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Sex Toy by Oriana de la Rose
Edward Cullen has two jobs: Underwear Model and Personal Toy. Alice hires him to be the Stripper at
Bella's 20th birthday party and Bella's attraction to him is instant. Then she finds out that he's her
new Toy. Now Edward has a new Mistress to please...
Birthday Surprise
"Happy Birthday!"
The screams erupted as soon as I opened the door to my tiny apartment. I groaned as I saw Alice,
Rosalie, and Angela pop out from behind my couch and various other pieces of furniture.
"You guys really shouldn't have," I said, perfectly serious. I hated birthdays – I always had – and today
was no exception. As of today, I was no longer a teenager. I was a twenty-year-old woman in college
on her way to becoming a journalist. Then I looked around my transformed apartment and sighed. I
should have known Alice would go all out. There were streams of crepe paper everywhere, and a few
gifts on the coffee table. A cake sat on the kitchen counter, candles stuck into the soft icing. There
was something pink on every surface of my apartment – pink candles, pink napkins and plates, pink
carnations, pink everything !
"You're finally twenty!" Rose said excitedly. "Think it's taken you long enough?"
I laughed despite myself. "I can't help it if I'm younger than you guys by a couple months. And why
does it look like Pepto-Bismol threw up in my apartment?"
"Time for presents," Angela said as Rose ignored my question. "Mine first!"
I sighed. "I thought the cake came before the gifts."
"Not around here, it doesn't. Now get unwrapping," Alice ordered playfully. "Mine is last!"
Rose forced me onto the couch while they sat eagerly beside me. Taking a deep breath, I took
Angela's gift in my arms. I should at least try to be excited; after all, they'd already bought presents
and decorated my apartment. It was the least I could do. I began to unwrap the gift.
"Aw, Bella, c'mon!" Alice urged me. "I swear, I've never seen anyone your age unfold a gift. Just tear
the damn thing!"
I gave her a playful smack and continued carefully undoing the present, taking off the tape so that
the paper didn't tear. She sighed. "Thanks, Angela," I said sincerely, honestly pleased by her present.
It was a cute, dark-blue top that looked like something a model would wear. I didn't even want to
think about how much it cost her. "It's beautiful , thanks!" I gave her a tight hug before turning to
Rosalie's present.
"These are both from me," Rose began, pushing the last two colorfully-wrapped gifts towards me.
Her mischievous grin told me that these wouldn't be nearly as innocent as Angela's. I suddenly
dreaded opening that red wrapping paper. I knew I was going to regret this as soon as I opened it. I
quickly – but carefully – unwrapped the gifts.
I looked at it curiously. It was shaped liked a cylinder and made of some kind of plastic. It was around
two inches wide and six or seven inches long.
"I bought it new, of course," Rose explained. "I took it out of the box so you couldn't take it back."
Not that I had any idea what it is, I thought sourly. I turned it over in my hands, still trying to figure
out what it was. Suddenly it began to vibrate in my hands. I shrieked and dropped the thing like it
was a hot iron. It landed straight in my lap and I quickly knocked it off.
Alice and Rosalie burst into laughter while Angela giggled shyly. I turned to glare at them.
"Honestly, Bella," Alice said, bending down to pick up the cursed thing. "It's only a vibrator."
Ijustthoughtthatyoumightwanttorelease your frustrations," Rose added slyly. "Since you don't
have a boyfriend to help you with that."
"She was being very considerate, you know," Angela said. Oh no, not her too! Were all my friends
wiser than me with this kind of stuff? "You would be surprise of the pleasure that can be had by
using a vibrator."
"Wooh! Angela!" Rose cheered, nudging her in the ribs playfully. She blushed nearly as dark as me.
"Oh God," I muttered, hiding my face in my hands. I was bright red from embarrassment. Surely this
was what hell was like.
"Don't forget my other present!"
worse. But all it was was a container of something labeled "toy cleaner". I blushed even darker. I was
sure I would never be normal again, that my face would be this shade of pink permanently.
Then I looked at Alice curiously. "Where's your present?" I blurted. Then I felt guilty. What if she
hadn't had the money to buy me something? But that was stupid because Alice was the richest
person I knew – she spent money as easily as she breathed. But what if she hadn't had the time
However, Alice grinned widely at me and shifted excitedly in her seat. "It will be here in a few
minutes," she assured me. "Remember how I said that I would give you the best present ever? You
can thank me later."
Right when she finished speaking, police sirens went off outside. I jumped out of my seat and rushed
to the door that led to my balcony. What the hell was going on? Except the car didn't look like a cop
car. It was just a white car with sirens blaring from the inside. Had someone tried to break into an
apartment and the police come in an unmarked police cruiser.
But that didn't explain the god that stepped out of the car.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Earlier That Night - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"You've got a birthday party tonight at ten that you have to go to," Emmett said. "Cop."
I nodded. So they wanted a police officer to comeandarrestthebirthdaygirlorboyIshudderedat
that last thought. I had personal rules that I never broke – 1) never anything with a minor and 2)
nothing remotely homosexual. I knew Emmett wouldn't give me a job that I opposed. He had been
my boss for going on three years now and he had always been considerate.
"Just a gig?" I asked, searching through my closet for the cop uniform. "Nothing afterwards?"
"You are with a Bella Swan for twenty days. Already did a background check on her – nothing. She's
as clean as a whistle."
"How much?"
"Twenty-two thousand."
I raised an eyebrow. "That's a little low, don't you think?"
"I think you'll like this girl," he replied with a grin. "The woman gave me a picture of her. Here." He
handed me a small photograph. I took it, only intending to glance at it, but my eyes held. The girl in
the picture looked to be about nineteen. It was only a head-shot so I wasn't able to see her body. She
was pretty – I'd give her that. Her wide chocolate eyes laughed at the photographer, her lips spread
in an eager grin. She had long brown hair that curled around her face.
"'The woman'?" I repeated his words.
took out my fees, of course, but here's your pay for this upcoming job. She paid for this Bella Swan's
twenty days of paradise."
I peeked inside the envelope and counted nineteen thousand dollars. Emmett grinned at me. "It's the
girl's 20th birthday."
We were in my apartment as usual, discussing my upcoming assignments. I glanced up at my clock. I
had half an hour to be there. Tonight was the first night of twenty days. The first night of my
servitude to Bella Swan.]
Emmett left me so I could get ready in private. I oiled up my chest and arms and put on the standard
G-string before pulling on the uniform. It was an authentic one too. When I went out on a job – as I
called it – I always paid particular attention to detail; it got me better tips. I left in the white car that
Emmett let me use for gigs such as this. I held the address in my left hand while I drove with my right,
looking down at it every few blocks. Tonight, Los Angeles was especially crowded, and I swerved
more than once to avoid being hit by a drunk driver.
I turned on the siren when I pulled onto the right street, not wanting to actually draw cops on me for
impersonating an officer. I pulled into the parking lot beside the apartment building, shutting off the
sirens. Emmett had commented once that the sirens put a nice touch on it. I got out of the car,
resting my hand on the unloaded gun in the holster on my waist. I thought I saw something move on
a balcony three stories up but I ignored it. This building was one of the extraordinarily ancient ones in
which you didn't need to be buzzed up.
Before I knocked on the door I took a deep breath, readying myself. In that short time, I heard a girl's
voice on the other side of the door.
"You got me a stripper for my birthday?" she shrieked. " Alice !"
"He'll be here any second so keep it down," another said. "You'll like it, don't worry."
"Alice, how could you do this to me?"
That girl must be Bella, I thought with a smile. She didn't sound like the kind of girl that enjoyed
seeing men strip before her. It was going to be entertaining to see how this worked out.
IhopedthedoorwasunlockedormaybeIshouldhopeit was locked; it might make the entrance
more impressive. Then I decided against that. If it was locked and I broke the door down, I would
have to pay for the damages. Taking the unloaded gun from my holster, I turned the knob and burst
"Everyone, down on the ground!" I yelled. "This is the police; on the ground!"
I saw the four girls drop to the floor, covering their heads with their hands in a feeble attempt to
protect themselves. As if I couldn't simply shoot them with this empty gun or handcuff them. I held
the gun in my hand, at the ready.
One girl raised her head up to look at me.
"I said head down!" I ordered.
I glanced at the coffee table where a vibrator sat, opened, by crumpled wrapping paper. I smirked. So
which was the birthday girl?
"Where is Bella Swan?" I used my smoothest voice.
"This is her!" A blonde girl pointed at a brunette who was trembling beneath her hands.
"Shut up, Rose!" she shrieked.
I grabbed a fistful of her hair, gently, and raised her head up. "Get up and do as I say. Her wide,
terrified eyes looked into mine and I was struck by their depth. She struggled to stand but tripped
and fell into my chest. She blushed darkly and I smirked at her. "Assaulting an officer," I began,
pushing her into the hard backed chair in the corner. "That's a serious offense, Miss Swan. I'm afraid
that I'm going to have to take you into custody."
I drug the chair into the middle of the room as she sat in it. Her hands clung to the wooden frame for
dear life.
"I'm going to have to punish you; teach you some manners."
"WOOH! Bella!" the girls around her screamed at my teasing. Nervous giggles and screams circled
the room.
"Alice, I'm going to kill you!" she growled.
I went behind her, handcuffing her wrists tightly together. "No one's going to save you now," I said,
my voice low and dangerous. "You're completely at my mercy to do with as I wish."
A chorus of screams and catcalls erupted from the girls behind Bella. I drew the barrel of my gun up
the inside of her thigh. I watched her tremble as I pressed it to her jeans' seam between her legs.
Alice was going to be dead after tonight.
But God, he was the sexiest , hottest man I'd ever seen in my life. I could feel the cold metal of the
pistol through my jeans and panties as it pressed against my core. He twirled the gun once in his
hand – like a famous gun slinger from the wild west – and put it back in the holster. Reaching over,
he started the music he had on his iPod that was plugged up to a set of tiny speakers.
He reached up and loosened his tie, slowly drawing it down and off him. My breathing was anything
but even – you'd have thought I ran five mile sprints. He draped the navy blue tie around my
shoulders, trailing his hand down to cup my breast. Though it was only a touch, I could feel the heat
of his palm through my shirt and bra. I gasped in surprise and struggled in my bonds.
The girls around me were screaming bloody-murder.
Satisfied with the reaction he got from me, he stood back and quickly popped open the buttons on
his shirt in one clean motion, exposing hard pecs and a washboard stomach.
I nearly fainted.
My friends screams were nearly deafening. I couldn't keep my eyes from shamelessly tracing those
hard muscles. Why was it so hot in here all of a sudden?
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