Wind energy delivery issues [transmission planning and competitive electricity market operation].pdf

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has raised the visibility of an issue that has been troubling power grid plan-
ners and operators for years: how to deal with large amounts of intermittent
generation resources connected to the grid. Grid planning and operating
practices, including the structure of the electric power market, are largely
based on dispatchable generating resources (i.e., generators capable of pro-
ducing power up to their full rating whenever the system operator schedules
them to do so). A typical system-operating scheme follows this sequence:
Day-ahead forecast: Market participants forecast system load for each
hour of the following day. This is a sophisticated process involving
historical information, weather forecasts, and time of day.
Day-ahead market: Generators and load-serving entities bid for
producing and purchasing energy and operating reserves.
3) Unit commitment: System operator schedules an appropriate mix
of generating resources to serve the load recognizing factors such
as bid prices for energy, generator start-up and maneuvering
constraints, and transmission congestion constraints.
4) Real-time operation: System operator adjusts generating
resources to match actual system load in real time during
the day of operation.
5) Market settlement: Actual power generated and con-
sumed is logged, and imbalances from
scheduled values are financially settled,
following a prescribed set of market rules.
november/december 2005
1540-7977/05/$20.00©2005 IEEE
1540-7977/05/$20.00©2005 IEEE
IEEE power & energy magazine
Wind generators introduce new challenges due to their
intermittent nature. The amount of power a wind generator
can produce depends on the wind conditions at the time.
Although wind generator output can be forecast a day in
advance, forecast errors of 20–50% are not uncommon.
These characteristics of wind generation increase the levels
of variability and uncertainty in power grid operations.
Transmission system planners are faced with a related set
of challenges. Renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) that set
minimum requirements for renewable energy are being
adopted worldwide. In the United States, production tax cred-
its are (sometimes) available to encourage development of
new generating resources. As a result, new wind generation
projects are numerous and increasing. Wind capacity in the
United States is expected to exceed 9,000 MW in 2005, up
from about 6,800 MW in 2004. New York State presently has
about 50 MW of installed wind generation and over 4,000
MW of new projects in the queue—and this is not unique.
Many of the best wind resources are remote from load
centers or existing transmission corridors. In most areas with
deregulated power markets, existing planning practices do
not look ahead towards expanding the transmission grid to
serve such resources. Individual wind projects cannot afford
to pay for such major transmission expansion on their own,
so the wind resources may remain stranded and undeveloped.
What can be done to address these issues? Should regional
transmission operators take on the responsibility to install
transmission in anticipation of new generation resources?
Should traditional system operating practices be changed to
accommodate intermittent generating resources without com-
promising grid reliability? Should power market rules be
changed to accommodate the nondispatchable nature of wind
generation, and could this be done while maintaining a fair
and competitive market?
eration Interconnection Queue. Class 4 (good) or higher wind
development areas were the primary location of the wind gen-
eration in the queue last year, but Class 2 (marginal) queue
entries have been occurring more frequently this year.
The Midwest ISO planning process is an open, collabora-
tive process with the transmission owners and other stake-
holders. Inputs are obtained from a wide range of
stakeholders from the Midwest ISO advisory groups and
from various meetings. That input is then studied using multi-
ple methods to resolve the problems of providing adequate
transmission for all the transmission system requirements,
including wind generation.
Bottom-up transmission studies compile the individual
requirements for transmission into one system. That system is
then tested and adjusted to meet planning criteria. Examples
include the reliability portion of the MTEP (which assembles
all the transmission owners plans into one master plan), the
interconnection queue sequential studies under FERC
processes, and the transmission requirements to serve load in
the Midwest ISO. One such bottom-up study, the Buffalo
Ridge study, is determining the short-term need for transmis-
sion to serve wind generation in the particularly congested
area of southwestern Minnesota. Multiple study groups have
studied problems and recommended local solutions. The
local solutions are incorporated and tested, and reliability vio-
lations are resolved in the MTEP process.
Top-down transmission studies are based on generation
scenarios that are formulated in an open, collaborative
process by stakeholders for some specified future period.
Top-down processes only provide information and do not
determine the transmission that must be built. An example of
such a study is the MTEP 03. It included a study of 10,000
MW of wind generation to determine the transmission
table 1. Potential wind generation in MISO region.
Midwest Independent System Operator
Transmission Planning Process and the
Implications for Wind Generation
The potential for wind generation within the Midwest Indepen-
dent System Operator ( ISO) footprint is significant. As Table 1
shows, there is more than 500,000 MW of potential wind gen-
eration capacity in the Midwest ISO and neighboring areas. A
10% renewable energy objective for the entire Midwest ISO
footprint today would require about 19,000 MW of wind gen-
eration, but that represents only 4% of the total potential wind
generation capacity available. The Midwest ISO has 5,800
MW of wind capacity in the Generation Interconnection
Queue as of February 2005, and an additional 5,000 MW of
wind generation under study for the Midwest ISO transmis-
sion expansion plan (MTEP) exploratory studies. The current
level of installed wind network resource generation on the
Midwest ISO system is 860 MW.
Most potential wind generation is in remote locations, as
shown on the map in Figure 1. Wind generation constitutes
65% of the total number of requests in the Midwest ISO Gen-
Wind Power (MW)
Existing MW 1
Total Potential MW 2
North Dakota
South Dakota
1 Nameplate MW (American Wind Energy Association,
Jan. 2004,
2 Average MW, circa 33% of nameplate capacity (from “An
Assessment of Windy Land Area and Wind Energy Potential,”
Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1991) .
Source: Wind on the wires presentation on net environmental
impacts of transmission systems in the Midwest.
IEEE power & energy magazine
november/december 2005
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needed to deliver the wind energy without undue transmis-
sion constraints. The interconnection queue was used as an
input, but the generation scenario was also formed by stake-
holder input. MTEP 05 further refined the exploratory plans
for combinations of wind generation and coal in the Dakotas
and Minnesota and additional plans for northern Iowa, south-
ern Minnesota, and Wisconsin. One use of the information
from the top-down processes is to provide realistic examples
for regulatory and legislative processes. Generators may use
the information to plan their interconnection queue entries.
CAPX is an integrated top-down capital expenditure study
of generation options for Minnesota and the surrounding
states for horizon year 2020. CAPX also addresses the trans-
mission necessary to serve those options. The 10% renewable
energy objective for Minnesota is modeled in the studies. The
Midwest ISO transmission owners have worked with the
State of Minnesota on the study and on deriving the legisla-
tive requirements to implement and recover costs. The Mid-
west ISO is participating in the economic studies for CAPX,
which should result in a recommended blueprint for future
options for transmission and generation development for the
area. The results of CAPX will then be included in the MTEP
process when appropriate.
In summary, the study process and associated regulato-
ry and legislative process are still evolving. Progress is
being made and methods are being formulated and exer-
cised to resolve the issue of providing transmission on a
regional basis for generation that includes wind in the
Midwest ISO footprint. Similar efforts are underway in
other ISOs across the country.
Integration of Wind Generation into the
California ISO Markets and Operations
California is a leader in the United States in the develop-
ment of renewable resources including wind, solar, geother-
mal, biomass, and small hydro generation resources. In
September 2002, the state passed legislation (SB 1078) that
created the California Renewables Portfolio Standard
(RPS). This law requires the investor-owned utilities (IOUs)
to increase their procurement of renewable energy to 20%,
based on the total energy they deliver to customers by 2017.
The new energy action plan for the state accelerated this
goal to 20% by 2010.
Wind generation will supply a major part of the renewable
energy required to meet the RPS goal. Wind is forecasted
to increase from 4,000 GWh of energy in 2004 to over
15,000 GWh by 2010. The installed capacity is forecasted to
increase from 2,100 MW in 2004 to 7,500 MW in 2010. This
forecasted increase in wind generation requires solutions to a
number of issues:
market integration
real-time grid operations
calculation of the capacity value of wind generation
solutions for environmental impacts
United States Annual Average Wind Power
MISO Generation
Wind Power
Queue Entry
Power Classification
1 Poor
2 Marginal
3 Fair
4 Good
5 Excellent
6 Outstanding
figure 1. Wind resource map showing locations of planned wind projects in Midwest ISO region. (The map is from the
U.S. Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; the queue overlay is from Midwest ISO.)
november/december 2005
IEEE power & energy magazine
interconnection standards
will be needed. Other areas requiring further exploration
include new concepts for the automatic generation control
and dispatch of controllable loads to assist with mitigating
the impact of wind generation variability. The California ISO
has established a working group to address these and other
operational issues. The group includes participants from the
California ISO, the wind generators, the utilities, and the Cal-
ifornia Energy Commission. The recommended solutions will
be published by December 2005.
California’s formula for calculating capacity value of
wind generation is based upon three years of wind energy
production data during the hours of noon to 6 p.m. for the
months of May through September. The blue bars in
Figure 2 show the average hourly wind energy production for
2004. The yellow bars show the average hourly energy pro-
duction during the peak hours for these five months as well as
a capacity percentage based on a total of 2,046 MW of avail-
able capacity. The amount of wind generation energy to meet
summer peak loads declines significantly after June and, in
fact, was less than 300 MW, or 15%, at the peak hours on the
hottest days of August and September 2004.
Work is continuing on other issues such as interconnection
standards and transmission planning requirements for wind
planning and construction of new transmission
transmission availability and utilization.
California has addressed the first problem: the integration
of wind generation into the energy markets. The California
ISOs Participating Intermittent Resources Program (PIRP)
went into operation in August 2004. The PIRP lowers the
risks for wind generators of bidding into forward energy mar-
kets without incurring 10-min imbalance energy charges.
Wind generators must schedule their energy in the hour-
ahead market by using an advanced forecasting service, and
this forecast becomes their deemed delivered schedule. Devi-
ations between actual energy delivery and the scheduled
amount are multiplied by the hourly price, and the total dollar
amounts are collected in an account for settlement at the end
of the month. An unbiased forecast of hourly energy produc-
tion should result in a relatively small net energy deviation
over the entire month.
There are currently ten participants with a total of 450 MW
of wind generation capacity enrolled in the PIRP program.
These generators produced over 530,000 MWh of energy in
2004. However, this only represents 20% of the total wind
generation available. The other 80% is currently covered by
qualifying facility (QF) contracts with
local utilities, and the utilities have
responsibility for forecasting and
scheduling the energy. When the Cali-
fornia ISO implements uninstructed
deviation penalty charges, the utilities
will have a greater incentive to sched-
ule the wind generation energy
through the PIRP program.
Although the existing 2,100 MW of
wind generation in California has not
resulted in serious operational issues, it
does have a noticeable impact on oper-
ations. The most serious of these prob-
lems is over-generation during the
night. Wind energy production is high
during the late spring months, the
same time hydro generation is at its
peak due to the melting snow in the
mountains. The load is low during this
period, and the goal is to have other
generation off line or ramped down. Ultimately, some wind
generation may have to be curtailed during this period to mit-
igate the over-generation condition. There is also a need for
new procedures and protocols for controlling large ramps
both up and down during major storms that cause high wind
Data from current operations is being used to assess future
operational issues when the installed wind generation
capacity increases to 7,500 MW or more. New methods are
needed for calculating, on a seasonal and day-to-day basis,
the amount of regulation and load-following resources that
24 h Avg. Production
Peak Hours
figure 2. Average hourly wind energy production during 2004.
generators. The Western Electricity Coordinating Council
(WECC) has proposed a new low-voltage ride-through stan-
dard that is less restrictive than the standard FERC adopted.
The transmission expansion plan for the Tehachapi region in
Southern California will be the test for how to plan and finance
the transmission network in order to move 4,000 MW of new
wind generation to the California load centers. Transmission
capacity upgrades take a lot longer to plan and construct than
the corresponding time required to build new wind generation
plants. If a transmission company builds a major transmission
line to a wind generation area with the expectation that new
IEEE power & energy magazine
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wind generating facilities will be built there, can the transmis-
sion company be assured they will earn an acceptable rate of
return on the investment? This question has been submitted to
FERC, and California is awaiting a FERC ruling on a proposal
for new transmission for the Tehachapi area.
scenario. The base approach involves using day-ahead wind
generation forecasts for the unit commitment process, and
adjusting the hydro generation after scheduling the wind out-
put. Operating cost impacts, based on the 2001 historical
hourly load and wind profiles, are summarized in the first
column of Table 2. These are impacts for New York ISO
(NYISO) only and do not include additional savings in New
England and PJM. The total amount of wind energy generat-
ed in the 2001 simulation was approximately 8,900 GWh.
Therefore, the NYISO variable cost reduction in US$/MWh
was calculated to be US$350 million/8,900 GWhr
Lessons Learned from NY State
Study of 10% Wind Penetration
March 2005 marked the release of the final report on “The
Effects of Integrating Wind Power on Transmission System
Planning, Reliability and Operations” of the New York State
power grid. This 18-month study by GE Energy Consulting
examined the addition of 3,300 MW of wind generation
(approximately 10% of the system peak load). The overall
conclusion was that the NY State Bulk Power System
(NYSBPS) could readily accommodate this level of wind
generation with only minor adjustments to the existing plan-
ning, operation, and reliability practices. Some of the key
impacts on system operations and effective capacity are dis-
cussed below.
US$39/MWh. The simulation results also indicated a
US$1.80/MWh average reduction in spot price in New York.
The operating costs depend on how the wind resources are
treated in the day-ahead unit commitment process. If wind
generation forecasts are not used for unit commitment, then
too many units are committed and efficiency of operation suf-
fers. The operating costs for this situation are summarized in
the second column of Table 2. In this case, unit commitment
was performed as if no wind generation was expected, and
wind energy just shows up in the real-time energy market.
The results indicate that energy consumers benefit from
greater load payment reductions, but nonwind generators suf-
fer due to the inefficient operation of committed units. In
Table 2, the third column compares the two cases and shows
System Operating Costs
GE’s Multiarea Production Simulation (MAPS) program was
used to simulate the hourly operation of the NYSBPS for sev-
eral years, with and without wind generation per the study
Load - Wind
figure 3. Statewide hourly variability for January 2001.
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IEEE power & energy magazine
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