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Microsoft Word - lesson_129
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Read the text and do the exercises. Przeczytaj tekst i wykonaj ćwiczenia
What do our dreams mean?
Nowadays, those on the physiology side of the "why we dream" argument see dreams as only
nonsense that the brain creates from fragments of images and memory. For centuries,
however, people have looked at their dreams as both omens and insights into their own
psyches. Many think dreams are full of symbolic messages that may not be clear to us on the
surface. But, if we dig deeper and think about what is going on in our lives, we can usually
come up with an interpretation that makes sense. Let's look at the most common dream
themes and how dream experts interpret them.
Common Dream Themes and Their Interpretations
Being naked in public
Most of us have had the dream at some point that we're at school, work or some
social event, and we suddenly realize we forgot to put on clothes! Experts say this
We're trying to hide something (and without clothes we have a hard time
doing that).
We're not prepared for something, like a presentation or test (and now
everyone is going to know we're exposed!).
If we're naked but no one notices , then the interpretation is that whatever we're
afraid of is unfounded . If we don't care that we're naked, the interpretation is that
we're comfortable with who we are.
You're falling, falling, falling... and then you wake up. This is a very common
dream and is said to symbolize insecurities and anxiety . Something in your life is
essentially out of control and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Another
interpretation is that you have a sense of failure about something. Maybe you're
not doing well in school or at work and are afraid you're going to be fired or
expelled . Again, you feel that you can't control the situation.
Being chased
The everpopular chase dream can be extremely frightening. What it usually
symbolizes is that you're running away from your problems. What that problem is
depends on who is chasing you. It may be a problem at work, or it may be
something about yourself that you know is destructive . For example, you may be
drinking too much, and your dream may be telling you that your drinking is
becoming a real problem.
Taking an exam (or forgetting that you have one)
This is another very common dream. You suddenly realize you are supposed to
be taking an exam at that very moment. You might be running through the
hallways and can't find the classroom. This type of dream can have several
variations that have similar meanings.
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
(Maybe your pen won't write, so you can't finish writing your answers.) What
experts say this may mean is that you feel you're being tested maybe you're
facing a challenge you don't think you're up to. You don't feel prepared or able to
stand the test. It may also mean there is something you've neglected that you
know needs your attention.
Typically, dreaming that you are flying means you are on top of things. You are
in control of the things that matter to you. Or, maybe you've just gained a new
perspective on things. It may also mean you have strong will and feel like no one
and nothing can defeat you. If you are having problems maintaining your flight,
someone or something may be standing in the way of you having control. If you
are afraid while flying, you may have challenges that you don't feel up to.
Running, but going nowhere
This theme can also be part of the chasing dream. You're trying to run, but either
your legs won't move or you simply aren't going anywhere. According to some,
this dream means you're trying to do too many things at once and can't catch up
or ever get ahead .
Your teeth falling out
Many people have dreams that they lose all of their teeth. In this dream, they may
feel something strange in their mouth and then spit teeth into their hand,
eventually losing all of their teeth. According to some, our teeth are related to our
sense of power and our ability to communicate. Losing our teeth not only makes
us embarrassed by our appearance, which hinders our communications, but it also
lessens our power because we may not speak our minds. It's also associated with
feelings about our appearance.
1. Match the words from the text with their translations. Połącz wyrazy z tekstu
z ich tłumaczeniem
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
catch up
get ahead
2. Choose the correct answers. Wybierz właściwe odpowiedzi
According to the text:
1. For many years people have:
a. Treated dreams as nonsense
b. Believed that dreams have symbolic meanings
c. Thought dreams are fragments of memory
d. Understood dreams by their surface meanings
2. Dreaming about being naked means that:
a. We are trying to hide something
b. We feel trapped
c. We will be famous
d. We want to reveal a secret
3. A dream about falling means that:
a. We are not controlling the situation
b. We are growing up
c. We will lose our job
d. We are afraid of heights
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
4. Dreaming about being chased means that:
a. Your ambitions will be fulfilled
b. You are avoiding responsibility
c. You are in trouble
d. You have been drinking too much
5. A dream about an exam means that:
a. You forgot about a test
b. You want to answer all questions
c. You will be lost in the hallways
d. You feel not prepared for a challenge
6. Dreaming about flying means that:
a. You feel in control
b. You are afraid to take a new perspective
c. You are afraid of heights
d. You are depressed
7. Running but not moving in a dream means that:
a. You want to succeed
b. You are trying to be better than others
c. You are doing too many things at the same time
d. You feel trapped
8. Teeth falling out in a dream may mean that:
a. You are going to be sick
b. You are afraid of losing power
c. You will lose the ability to eat
d. You are going to argue with someone
Phrasal verbs
A phrasal verb is a verb which consists of more than one word. Most phrasal verbs consist of
two words: the first word is a verb , the second word is a preposition or an adverb. Example:
get up, put off, turn on, object to, and apply for .
There are also some three word phrasal verbs: look forward to , get away with , etc.
Sometimes it is possible to guess the meaning eg. go out (= move outside) because the
meaning of the phrasal verb is a sum of the meanings of its parts. However, it more common
that phrasal verbs have figurative meanings eg. put off (= postpone).
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Phrasal verbs also tend to have more than one meaning eg. take off :
The plane finally took off = started
The business took off immediately = succeeded
She took off her clothes = undressed
In the text there are many phrasal verbs. Read the text again and match
the underlined phrasal verbs with their meanings
come up with
Reach the same standard
look at
Think of
put on
Have the ability
run away from
Be successful
feel up to
catch up
get ahead
Underline the correct preposition in each sentence. Podkreśl właściwy
przyimek w każdym zdaniu
The insurance company is looking down on/ into/ up to the claim and won't pay
out any money until it has been fully investigated.
Rich countries are looking down on/ into/ up to their poorer business partners
Tom has always looked down on/ into/ up to his older brother
She looked after/ through/ back the book quickly and said she would buy it.
When I look after/ through/ back on my college days I can’t believe I was so
In the past older children looked after/ through/ back their younger siblings
They set off/ in/ up early in the morning to avoid the rush hour traffic.
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