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What you need to play:
- Dark Age Miniatures
- 2 20 sided Dice
Now that you understand the basic stats of a Dark Age Unit let us further explain how to
play the game.
Ranged Assault (RA) - If you have a ranged attack you may spend 1 AP to make the
attack. Then measure if you have range. If you do add the AS of your attack to the
target’s DF, this is your TN to roll equal to or under to hit.
- Tape Measure (Inches)
- 4’ x 4’ table top
- Terrain
Setting up the Battleield
As mentioned before you need a table top board 4’x4’ or smaller to play the game. For
the purposes of playing the game with demo armies or learning how to play the game for
the very irst time we are going to assume that you are using a 2’x2’ table. Make sure you
have plenty of terrain. Ruined buildings, rocks, and hills are ideal for any Dark Age setting.
Armor Checks - When you are hit by an attack whether it is a CA or RA you need to make
an AR check to avoid taking a wound. Subtract the PW of the attack from your AR, this is
your TN to roll equal to or under to avoid taking a wound. If you roll a ‘20’ on your Armor
check this is a Critical Failure and you take an extra HP of damage.
What makes Dark Age Different?
- True skirmish system, no facing requirements.
- Rolling LOW is good, ‘20’=BAD, ‘1’=GOOD
- Alternate Activation, you activate a Unit/Squad, then your opponent activates a Unit/
- Not a lot of miniatures are needed, Forces can contain 6 - 16 miniatures per side.
- Squad based Activation, each Squad member activates separately, i.e. move each
Squad member before moving onto the next Squad member.
- Activation Points, you can customize how you activate your Units.
Special and Weapon Abilities
Each Unit in Dark Age is unique and may have Special or Weapon Abilities (SA or WA).
These abilities are displayed on the Unit cards. For ease of play the Special and Weapon
abilities for the Units in this Starter Box Set are included here, not all SA’s and WA’s are
detailed, just the Abilities that pertain to the contents of the Boxed Sets are listed here. For
further SA and WA explanations refer to Dark Age Apocalypse: Forcelists or www.dark -
Once the battleield is set up now you must deploy your Forces onto the table. Each
player rolls a D20, the person with the lowest roll wins.
The winner then can either deploy one of their Unit/Squads irst OR nominate an exact
Unit/Squad of their opponent’s to deploy irst. Once the irst Unit/Squad is deployed then
both players alternate deploying their Unit/Squads until there are no more Unit/Squads
to deploy.
The Basics
The core basics of the game involve the Unit’s stats. A Unit is one Dark Age miniature,
several Units of the same type are considered a squad. Each Unit has seven stats:
The Buzz - blades known not only for their ferocity are also known to bite and rend at their
opponents during combat. To this effect any non - Skarrd unit suffers - 1 TN to their AS
when in CA with Buzz - blades. Units with Never Fear are immune to this effect.
AP (Activation Points) - This is the number of Actions each Unit can perform in one
activation. Each Unit gets one Activation per Game Turn.
DF (Defense) - The lower the number the better, this is how hard it is to hit your Unit.
AR (Armor) - The higher the number the better, this is how you avoid from taking a wound
when you get hit.
MV (Move) - This is the Unit’s move in inches per AP spent.
PS (Psyche) - This is used for Morale or to see if you are affected by Fear. Some Force use
this stat for psychic powers.
HP (Hit Points) - How many wounds your unit can take.
PV (Point Value) - Cost per Unit, most quick games start at 300 points, casual games are
played at 500 points. Tournament level games are played at 750 points.
The Game Turn
Each Game Turn of Dark Age consists of 4 distinct Phases:
Phase 1 - Preparation Phase. This Phase contains the Lingering Effects. Any Game Effects
that are in play from the previous game turn take place here.
Phase 2 - Initiative. Roll a D20 just like the Deployment, lowest roll wins.
Phase 3 - Activation Phase. Each Unit/Squad gets ONE Activation per turn, irst player
activates a Unit/Squad then the Second player Activates a Unit/Squad. Alternate until all
Unit/Squads have been Activated.
Phase 4 - End of Game Turn. Any End of Game Effects take place at this time.
A Unit with this ability deploys during any Lingering Effects stage after the irst turn of
a game. You must announce the use of Gliding Deployment the turn before it’s use.
Choose a deployment point anywhere on the battleield. A scatter roll is made for each
Unit in the Squad to determine the inal deployment point. If a Unit’s inal deployment
point is off of the table edge, they will deploy at the point on the battleield nearest to
the table edge. If the Unit’s inal deployment point is on another Unit or in hazardous
terrain, the Gliding Deployment Unit is placed with their base touching the Unit/terrain
closest to the inal deployment point. A Gliding Deployment Unit placed with their base
touching another Unit is not considered a charge. If more than one Force contains Units/
Squads with this Ability, all players roll for Initiative and resolve placement of Units/Squads
following the result of the dice rolls, highest to lowest, placing 1 Unit/Squad each, in order,
until all Unit/Squads have been deployed.
Game Play
Activating Units/Squads - Each Unit gets one Activation per game turn, when a Unit is
activated you may spend all or none of it’s AP , if you don’t use the AP for that Game
Turn, then the Unit may not activate later during the current Game Turn but may activate
as normal in the next Game Turn. When you Activate a Squad Activate one Unit at a
time, completing all of it’s actions before moving onto the next Unit in the Squad.
Attack Groups (AG) - These are your attacks. There are two types of Attacks they are:
Close Assault (CA) and Ranged Assault (RA). You spend an AP to make an attack. Each
AG has stats, they are:
A Unit with this Ability is allotted 3 ‘Superior Maintenance’ counters before the Game
begins. The player with this Unit in his Force may give one of these counters to each of 3
Squads or Individuals before they are Deployed (Once a Squad or Individual is Deployed
they can no longer be given a Superior Maintenance counter). During the game a Unit
with one of these counters may use it to ignore the effects of a single Malfunction (any
other effects of the roll are handled as normal). The counter must be used immediately
after the MAL is rolled and before any effects of the Malfunction come into play. Once
a Unit has ignored a Malfunction the counter is removed from play. A Unit with Superior
Maintenance may keep one counter for itself if so wanted. No Squad or Individual may
have more than 1 Superior Maintenance counter and any not used are wasted.
AS (Assault) - The higher the number the better, this is you chance to hit.
RF (Rate of Fire) - How many times you can use the attack, a dash means you can do this
attack as many times as you have AP.
PW (Power) - Higher the number the better, when you hit your opponent must make an
Armor Check. If you see a ‘x2’ or ‘x3’ that indicates the number of dice you opponent has
to roll to make their Armor Check.
RN (Range) - If it says CA then this attack may only be used in BtB. If there is a number
then that is the max range in inches you may use that attack.
MAL (Malfunction) - If you roll this number or higher you hit yourself, sorry!
Squad Coherency - Squads must stay in coherency, Small to Medium Units = 2 inches,
Large Units = 4 inches, Huge Units=6 inches. Check for Coherency at the end of the
Squad’s activation, Unit’s in BtB with Enemy Units do not count towards Coherency.
Unit’s out of Coherency are - 2 TN to all checks except AR checks, until they move into
Movement - You may spend as much of your AP you want in Moving, simply choose a
spot you want to move to, measure the distance and calculate how much AP it will take,
or simply move your Unit the amount of MV you can per each AP spent. If you get into
Base - to - Base (BtB) then it is considered a charge.
Line of Sight (LoS) - Each Unit has a 360 degree arc. LoS is true LoS, so if an obstacle is
between you and the target they may receive Cover if enough of the model is obscured.
Unit - Dark Age represents forces on the Battleield by Miniatures, referred to as Units. A
Unit is a single Miniature. Grouped into two different categories, Units are either Individuals
or Squads. Therefore, the term “Unit” may refer to an Individual or a single member of a
The Unit may spend 1 AP to make 4” movement ignoring any terrain less than 4” high for
that 1 AP. This can only be done once a turn. When Spring Leap is used to Charge, the
Unit gains +2 TN +2 PW. Spring Leap does not beneit from Gang Up. Spring Leap may
not be used with a Knock Back weapon.
Close Assault (CA) - When you move a Unit into BtB with an enemy Unit this is considered a
Charge. Even if you had spent all your AP in moving you get a free AP to use one of your
AG’s in CA. To hit add your AS of the attack(s) to the targets DF, this is your Target Number
(TN) to roll equal to or under to hit. If you have an attack that has multiple attacks you
may split the attacks if you want between two different enemy Units if you are in BtB with
Multiple enemy Units.
Squad - Squads are teams of Units that move and attack as a group. A Squad may
contain a Leader who generally has different Statistics.
Target Number (TN) - The Target Number (TN) is the number needed for a successful outcome
on any die roll. Determine a TN with one or more Statistics and any situational modiiers that
may apply to the speciic action performed. If the result is equal to or lower than the TN, you
are successful. The TN is calculated for anything that requires a die roll including attacks,
Saves, Fear or Panic test, etc.
A CA or RE attack from a Weapon with this ability may not be Parried.
Charging - When you get in BtB with an enemy Unit it is considered a Charge. You gain a
free AP to use with one AG as well as a +1AS/+1PW to all attacks in the chosen AG.
If a weapon with this ability successfully hits its target, all additional attacks during this
activation from the same weapon automatically hit. A MAL check is required for each
use of this automatic hit ability. Units may not parry the automatic hit from a Crush attack.
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