Tsirk Susej - Ketab-e Siyah.pdf

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(The Black Book)
Revelations of the Dark Lord, Satanis Luciferi, to his prophets
Presented for the benefit of the Faithful
by Magus Tsirk Susej, Antichrist
Servant & disciple of the Dark Lord
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Hail unto Thee,
Red One of Darkest Brilliance
Who is God of this World
And Prince of the Powers of the Air!
Oh Blessed Master,
Thy eternal Shadow is the light of my life!
Surely I belong to Thee
In both body and soul;
I take Thy name as a part of myself
And I rejoice in Thy spirit!
For in the Shadow of the Dark Lord
There is love and warmth;
In the midst of His darkness,
There is undying light.
O mighty King of the Earth!
O mighty Lord of Night!
To Thee I give praise forever and ever,
© 2005 Embassy of Lucifer
Apostacy .............................................................................................. 4
Theomachy ....................................................................................... 65
Aphepatigon ................................................................................... 126
Cataclysm ........................................................................................ 204
Pyloclasm ........................................................................................ 305
Liber Domini Santanae .................................................................. 382
Livri Luciferius ............................................................................... 386
Meshaf I Resh ................................................................................. 401
Revelation of Melek Taus .............................................................. 405
Al-Jiwah ........................................................................................... 407
The Hymn of Sheikh Adi ............................................................... 410
Liber AL vel Legis .......................................................................... 413
The Book of Satan .......................................................................... 434
The Diabolicon ............................................................................... 441
Liber Primum ................................................................................. 464
Hear me o my prophet!
When yet was the world of old new-born
And the first winter's snow, like blossom
Had not yet fallen, shrouding the grass of the first spring,
Then was I the noblest of all the angels,
The noble potentates of supreme Heaven.
To God alone was my fealty owed,
And all others, to me, theirs.
For, of all the shining sons of Heaven,
The King of the World loved me best.
I was adorned in gilded brilliance
Brighter than the noonday sun of Arabia.
A robe woven of a hundred diamonds
Wrapped round my princely shoulders.
To me were there seven hundred concubines.
They were more beautiful than loti or roses,
Their caresses softer than Sinaean silks,
Their embraces warmer than furs from Russia.
My gardens were more verdant than the forests of Brazil,
More opulent than the Sultan's or Babylon's.
They were most populous with cedar and ebon
And boats made as swans plied the waters
Of rivers filled with fish of silver scales
That darted forth and back, faster than arrows.
It was my custom to hunt there,
Upon a stallion of marble-white,
So proud that I alone could ride the intemperate steed,
Seeking with lance and bow,
Camelopards, monoceri and other wonderful beasts
That as the sun, of purest white,
Declined and blushed in the western sky
I should feast on many wonderful meats,
And drink wine, as sweet as nectar,
Pressed from my fecund vineyards' grapes.
My temple-palace was less than none
But the platinum throne of God himself.
Three nights riding, upon the fastest steed,
Would barely encircle its outmost wall.
Its highest spire looked down upon mountains,
Giant and high, yet low to my towers.
The masonry of my exalted dominion
Was gilded all, and studded with precious jewels,
Of number and radiance to outshine the celestial arch.
My will and word commanded authority greater than all,
Than any regent amongst man or angel.
My word instructed, in their course, the planets of the sky.
The sun, most radiant of the treasures of the sky,
All-illumining and burning with golden flame,
At my bidding would hide beneath the eastern horizon
Or flee to the horizon to the west.
To speed or halt or turn back the sun
Was my prerogative and pleasure.
My rod commanded also the silver moon,
That lights night's shadow with virginal beams.
I could make her wax or wane as I willed.
Others too knelt to my vice regency:
Crimson Mars and gentle Venus,
Swift Mercury of the dawn's new light,
Mighty Jupiter and his four-fold train
And dim Saturn who augurs ill.
The seas I commanded with a hand,
Directing their tides to grow and fall.
A dozen dozen myriads of angels were my thegns
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