
(1079 KB) Pobierz
B. S. Dhillon
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
20.5.3 Failure Rate Modeling and
Parts Count Method
20.5.4 Stress-Strength Interference
Theory Approach 497
20.5.5 Network Reduction Method 498
20.5.6 Markov Modeling
20.2.1 Series Network
20.2.2 Parallel Network
20.5.7 Safety Factors
20.2.3 k-out-of-n Unit Network
20.2.4 Standby System
20.7.1 Risk-Analysis Process and Its
Application Benefits
20.7.2 Risk Analysis Techniques
20.5.1 Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis (FMEA)
20.5.2 Fault Tree
The history of the application of probability concepts to electric power systems goes back to the
1930s. 1 " 6 However, the beginning of the reliability field is generally regarded as World War II, when
Germans applied basic reliability concept to improve reliability of their Vl and V2 rockets.
During the period from 1945-1950 the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force conducted various studies
that revealed a definite need to improve equipment reliability. As a result of this effort, the Department
of Defense, in 1950, established an ad hoc committee on reliability. In 1952, this committee was
transformed to a group called the Advisory Group on the Reliability of Electronic Equipment
(AGREE). In 1957, this group's report, known as the AGREE Report, was published, and it subse-
quently led to a specification on the reliability of military electronic equipment.
The first issue of a journal on reliability appeared in 1952, published by the Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). The first symposium on reliability and quality control was held in
1954. Since those days, the field of reliability has developed into many specialized areas: mechanical
reliability, software reliability, power system reliability, and so on. Most of the published literature
on the field is listed in Refs. 7, 8.
The history of mechanical reliability in particular goes back to 1951, when W. Weibull 9 developed
a statistical distribution, now known as the Weibull distribution, for material strength and life length.
The work of A. M. Freudenthal 10 ' 1 1 in the 1950s is also regarded as an important milestone in the
history of mechanical reliability.
The efforts of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the early 1960s
also played a pivotal role in the development of the mechanical reliability field, 1 2 due primarily to
two factors: the loss of Syncom I in space in 1963, due to a bursting high-pressure gas tank, and the
loss of Mariner III in 1964, due to mechanical failure. Many projects concerning mechanical relia-
Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, 2nd ed., Edited by Myer Kutz.
ISBN 0-471-13007-9 © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
815047378.003.png 815047378.004.png
bility were initiated and completed by NASA. A comprehensive list of publications on mechanical
reliability is given in Ref. 13.
A system component may form various different configurations: series, parallel, fc-out-of-n, standby,
and so on. In the published reliability literature, these configurations are known as the standard
configurations. During the mechanical design process, it might be desirable to evaluate the reliability
or the values of other related parameters of systems forming such configurations. These networks are
described in the following pages.
20.2.1 Series Network
The block diagram of an "n" unit series network is shown in Fig. 20.1. Each block represents a
system unit or component. If any one of the components fails, the system fails; thus, all of the series
units must work successfully for the system to succeed.
For independent units, the reliability of the network shown in Fig. 20.1 is
R s = R 1 R 2 R 3 --R n
where R s = the series system reliability
n = the number of units
Ri = the reliability of unit i; for i = 1, 2, 3, • • • , n
For units' constant failure rates, Eq. (20.1) becomes 1 4
R,(t) = e~^ . e~^ . e~^ - - - e~^
where R s (t) = the series system reliability at time t
A 1 = the unit i constant failure rate, for / = 1, 2, 3, • • • , n
The system hazard rate or the total failure rate is given by 1 4
where A 5 (O = the series system total failure rate or the hazard rate
Note that the series system failure rate is the sum of the unit failure rates. In mechanical or in other
design analysis, when the failure rates are added, it is automatically assumed that the units are acting
in series. This is the worst-case design assumption—if any one unit fails, the system fails. In engi-
neering design specifications, the adding up of all system component failure rates is often specified.
The system mean time to failure is expressed by 1 3
MTTF 3 = lim R s (s) = -^-
E A,
where MTTF 5 = the series system mean time to failure
s (in brackets) = the Laplace transform variable
R s (s) = the Laplace transform of the series system reliability
20.2.2 Parallel Network
The block diagram of an "n" unit parallel network is shown in Fig. 20.2. As in the case of the series
network, each block represents a system unit or component. All of the system units are assumed to
Fig. 20.1 Block diagram representing a series system.
Fig. 20.2 Parallel network block diagram.
be active and at least one unit must function normally for the system to succeed, meaning that this
type of configuration may be used to improve a mechanical system's reliability during the design
For independent units, the reliability of the parallel network shown in Fig. 20.2 is given by 1 3
R p =l-(l- R 1 )(I - R 2 ) - - • (1 - R n )
where R p = the parallel network reliability
For constant failure rates of the units, Eq. (20.5) becomes
R p (t) = 1 - (1 - <T A ")(1 - e~^} •••(!- <T A «0
where R p (i) = the parallel network reliability at time t
Obviously, Eqs. (20.5) and (20.6) indicate that system reliability increases with the increasing values
of n.
For identical units, the system mean time to failure is given by 1 4
MTTF^ - lim R p (s) = 7 S T
A /=i i
where MTTF p = the parallel network mean time to failure
R p (s) = the Laplace transform of the parallel network reliability
A = the constant failure rate of a unit
20.2.3 fr-out-of-n Unit Network
This arrangement is basically a parallel network with a condition that at least k units out of the total
of n units must function normally for the system to succeed. This network is sometimes referred to
as partially redundant network. An example might be a Jumbo 747. If a condition is imposed that at
least three out of four of its engines must operate normally for the aircraft to fly successfully, then
this system becomes a special case of the k-out-of-n unit network. Thus, in this case, k = 3 and
n = 4.
For independent and identical units, the k-out-of-n unit network reliability is 1 4
R** = 2 m #(i - Rr- 1
i=* w
M = _o!_
R = the unit reliability
R Un = the k-out-of-n unit network reliability
Note that at k — 1, the k-out-of-n unit network reduces to a parallel network and at k = n, it becomes
a series system.
For constant unit failure rates, Eq. (20.8) is rewritten to the following form: 1 3
RvM = S ( n } e~ ixt (1 - e-*T-'
«•=* Vv
where R^M = is the k-out-of-n unit network reliability at time t
The system mean time to failure is given by 1 3
MTTF^ = Hm R^(S) = 7 Z T
A i=k I
Rk/ n ( s ) = m e Laplace transform of the k-out-of-n unit network reliability.
20.2.4 Standby System
The block diagram of an (n + 1) unit standby system is shown in Fig. 20.3. Each block represents
a unit or a component of the system. In the standby system case, as shown in Fig. 20.3, one unit
operates and n units are kept on standby.
During the mechanical design process, this type of redundancy is sometimes adopted to improve
system reliability.
If we assume independent and identical units, perfect switching, and standby units as good as
new, then the standby system reliability is given by 1 4
* (ct V /
RM = E 1 A(f)<fry e-&*o*/n
where MTTF^ n = the mean time to failure of the k-out-of-n unit network
^o |>
where R ss (t) = the standby system reliability at time t
n = the number of standbys
A(O = the unit hazard rate or time-dependent failure rate
For two non-identical units (i.e., one operating, the other on standby), the system reliability is
expressed by 1 5
RJt) = RM + \* fodiWJit - t,) Jt 1
where R 0 (t) = the operating unit reliability at time t
R 5 M = the standby unit reliability at time t
/ 0 (*i) = m e operating unit failure density function
For known reliability of the switching mechanism, Eq. (20.12) is modified to
R u (t) = RM + R^ P/ 0 ('i)*»(f - *i) ^i
where R sw = the reliability of the switching mechanism
Fig. 20.3 An (n + 1) unit standby system block diagram.
For identical units and constant unit failure rates, Eq. (20.13) simplifies to
R ss (t) = e~ xt (l + R sw Xt)
where A = the unit constant failure rate
There are certain failure modes and causes associated with mechanical products. The proper identi-
fication of relevant failure modes and their causes during the design process would certainly help to
improve the reliability of design under consideration.
Mechanical and structural parts function adequately within specific useful lives. Beyond those
lives, they cannot be used for effective mission, safe mission, and so on. A mechanical failure may
be defined as any change in the shape, size, or material properties of a structure, piece of equipment,
or equipment part that renders it unfit to perform its specified mission satisfactorily. 1 3 One of the
factors for the failure of a mechanical part is the specified magnitude and type of load. The basic
types of loads are dynamic, cyclic, and static. There are many types of failures that result from
different types of loads: tearing, spalling, buckling, abrading, wear, crushing, fracture, and creep. 1 6
In fact, there are many different modes of mechanical failures. 1 7
• Brinelling
• Thermal shock
• Ductile rupture
• Fatigue
• Creep
• Corrosion
• Fretting
• Stress rupture
• Brittle fracture
• Radiation damage
• Galling and seizure
• Thermal relaxation
• Temperature-induced elastic deformation
• Force-induced elastic deformation
• Impact
Field experience has shown that there are various causes of mechanical failures, including 1 8 de-
fective design, wear-out, manufacturing defects, incorrect installation, gradual deterioration in per-
formance, and failure of other parts.
Some of the important failure modes and their associated characteristics are presented below. 1 9
Creep. This may be described as the steady flow of metal under a sustained load. The cause
of a failure is the continuing creep deformation in situations when either a rupture occurs or
a limiting acceptable level of distortion is exceeded.
Corrosion. This may be described as the degradation of metal surfaces under service or storage
conditions because of direct chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. Usu-
ally, stress accelerates the corrosion damage. In hydrogen embrittlement, the metal ductility
increases due to hydrogen absorption, leading either to fracture or to brittle failure under
impact loads at high-strain rates or under static loads at low-strain rates, respectively.
Static failure. Many of the materials fail by fracture due to the application of static loads
beyond the ultimate strength.
Wear. This occurs in contacts such as sliding, rolling, or impact, due to gradual destruction
of a metal surface through contact with another metal or non-metal surface.
Fatigue failure. In the presence of cyclic loads, materials can fail by fracture even when the
maximum cyclic stress magnitude is well below the yield strength.
It would be unwise to expect a system to perform to a desired level of reliability unless it is specif-
ically designed for that reliability. The specification of desired system/equipment/part reliability in
the design specification due to factors such as well-publicized failures (e.g., the space shuttle Chal-
lenger disaster and the Chernobyl nuclear accident) has increased the importance of reliability-based
design. The starting point for the reliability-based design is during the writing of the design
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