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D&D Force of Nature
A Short Adventure for Four
18th-Level Player Characters
Force of Nature is a short D&D adventure for four 18th-
level player characters (PCs). The scenario begins in
Porthaven, a large coastal city that is suddenly plagued
by a series of natural disasters. Restoring the normal,
tranquil environment of the area requires a whirlwind
tour of the elemental planes.
The city of Porthaven can be placed along any coast-
line in your campaign that has mountains nearby. The
adventure is designed to take place during a rainy
season to help set the mood, although you can change
the season without altering the adventure. As always,
feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see
fit to make it work with your campaign.
You (the DM) need the D&D core rulebooks, including the
Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Mon-
ster Manual to run this adventure. In addition, you might
want to keep Book of Vile Darkness, Manual of the Planes, Fiend
Folio, and the D&D Arms and Equipment Guide handy,
although the relevant information from them is included
in the adventure. This scenario utilizes the D&D v.3.5 rules,
but it can easily be used with the 3.0 rules as well.
To get started, print out the adventure. Read through
the scenario at least once to familiarize yourself with
the situation, threats, and major NPCs. Text that appears
in shaded boxes is player information that you can read
aloud or paraphrase for the players at the proper times.
Mark A. Jindra
Penny Williams
Nancy Walker
Cartography :
Todd Gamble
Web Production
Julia Martin
Web Development:
Mark A. Jindra
Graphic Design:
Sean Glenn, Cynthia Fliege
Based on the original D UNGEONS & D RAGONS ® game by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the
D UNGEONS & D RAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison.
D&D, D UNGEONS & D RAGONS , and D UNGEON M ASTER are registered trademarks owned
by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The d20 logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses
thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Three hundred years ago, the coastal town of
Porthaven was built on a site that was advantageous for
trade but both geologically and meteorologically unsta-
ble. A volcano in the nearby mountains threatened to
erupt and destroy the town, and earthquakes, tidal
waves, and hurricanes were common. But the doughty
townsfolk stayed and rebuilt after each disaster, deter-
mined to make the town prosper.
Eventually, a powerful sorcerer named Khyber Mer-
cane saw the carnage that the unending natural disas-
ters had wrought and decided to do something con-
structive. Recalling that he had once met some
extraplanar creatures called modrons that favored
order over chaos, he contacted them to see whether
they could help. After discussing various options, Mer-
cane struck a deal with the creatures: They would build
and maintain a machine that would keep the town safe
from the chaos of natural disasters, and in return, the
townsfolk would keep a library of knowledge to pass
along to them every year.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the
material or artwork contained herein is prohibited
without the express written permission of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
©2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Made in the U.S.A.
This product is a work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places,
or events is purely coincidental.
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The machine worked, and the volcanic activity
ceased. The harsh windstorms that had previously
blown through the valley softened to mild breezes, and
the high waves that had battered the shoreline shrank
to harmless ripples before reaching the coast. The
earthquakes that were once common occurrences no
longer shook the land. Even the seasons seemed to
even out until the temperatures rarely reached uncom-
fortable extremes. The crews of ships that had been
through rough seas and stormy weather found the calm
waters and friendly people of the town a welcome
sight, as did many weary travelers along the coast. The
town grew rapidly and soon became a bustling city.
For the first seven years, the modrons sent represen-
tatives to service the machine and gather the accumu-
lated knowledge annually. Then the visits abruptly
stopped. Khyber left to see what had happened to the
modrons, but he never returned.
Worried about the safety of the untended machine,
the clerics of Wee Jas built a temple around it to shield
it from unauthorized visitors. But though this tactic did
safeguard the machine, it also removed it from the
people’s sight, and eventually it was forgotten by most
of the populace. Only a handful of the church’s priests
still know of its existence, and fewer still know its true
purpose. Sister Mara, the most senior member of the
clergy, is currently studying the history of the
machine, and she has recently rediscovered its purpose
and a few details of its maintenance. Realizing that the
machine had not been refueled for many years, she
warned the townsfolk that disasters might be immi-
nent, but they scoffed at her dire predictions.
A few weeks ago, the machine ran out of fuel and
shut down entirely. Shortly thereafter, Porthaven expe-
rienced its first earthquake since the activation of the
machine, but the tremor was small and went unnoticed
by most of the city’s residents. The next sign that the
city had lost its protection was much more obvious.
This morning, the nearby volcano suddenly erupted,
spewing forth a hellish river of molten rock and fire.
The sky grew as black as night, and fiery ash began to
rain down from the heavens. The earth beneath the
city heaved upward, toppling structures and feeding
the fires caused by the flaming debris. A great wall of
water from the sea laid waste to Porthaven’s docks, leav-
ing many seagoing vessels and coastal homes either at
the bottom of the bay or in ruins in the city’s streets.
Currently, the city officials are busy evacuating the
residents through several magic portals that are nor-
mally used only by merchants and adventurers. But
these few portals cannot accommodate everyone, and
the rivers of lava will reach what is left of the town in
only a few short hours.
The machine is an arcane device constructed by the
modrons to subdue the forces of nature and bring order
out of chaos. It is fueled by raw elemental material
from the four elemental planes.
The supporting structure for the machine is a cylin-
der 50 feet across and 500 feet deep. Inside is a delicate-
looking structure built of massive gears, springs, levers,
pistons and all sorts of other mechanical components.
The entire machine is made of a strange, dull-colored
metal that resembles bronze.
The upper 20 feet of the cylinder is free of machine
components. Three 5-foot wide walkways span the
diameter of this chamber about 10 feet down from its
top, intersecting in the middle to divide the area into
six equal sections. The machine’s control panel sits on a
round platform at the junction of the three walkways.
Between the walkways, the floor is open, exposing the
machine’s workings below. The entrance to the cylin-
der lies at the end of one walkway, and at its other end
is a stack of crates piled near the wall. Each of the other
two walkways has a massive bronze door at either end.
The four bronze doors open to reveal solid walls
unless the levers and buttons on the control panel are
activated in the proper order. When its particular
sequence is initiated, each door opens onto a portal to
one of the four elemental planes.
Atop the control panel usually rest four 2-foot-diam-
eter metal spheres that act as fuel cells for the machine.
Each holds raw elemental material from one of the four
elemental planes (air, earth, fire, and water). When a
sphere is full, all the quartz crystals that adorn its sur-
face pulse with an amber glow. At present, all the crys-
tals are dull and lifeless, indicating that the spheres are
The machine and all of its parts, including the
spheres, are made of the same material as most of the
plane of Mechanus, which looks like dull bronze. The
machine is immune to all magic, and no part of it
except the four spheres can travel through any magi-
cally created planar portal other than the four that are
attached to the machine.
The characters must refuel an ancient machine built by
the modrons before the forces of nature can destroy the
entire city of Porthaven. To do so, they must visit each
of the elemental planes and fill a metal sphere with raw
elemental material. Sister Mara, a cleric of Wee Jas, has
studied the machine enough to open its portals to two
of the four elemental planes, but the characters must
find their own way to the others.
In the Elemental Plane of Air, the party encounters
several belkers and gains access to the Elemental Plane
of Water through a planar vortex. The Elemental Plane
of Water brings the characters into conflict with a
vicious hammerfish. Entering the Elemental Plane of
Earth brings them face-to-face with a new monster
known as a magmal horror and introduces them to a
rogue modron named Slag. This creature can open the
final portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire, where a hell-
fire golem and several salamanders await the group.
Once the PCs have fully refueled the machine,
nature’s fury subsides, and the city can begin to rebuild.
volcano gives ample evidence that it is no longer
dormant. Alternatively, the eruption and accompany-
ing earthquake could occur after the PCs have already
entered the tunnels, trapping them in a cave-in.
The adventure begins when the PCs reach Porthaven.
Unless they take pains to pass for ordinary folk, they are
soon recognized as powerful adventurers, either by per-
sonal reputation or by the gear they carry. Once the vol-
cano erupts, they are asked to assist with the rescue
effort, along with all of Porthaven’s able-bodied citizens.
The PCs may come to Porthaven for any number of rea-
sons. As the DM, it is your job to decide how best to
involve the characters in the adventure. You can use the
following hooks to spur your imagination, modifying
them as necessary to fit your campaign or the characters.
The city of Porthaven has enjoyed fifty years of peace
and prosperity.
c Porthaven (Large City): Conventional (mayor);
AL LG; 40,000 gp limit; Assets 30,000,000 gp; Population
15,000; Mixed (11,850 humans, 1,350 halflings, 750
dwarves, 450 elves, 300 gnomes, 150 half-elves, 140 half-
orcs, 10 drow); Size: 0.39 square miles, or 246 acres.
Authority Figures: Bergan Regal, human aristocrat 13;
Onyx Deathcure, elf fighter 18; Bardak Firehand, dwarf
fighter 17.
Important Figures: Vonn Stefos, human rogue
12/expert 7; Sister Mara, human cleric 14; Zax Grier-
son, human ranger 12; Khyber Mercane, human sor-
cerer 10/planeshifter 10.
Others: Adept 13 (2), adept 10 (1), adept 6 (4), adept 5
(2), adept 3 (8), adept 2 (20), adept 1 (70), aristocrat 12
(1), aristocrat 10 (1), aristocrat 6 (4), aristocrat 5 (2), aris-
tocrat 3 (8), aristocrat 2 (20), aristocrat 1 (70), barbarian
13 (1), barbarian 11 (1), barbarian 10 (1), barbarian 6 (4),
barbarian 5 (2), barbarian 3 (8), barbarian 2 (12), barbar-
ian 1 (40), bard 13 (1), bard 12 (2), bard 6 (6), bard 3 (12),
bard 2 (24), bard 1 (48), cleric 13 (1), cleric 10 (2), cleric
6 (2), cleric 5 (4), cleric 3 (4), cleric 2 (16), cleric 1 (34),
commoner 19 (1), commoner 18 (1), commoner 10 (4),
commoner 9 (2), commoner 5 (8), commoner 4 (4),
commoner 2 (24), commoner 1 (12,751), druid 5 (1),
druid 3 (1), druid 2 (5), druid 1 (10), expert 18 (1),
expert 15 (1), expert 14 (1), expert 9 (2), expert 8 (2),
expert 7 (2), expert 4 (12), expert 2 (24), expert 1 (420),
fighter 12 (1), fighter 8 (2), fighter 6 (4), fighter 4 (4),
fighter 3 (8), fighter 2 (24), fighter 1 (48), monk 12 (2),
monk 10 (1), monk 6 (4), monk 5 (2), monk 3 (8), monk
2 (20), monk 1 (40), paladin 12 (1), paladin 11 (2), pal-
adin 6 (6), paladin 3 (12), paladin 2 (24), paladin 1 (48),
ranger 2 (1), ranger 1 (3), rogue 17 (1), rogue 12 (1),
rogue 10 (1), rogue 8 (2), rogue 6 (2), rogue 5 (2), rogue
• The PCs are en route to some other location by ship. The
captain decides to stop in Porthaven to wait out a vicious
storm at sea, since the city is renowned for the calm
waters of its port. But the storm only worsens as the ship
draws closer to Porthaven, and the ship is hurled onto
the shore by the mammoth waves in the harbor.
• A caravan that the PCs were escorting up the coast
encountered high winds and torrential rains that
caused mudslides and rockfalls along the road
through the nearby mountains. The owners decided
to put up in Porthaven for the night and assess the
damage in the morning. When they arrived,
Porthaven was a picture of beauty without a cloud in
the sky, just as it typically was. But the sunrise
brought natural disasters on a scale they had never
seen before, and now the caravan personnel are wait-
ing with the citizens for evacuation.
• While visiting the temple district of their own city,
the PCs hear that the temple of Wee Jas is looking for
help in evacuating a city that is about to be destroyed
by earthquakes and an erupting volcano. A portal to
Porthaven at the local temple of Wee Jas has brought
many wounded evacuees for the clergy to tend, and
they all beg for brave and stalwart adventurers to aid
their kinfolk who are still trapped there.
• A party member receives a message by magic from a
loved one in the city of Porthaven, begging for aid to
escape the volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that
have been plaguing the city since morning.
• Rumor holds that a treasure the PCs have been seek-
ing lies buried beneath a dormant volcano near
Porthaven. Just after they reach the city, however, the
4 (4), rogue 3 (4), rogue 2 (20), rogue 1 (40), sorcerer 13
(1), sorcerer 12 (1), sorcerer 6 (6), sorcerer 3 (12), sor-
cerer 2 (24), sorcerer 1 (48), warrior 15 (1), warrior 14
(1), warrior 11 (1), warrior 8 (2), warrior 7 (2), warrior 6
(2), warrior 4 (8), warrior 3 (4), warrior 2 (24), warrior 1
(701), wizard 13 (1), wizard 12 (1), wizard 11 (1), wizard
6 (6), wizard 3 (12), wizard 2 (24), wizard 1 (48).
130 warriors in his service and can call up an additional
750 members of the local militia with a few hours notice.
Bergan Regal: Bergan is the duly elected mayor
of Porthaven, but the post may as well be hereditary,
since members of his family have served as mayor for
almost a hundred years.
Onyx Deathcure: Onyx is the Regal family body-
guard and advisor to the city’s militia. Once an adven-
turer, Onyx retired early and settled here with his drow
wife to raise a family in peace. He has served the Regal
family for more than thirty years.
Sister Mara: Sister Mara is the senior cleric of
Wee Jas in Porthaven. A slender woman about 5 feet 8
inches tall, she has long, flowing blond hair and wears
the familiar grey robes of Wee Jas’s clergy. Over these,
she wears silk vestments adorned with the holy symbol
of Wee Jas and several hundred odd shapes that
resemble interconnecting gears. Mara is one of only a
handful of priests who have studied the machine.
Gathering Information
The characters are free to speak with anyone in
Porthaven, and all the citizens answer their questions
truthfully. No one except the city officials, however, has
any inkling of what has actually caused the problem. The
following individuals can acquaint them with the entire
situation if asked. If the characters’ prowess becomes
known and they do not ask to speak with the city officials,
those worthies request an audience with them instead.
Bardak Firehand: Bardak is the town constable
and leader of Porthaven’s militia. He has 20 fighters and
Vonn Stefos: A former adventurer, Vonn now
owns the largest shipping business in Porthaven. He
also oversees the militia contingent that is assigned to
patrol the docks.
Zax Grierson: Zax comes from a large family, all
of whom have taken up the ranger profession. He has
fully explored the volcanic tunnels in the nearby moun-
tain ranges, and he often undertakes missions on behalf
of the city. Earlier today, Zax led some junior clerics of
Wee Jas through the Air Portal and has not returned.
"I have been experimenting with the control
panel in an attempt to activate the portals beyond
the other four doors," says Mara, "and I have thus
far been able to open two of them. The first door
reveals a swirling pool of pale blue light, and the
second a moss-green pool. The writings of the
temple have led me to believe that these pools are
portals to the Elemental Plane of Air and the Ele-
mental Plane of Earth, respectively. Once acti-
vated, each portal stays open for only a single
minute and cannot be opened again for 15 min-
utes. I hope that I can discover the proper
sequence to activate the other two doors while you
are collecting the elemental fuel, but I can guaran-
tee nothing. You may have to find your own way
to the Elemental Planes of Fire and Water.”
She takes up one of three identical bronze
spheres, each about 2 feet in diameter, from the
console. “These receptacles hold raw material from
each of the elemental planes, which the machine
uses for fuel. From what I have been able to deter-
mine, each of the receptacles must be taken to a
different elemental plane and filled by depressing
the levers in a particular order. Completely filling
a sphere can take up to 30 minutes, and someone
must constantly monitor its progress and make
adjustments with the levers. I have written down
the instructions for using each sphere.
“According to the temple writings, each portal
opens onto a stone platform that is protected from
the dangers of the plane. The modrons stayed on
these platforms while filling the spheres to avoid
the need for spells that would ensure their survival.
“When you are ready to leave, I will open the
first portal for you. Thereafter, I will open it once
every 15 minutes until you return. You had best
take all the spheres with you at once, as well as the
instructions, just in case you need to use another
method to access one of the planes.”
Mara hesitates a moment, then says, “I must tell
you that you are not the first to attempt this mission.
Earlier today, I sent Zax Grierson, a ranger of some
renown, through the blue portal with a party of cler-
ics from this temple. He took one of the spheres
along. That party has not returned, and we can only
assume the worst. You’ll have to find Zax and retrieve
the sphere in order to complete the refueling.”
If the characters agree to meet with the city officials,
they are escorted to the temple of Wee Jas, where they
are introduced to Bergan Regal, Onyx Deathcure,
Bardak Firehand, Vonn Stefos, and Sister Mara. Bergan
tells them that the city would welcome any help they
can provide with the relief effort, but as adventurers of
some renown, they might also be able to help in
another way. Mara takes the story from here, explain-
ing that an ancient artifact (the machine) hidden deep
within the temple holds the key to the city’s salvation.
If restored to working order, this artifact could calm
the elements and restore the city’s former peace and
serenity. The officials are willing to offer some pay-
ment, though they do need to keep the city’s coffers
well filled to handle the expense of rebuilding.
If the party agrees to assist, all the officials thank
them profusely. Then all except Mara leave to oversee
the evacuation.
Mara ushers the PCs through the halls of the temple to
a large door made of what appears to be dull bronze.
Behind it lies the machine—still an impressive sight
even though its gears have stilled.
When the characters are ready to enter the
machine, read or paraphrase the following aloud.
The rumble of the volcano is audible in the dis-
tance as Mara opens the door to the machine. The
circular chamber beyond is lit by an unseen
Mara walks straight into the room along one of
six narrow walkways that radiate like the spokes
of a wheel around the chamber, meeting at a cen-
tral platform. Five of the walkways end in doors,
and the sixth—the one directly opposite the entry
door—ends at the far wall, where several crates
are stacked. Below the walkways, the inner work-
ings of the machine extend endlessly down into
the darkness.
Mara has studied texts that have been passed down
from generation to generation about the workings of
the machine. She can offer the following information in
response to appropriate questions (no check necessary).
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