CthulhuTech-Dark Passions.pdf

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Dark Passions
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Cthulhutech and Framewerk created by
Matthew Grau
thanks to
The GenCon 2007 Mongoose Publishing crew and Jessica Gretz.
Written by
Matthew Grau, Fraser McKay
special thanks
• WildFire, for pulling it all together.
• Flaming Cobra & Mongoose Publishing, for inally giving this a home.
• Alexander Fennell, for making us a part of it for real.
• Jim Wong, for generously evangelizing.
• Robert Glass, for being our champion.
• Blake Fabian, for creating an amazing demo movie.
• Jason Walker, for the help.
intellectual Property developer
Matthew Grau
Matthew Grau, JiM wonG
Art direction & Logo design
MiKe Vaillancourt
Forums, information, & downloads
Original Cover & Book Graphic design
Maria cabardo
wildFire llc
11700 Marine View drive
edmonds, wa 98026
Cover & Book Graphic design
Maria cabardo
black sky
Cover Art
treVor claxton
interior illustration
treVor claxton (13, 15, 17, 46, 51), Marco nelor
(4, 20, 25, 42), bruno wernecK (10, 19, 23, 28)
First Printing. ©2008, wildFire llc, used under exclusive license from Matthew Grau dba black
sky studios. all rights reserved. CthulhuTech and Framewerk are trademarks of Matthew Grau
dba black sky studios. all rights reserved. all characters, names, places, and text herein are
copyrighted by black sky studios, used by wildFire llc under license. references to the works
of h. P. lovecraft are from and remain in the public domain. catalyst Game labs and the
catalyst Game labs logo are trademarks of inMediares Productions, llc. Printed in thailand.
WildFire Business development
toM norMan
WildFire Operations Management:
Fraser McKay
CthulhuTech is a game. it is a work of iction intended as entertainment. everything contained
within is a product of imagination. None of it is real.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters, and themes. all mystical and super-
natural elements are iction and intended for entertainment purposes only.
For maTure auDieNces oNly
This book is intended for mature readers. it contains dark and disturbing content and images.
reader discretion is advised.
of Contents
04 FictioN ........................ Too Far Gone
06 Chapter One ........................ Welcome
07 Chapter two ................ Wayward Sons (Cults)
10 FictioN .............................. Mother Knows Best
12 Chapter three ............ Those Who Stray (Cult Listings)
12 ............................................. Blood Brigade
14 .................................... Church of All
16 ........................................... The Circle
18 .................................... Congregation of the Earth Mother
20 ........................................... Dionysus Club
22 .................................... The Empty
24 ........................................... Scions of Forever
26 ..................................... Sleepers
28 FictioN ............................. Splitting Hairs
30 Chapter Four .............. Guiding Dark Passions (Storyguiding)
35 Chapter Five .................... The Wrong Neighbors (Supporting Cast)
42 FictioN ....................... Scene of the Crime
44 Chapter Fourteen .............. Sins & Threats (Stories)
56 Chapter eighteen ....... Index
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