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Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage: FAQ/Walkthrough by glacialbear
Version 1.3, Last Updated 2001-08-22 View/Download Original File
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Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage FAQ/Walkthrough v1.3
by glacialbear (
Platform: Nintendo 64
Last Updated: 8/22/2001

If you would like to email me about this game, please put something 
appropriate as the subject line, so that I know it isn't spam. If you 
would like to contribute something, credit will be given, obviously. 
However, I need you to tell me exactly what you want me to list you 
under in the credits, or I can't include your contribution.
Table of Contents

I     Introduction/Game Basics
       Trek Help
       Combat Help

II    Walkthrough

III   Reference
       Side Areas
       Equipment List
       Spell List

IV    Frequently Asked Questions

V     Credits

VI    Version History
I: Introduction/Game Basics


Trek Mode

Control Stick      Move Alaron
A Button           Interact with characters and monsters
                   Open items and doors
                   Select an action from any menu
B Button           View characters in your party
                   Return to previous menu
                   Cancel action
START              Pause Menu
R Button           Camera control (Hold + Control Stick)
Z Button           Sneak (Hold + Control Stick)

Combat Mode

- Select Action Phase

Control Stick      Move characters
A Button           Initiate melee attack
                   Initiate targeting mode
C Down Button      Cast Spell
C Up Button        Open Item and Potion Menu
R Button           Camera control (Hold + Control Stick)
Z Button           End turn
L Button           End turn

- Targeting Phase

Control Stick      Select target for melee attack,
                   spell or item
A Button           Perform action on target
B Button           Return to Select Action Phase
C Down Button      Cast previous spell (Tap C Down Button)
                   Select spell from list (Hold C Down Button +
                   Control Stick)
C Up Button        Use previous item (Tap C Up Button)
                   Select item from list (Hold C Up Button +
                   Control Stick)

Pause Game Menu

R Button           Adjust the scroll to the right
Z Button           Adjust the scroll to the left
Control Stick      Highlight selections
                   Cycle between inventory, stats, spells, and skills
C Left Button      Cycle back through party members
C Right Button     Cycle forward through party members
C Down Button      View details on skills, spells, items and stats
A Button           Equip and unequip items for selected character
                   Use potions, items and spells
B Button           Exit Pause Game Menu
START              Return to the game
Trek Help


- Sneaking

To sneak, hold the Z BUTTON down and move the Control Stick in the 
direction you wish to go. Your chance of successfully sneaking depends 
on the best Stealth skill in your party.

- Walking

To walk, press the Control Stick gently in the direction you wish to 
go. Monsters are less likely to notice you if you are walking than if 
you are running, but more likely than if you are sneaking.

- Running

To run, press the Control Stick firmly in the direction you wish to go. 
You will move quickly, but monsters are very likely to notice you.

- Doors

To pass through a door, walk up to it and press the A BUTTON.

If there is a trap on the door, you will be told how difficult the trap 
will be for your party to disarm. You may attempt to disarm the trap, 
or leave it alone. If you attempt to disarm it and fail, the trap will 
explode, doing damage to everyone in your party! If they succeed, a 
message will appear saying, "Trap successfully dissarmed!"

If the door is locked, the party member with the highest rank of Thief 
skill will attempt to open it. If their skill is not high enough, you 
will need to leave and return later when you have a higher rank of 
Thief skill, and try again. If successful, you will pass through.

Inventory Management

- Equipping Objects

From your inventory menu, select the item you want to equip with the 
Control Stick and press the A BUTTON. If your character is able to use 
the item it will be placed on that character's equipment diagram. If 
your character has already equipped an item of that type then it will 
be placed back into party inventory and the new item will be equipped 
in its place.

- Using Objects

Most items activate automatically when you put them on. You cannot cast 
spells from items in Trek mode. You cannot throw potions in Trek mode, 
but you can quaff drinkable potions and learn spells from scrolls.

- Dropping Objects

Items may not be dropped in Trek mode, but may only be sold. Special 
quest items may not be sold.


- Dialogs

You can talk to nearly every person in the game, and even to many of 
the monsters. To talk to someone, move your character close to them and 
press the A BUTTON. When you are finished reading what they have said, 
press the A BUTTON again.

If you have a choice of what to say in response, select the response 
you want by using the Control Stick and then pressing the A BUTTON to 
say it.

- Libraries

To read books or scrolls in a library, approach them and press the A 
BUTTON. Many books require a certain level of Loremaster skill to read. 
When reading, select the section you want using the Control Stick and 
then press the A BUTTON to start reading. Use the A BUTTON to proceed 
to the next page, and the B BUTTON to exit.

- Monsters

You can talk to many of the monsters in the game, but beware: if a 
monster is hostile and you try to talk to it, you will be drawn 
straight into combat! To talk to a monster, move your character close 
to them and press the A BUTTON. When you are finished reading what they 
have said, press the A BUTTON again.

Sometimes you have a choice of what to say in response: select the 
response you want by using the Control Stick and then pressing the A 
BUTTON to say it.

- Shopkeepers

When you talk to a shopkeeper, you can select the barter menu as part 
of the normal conversation. From the barter menu select the item you 
want to buy or sell using the Control Stick. The amount the shopkeeper 
will pay or charge for the item - the Value of the item - is displayed 
in the bottom left corner.

Your Merchant skill will automatically be taken into account when 
determing the amount the shopkeeper charges you for the item. Certain 
quest items may never be sold: these will appear with a Value of zero.

When you have chosen the item you want to buy or sell, press the A 

- Trainers

When you talk to a trainer, you can select the training menu as part of 
the normal conversation. 

In the training menu, select Skills or Spells by pressing the Control 
Stick left or right.

On the left side of the screen, everything the trainer can teach you 
will be displayed. Select the desired skill or spell by pressing the 
Control Stick up or down. Below, it will also show the cost in gold and 
XP to train in the selected item.

To train, simply press the A BUTTON and you will be trained in the 
skill or spell as long as you have sufficient gold and XP. 

- Containers

To open a container, approach it and press the A BUTTON.

If there is a trap on the container, you will be told how difficult the 
trap will be for your party to disarm. You may attempt to disarm the 
trap, or leave it alone. If they succeed, a message will appear, saying 
"Trap successfully disarmed!" If you didn't successfully disarm the 
trap, the container will explode, injuring everyone in the party and 
destroying the container and everything inside!

If the container is locked, the party member with the highest rank of 
Thief skill will attempt to open it. If their skill is not high enough, 
you will need to leave and return later when you have a higher rank of 
Thief skill, and try again. If successful, you will open it!

Of course, if there are no traps nor locks, you can simply open the 
container. Once the container is open, you will go to the container 
screen where you can choose from among the items inside. Use the 
Control Stick and press the A BUTTON on each item you want to take.


- Inn vs. Outdoors

You may not camp in town: within town boundaries you must sleep in an 
inn. To camp outside town, simply select "Camp" from your main menu. In 
town, speak to the innkeeper, and select "Rent a room" from the list of 
dialog options.

- Healing

If you camp successfully, the party will sleep through the night, 
regaining some of their lost Stamina and Endurance points. If you rent 
a room, your party will regain all of their lost Stamina and Endurance 

- Ambush

Occasionally while camping you will be ambushed by monsters! You can 
reduce the chance of being ambushed by camping away from roads and open...
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