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Bibliography : The Handbook of Historical Linguistics : Blackwell Reference Online
Bibliography : The Handbook of Historical Linguistics : Blackwell Reference Online
12/11/2007 03:45 PM
Linguistics » Historical Linguistics
Berkeley Linguistics Society, Proceedings of the nth Annual Meeting. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics
Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science. Series IV, Current Issues in
Linguistic Theory, n
Chicago Linguistic Society [Papers from the [General Session (= no. 1)] / [Parasession on x (= no.
2)] at the nth Annual Meeting]. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society
Cross-Language Aphasia Study Network (Centre de recherche, Centre hospitalier Côte-des-Neiges,
Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, n
Center for the Study of Language and Information (Stanford University)
Papers/Proceedings from the nth International Conference on Historical Linguistics
Proceedings of the nth Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society
New Ways of Analyzing Variation (in English) [annual conference]
Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, n
Typological Studies in Linguistics, n
Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, n
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