T.A. Chase - Understanding 02 - Understanding the Past.pdf

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the Past
T.A. Chase
Aspen Mountain Press
Understanding the Past
Copyright © 2010 by T.A. Chase
This e-Book is a work of fiction. While references may be made to actual places or events, the names,
characters, incidents, and locations within are from the author’s imagination and are not a resemblance to
actual living or dead persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental.
Aspen Mountain Press
18121-C E. Hampden Ave, Ste 221
Aurora CO 80013
First published by Aspen Mountain Press, June 2010
This e-Book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal
and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction fines
and/or imprisonment. The e-Book cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this e-Book
can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.
ISBN: 978-1-60168-295-6
Published in the United States of America
Chapter One
Mason Richardson yawned, stretching and kneading the blankets as the morning sun
warmed him. He froze for a moment when a hand stroked over his shoulder and down his
back. Opening his eyes, he squinted at the white wall in front of him. Where was he?
It didn’t look like a hotel room. The pictures on the wall weren’t generic enough and the
blankets didn’t have that musty used-one-too-many-times smell. The mattress was firm
enough to ensure his back didn’t hurt, but not so hard as to think he was sleeping on a
board. There were no bars blocking his vision, so he wasn’t back in a cage.
The mysterious touch caused sparks and shocks to race down his spine. He shifted as those
sensations pooled in his groin. No one's touch had affected him that way. Lips pressed to
the nape of his neck and he stilled.
Frowning, he shook his entire body, ridding himself of the last vestiges of sleep. As his
mind cleared and he woke up completely, Mason realized where he was. He rolled over on
his back and glanced to his left.
Heinrich rose, propped up by an elbow, and met his gaze with a simple smile. His returning
smile was tentative. Even after six months, he still wasn’t used to waking up beside anyone,
especially someone he should hate with all his heart.
“You forgot where you were, didn’t you?” Heinrich ran a finger down the length of Mason’s
nose then over his bottom lip.
Mason nodded, managing not to flinch away from Heinrich’s hand. Six months had done
nothing to cure him of his dislike of being touched, though he had done his best not to
show it. Yet there was something about Heinrich that drew Mason to him like a moth to a
flame. No matter how many times Mason told himself to be cautious, to not throw himself
at Heinrich, his body didn’t listen and he would find every excuse to rub against the man.
Maybe his decision to become Heinrich’s lover had nothing to do with emotions. Maybe it
was simply chemistry. Had Heinrich’s father messed with Mason’s chemistry to create this
driving need?
Heinrich’s blue eyes darkened, and Mason wondered if his lover read his mind. He licked
his lips and caressed the finger resting against his mouth. The electric shock tore through
him and he gasped, arching up from the bed as his cock stiffened into an almost painful
Sucking on Heinrich’s finger, Mason rocked, trying to find something solid to press against.
The energy swimming between them drove his need to come. He didn’t jerk away when
Heinrich nudged his thighs further apart and settled between them, grinding their groins
Heinrich braced his hands on either side of Mason’s head, allowing only his hips to rest on
Mason, but it didn’t give Mason enough pressure. Surging up, Mason wrapped his arms
around Heinrich and rolled them off, putting him on top where he could control every
move they made.
A soft moan escaped from Heinrich as Mason slammed their bodies together. Their
matching erections rubbed on each other and Mason hissed at the rough fabric keeping
him from feeling Heinrich’s velvet skin on his.
Rearing back on his knees, Mason shoved his hands under the waist band of Heinrich’s
sleeping pants. He yanked them down, ignoring Heinrich’s brief struggle, and flung them
over his shoulder, not caring where they landed. Mason didn’t like wearing clothes to bed,
too confining and restrictive, so he was already naked.
Heinrich sat up and slid closer to Mason. He grasped both of their cocks in his hand, and
Mason growled as the electricity in Heinrich’s body enveloped his shaft and spread down
to his balls. He clenched his hands, rested them on his thighs, and fought the urge to take
over their loving.
Having a lover was new to Mason. Before Heinrich rescued him, Mason had lived on the
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