Prentice Hall - Analog Electronics with Labview - 2003.pdf
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ashley, Kenneth L.
Analog electronics with LabVIEW / Kenneth L. Ashley.
p. cm. — (National Instruments virtual instrumentation series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-047065-1 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Electronics. 2. Electronic circuits—Computer-aided design. 3. LabVIEW. I. Title. II.
TK7816 .A84 2002
621.381--dc21 2002072656
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National Improvements | Virtual
Instrumentation Series
Kenneth L. Ashley
Analog Electronics with LabVIEW
Jeffrey Y. Beyon
Hands-On Exercise Manual for LabVIEW Programming, Data Acquisition, and Analysis
Jeffrey Y. Beyon
LabVIEW Programming, Data Acquisition, and Analysis
Mahesh L. Chugani, Abhay R. Samant, Michael Cerra
LabVIEW Signal Processing
Nesimi Ertugrul
LabVIEW for Electric Circuits, Machines, Drives, and Laboratories
Rahman Jamal · Herbert Pichlik
LabVIEW Applications and Solutions
Shahid F. Khalid
Advanced Topics in LabWindows/CVI
Shahid F. Khalid
LabWindows/CVI Programming for Beginners
Hall T. Martin · Meg L. Martin
LabVIEW for Automotive, Telecommunications, Semiconductor, Biomedical, and Other
Bruce Mihura
LabVIEW for Data Acquisition
Jon B. Olansen · Eric Rosow
Virtual Bio-Instrumentation: Biomedical, Clinical, and Healthcare Applications in LabVIEW
Barry Paton
Sensors, Transducers, and LabVIEW
Jeffrey Travis
LabVIEW for Everyone, second edition
Jeffrey Travis
Internet Applications in LabVIEW
This book presents a study of analog electronics as a stand-alone course or as a course to be
augmented by one of the many complete undergraduate textbooks on the subject. Theory and
closely coupled laboratory projects, which are based entirely on computer-based data
acquisition, follow in a sequential format. All analytical device characterization formulations are
based exactly on SPICE.
In addition to traditional curricula in electrical engineering and electronics technology, the
course is suitable for the practicing engineer in industry. For the engineer with a general
undergraduate electronics background, for example, the course of study can provide an
upgrade in basic analog electronics. Under these or similar circumstances, it can be taken as
self-paced or with minimum supervision.
Two course sequences are possible, depending on the emphasis desired:
For a course that stresses MOSFET characterization and circuits, beginning with
Unit 1
and following the sequence is recommended. A brief review of relevant circuit analysis
and the most rudimentary basics of electronics are presented initially, with associated
projects. The projects include an introduction to LabVIEW programming along with the
measurements of basic circuits. The programming aspects are directly relevant to the
thrust of the course; they emphasize the measurement of analog electronics circuits.
The student is thus provided with a basic understanding of LabVIEW concepts used
throughout the projects.
If, on the other hand, interest is directed more toward LabVIEW and computer data
acquisition, device characterization, and circuit simulation, the appropriate beginning
sequence is Units A through C. The associated projects are
Project A
Projects B
, and
Project C2
Project A
is a programming and measurement exercise that
emphasizes and explores the use of LabVIEW DAQ software, the discrete nature of
analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions, LabVIEW-based voltmeters with
autoranging, ac voltmeters, and simultaneous sending and receiving of waveforms
initiated with a function generator. This is followed with projects on transistors and
transistor circuits, which are based on the bipolar junction transistor. Although the BJT
is losing ground as the most important transistor in electronics (compared to the
MOSFET), its inherently more complex behavior provides for a rich array of circuit
simulation formulations and design challenges. The projects include the mix of NPN and
PNP devices in a single amplifier. The transistors recommended are the complementary
pair NTE 186 (2N6288) and NTE 187 (2N62xx). The transistors are rated at 3 A and are
therefore almost indestructible. At the much lower current levels of the projects, device
heating is negligible, which is important, as all measurements assume that the circuit is
at room temperature. Also, highlevel model effects are avoided, whereas low-level
effects abound.
With both approaches, all the measurement LabVIEW programs are provided. Many of the
extraordinary features provided by LabVIEW are included in the programs. The programs
therefore may serve additionally as a tutorial in advanced aspects of LabVIEW. The basics of
operational amplifiers and their applications are treated in two units and two projects.
The book format consists of one or more units of background material for each laboratory
project. A given set of theoretical units and the associated project have a related Mathcad
problems file ( and Mathcad exercise file (, relating to the
theory and project, respectively. The files are also in a pdf format (ProblemXX.pdf,
ExerciseXX.pdf). A Mathcad file ( for evaluating the results of the projects is
included with each project. Accompanying each Mathcad project file are SPICE simulator files
based on PSPICE. The SPICE models for the simulations use, in each case, the parameters for
the devices obtained in laboratory projects. Since the Mathcad projects use the exact SPICE
formulations, the results from Mathcad and SPICE are identical in the case of the use of basic
simulation levels.
Samples of all of the projects have been completed and are included. These provide for either
demonstrations or simulated results without actually running the programs with circuits. The
measured data are stored in LabVIEW graphics and can be extracted to obtain data files in the
same manner as actually making the measurements. In some cases, the simultaneous taking
of data, plotting and curve fitting is simulated. Units 13 and 14 are theoretical only but each
has Mathcad problems on the topic of these respective units.
Special features of the lab experience are as follows:
The lab projects are based entirely on computer data acquisition using LabVIEW and a
National Instruments data acquisition card (DAQ) in the computer for interfacing with
the circuit board.
Each device category has an associated project for evaluating SPICE parameters in
which device model parameters are obtained. Subsequent amplifier projects use the
parameters in performance assessment.
No external instrumentation is required. The function generator, voltmeters, and
oscilloscopes are virtual and provided by LabVIEW and a DAQ card in the computer. The
projects on the current-mirror load common-source amplifier and the operational
amplifier require an external power supply.
Circuits are constructed on a special circuit board. The board is connected to the
computer DAQ card through a National Instruments shielded 68-pin cable. The circuit
board allows expedient, error-free construction of the circuits, as connector strips for
the respective output and input channels and ground are available directly on the
Topics included in this course treat many of the most relevant aspects of basic modern analog
electronics without straying into peripheral areas. The course essentially streamlines the study
of analog electronics. There is not a unit on, for example, feedback per se, but most basic
types of feedback are addressed at some point. The role that the device plays in frequency
response is omitted. This is consistent with the fact that to a large extent, the intension is that
theory and measurements can be connected.
Students of electrical engineering or electronics engineering of today have a vast array of
subjects to attempt to master; it is not reasonable to expect them to labor through a classical
extensive study of the subject of analog electronics, although some basic knowledge should be
required. Specialization can come at a later stage, if desired.
As mentioned, many LabVIEW features are utilized in the projects. To some extent, the goal of
demonstrating the extensive array of the capabilities of LabVIEW influences the design of the
various projects. This includes sending voltages (including waveforms), receiving voltages
(including autoscaling), scanning, graphics, reading data files, writing data files, computations such
as extraction of harmonic content of a signal, assembling data in a composite form, along with a
host of array manipulation processes and data curve fitting.
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