Lights Out [01x12] Sucker Punch [ENG].txt

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[9][25]Previously on "Lights Out"...
[27][56]Were you a good dancer, Bampa?|Not bad.
[61][78]Not as good as my wife.
[88][106]I bet on the fight.
[120][133]How much?
[134][153]You looked good the other night.
[215][240]It used to be the sport of kings.
[248][273]Just needs someone|to reclaim the throne.
[278][297]I'd like to help you get it back.
[298][321]You got no choice, Lights.
[322][341]I own your comeback.
[342][359]Barry's got the rights|to your next fight.
[361][385]And options on your next two.
[386][412]Brother Patrick, we're partners.
[420][446]Barry Word is a cancer|on this sport.
[480][524]How hard would it be|to promote a fight without him?
[525][547]Who's that man|with aunt Margaret?
[595][614]How much does Barry want?
[624][640]More than we can afford.
[641][665]I'll talk him down|and I'll front that.
[669][685]We're almost family now.
[704][736]Just get me to the fight.
[775][796]Time. Time.|Good.
[813][839]Got to give Romeo credit.|You look much freer in there.
[840][857]I feel good.|Two weeks to go.
[858][879]You're peaking at the right time.
[886][904]When are we gonna talk strategy?
[925][944]When are we gonna talk strategy?
[1049][1064]How many fights|have you fought...
[1071][1091]37 professional, 100 amateur?
[1114][1138]So what can I tell you|that you don't already know?
[1144][1170]Pops, I box, you think.
[1172][1190]That's our deal.|Yeah.
[1193][1216]Well, if I hadn't thought|so goddamn much,
[1220][1242]you might have won your|last fight against Reynolds.
[1247][1260]You didn't cost me my me...
[1270][1286]It's history.
[1287][1319]I can't do this with you and me|tap-dancing around each other.
[1353][1372]You want my two cents?|No bullshit?
[1396][1423]He's a much better fighter|than he was five years ago.
[1430][1446]He's added 20 pounds of muscle,
[1447][1467]and he's got the confidence|of a champion.
[1476][1505]Now, you cannot let him dictate|the pace of this fight.
[1506][1534]You got to tie him up,|and you got to pick your spots.
[1544][1561]Think Ali-Foreman.
[1562][1576]A war of attrition.
[1577][1601]You let him punch himself out|for seven or eight rounds,
[1602][1620]and then, when he begins to tire,
[1621][1651]you make your move|and you knock him out.
[1652][1677]You'll be the last man standing.
[1684][1700]How do you know?
[1701][1722]Because you always are.
[1735][1748]I need to speak with you.
[1749][1758]When we're done, Barry.
[1759][1776]Now.|In private.
[1777][1793]Away from the circus.
[1847][1866]What the hell are you up to?
[1867][1880]Getting ready for the fight.
[1881][1910]Do not toy with me.
[1915][1942]The odds of your winning|this fight are in free fall.
[1943][1972]Overnight, they've gone from 2-1|to 5-1.
[1973][1999]That does not happen|from out of nowhere.
[2013][2031]You think I'm taking a dive?
[2038][2055]Are you crazy?|Why would I do that?
[2056][2081]Because you're dead broke|and you know you can't win.
[2091][2115]I'm getting my belt back, Barry.|Yeah, yeah, yeah, Lights.
[2116][2138]You listen to me, now.|Listen to me.
[2149][2180]Barry K. Word does not promote|fixed fights.
[2181][2192]You can't sell them.
[2193][2220]And you tell your new partner,|Mr. Brennan,
[2221][2262]whatever he's planning|is not going to happen.
[2273][2296]This is my fight.
[2297][2327]This is my division.|This is my game.
[2328][2366]Nothing happens|behind my back... No-thing!
[2647][2673]Oh!|Hello, pumpkin.
[2714][2737]What are you doing here?
[2738][2755]I'm back.
[3012][3044]I could've scrap money together|and go somewhere...
[3045][3079]Arizona or Palm Springs,|but I hate the heat.
[3080][3099]And Arizona, it's like a furnace.
[3100][3112]That's what I hear.
[3119][3138]This one was near Joliet,
[3139][3164]and it was an outpatient|program...
[3165][3205]you know, 12 steps,|one day at a time.
[3206][3222]Good for you, mom.
[3223][3250]Well, we both know|it was time for me to get sober.
[3251][3276]I'm happy for you.|You look terrific.
[3286][3309]Sunglasses are the secret,|sweetie.
[3310][3348]Sunglasses and a little lipstick|will take you to the market.
[3375][3389]You been getting|the money I sent you?
[3390][3400]I know it's not much.
[3415][3451]That money saved my life,|honey... every month.
[3452][3473]All the years|you've supported me,
[3474][3495]I want to do the same for you.
[3506][3523]I'm fine, mom.
[3524][3547]That's not|what I've been reading.
[3573][3602]If it was Johnny,|I'd get it, but you?
[3603][3625]What is going on with my baby?
[3626][3642]Just hit a bad run.
[3643][3656]It's all behind me.
[3657][3701]Good, because not everyone|gets a second chance in life.
[3725][3746]You still with|your drummer friend?
[3747][3789]Lester passed away in march.|Emphysema.
[3807][3820]I'm sorry.
[3821][3845]Look, I don't want to be|a distraction.
[3846][3867]I just wanted to see you.
[3884][3899]Where you staying?
[3900][3921]Oh, don't worry about me.|I'll find something.
[3922][3935]Come on.
[3936][3957]You haven't seen the|house we built.
[3964][3995]And I got three girls at home|that ask about you all the time.
[4009][4035]You know, I held Ava|when she was born,
[4036][4056]but the others...
[4078][4114]Is it too late, do you think,|for them to have a grandma?
[4127][4143]??? Da-dun, da-dun, da-dun-dun-dun ???
[4144][4158]You're so pretty.
[4159][4186]Where do you girls|think you got your cheekbones?
[4203][4231]What have we here?
[4254][4281]Wow. Thank you.
[4282][4305]I'm sorry, honey.|I forgot the...
[4306][4318]Oh, that's okay.
[4319][4334]Thank you.
[4335][4354]What is it?
[4355][4375]A nail rescue kit.
[4376][4389]You know, it's very important
[4390][4421]for young ladies|to have luxurious nails.
[4422][4441]Katie, how do I look?
[4442][4460]Is this from when|you were a dancer?
[4462][4479]Now, how do you know about that?
[4480][4493]Grandpa told her.
[4494][4508]Oh, did he?
[4509][4536]Well, I don't like to brag,
[4537][4561]but I could move.
[4576][4614]When I was Ava's age,|I was a showgirl in Las Vegas.
[4615][4635]I even spent one winter in Rio.
[4636][4652]Rio?|I'm so dying to go there.
[4653][4675]She still looks great,|doesn't she?
[4676][4692]Yeah, of course she does.
[4702][4723]When was the last time|you two talked?
[4736][4760]I mean...I call
[4761][4790]and leave messages|on her birthday
[4791][4807]and on mother's day.|You do?
[4818][4836]You never told me.
[4837][4857]I thought you were still furious|with her.
[4871][4888]I think she's here|to make amends.
[4889][4911]With your family?
[4917][4938]Good luck.
[4939][4953]I know.
[4954][4983]But if not now, when?
[5009][5047]Just take it one step at a time|with her, okay?
[5079][5101]I'll go make up her room.
[5135][5173]They were big and famous|like Michael Jackson.
[5185][5208]You see the line?|5-1.
[5209][5227]6-1 as of this morning.
[5228][5243]I locked my money in.
[5244][5257]What the hell is going on?
[5258][5274]Well, you're 40 years old,
[5275][5299]you've fought two rounds|in five years,
[5300][5313]and you're coming off|a stab wound?
[5314][5327]You're lucky|you're not 10-1.
[5328][5359]Right, but how could the line|move so fast?
[5360][5375]Could they have the ref?
[5376][5387]No, it's too early.
[5388][5403]Besides, the ref's|not a guarantee.
[5404][5416]Neither is a judge.
[5417][5427]The only lock...
[5428][5440]Is a fighter.
[5452][5471]Did someone come to you?
[5472][5487]What are you talking about?
[5488][5508]Barry thinks Brennan's gonna try|to fix this fight.
[5509][5528]Nobody came to me.
[5539][5551]I swear on Dylan's life.
[5552][5568]No matter what I've done...
[5569][5598]I don't even have the time|to list it right now...
[5599][5621]I would never do that.
[5664][5678]It's my belt.
[5679][5700]No one's gonna stop me|from getting it back.
[5746][5759]There you are.
[5760][5778]I've been saving your booth|for an hour.
[5780][5809]Yeah? Who you saving|all these other booths for?
[5820][5848]Stay for a sec?|Family meeting?
[5857][5872]If this is about Hal...
[5873][5890]No.|Nothing like that.
[5903][5931]I don't even know|how to start this.
[5951][5966]You're having another kid?
[5967][5981]No way.
[5982][5999]If it's a girl,|you better throw it back.
[6000][6007]Enough out of you.
[6008][6020]What? It's common sense.
[6032][6048]Mom's in town.
[6069][6088]She showed up yesterday.
[6099][6115]Did she?
[6116][6138]Two weeks before|a championship fight.
[6139][6161]It's not like that.
[6162][6188]She seems different.
[6189][6225]She wants to see you guys...|to apologize, I guess.
[6237][6250]So I'm having dinner
[6251][6262]at the house Saturday night,
[6263][6284]and I'd like you both to come.
[6303][6323]I don't have a mother.
[6324][6347]She's been dead to me|since the day she walked out.
[6348][6357]Come on, Margaret.
[6358][6375]She can go to hell.
[6424][6441]I guess she's not|coming to dinner.
[6442][6481]Champ, I know mom's got|like five mini operas
[6482][6493]and a tragedy,
[6494][6531]but you got the biggest|fight of your life coming up.
[6532][6556]She's the last thing we need|right now.
[6564][6585]But she's here.
[6586][6613]And something about it|feels right.
[6614][6637]I want you to give her a chance.
[6650][6673]I mean, how many|have I given you?
[6821][6869]Now, on "All Access", we put Leary|and Reynolds "In the Box!"
[6871][6891]Your host, Charlie Bey.
[6892][6921]All right, gentlemen.|R...
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