Lights Out [01x05] The Comeback [ENG].txt

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[23][37]Go get your coat.|We're gonna go for a ride.
[38][59]Hal Brennan. I understand</i>|you've been looking for me.</i>
[60][70]I want my money.
[71][91]Here's a taste.
[110][131]What does mom think?|What?
[132][147]Pugilistic dementia.
[148][159]What are you talking about?
[160][180]You haven't told her yet?
[181][195]Bet on the fight.
[195][203]How much?
[204][221]50 large.
[235][251]You don't have to do this,|all right?
[252][278]It's me or you, Johnny.|You got a better idea?
[348][365]It's gone, Theresa.
[375][402]The money's gone.
[402][412]All of it.
[413][435]That can't be.
[436][446]We're set for life.
[447][469]The...The girls are set|for life.
[469][485]I'm sorry, Theresa.
[486][512]Please...|Don't get near me!
[512][538]This is a joke!
[714][736]stop there, Mr. Leary.|Very good.
[737][759]I just thought of money|coming out of my bank account.
[760][780]Well, whatever works.
[780][812]Now, Mr. Leary, do you recall|the three objects
[812][838]I mentioned to you|at the beginning of the exam?
[916][942]Perfect, Mr. Leary.
[943][971]I see no decline|in your cognitive function.
[985][1019]Okay.|How about I buy us a nice lunch?
[1020][1037]Wait.|What about that scan he had?
[1038][1053]Oh, yes.|The scan.
[1054][1079]I don't want to disparage|a colleague's work, but
[1082][1098]he knew you were a boxer, yes?
[1099][1113]We talked about my career.
[1119][1136]Well, that could be, but
[1144][1162]preconceptions to your scan.
[1163][1175]You're saying he screwed up?
[1175][1201]I'll just say it's a good thing|you sought a second opinion.
[1202][1241]And I'm sorry either of you|had to worry about any of this.
[1241][1256]It's fine.
[1270][1299]Hey, uh...|One last...
[1310][1327]Would it be okay for me|to get back in the ring?
[1338][1358]Go get your belt back, champ.
[1373][1392]I'll do my best.
[1692][1710]Go get your belt back, champ.
[1770][1790]Hey. Everything okay?
[1857][1873]Just a dream.
[1906][1924]Go back to sleep.
[2213][2230]There's a lot to lose sleep over.
[2231][2249]No income, a crippling mortgage
[2251][2274]and serious income tax trouble|for both of you.
[2283][2304]Well, we should pay the I.R.S.|First, before...
[2305][2313]You should.
[2314][2347]But with penalties and interest,|you're close to seven figures.
[2352][2367]Oh, my God.
[2376][2389]You've been living|beyond your means
[2390][2403]for the past... I don't know.|How many years?
[2404][2428]We get all that.|What do we do now?
[2445][2456]Cut to the chase?
[2461][2473]Given everything,
[2475][2495]your best option|is to file for chapter 7.
[2507][2528]You keep the house...|And some pension.
[2529][2544]Not a chance.
[2545][2561]Before we get to that,
[2562][2581]let's take a look at your|daughters' college funds.
[2582][2595]Let's not.
[2621][2636]Other options.
[2637][2667]Many former athletes return|to their sport.
[2667][2693]No.|That's not on the table.
[2703][2724]Right.|Of course.
[2725][2751]Then we look at patchwork fixes
[2752][2775]until your future earnings|come on line.
[2790][2806]You're the cavalry here.
[2807][2828]Have you chosen a specialty?
[2829][2841]Family medicine.
[2855][2875]Well, y-you'll have to|rethink that.
[2887][2898]Excuse me?
[2899][2917]Mr. Leary,|you're not going to like
[2918][2939]any of the fight plans|I'm going to give you.
[2940][2952]No... Patrick.|Please.
[2953][2971]Good night, Audra.
[2972][2984]Thanks for coming.
[3079][3099]I'm studying.|Whatever.
[3099][3115]Do you know what's going on|down there?
[3115][3137]Financial planning.|More like panicking.
[3138][3148]You didn't tell me|how bad it was.
[3149][3168]They're raiding|our college funds.
[3169][3184]Are you serious?
[3193][3214]Wait. What about the donation|to Haiti?
[3215][3227]We're way past that now.
[3227][3255]They're not even just broke.|They're in tax trouble, too.
[3264][3292]God. What if they go to jail?|I'll never get a car.
[3293][3314]All right.|No one is going to jail.
[3315][3341]They screwed up.|Why should we have to suffer?
[3341][3356]Why is she being so selfish?
[3367][3387]Everyone knows|dad wants to box again.
[3389][3406]She won't let him.|No, he can't.
[3406][3425]He cannot.|Why not?
[3426][3447]She should never have made him|quit in the first place.
[3448][3465]Shut up, Ava.
[3473][3494]You'll be fine.|You'll get a scholarship.
[3494][3520]I'll be the one who's stuck|here in this hellhole.
[3521][3536]It's not fair.
[3568][3582]Get rid of her.
[3583][3597]She's one of the best|in her field.
[3598][3615]She doesn't know|what she's talking about.
[3616][3623]We only got her
[3624][3643]'cause her husband's|head of Cardiology at St. Lucy's.
[3644][3652]Oh, great.
[3654][3667]So everyone|at the hospital knows.
[3668][3691]No.|Dr. Lane's very discreet.
[3693][3706]Yeah?|Well, she isn't.
[3707][3725]"I worked with many|former athletes."
[3726][3743]She was dying|to drop their names.
[3743][3761]No, she wouldn't do that.|Seriously?
[3762][3780]How long before this hits|the paper?
[3780][3804]"Another dumb boxer|blows his fortune."
[3805][3822]That's not what happened.|It isn't?
[3823][3838]She talked to me|like I'm a 10-year-old.
[3839][3858]You think this was any easier|for me?
[4045][4072]Look, we...
[4073][4099]We just need to|get through this, okay?
[4099][4122]Like Audra said,|we have to make a plan,
[4123][4134]make some sacrifices.
[4135][4151]No, we don't.|Yes, we do.
[4151][4168]There's another way out of this.|No. No, Patrick. Please...
[4169][4195]I have a trade, Theresa.|No. No. Listen to me, Patrick. No.
[4209][4240]This doesn't all have to be|on you, not anymore.
[4313][4332]The place is like a shrine.
[4333][4348]He's my brother.
[4349][4361]I figured that out.
[4362][4373]He's a good man.
[4374][4385]You know Patrick?
[4386][4410]I've been involved|in some of his fights.
[4411][4430]You're a 5-percenter?
[4443][4469]Boxing, one guy|takes the punches,
[4469][4491]20 guys try to make a living|off him.
[4492][4507]My brother made out okay.
[4507][4533]Well, he deserves every penny.
[4545][4564]Before my son passed away,
[4564][4591]I used to take him|to see your brother fight.
[4597][4624]Lights Leary|was his favorite boxer.
[4625][4643]This is when your brother|was just starting out.
[4644][4664]Although, even then,|I mean, he was...
[4667][4688]He was something special.|He was a true fighter.
[4700][4714]Came at guys straight ahead.
[4715][4726]And my son...
[4742][4766]He always admired that about him.
[4811][4841]- Sorry, I went on there.|- No...
[4842][4860]It's nice to hear.
[4860][4873]I'm Margaret.
[4874][4893]I'm Hal Brennan.
[4915][4930]What are you doing here?
[4931][4956]Hey.|Don't be rude.
[4956][4967]Have a seat, son.
[4985][5004]And one for dad.
[5061][5084]You looked good the other night.
[5109][5134]Didn't feel so good the next day.
[5162][5196]Sorry we didn't get to talk|after the fight.
[5206][5218]I had a lot going on.
[5218][5228]Of course.
[5228][5241]Listen, I should've thanked you.
[5252][5275]You know, for covering my, uh...
[5275][5295]Your ass?
[5296][5313]Don't mention it.
[5314][5333]I was glad I could, uh...
[5334][5366]I'm glad it worked out...|for both of us.
[5366][5391]The high rollers bet|against you... you know that?
[5392][5428]They didn't think a boxer|could hold his own in MMA.
[5428][5450]I got lucky with a punch.
[5452][5477]Don't sell yourself short, son.
[5486][5509]You still got it.
[5510][5543]You set your mind to it,|no one could stop you.
[5563][5597]Yeah. Well, I'm not interested|in a cage career.
[5598][5623]I'm not talking about MMA,|Lights.
[5624][5644]There's no elegance in that</i> game.
[5681][5708]It used to be the sport of kings.
[5709][5739]Just needs someone|to reclaim the throne.
[5752][5768]A white knight.
[5768][5795]I never really bought into|that stuff.
[5796][5825]Still, it's a sin
[5825][5857]what Barry Word and his animals|have done to the sport.
[5858][5878]And...And to you.
[5878][5902]I mean, sure,|Barry likes a white hope
[5902][5925]when it comes to selling tickets,
[5943][5987]but... he couldn't stand|to see you wear your crown.
[6019][6044]I'd like to help you get it back.
[6071][6099]If you want a knockout deal...</i>
[6100][6121]On carpet or remnants...</i>
[6121][6136]...Come see Carl,</i>
[6136][6158]the Monmouth County Karpet King.</i>|Turn that off.</i>
[6159][6184]It's on all the time.
[6185][6197]So is your TV.
[6210][6225]You should get back to the gym.
[6236][6255]And you should have stayed|in the ring.
[6299][6328]Actually, dad,|since you mention it...
[6342][6360]How long would it take?
[6361][6376]What are you talking about?
[6390][6405]If I was gonna fight again...
[6419][6429]How long?
[6438][6455]Could I even do it?
[6475][6497]You can't ask me that.
[6497][6516]I need to know.
[6542][6594]Ali was out for three years,|but he was a lot younger.
[6597][6642]Foreman was out for 10,|and he had a long road back.
[6643][6663]I'm out five.
[6664][6677]And you're out of shape.
[6678][6691]I'm in good shape.
[6692][6718]For jazzercise.
[6719][6750]Training for a fight|is a whole no...
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