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Lesson Planning. What makes a good lesson.

“The lesson is a type of organized social event that occurs in virtually all cultures.” P. Ur     It may vary in: topic, time place, atmosphere, methodology and materials, but the main objective is still LEARING.


P. Ur ‘s   advices:

·                      Tasks or texts may be prepared days or weeks in advance, but specific lesson usually not more than than a day or two in advance.

·                      Always write down lesson notes.

·                      Notes should consist of brief headings& abbreviations reminding of what you wanted to do in an order.

·                      Be aware of t-ing objectives.

·                      Look at notes v. occasionally during the lesson (the writing them down is the most important part).

·                      Keep the notes periodically, go through them and note down ideas that were successful and useful to re-use.

What makes a good lesson:

·                      flexibility

·                      balance

·                      variety of teching methods & techniques

·                      good rapport with Ss

·                      coperstive atmosphere

·                      highly motivated Ss

·                      good lesson plan

·                      logical sequencing

·                      competent, knowledgable T

·                      variety of pace, tempo

·                      variety of interesting topics

·                      variety of teaching aids and materials

·                      STT> TTT

·                      attractive & effective.

Ways of varying a lesson (acc. to Penny Ur):

1.                                            Tempo.

Brisk & fast moving activities vs. slow & reflective.

2.                                            Organization.

Individual, pair, or group work, or full class.

3.                                            Mode and skill.

Based on written or spoken lg; production : writing. speaking, perciving: listeing, reading.

4.                                            Difficulty.

Easy/ non-demanding or difficult, requireing.

5.                                            Topic.

Changable from time to time.

6.                                            Mood.

Light/ fun- based or serious and sad.

7.                                            Stir-settle.

Enliven/ exciting vs. calming down.

8.                                            Active-passive.

Own initiation or doing exactly what is said to be done.


1.              Put the harder task earlier.

2.              Have quieter activities before lively ones.

3.              Think about transitions.

4.              Pull the class together at the beginning and at the end.

5.              End on a positive note.

Evaluating the effectiveness:

1.                                                                                              The class seemed to be learning the material well.

2.                                                                                              The Ss were engaging with the L2 throughout.

3.                                                                                              The Ss were attentive all the time.

Practical lesson management:

- additional activity in case;

- prepare for too little time;

- proper timing!!!

- homework not for the last minute!

- make sure that your instructions are understood.




Teaching grammar.

What is grammar:

“the way words are put together to make correct sentences” P.Ur

Presenting grammar items:

stage at which Ss are introduced to the FORM, MEANING and USE of a new lg.


·         from FORM to MEANING – D E D U C T I V E ! ( GET Ss to repeat and make sentences before thay have an idea what it means).

·         from MEANING to FORM – I N D U C T I V E ! ( focus on situational presentation : give context).

Introducing new lg/ structure:

1.       LEAD-IN : conextualization/ presentation texts;

2.       ELICITATION: elicit from Ss what/how much they know;

3.       EXPLANATION: models/ examples/ patterns;

4.       ACCURATE PRODUCTION: repeat, practice, drill- accuracy orientedness;

5.       IMMEDIATE CREATIVITY: Ss produce their own sentences- fluency oriented = free practice.



-          choral/ individual/ drills

-          ways of showing incorrectness:  #repetition #denial #rising intonation (echoing)

-          hands and gestures.







a)       clear;

b)       simple;

c)       accurate;

d)       helpful;

e)       efficient;

f)        personal;

g)       lively & interesting;

h)       adjusted to the Ss’ level;

i)        productive: Ss prompted to make many sentences;

j)        short;

k)       reinforced by visual aids;

l)        should include both: oral and written forms;

m)     older lerners will benefit from terminology.



1)       INDUCTIVE: examples-----rule (COVERT, IMPLICIT);

2)       DEDUCTIVE: rules-----examples (OVERT, EXPLICIT).


“Drill- a device for boring.”

Types of drills:

-          repetition drills;

-          transformation drills;

-          cue-response drills (verbal cues, visual, mimed sound...);

-          chain drills.



Drills- for& against:


·         boring;

·         entirely T-centered;

·         mechanical;

·         mindless;

·         uncommunicative;

·         stress only on accuracy;

·         not meaningful;

·         based on theoretical misconceptions;

·         induced errors.


·         provide security;

·         flexible and convenient;

·         a low-risk activity;

·         can be lively & stimulating;

·         improve pronunciation;

·         enable rapid, appropriate responses in real-time;

·         provide training for Ss’ short-term memory;

·         helps to memorize sth for a long time.



Testing techniques for grammar:

-          fill-in the-gaps;

-          words in brackets;

-          multiple choice;

-          true/false;

-          transformation;

-          parapfrasing;

-          setting words in a correct order and structure (e.g. he/ go /walk).


Presentation techniques:

-          using a song text;

-          using a time line;

-          reading;

-          using a picture;

-          using realia;

-          personalising;

-          explaining directly;

-          comparing L1&L2;

-          eliciting;

-          practicing &presenting;

-          discovering;

-          using a chart.


Mistakes and errors


MISTAKE is a slip of the tongue, which S can self-correct, when challenged, because it is not caused by lack of knowledge. Called also a “performance error”.


Error is an inperfect production caused by genuine lack of knowledge about the lg. “Competence error”.




*Negative Transfer Errors= Mother Tongue Interference.


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