Kamasutra Tantra The Multi-Orgasmic Man(1).pdf

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The Proof Is in Your Pants
You may already have experienced multiple orgasms. Surprising as this may
sound, many men are multi-orgasmic before they enter adolescence and begin to
ejaculate. Kinsey’s research suggested that more than half of all preadolescent
boys were able to reach a second orgasm within a short period of time and
nearly a third were able to achieve five or more orgasms one after the other.
This led Kinsey to argue that "climax is clearly possible without ejaculation."
But multiple orgasms are not just limited to prepubescent boys. Kinsey
continues: "There are older males, even in their thirties and older, who are able
to equal this performance." In Fundamentals o Human Sexuality, Dr. Herant
Katchadourian adds: "Some men are able to inhibit the emission of semen while
they experience the orgasmic contractions: in other words they have
nonejaculatory orgasms. Such orgasms do not seem to be followed by a
refractory period [loss of erection], thereby allowing these men to have
consecutive or multiple orgasms like women.
Why do most men lose their ability to be multi-orgasmic. It is possible that for
many men the experience of ejaculating, when it happens, is so overwhelming
that it eclipses the experience of orgasm and causes men to lose the ability to
distinguish between the two. One multi-orgasmic man described the first time he
ejaculated: "I still remember it clearly. There I was orgasming as usual, but this
time a white liquid came spurting out. I thought I was dying. I swore to God that
I would never masturbate again – which of course lasted about a day." Since
orgasm and ejaculation generally occur within seconds of one another, it is easy
to confuse them.' To become multi-orgasmic, you must learn (or possibly
relearn) the ability to separate the different sensations of arousal and to revel in
orgasm without cresting over into ejaculation. Understanding how orgasm and
ejaculation are different will help you distinguish the two in your own body.
Brain Waves and Reflexes
Orgasm is one of the most intense and satisfying human experiences, and if you
have ever had an orgasm – and almost all men have – you will not need to have
it defined. All orgasms, however, are not created equal. Orgasm is slightly
different for each person and even different for the same person at different
times. Nonetheless, men’s orgasms share certain characteristics, including
rhythmic body movements, increased heart rate, muscle tension, and then a
sudden release of tension, including pelvic contractions. They feel good, too.
After noting that "orgasm is the least understood of the sexual processes," the
thirteenth edition of Smith's General Urology explains that orgasm includes
"involuntary rhythmic contractions of the anal sphincter, hyperventilation
[increased breathing rate], tachycardia [increased heart rate], and elevation of
blood pressure."
These definitions include changes that occur throughout your entire body.
However, for a long time orgasm was seen – and for many men is still seen – as
strictly a genital affair. In the West, William Reich, in his controversial book The
Funcion of Orgasm, was the first to argue that orgasm involved the whole body
and not just the genitals. In the East, the Taoists have long known that orgasm
could be a whole-body experience and developed techniques for expanding
orgasmic pleasure.
Many sex researchers are now arguing that orgasm really has more to do with
our brain than our brawn. Brain-wave research is beginning to reveal that
orgasm may occur primarily in the brain. That you can have an orgasm in your
sleep – without any bodily touch – seems to confirm this theory. Further support
comes from neurologist Robert J. Heath of Tulane University, who discovered
that when certain parts of the brain are stimulated with electrodes they produce
sexual pleasure identical to that produced by physical stimulation. Many sex
therapists are fond of saying that sex takes place in the brain. There is some
truth to this statement – especially when it comes to orgasm.
Unlike orgasm, which is a peak emotional and physical experience, ejaculation is
simply a reflex that occurs at the base of the spine and results in the ejection of
semen. Michael Winn, senior Healing Tao instructor and coauthor of Taoist
Secets of Lowe: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy, explains: "A lot of men are
freaked out by the very idea of nonejaculatory orgasm because they’ve been
having ejaculatory sex for such a long time, often decades. So the first thing to
do is demystify ejaculation, which is just an involuntary muscle spasm."
With practice, you can learn to experience the peak feeling of orgasm without
triggering the reflex of ejaculation. In the next two chapters we will explain,
step-by-step, exactly how to separate orgasm from ejaculation and how to
expand your orgasms throughout your body. But first let’s look at the evidence
that men, like women, can have multiple orgasms.
Prove It
Probably the most extensive laboratory investigation of male multiple orgasms
was made by sex researchers William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian. They tested
thirty-three men who claimed to be multi-orgasmic – that is, to be able to have
two or more orgasms without losing their erection.
While these men had sex with their partners in the laboratory, Hartman and
Fithian monitored their heart rates, which the researchers had chosen as the
clearest method of identifying orgasms. At rest, the average heart rate is around
70 beats per minute; during orgasm it almost doubles, rising to about 120. After
orgasm, the heart returns to its resting rate (see figure 1). They also measured
pelvic contractions (most obvious in the involuntary squeezing of the anus),
which coincided with the peaking of heart rate at orgasm. What they found was
pretty surprising: the arousal charts for these men were identical to those of
multi-orgasmic women.
Male and female sexuality may be more similar than is usually thought.
Developmentally, this similarity makes sense, since male and female genitals
come from the same fetal tissue. In their famous book The G Spot and Other
Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality, Alice Ladas, Beverly Whipple, and
John Perry argued that male and female sexuality were almost identical. In
addition to their much-reported discovery of the female "G spot" (which we will
discuss more in chapter 4), they also suggested that men can experience
multiple orgasms just like women.
During Hartman and Fithian's research, the average number of orgasms a multi-
orgasmic man had was four. Some men had the minimum of two, and one had
as many as sixteen! In a study by clarion Dunn and Jan Trost, most men
reported having from two to nine orgasms per session.
It is important to mention here that Taoist sexuality is not about numbers and
keeping score, it is about satisfaction and cultivation. You can feel satisfied with
one orgasm, with three orgasms, or with sixteen orgasms. You cultivate your
sexuality as you deepen your an awareness of your body's pleasure and increase
your ability for intimacy with your partner. Each person and each sexual
experience will be different, and the "right" number of orgasms will depend on
your and your partner’s desires at the time. When you become multi-orgasmic,
you will never have to worry about how long you can last or how many orgasms
your partner has, because you will both be able to have all the orgasms you
could ever want.
The Little Death
As doctors, the Taoist masters were interested in sexuality as part of a larger
concern for the health of the entire body. They practiced Sexual Kung Fu
because they discovered that ejaculation drains a man’s energy. You have
probably also noticed this loss of energy and general feeling of fatigue after
ejaculating. Even though you would like to be attentive to your partner’s sexual
and emotional needs, all your body wants to do is sleep. As one multi-orgasmic
man put it, "Once I ejaculate, the pillow looks better than my girlfriend does."
The image of the unsatisfied woman whose lover ejaculates, grunts, and
collapses on top of her is so common that it has become a cultural joke, but the
exhaustion that men feel after ejaculating is as old as the first coital groan.
Peng-Tze, a sex adviser to the famed Yellow Emperor, reported almost five
thousand years ago: "After ejaculating, a man is tired, his ears buzz, his eyes are
heavy, and he longs for sleep. He is thirsty and his limbs feel weak and stiff. In
ejaculating he enjoys a brief moment of sensation but then suffers long hours of
Western folk wisdom agrees with the Taoists regarding the importance of
conserving sexual energy. Athletes have long known the weakness and lethargy
that follow ejaculation, abstaining from sex the night before the "big game."
Artists have also felt the lingering effects on their work. Jazz musician Miles
Davis explained in a Playboy magazine interview:
Davis: You can't come, then fight or play. You can’t do it. When I get ready
to come, I come. But I do not come and play.
Playboy: Explain that in layman's terms.
Davis: Ask Muhammad Ali. If he comes, he can’t fight two minutes. Shit, he
couldn’t even whip me.
Playboy: Would you fight Muhammad Ali under those conditions, to prove
your point.
Davis: You’re goddamn right I’d fight him. But he’s got to promise to fuck
first. If he ain’t going to fuck, I ain’t going to fight. You give up all your
energy when you come. I mean, you give up all of it! So, if you’re going to
fuck before a gig, how are you going to give something when it’s time to hit?
Miles wasn’t exactly a romantic, but he didn’t mince words, either. As one of the
world’s greatest trumpet players, he knew how ejaculating decreased his stamina
and depleted his art. Unfortunately, like most men, he didn’t know that he could
have had sex all he wanted, even have orgasmed, before any gig – as long as he
didn’t ejaculate. It might have even improved his "hitting."
Although the effects of ejaculating may be more obvious to professional
musicians and prizefighters, all men eventually experience the same depletion
from coming – which might more appropriately be called going. According to one
multi-orgasmic man, "I really notice it in the morning if I ejaculate. I get up
dragging my feet and I am tired by noon. When I have multiple orgasms without
ejaculating, I wake up refreshed and I need less sleep." Another man who was
recovering from a chronic illness explained: "My sexual desire has always been
strong, so I ejaculated often, once or twice a day. And with every ejaculation my
health got worse and worse because I was losing a lot of energy." Many men,
especially young men, may not notice this feeling of depletion at first unless they
ejaculate when they are sick or working hard.
In the West, we assume that ejaculation is an inevitable culmination of male
arousal and the end of lovemaking. In China, however, doctors long ago saw
what the French call le peit mort – "the little death" of ejaculation – as an
avoidable betrayal of male pleasure and a dangerous depletion of male vitality.
In a front-page story on December 3, 1992, the New York Times reported
startling scientific research that seems to confirm the ancient Taoist insight about
the toll that sperm production takes on a man's body. "These results are the last
thing I had expected when I started doing the experiment," said Wayne Van
Voorhies of the University of Arizona. "They were so startling that I did the work
over four times to make sure I got it right. They basically say a lot of our
preconceived notions [about male sexuality] just do not hold."
Dr. Van Voorhies was studying simple but revealing worms called nematodes.
What, you may ask, do worms have to do with your sexuality'. Well, these
nematodes are not just your everyday, garden-variety worms. "The genes and
biochemical processes nematodes use," explains Dr. Philip Anderson of the
University of Wisconsin, "are the same as those that humans and other
mammals use." In scientific studies, nematodes are frequently used in place of
human subjects.
Dr. Van Voorhies tested three kinds of male worms. The first group of worms
was allowed to mate at will, which required frequent sperm production. On
average, these Don Juan worms lived only 8.1 days. (Nematodes, in general,
don’t live very long.) The second group of worms was not allowed to mate at all.
These, shall we say, monastic worms lived an average of 11.1 days. But even
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