08:15:My Mom's sister once rode|on the back of his bike.
00:08:18:She was 1 2 and said she was 1 5.
00:08:21:Those are her clothes.|Do you want to stuff?
00:08:28:Are you sure? lt's the way|they did it in the old days.
00:08:32:Rickie, you know, you look|good without make-up.
00:08:46:Oh, Rickie, it has pockets.|Oh, Rickie, look!
00:08:54:That's so cool !
00:08:56:- What else do you know about him?|- About who?
00:08:59:- N icky Catalano.|- You mean N icky Driscoll.
00:09:03:Why?|What did l say?
00:09:04:Never mind. l don't know|much about either of them.
00:09:10:- So, you coming to Soc?|- l n a minute.
00:09:28:l told you there was a shop here.
00:09:34:Do you think l'm going|to have to fire him?
00:09:36:Boyd?|You're kidding !
00:09:39:lt's just not working out.|l mean. . .
00:09:45:Please don't say you|want Power Rangers.
00:09:47:We're out.|Everybody is out.
00:09:49:lt's not for our kids.|Her friend is having a costume party.
00:09:53:- Camille is our friend !|- Not when she has a costume party.
00:09:56:- l love your costume.|- What costume?
00:10:01:l got just what you need.
00:10:13:And a pirate.
00:10:15:- What's so funny?|- You as Rapunzel.
00:10:19:Well, l mean, come on.
00:10:23:Not that. . . Well, you know. . .
00:10:25:Actually, l don't see myself in tights.
00:10:29:l would rather not be a|storybook character if possible.
00:10:34:Today is Halloween. Yesterday,|l could have got you Bill and H illary.
00:10:38:Let this be a lesson to you.
00:10:40:Don't always leave things|until the last minute.
00:10:44:- We'll take them.|- Should we try them on?
00:10:48:Look, Dollface. l've been|doing this for a lot of years.
00:10:51:They're going to fit like a glove.|Trust me.
00:11:27:lt's a costume.|l wouldn't really dress like this.
00:11:32:- l'm supposed to give you a message.|- From Tino?
00:11:35:No, from M iss Lerner.
00:11:39:M iss Lerner? She's been our English|teacher for over a month now.
00:11:44:She says you have to start|showing up to class. . .
00:11:49:or she's going to have you kicked out.
00:11:52:So what's the message?
00:11:54:That you're going to get|kicked out of school.
00:11:56:Like it's doing so much for me.
00:12:02:You're welcome!
00:12:05:Don't you even care?
00:12:07:l'm having a brain hemorrhage,|this is such a great idea.
00:12:10:l can't believe it. l can't even|communicate with him when it matters.
00:12:14:- When it could affect his life.|- Will you forget Catalano?
00:12:16:l've finally got something going here.
00:12:18:l told Tino about your book,|so we are going to meet. . .
00:12:22:here, tonight,|outside the school at 9: 00. . .
00:12:26:because it's a witchy number,|and we are going to contact. . .
00:12:30:the spirit of N icky Driscoll.
00:12:33:Finally. lt's Halloween !
00:13:08:<i>When someone dies young,</i>|<i>it's like they stay that way, , ,</i>
00:13:14:<i>forever, , , ,</i>
00:13:20:<i>like a vampire,</i>
00:13:34:Look! He's just your type!
00:13:36:But watch out for those dead guys.|They'll break your heart.
00:13:40:l just wanted to see|what he looked like.
00:13:42:So, you're going to be there tonight,|right? l mean, since he contacted you.
00:13:45:Rayanne, stop.
00:13:50:l still can't look at him.
00:13:53:- lf he were alive today, he'd be. . .|- Who? N icky? That's easy!
00:13:57:Some burnt-out greaser|with no teet...
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