X.Men.FC.2011.R5.XviD-BiDA-[ subtitle-English ][ www.napisy.jcom.pl ].txt

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{10}{80}>> X.Men.FC.2011.R5.XviD-BiDA <<
{99}{199}>> 24.000 fps <<|>> www.napisy.jcom.pl <<
{496}{587}Poland, 1944
{2358}{2444}Westchester, 1944
{3092}{3154}Mother, what are you...
{3170}{3214}I thought you were a burglar.
{3228}{3302}I didn't mean to scare you darling,|I was just getting a snack.
{3305}{3337}Go back to bed.
{3371}{3404}What's the matter?
{3421}{3459}Go on, back to bed.
{3513}{3558}I'll make you  hot chocolate.
{3582}{3618}Who are you?
{3720}{3768}And what have you done with my mother?
{3771}{3852}{Y:i}**My  mother has never set foot|in this kitchen in her life.**
{3889}{3949}{Y:i}**And she certainly wouldn't get me|hot chocolate.**
{3970}{4031}{Y:i}**Unless she kept ordering me to do it.**
{4472}{4517}You're not scared of me?
{4527}{4608}I always believed I couldn't be the|only one in the world.
{4618}{4677}The only person who is...
{4746}{4827}And here you are,|Charles Xavier.
{4966}{5008}You're hungry, and alone?
{5008}{5048}Take whatever you want.
{5048}{5109}We've got lots of food,|you don't have to steal.
{5139}{5176}In fact...
{5199}{5257}...you never have to steal again.
{5595}{5741}Understand this, Erik.|These Nazi's, I'm not like them.
{5841}{5915}Genes are the key, yes...
{5922}{6083}But their goals? Blue eyes,|Blond hair, Pathetic.
{6216}{6250}Eat the chocolate.
{6281}{6308}It's good.
{6327}{6351}Want some?
{6406}{6447}I want to see my, Mama.
{6614}{6748}Genes are the keys that|unlocks the door to a new age, Erik.
{6768}{6851}A new future for mankind.
{6922}{6973}You know what I'm talking about?
{7011}{7093}It's a simple thing I ask of you.
{7099}{7231}A little coin is nothing compared|to a big gate.
{7250}{7278}Is it?
{7641}{7690}I tried, Herr Doctor...
{7690}{7777}I can't...I don't...
{7802}{7844}It's impossible.
{7893}{8026}The one thing I can say for the Nazi's,|is their methods seem to produce results.
{8098}{8135}I'm sorry, Erik.
{8449}{8480}My darling.
{8508}{8535}How are you?
{8627}{8666}Here's what we're going to do.
{8693}{8756}I'm going to count to three...
{8778}{8849}...and you're going to move the coin.
{8857}{8975}You don't move the coin,|I pull the trigger.
{9155}{9208}- Mama!|- You can do it.
{9425}{9466}Everything is all right.
{9708}{9750}Everything is all right.
{9788}{9812}Everything is all right!
{10385}{10429}Yes, wonderful!
{11765}{11805}Outstanding, Erik!
{11832}{11918}So we unlock you're gift with anger.
{11951}{12032}Anger and pain.
{12089}{12222}You and me, we're going to|have a lot of fun together.
{12685}{12797}X-MEN: First Class
{13360}{13445}Geneva, Switzerland, 1961
{13770}{13834}Oxford University
{14079}{14149}A gentlemen would at least offer|to buy me a drink first.
{14159}{14239}Newman, a pint of bitter for me|and a brandy for the lady, please.
{14255}{14289}- How did you know that?|- Lucky guess.
{14292}{14339}The name's, Xavier,|Charles Xavier.
{14342}{14372}- How do you do...|- Amy.
{14375}{14422}Heterochromia, is reference to your eyes,
{14424}{14481}which I have to say are stunning.
{14483}{14540}One green, one blue. It's a mutation.
{14542}{14579}It's a very groovy mutation.
{14581}{14662}I have news for you, Amy.|You are a mutant.
{14662}{14742}First you proposition a girl,|and then you call her, deformed.
{14747}{14799}How is that seduction tactic working for you?
{14801}{14838}I'll tell you in the morning.
{14862}{14899}No, seriously though, you mustn?t knock it.
{14902}{14945}Mutation's go from single cell organisms
{14948}{15027}to being the dominate form of|reproductive life, on this planet.
{15030}{15105}Infinite forms of variations with each generation.
{15108}{15183}All through, mutation.
{15210}{15259}Then let's reclaim that word.
{15351}{15407}- Mutant, and proud.|- Chin, chin, hey.
{15411}{15448}Hi, I guess I have to buy my own drink.
{15451}{15476}I'm sorry, one cola.
{15479}{15547}Charles here was just telling me that I'm|like one of the first sea creatures...
{15550}{15574}that grew legs.
{15577}{15613}Tiny bit sexier.
{15623}{15668}I'm sorry, this is my sister, Raven.
{15691}{15765}-Hi, Amy.|-And what do you study?
{15765}{15823}- Waitressing.|- Aah.
{15895}{15937}Oh look, you have hetero-chromia too!
{15939}{15993}- Say, what?|- Look at her eye..
{16076}{16124}Right, Raven get your coat please.
{16149}{16187}Don't talk to me, you did|that on purpose.
{16190}{16220}- I did not!|- Yes you did!
{16223}{16283}Why would I do it on purpose?|You know I can't control it sometimes.
{16285}{16359}- When I'm stressed or tired..|- You seem to be doing a perfectly|good job right now.
{16373}{16419}"Mutant and proud"
{16421}{16505}Why is it always the pretty mutations,|or the invisible ones like yours.
{16508}{16545}If you're a freak, better hide.
{16548}{16593}You're being ridiculous!
{16596}{16651}Look, I don't mean to|sound like an old fart.
{16654}{16763}- Which you are.|- Sometimes, but we've talked about this, Raven.
{16776}{16874}A small slip up is one thing.|A big one does not bear thinking about.
{17005}{17061}"Mutant and proud"
{17121}{17165}"Mutant and proud"?
{17420}{17473}If only...
{17608}{17665}- Would you date me?|- Of course I would.
{17669}{17714}Any man would be lucky to have you.
{17716}{17771}- You're stunning!|- Looking like this?
{17773}{17818}Like, you...what?
{17998}{18065}- You're my oldest friend.|- I'm your only friend.
{18072}{18111}Thank you for that.
{18149}{18241}I'm incapable of even thinking of you like that,|I feel responsible for you.
{18244}{18317}Anything else would just feel wrong.
{18325}{18387}- But what if you didn't know me?|- Unfortunately I do know you.
{18389}{18469}I don't know what's got into you lately?|You're awfully concerned with your looks.
{18583}{18606}I'm sleepy.|Will you read to me?
{18606}{18679}I can't, I have my thesis coming up, I have to study.
{18682}{18750}Well fine, read about your thesis|it always sends me right off.
{18753}{18841}To Homo neanderthalensis,|his  mutant cousin Homo sapiens,
{18844}{18894}was an aberration.
{18901}{18960}Peaceful co-habitation, if ever it existed,
{18963}{19001}was short lived.
{19007}{19118}Records show, without exception that the|arrival of the mutated human species
{19121}{19228}in any region was followed by the immediate|extinction of their less evolved kin.
{19378}{19457}Possession of that gold is illegal.
{19462}{19556}- I should inform the police.|- Let's not play this game.
{19559}{19651}Where did you get it?|A Friend.
{19653}{19712}He recommended your bank, most highly.
{19755}{19782}I see.
{19782}{19846}Do you know our terms, sir?
{19918}{19978}And you should know mine.
{20032}{20102}This gold is what remains of my people.
{20125}{20211}Melted from their possessions.|Torn from their teeth.
{20215}{20267}This is blood money.
{20270}{20342}And you're going to help me|find the bastards responsible for it.
{20471}{20508}Don't touch that alarm.
{20573}{20668}I want Schmidt, Klaus Schmidt.
{20671}{20760}- Where is he?|- Our clients don't supply addresses, we're not...
{20764}{20816}Not that sort of bank?
{21011}{21114}Metal fillings, eh, not gold.|Worried someone might steal them?
{21117}{21206}Argentina! Schmidt is in Argentina!
{21225}{21306}Villa Gesell!|Please, please!
{21698}{21726}Thank you.
{21832}{21893}I would love to kill you.
{21990}{22118}So mark my words, if you warn anyone,|I'm coming...
{22153}{22194}...I will find you.
{22263}{22360}Las Vegas, Nevada
{22497}{22538}Another day at the office.
{22558}{22596}Is that Colonel Hendry?
{22605}{22658}- The NATO guy?|- Yeah.
{22688}{22720}Yes it is.
{22715}{22747}Cause that's three mob bosses,,
{22750}{22821}the Italian ambassador|the CEO of Lockheed.
{22828}{22934}They can't all be communists.|This Hellfire club's gotta be something else.
{22967}{23072}Do you see that?|Hello, girls!
{23082}{23141}Wow, very nice.
{23167}{23203}Wha...what are you doing?
{23206}{23264}Here's things that the CIA didn't give me.
{23274}{23301}Stay put.
{23377}{23424}- Colonel Hendry?|- Yes, ma'am.
{23427}{23500}Emma Frost,|Sebastian Shaw's associate.
{23523}{23578}And where is, Mr. Shaw?
{23581}{23688}We're having a party, and here's the entertainment.|Come with me.
{24625}{24663}Hello beautiful, how are you?
{24665}{24721}Hey baby, you want to find a quiet place?
{24724}{24805}I am so sorry.|I've been booked by Colonel Hendry.
{24858}{24893}Excuse me.
{25384}{25463}- Are you sure we can't get a refill, Bob?|- No.
{25477}{25599}So, I hear you blocked the proposal to position|Jupiter missiles in Turkey.
{25648}{25745}- I expect you to reconsider.|- We've had this conversation.
{25748}{25840}You put our nukes in Turkey,|or anywhere that close to Russia,
{25844}{25929}and you're looking at war.|Nuclear war.
{26718}{26807}I didn't ask for favors, Colonel.|I express my expectations.
{26812}{26984}So, let me say it again.|I expect you'll reconsider.
{26995}{27135}The only thing I will reconsider,|is having another glass of that delicious champagne.
{27432}{27507}What the hell did you put in my drink?
{27932}{28043}{Y:i}**You're thinking of running, hiding?|We'd find you, Hendry.**
{28049}{28119}{Y:i}**There's not a fortress in the world|that can keep us out.**
{28521}{28595}Magnificent, isn't she, Bob?
{28617}{28703}Genetic mutation, the evolution of the human genome.
{28720}{28751}Where's Azazel?
{28905}{28944}Ah, we don'...
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