2004.11_Problems with Kerberos, Qt, and Acrobat.pdf

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Insecurity News
zlib is a widely used data compression
library. Programs linked against it
include most desktop applications as
well as servers such as Apache and
The inflate function of zlib handles
certain input data incorrectly, which
could lead to a denial of service condi-
tion for programs using it with untrusted
data. Whether the vulnerability can be
exploited locally or remotely depends on
the application using it.
zlib versions older than version 1.2 are
not affected. There is no known
workaround. After applying the update
all programs linked against libz must be
Kerberos is a networked authentication
system that uses a trusted third party (a
KDC) to authenticate clients and servers
against each other.
Several double-free bugs were found in
the Kerberos 5 KDC and libraries. A
remote attacker could potentially exploit
these flaws to execute arbitrary code.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Expo-
sures project ( http://cve.mitre.org ) has
assigned the names CAN-2004-0642 and
CAN-2004-0643 to these issues. A dou-
ble-free bug was also found in the
krb524 server (CAN-2004-0772).
An infinite loop bug was found in the
Kerberos 5 ASN.1 decoder library. A
remote attacker who knows about this
bug may be able to trigger this flaw and
cause a denial of service attack within
the Kerberos network. The Common Vul-
nerabilities and Exposures project has
assigned the name CAN-2004-0644 to
this issue.
When attempting to contact a KDC,
the Kerberos libraries will iterate through
the list of configured servers, attempting
to contact each in turn. If one of the
servers becomes unresponsive, the client
will time out and contact the next config-
ured server. When the library attempts to
contact the next KDC, the entire process
is repeated. For applications that must
contact a KDC several times, the accu-
mulated time spent waiting can become
All users of krb5 should install updates
that address these issues.
Mandrake reference: MDKSA-2004:090
SuSE reference: SUSE-SA:2004:028
Qt is a software toolkit that simplifies the
task of writing and maintaining GUI
(Graphical User Interface) applications
for the X Window System.
During a security audit, Chris Evans
discovered a heap overflow in the BMP
image decoder in Qt versions prior to
3.3.3. An attacker could use this vulnera-
bility to create a carefully crafted BMP
file in such a way that it would cause an
application linked with Qt to crash or
possibly execute arbitrary code when the
file was opened by a victim. The Com-
mon Vulnerabilities and Exposures
project has assigned the name CAN-
2004-0691 to this issue.
Additionally, various flaws were dis-
covered in the GIF, XPM, and JPEG
decoders in Qt versions prior to 3.3.3. An
attacker could create a carefully crafted
image file that could cause an applica-
tion linked against Qt to crash when the
file was opened. The Common Vulnera-
bilities and Exposures project has
assigned the names CAN-2004-0692 and
CAN-2004-0693 to these issues.
Users of Qt should update to these
updated packages that contain back-
ported patches.
Mandrake reference: MDKSA-2004:088
Debian reference: DSA-543-1
Gentoo reference: GLSA 200409-09 /
Red Hat reference: RHSA-2004:350-12
Security Posture of Major Distributions
Security Sources
Info: http://www.debian.org/security/
The current Debian security advisories are included
List: http://lists.debian.org/debian-
on the homepage. Advisories are provided as HTML
security-announce/ Reference: DSA-… 1)
pages with links to the patches. The security advisory
also contains a reference to the mailing list.
Info: http://www.gentoo.org/
The current security advisories for Gentoo are listed on
the Gentoo security site linked off the homepage.
Forum: http://forums.gentoo.org/
Advisories are provided as HTML pages with the
List: http://www.gentoo.org/main/
coding to emerge the corrected versions.
en/lists.xml Reference: GLSA: … 1)
Info: http://www.mandrakesecure.net
MandrakeSoft runs its own Web site on security topics.
List: http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Among other things, it includes security advisories
en/mlist.php Reference: MDKSA-… 1)
and references to the mailing lists. The advisories are
HTML pages, but there are no links to the patches.
Red Hat
Info: http://www.redhat.com/errata/
Red Hat files security advisories as so-called Errata:
List: http://www.redhat.com/mailing
Issues for each Red Hat Linux version are then
-lists/ Reference: RHSA-… 1)
grouped. The security advisories are provided in the
form of an HTML page with links to patches.
Info: http://www.slackware.com/
The start page contains links to the security mailing
security/ List: http://www.slackware.
list archive. No additional information on Slackware
com/lists/ (slackware-security)
security is available.
Reference: [slackware-security] … 1)
Info: http://www.suse.de/uk/private/
There is no longer a link to the security page after
support/security/ Patches: http://www.
changes to the Web site. It contains information on the
Mandrake reference: MDKSA-2004:085
SuSE reference: SUSE-SA:2004:027
Slackware reference: SSA:2004-236-01
Debian reference: DSA-542-1 qt -- unsani-
tised input
Red Hat reference: RHSA-2004:414-19
mailing list and the advisories. The security patches for
List: suse-security-announce
the individual Suse Linux versions are shown in red on
Reference: SUSE-SA … 1)
the general updates site. A short description of the
vulnerability the patch resolves is provided
1) All distributors indicate security mails in the subject line.
November 2004
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KDE is a desktop environment for Unix
and Linux systems.
The integrity of symlinks used by KDE
is not ensured and as a result can be
abused by local attackers to create or
truncate arbitrary files or to prevent KDE
applications from functioning correctly
The DCOP Server creates temporary
files in an insecure manner. Because
these temporary files are used for
authentication-related purposes, a local
attacker could compromise the account
of any user running a KDE application
(CAN-2004-0690). Note that only KDE
3.2.x is affected by this vulnerability.
Konqueror allows websites to load
web pages into a frame of any other
frame-based web page that the user may
have open. Konqueror also allows web-
sites to set cookies for certain
country-specific top-level domains. All
country-specific secondary top-level
domains that use more than 2 characters
in the secondary part of the domain
name, and that use a secondary part
other than com, net, mil, org, gove, edu,
or int are affected (CAN-2004-0746)
The Apache HTTP server is a powerful,
full-featured, efficient, and freely-avail-
able web server.
An input filter bug in mod_ssl was dis-
covered in Apache httpd version 2.0.50
and earlier. A remote attacker could
force an SSL connection to be aborted in
a particular state and cause an Apache
child process to enter an infinite loop,
consuming CPU resources. The Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures project has
assigned the name CAN-2004-0748 to
this issue. SuSE reports the advisory
CAN-2004-0751 for a related vulnerabil-
If you need a solution before you have
time to patch, SuSE suggests the tempo-
rary workaround of disabling the
mod_ssl module in your Apache configu-
ration and restarting the Apache process
without SSL support. You also need to
update the libapr0 package and either
the apache2-prefork or apache2-worker
package, depending on whether you use
the -prefork or -worker configuration.
Gaim is an instant messenger client that
can handle multiple protocols.
Buffer overflow bugs were found in
the Gaim MSN protocol handler. In order
to exploit these bugs, an attacker would
have to perform a man in the middle
attack between the MSN server and the
vulnerable Gaim client. The Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures project has
assigned the name CAN-2004-0500 to
this issue.
Buffer overflow bugs have been found
in the Gaim URL decoder, local host-
name resolver, and the RTF message
parser. The Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures project has assigned the name
CAN-2004-0785 to this issue.
A shell escape bug has been found in
the Gaim smiley theme file installation.
When a user installs a smiley theme,
which is contained within a tar file, the
unarchiving of the data is done in an
unsafe manner. The Common Vulnera-
bilities and Exposures project has
assigned the name CAN-2004-0784 to
this issue.
An integer overflow bug has been
found in the Gaim Groupware message
receiver. The Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures project has assigned the
name CAN-2004-0754 to this issue.
SuSE reference: SUSE-SA:2004:030
Red Hat reference: RHSA-2004:349-10
Several different security vulnerabilities
were found in the PNG library, which is
used by applications to support the PNG
image format.
Chris Evans reports that a remote
attacker is able to execute arbitrary code
by triggering a buffer overflow due to the
incorrect handling within the PNG
library of the length of transparency
chunk data. An overflow is also possible
through certain other features related to
the behavior of the PNG library in image
processing applications. (VU#388984,
VU#817368, CAN-2004-0597) A special
PNG image can be used by an attacker to
cause an application to crash due to
NULL pointer dereference in the function
png_handle_iCPP() (and other loca-
tions). (VU#236656, CAN-2004-0598)
Integer overflows were found in
png_handle_sPLT() , png_read_png()
functions, and other locations. These
bugs may at least crash an application.
(VU#160448, VU#477512, VU#286464,
Mandrake references: MDKSA-2004:086
Slackware reference: SSA:2004-247-01
Debian reference: DSA-539-1 kdelibs --
temporary directory vulnerability
SuSE reference: SUSE-SA:2004:023
Slackware reference: SSA:2004-239-01
Red Hat reference: RHSA-2004:400-15
The Adobe Acrobat Reader browser is a
desktop application that allows for the
viewing, distributing, and printing of
documents in portable document format
iDEFENSE has reported that Adobe
Acrobat Reader 5.0 provides the poten-
tial for a buffer overflow when decoding
uu-encoded documents. The Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures project has
assigned the name CAN-2004-0631 to
this issue.
iDEFENSE also reported that Adobe
Acrobat Reader 5.0 contains an input
validation error in its uu-encoding fea-
ture. The Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures project has assigned the name
CAN-2004-0630 to this issue.
All users of Acrobat Reader are
advised to upgrade.
Red Hat reference: RHSA-2004:432-08
The rsync program synchronizes files
over a network.
Ve rsions of rsync up to and including
version 2.6.2 contain a path sanitization
issue. This issue could allow an attacker
to read or write files outside of the rsync
directory. This vulnerability is only
exploitable when an rsync server is
enabled and is not running within a
chroot jail. The Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures project has assigned the
name CAN-2004-0792 to this issue.
Users of rsync are advised to upgrade
to this updated package, which contains
a backported patch and is not affected by
this issue.
SuSE reference: SUSE-SA:2004:026
Debian reference: DSA-538-1 rsync --
unsanitised input processing
Red Hat reference: RHSA-2004:436-07
SuSE reference: SUSE-SA:2004:023
Slackware reference: SSA:2004-222-01
www.linux-magazine.com November 2004
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