Atoms, Radiation and Radiation Protection 3rd ed - J. Turner (Wiley-VCH, 2007) WW.pdf

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Front Matter
James E. Turner
Atoms, Radiation, and
Radiation Protection
Third, Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition
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The Author
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Library of Congress Card No.:
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J.E. Turner
127 Windham Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
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© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
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ISBN 978-3-527-40606-7
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To Re na t e
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Preface to the First Edition XV
Preface to the Second Edition XVII
Preface to the Third Edition XIX
1 About Atomic Physics and Radiation
1.1 Classical Physics 1
1.2 Discovery of X Rays 1
1.3 Some Important Dates in Atomic and Radiation Physics 3
1.4 Important Dates in Radiation Protection 8
1.5 Sources and Levels of Radiation Exposure 11
1.6 Suggested Reading 12
2 Atomic Structure and Atomic Radiation 15
2.1 The Atomic Nature of Matter (ca. 1900) 15
2.2 The Rutherford Nuclear Atom 18
2.3 Bohr’s Theory of the Hydrogen Atom 19
2.4 Semiclassical Mechanics, 1913–1925 25
2.5 Quantum Mechanics 28
2.6 The Pauli Exclusion Principle 33
2.7 Atomic Theory of the Periodic System 34
2.8 Molecules 36
2.9 Solids and Energy Bands 39
2.10 Continuous and Characteristic X Rays 40
2.11 Auger Electrons 45
2.12 Suggested Reading 47
2.13 Problems 48
2.14 Answers 53
3 The Nucleus and Nuclear Radiation
3.1 Nuclear Structure 55
Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection . James E. Turner
Copyright ©
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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) 65
3.5 Gamma-Ray Emission 68
3.6 Internal Conversion 72
3.7 Orbital Electron Capture 72
3.8 Positron Decay ( β
+ ) 75
3.9 Suggested Reading 79
3.10 Problems 80
3.11 Answers 82
4 Radioactive Decay
4.1 Activity 83
4.2 Exponential Decay 83
4.3 Specific Activity 88
4.4 Serial Radioactive Decay 89
Secular Equilibrium ( T 1
T 2 ) 89
T 2 ) 91
No Equilibrium ( T 1 < T 2 ) 93
4.5 Natural Radioactivity 96
4.6 Radon and Radon Daughters 97
4.7 Suggested Reading 102
4.8 Problems 103
4.9 Answers 108
General Case 91
Transient Equilibrium ( T 1
Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter
5.1 Energy-Loss Mechanisms 109
5.2 Maximum Energy Transfer in a Single Collision 111
5.3 Single-Collision Energy-Loss Spectra 113
5.4 Stopping Power 115
5.5 Semiclassical Calculation of Stopping Power 116
5.6 The Bethe Formula for Stopping Power 120
5.7 Mean Excitation Energies 121
5.8 Table for Computation of Stopping Powers 123
5.9 Stopping Power of Water for Protons 125
5.10 Range 126
5.11 Slowing-Down Time 131
5.12 Limitations of Bethe’s Stopping-Power Formula 132
5.13 Suggested Reading 133
5.14 Problems 134
5.15 Answers 137
3.2 Nuclear Binding Energies 58
3.3 Alpha Decay 62
3.4 Beta Decay (
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