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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
There are two types of inversion: grammar and literary .
Literary inversion is used for stylistic reasons mainly in literature eg. Òstop thatÓ said Mary
(instead of: Mary said), Out of the forest ran a big bear (instead of: A big bear ran out of the
Grammar inversion occurs after specific phrases and is obligatory for a sentence to be
grammatically correct. There are a few groups of cases when inversion is obligatory:
- inversion in conditionals
If I should see her I will tell her ã Should I see her I will tell her
If I were to ask you out what would you say? ã Were I to ask you out what would you say?
If I had known about it I wouldnÓt have don it ã Had I known about it I wouldnÓt have done
- inversion after phrases with not
Not for a long time was she the president of our club
Not always does it happen that he comes home late
- inversion after phrases with no
By no means can he be called a good doctor
Under no circumstances should you open this box
- inversion after words with negative meaning
In none of the houses did they find the criminal
Never have I seen such a beautiful child
Nothing could we do about it
- few, little
Little did she know about his past
Few good people has she met during the journey
- seldom, rarely, only
Seldom does it happen that she comes to a party
Only after a while did he realize that his car had been stolen
Only then will we be able to fight the enemy
- hardlyÈwhen, scarcelyÈwhen, barelyÈwhen, no soonerÈthen
Hardly had he gone out of hospital when he broke his leg again
No sooner had they arrived then the dinner was served
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
1. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Przepisz zdania zaczynajĢc od
podanych wyrazw
1. We couldnÓt relax until all the guests had gone home
Only .....................................................................................
2. I didnÓt realize who he was until later
Only .....................................................................................
3. Advanced technology cannot operate without special glass
Were it not ...........................................................................
4. IÓve never seen such a mess in my life
Never in ...............................................................................
5. Immediately after his arrival things went wrong
No sooner ............................................................................
6. He never suspected that the money had been stolen
At no time ...........................................................................
7. If they offered me the job I would accept it
Were ...................................................................................
8. He would go on working in any circumstances
In any ..................................................................................
9. There arenÓt many other books which explain this problem so well
In few other books ...............................................................
10. The company did not pay me until I had been working with them for a month
Not .......................................................................................
11. We cannot exchange tickets in any circumstances
Under ...................................................................................
12. I wonÓt agree until TomÓs apologized
Only .....................................................................................
13. The guests didnÓt finally leave until after midnight
It ...........................................................................................
14. I only recognized him when he came into the light
Not until ...............................................................................
15. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime
Had the .................................................................................
16. Public opinion was so strong that the Prime Minister had to resign
Such ......................................................................................
17. Harry broke his leg and also injured his shoulder
Not only ..............................................................................
18. The response to our appeal was so great that we had to take on more staff
Such .......................................................................................
19. She didnÓt shed a tear when the story ended in tragedy
Not ........................................................................................
20. The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way
In ...........................................................................................
21. You wonÓt be allowed in until your identity has been checked
Only ......................................................................................
The police didnÓt at all suspect that the judge was the murderer
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
Little .....................................................................................
23. ItÓs not common for there to be so much rain in March
Seldom ..................................................................................
24. Press photographers are banned from taking photographs backstage
On no ....................................................................................
25. The facts were not all made public until later
Only ......................................................................................
26. The way so much money has been spent to so little purpose must be a record
Never before. ........................................................................
27. She realized that something was wrong when she set foot in the house
Only ......................................................................................
28. Just after solving one problem I was faced with another
Hardly ...................................................................................
29. They little suspected that the musical was going to be a runaway success
Little .....................................................................................
30. You can enter the competition to meet the cast only when you purchase a ticket for the
Only ......................................................................................
31. The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition
Only by .................................................................................
32. If the government raised interest rates they would lose the election
Were ......................................................................................
33. Paul smashed the window and damaged the video too
Not only ................................................................................
34. Three policemen came into the room
Into ........................................................................................
35. Thanks to his auntÓs legacy of $10 000 he was able to buy the house he wanted
Had his ..................................................................................
36. There was so much uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed
Such .......................................................................................
37. I remembered I had forgotten to buy any eggs after I arrived home
Only ........................................................................................
38. They donÓt spend much money on entertainment
Rarely .....................................................................................
39. If you are ever in the neighborhood please drop in and see us
Should ...................................................................................
2. Read the text and choose the right answers. Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz wþaĻciwe
A drug used to 1È. insomnia has helped temporarily to 2È... three men who were in a
permanent vegetative state. The drug Zolpidem is believed to activate dormant cells in the
A person in a vegetative state appears to be awake, often with their eyes open, however they
will show no 3ÈÈÈ. of their surroundings and will not be able to interact with others or
react to sounds and movements.
The study, published in the NeuroRehabilitation, detailed the effects the drug had on the 3
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
patients 4ÈÈÈ a length of 6 years.
Dr Ralf Clauss, who led the research at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, explained that
before treatment with Zolpidem was administered Patient L did not respond to any commands
or touch and showed no signs of reaction to his family. After taking his first 5ÈÈ of the drug
he was able to interact with his family, friends and strangers and 6ÈÈ simple questions.
Patient G was also able to answer simple questions after taking the drug, and Patient N who
had been "constantly screaming", stopped and reacted appropriately to TV programmes and
his family.
The report has come 7ÈÈÈ. criticism by one neurological rehabilitation expert, who
believes it is possible the patients were misdiagnosed in the first 8ÈÈ. and actually suffer
from a different condition.
Clauss told the BBC, "For every damaged area of the brain, there is a dormant area, which
seems to be a sort of protective mechanism. The damaged tissue is dead, there's nothing you
can do. But it's the dormant areas which 'wake up'."
He explained that drugs such as Zolpidem actually activate receptors for a chemical called
GBA in the nerve cells in the brain. When someone suffers 9ÈÈ. brain damage these
receptors change shape, which means they cannot work in the normal way. The drug then
appears to enable these receptors to 10ÈÈ to their normal shape, triggering nerve cell
Dr Clauss stated: "We are carrying out further research. The next step is to get rid of the
sleepiness effect of the drug." Focus 25/05/2006
1. a. treat b. heal c. cure d. save
2. a. survive b. alive c. revive d. restore
3. a. idea b. awareness c. interest d. mercy
4. a. in b. at c. over d. on
5. a. dose b. type c. time d. medicine
6. a. react b. answer c. give d. produce
7. a. in b. over c. under d. into
8. a. moment b. place c. way d. time
9. a. in b. at c. for d. from
10. a. return b. regain c. repeat d. restore
3. Find words in the text which match these definitions. ZnajdŅ w tekĻcie wyrazy, ktre
dopowiadajĢ poniŇszym definicjom
1. Inability to sleep
2. for some time
3. for a long time
4. sleeping
5. react
6. the smallest element in human body
7. a group of cells
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
1. Only after all the guests had gone home could we relax
2. Only later did I realize who he was
3. Were it not for special glass advanced technology couldnÓt operate
4. Never in my life have I seen such a mess
5. No sooner had he arrived then things went wrong
6. At no time did he suspect that the money had been stolen
7. Were they to offer me the job I would accept it
8. In any circumstances he would go on working (no inversion because any is not
9. In few other books is this problem explained so well
10. Not until I had been working with them for a month did the company pay me
11. Under no circumstances can we exchange tickets
12. Only after TomÓs apologized will we agree
13. It wasnÓt until midnight that the guests finally left
14. Not until he came into the light did I recognize him
15. Had the Prime minister not died the bill would have been passed
16. Such was the public opinion that the Prime Minister had to resign
17. Not only did Harry break his leg but he also injured his shoulder
18. Such was the response to our appeal that we had to take on more staff
19. Not a tear did she shed when the story ended in tragedy
20. In no way can the bus driver be blamed for the accident
21. Only when your identity has been checked will you be allowed in
22. Little did the police suspect that the judge was the murderer
23. Seldom does it rain so much in March
24. On no account can press photographers take photographs backstage
25. Only later were all the facts made public
26. Never before has so much money been spent to so little purpose
27. Only after she set foot in the house did she realize that something was wrong
28. Hardly had I solved one problem when I was faced with another
29. Little did they suspect that the musical was going to be a runaway success
30. Only when you purchase a ticket for the show can you enter the competition to meet
the cast
31. Only by united opposition can we eliminate world terrorism
32. Were the government to raise interest rates they would lose the election
33. Not only did Paul smash the window but he damaged the video too
34. Into the room came three policemen
35. Had his aunt not left him her legacy of $10 000 he would not be able to buy the house
he wanted
36. Such was the uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed
37. Only after I arrived home did I remember I had forgotten to buy any eggs
38. Rarely do they spend much money on entertainment
39. Should you ever be in the neighborhood please drop in and see us
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