03a. Treasure Island - Activity Book.pdf

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Treasure Island
Activity Book
Exercises written by
Quentin Hering
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Chapter I
Activities to chapter 1: The Old Sea - Dog........................................3
A. Answer the following questions.
Activities to chapter 2: The Brown Packet.........................................8
1. Why did Jim Hawkins write this story?
2. Why did the captain spend his time at the guest house in his room
or walking on the cliffs?
3. Why did Jim’s father never ask the captain for more money?
4. Why was the captain angry with Dr Livesey?
5. Why didn’t the captain attack Dr Livesey?
6. Why didn’t Jim know who Black Dog was?
7. Why did the captain collapse after the fight with Black Dog?
Activities to chapter 3: We Go To Sea..............................................14
Activities to chapter 4: Silver...........................................................19
Activities to chapter 5: The Man Of The Island...............................25
Activities to chapter 6: My Sea Adventure......................................30
Activities to chapter 7: The End Of The Adventure........................35
B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.
Key: .................................................................................................41
True False
1. Many people stayed at the guest-house.
2. The captain had a scar on his right cheek.
3. The captain was afraid of meeting any seaman.
4. The captain drank too much beer.
5. Dr Livesey was a judge.
© Mediasat Poland Bis 2004
6. Black Dog was the captain’s friend.
7. The doctor allowed the captain to drink one
Mediasat Poland Bis sp. z o.o.
ul. Mikołajska 26
31-027 Kraków
alcoholic drink a day.
C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box.
even when that than much
ISBN 83 - 89652 - 05 - 6
1. I remember him looking around the room .............. my father had
offered him.
2. He was so afraid of the captain that he never asked him for more
money, .............. after his gold coins were long gone.
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3. The captain went back to his seat like a beaten dog and it was
.............. calmer in our guest-house for some time.
4. .............. he saw the captain coming back, he jumped back and hid
behind the door.
5. He’s bad, but the others are worse .............. him.
3. My father was worried that soon we would have no customers
.............. all, but he was a weak man, and ill too.
4. If you do anything now, or ever I hear anybody complain ..............
you, I’ll find you and put you .............. prison immediately.
5. The captain came .............. the room and went straight to the table.
6. Soon they were fighting and throwing chairs and tables .............. anger.
7. Fortunately, Dr Livesey came into the guest-house .............. that
very moment.
8. But for the next few days I had no time to look .............. for any
seamen or look .............. the captain much.
D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence.
1. My name is Jim Hawkins and it was with me that the .............. story
a) all b) whole c) every d) total
2. He had a white sword cut .............. his right cheek.
a) along b) through c) across d) down
3. They had to listen to the terrible stories he .............. about his sea
a) told b) spoke c) said d) asked
4. We were .............. he had money in his sea chest but we never saw it
a) unsure b) known c) sure d) uncertain
5. If so, I have only one thing to tell you, sir, if you drink more rum,
.............. there will be one dirty scoundrel less in the world.
a) now b) soon after c) later d) soon
6. I was alone downstairs .............. the captain’s breakfast.
a) doing b) preparing c) setting up d) taking
7. They asked me to .............. them rum and then sent me back to the
a) bring b) make c) carry d) pass
8. The captain .............. won this battle but he didn’t look good himself.
a) noticeably b) unfortunately c) unluckily d) clearly
F. Match pairs of words that have opposite meanings.
G. Complete the words in these sentences.
chest terrible anger medicine funeral cut
nervously attention scoundrel guest-house
E. What prepositions are missing from these sentences?
1. The pirates eventually found the treasure _ _ _ s_ hidden in a cave.
2. Your homework is just not good enough, in fact it’s _ _ _ r_ _ _ _ .
3. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was said in a moment of _ _ g_ _ .
4. My wife insists that I take _ _ _ i_ _ _ _ for the flu even though it
makes no difference.
5. Many relatives cried at the _ _ _ _ _ _ l of my mother as they listened
to her favourite piece of classical music.
6. I knew instantly that he had been in a fight as he had a _ _ t and
some bruising around the left eye.
about after at at for in in into out under
1. I still remember very clearly how the brown, old seaman first came
to live .............. our roof.
2. One day the captain took me aside and offered me a silver coin every
months .............. keeping my eyes open for a seaman with one leg.
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7. The local hotel was fully booked but we managed to stay at a near by
_ _ _ _ _ - _ o_ _ _ .
8. He opened the exam paper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l_ . He closed his eyes took
a deep breath and looked at question one.
9. Robert! Stop talking to Paul and pay _ _ t_ _ _ _ _ _ to what I’m
10. I don’t trust him – he’s a no good dirty _ _ _ _ _ _ r_ _ .
I. Group the words in the box according to the given categories.
beard cheek chin coffin epitaph
fireplace floor forehead grave lips
mourner roof stairs table undertaker
In the House Face
H. Solve the crossword puzzle.
1 L
3 V
4 E
6 E
J. Choose the correct form of the verb as seen in the story.
1. Every day, he asked if we .............. any seamen around.
a) was seeing b) has seen c) had been seeing d) had seen
2. My father was worried that soon we .............. no customers at all.
a) had b) were having c) will have d) would have
3. If you .............. more rum, soon there will be one dirty scoundrel less
in the world.
a) drink b) will drink c) drink d) are drinking
4. I told him I .............. any Bill, and that the table was for the captain.
a) didn’t know b) knew c) had known d) hadn’t known
5. They asked me .............. them rum and then sent me back to the
a) bring b) to bring c) bringing d) brought
1. not making a sound
2. the person in charge of a ship
3. to stay clear of someone in order not to be seen
4. a sailor
5. gold, silver, diamonds, etc.
6. the part of your face that is below your eye
7. cross
K. Choose the correct form
1. My name is Jim Hawkins, and it was with me that the whole story
starts / started .
2. At first we thought that he missed other sailors, but soon we
understood that he was really trying to avoid / avoiding them.
3. He had already drunk / already drank a lot that day and was singing
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4. When he saw the captain came / coming back, he jumped back and
hid behind the door.
5. He examined the captain and told me that he just had / had just had
a stroke.
6. The pirates knew who had taken the map.
7. Captain Dance chased the pirates to the beach.
8. Jim had been to the squire’s before.
9. The money was evenly distributed in three places
on the island.
10. The doctor decided that they would all go to find
Flint’s treasure.
L. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words from
the box.
understand anger prepare avoid calm
1. The meal was great but, unfortunately, there was a .............. over the bill.
2. She picked up the plate and threw it .............. at the wall.
3. The .............. for the surprise party went according to schedule.
4. There will be .............. delays today due to road works.
5.He .............. placed the note on the counter and smiled at the bank
C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box.
after all so still straight till too while
Chapter 2
1. It was the day .............. the funeral when the old blind man appeared.
2. I was .............. frightened to protest and we went straight upstairs.
3. I have time .............. ten o’clock to save my life.
4. We have to take the money that the captain .............. owes us.
5. My mother fainted under the bridge and I nearly did as well, I was
.............. afraid.
6. Pew wanted to escape but made a mistake and ran .............. under
one of the horses’ hooves.
7. I ran to him and told him my story .............. his men ran after the
8. The doctor carefully opened the packet and we found the map of an
island with .............. the hills and bays drawn.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Why did the old blind man grip Jim’s hand so that he couldn’t move?
2. What was the black spot?
3. Why did Jim’s mother take the money from the chest?
4. What did Pew and the seaman want from Billy Bones?
5. How did the old blind man die?
6. Why did Captain Dance ride to the inn?
7. Why is the doctor afraid of the squire?
B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.
D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence.
True False
1. He knocked with his .............. on the inn door.
a) stick b) staff c) branch d) pole
2. When the captain saw us .............. in, his face suddenly changed.
a) went b) enter c) come d) approach
1. The old man threatened the boy.
2. Billy Bones died before he received the death threat.
3. The key to the chest was on Billy Bones’ body.
4. Jim’s mother only took what Billy Bones owed.
5. Jim and his mother hid on the bridge behind the
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